




















现在我们的比赛正式开始,首先有请1号选手,来自10物本的狄小椰,想必大家一个听到她的名字就知道她是一位非常可爱的女孩,她说她自己能动能静,全凭心情,下面就请她为大家朗诵 5 文章。(同时请2号选手杜小琴做好准备)

下面是来自10物本的杜小琴,喜欢看电影,运动,曾在“学英语报杯”口语赛荣获三等奖,期待她的表现。下面就请她为大家朗诵18 号文章。(同时请3号选手房婉婷做好准备)

3号选手,来自10数媒的房婉婷,她说她吃得苦中苦,方能走到最后。她参加比赛是为了找到更多的勇气与自信,相信她已经做到了。下面就请她为大家朗诵 1 号文章。(同时请4号选手郝伟做好准备)

下面是来自10电气的班长郝伟,他自己认为没什么特长就是身高特长。非常幽默。他喜欢表达快乐。下面就请她为大家朗诵18 号文章来为大家带来快乐。(同时请5号选手何煜泽做好准备)

5号选手是来自10物本的何煜泽,未满十七岁的他喜欢羽毛球。正所谓年龄小本事大嘛。下面就请她为大家朗诵12 号文章。(同时请6号选手江新铨做好准备)

江新铨来自09电子的学长,非常的低调,不愿意透露任何信息,他说看选手只看表现,相信他的表现一定会很精彩,下面就请她为大家朗诵18 号文章。(同时请7号选手柯丽芬做好准备)

下面是来自09数媒的柯丽芬学姐,他热爱学习尤其是英语,所以她来到了决赛的舞台,有请她上场为大家朗诵9 号文章。(同时请8号选手匡勇建做好准备)

8号选手匡勇建来自10电信,喜欢打篮球,听音乐,下面就有请他为大家带来 2 号文章。(同时请9号选手梁艳红做好准备)

来自10电子的梁艳红,一个喜欢挑战的女孩,喜欢运动,篮球场上,排球场上,都能看到她的身影,今天她又来到了这个舞台,期待她的表现。下面就请她为大家朗诵18 号文章。(同时请10号选手凌燕楠做好准备)


让她更有勇气,相信她一定能做得更好。下面就请她为大家朗诵 2 号文章。


a little love

非常感谢江娅艳学姐的精彩演唱,现在让我们带着轻松的心情继续比赛吧!接下来上场的是11号选手,柳和东,来自10电子,喜欢韩曲,他说“我可以被打倒,但不可以被打败”下面就请他为大家朗诵8 号文章。(同时请12号选手吕霞做好准备)

下面一位选手来自09数媒的吕霞学姐,担任文艺委员的她对生活充满了热情,所以生活十分的充实,下面又请她上场为大家朗诵13 号文章。(同时请13号选手王妍梅做好准备)

13号选手是来自10物本的王妍梅,她在我们眼里是一位典型的江南女孩,娇小但不失刚劲,温婉却不失美丽,安静而仍存优雅。尤其是她的声音,优美动听,相信打动我的同时也一定会打动你们。下面就请她为大家朗诵7 号文章。(同时请14号选手魏丽嫒做好准备)

14号选手,魏丽嫒,来自10电信,没有透漏其他个人信息,除了说她喜欢兔子,那就让我们从她的朗诵中去认识一下她。下面就请她为大家朗诵20 号文章。(同时请15号选手温玉红做好准备)

下面一位选手是来自10物本的温玉红同学,她说她很开朗,可以认为她温柔如水,恬静如水。下面就请她为大家朗诵8 号文章。(同时请16号选手余黄斌做好准备)

16号选手,余黄斌来自10电气,他说他会常常反省自己,有反省就一定有提高嘛。下面就请她为大家朗诵10 号文章。(同时请17号选手袁伟做好准备)

下一位来自10电气的袁伟,生活态度积极乐观,处事风格执着,随和,下面就请她为大家朗诵20 号文章。(同时请18号选手张秀平做好准备)

18号选手,是来自10物本的学习委员张秀平,她一直是我的榜样,文静,爱学习,做事认真负责,下面就请她为大家朗诵16 号文章。(同时请19号选手周靖做好准备)

19号选手,来自10电信的周靖,活泼,可爱。她说她只要她要做的事,不管遇到什么困难,她一定会坚持下去的。下面就请她为大家朗诵18 号文章。(同时请20号选手朱轶昂做好准备)

20号选手,来自10电信的朱轶昂,他是这样描述自己的“我很平凡,很普通,但对待英语却很苛刻,一直以来,“脱口而出”是我对英语的不断的追求,一直以来,我都坚信越磨砺,越光彩.”下面就请她为大家朗诵 1 号文章。






初中英语诗歌朗诵稿大全 在初中阶段,英语歌谣的教学深受学生欢迎,在高中阶段,学生的思维和想象力都处于活跃期。本阶段进行英语诗歌教学可以增强学生的审美文化,感受诗歌的结构美和韵律美,开发学生的想象潜能,进行英语诗歌创作。WTT精心收集了初中英语诗歌朗诵稿,供大家欣赏学习! 初中英语诗歌朗诵稿篇 1 Bed in Summer Robert Louis Stevenson In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up people's feet Still going past me in the street. And does it seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day?

夏之眠 冬日里我夜里起床, 借着昏黄的烛光穿衣裳。 夏日里可不一样, 我不得不白日里就睡觉上床。 小鸟儿仍在树上蹦蹦跳跳, 大人们的脚步声 还在大街上回响, 我却得早早睡觉上床。 天空还是那么蔚蓝,明亮, 我多么想嬉戏,玩耍, 你是否觉得 这时候就睡觉难入梦乡? 初中英语诗歌朗诵稿篇 2 Morning I love to wake to each new day, And brush my dreams Of night away, And look out through my window wide To see what weather is outside, And wonder what exciting thing


英语辩论赛主持人串词 A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. B:Welcome to our English Debate Competition 合:We are honored to be the chairman for today's debating contest. A:I am Chen Fuquan. B:I am Zhai Wanyin. A:At first, let’s welcome our judges. Miss Zhong and Miss Sun. B:And also, let’s welcome our debaters from both sides come to this stage.We have 3 groups of tonight. A:I believe most of you want to know these debaters just as I do. So every debater, could you introduce yourself to the audience? Let’s start with debater number 1 from the affirmative side. (从正方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到正方四辩自我介绍结束。) B:Now it is time for the negative side to introduce yourselves. (从反方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到反方四辩自我介绍结束。) I think all of you have known the topic for this debate contest. (宣布辩题及相关背景材料, 介绍正反双方所持观点。) Now, I would like to introduce the rules for this debate contest. In order to ensure objectivity and impartiality, interrupting is not allowed. No controversial topics. Direct attacks are also prohibited. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。 A:We can see every debater of both sides is very confident; we are looking forward for your wonderful performance and hope you can give us an excellent debate contest. Score will be given according to your pronunciation, linguistic fluency and content. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。我们可以看到,每一个双方辩手是非常有信心的,我们期待着你的精彩表现,希望你能给我们一个很好的辩论大赛。分数将根据你的发音,语言的流畅性和内容。 As everyone is ready now, here starts the debate. (依照比赛程序进行比赛) B:Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement. During this stage, debater number 1of both sides should give an opening statement. Each debater has 2 minutes. When time is up, our fine-keeper will show you by a sign. Debater number 1of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.现在,让我们来的第一阶段,致开幕词。 在这个阶段,双方应致开幕词。每个的辩手有2分钟。当时间到了,我们的评委会举起一个牌子。正方1辯,你准备好了吗?开始时间。


Thanks for the Chairman,please let me give my best wishes to everyone here。Now,I will give you the conclusion of this debate。 Reviewing all the debate,it’s not difficult for us to find that there are three important errors my opposite debaters had made. First of all,Perhaps you ignored to analysis the topic of our debate. What we are discussing is which is more important,instead of that which is important;If I understood you correctly, you said that we are dependent on the opportunity so that we woul d say “NO” to the hard work,which I’m What we want to express is that when someone has opportunity and the hard work at the same time,The former is more important for him to achieve success. Wha t’s more,as we all know,man proposes, god disposes. AS the competitive nature of our society are more and more Intense in today’s life,people have to learn much more knowledge,put in more by ourselves while we can do hard work as much as possible。Thus,we insist that luck and opportunity are more important than hard work for people if you want to get succeed. The power of hard work is limited. Some things are just out of our reach. For instance, We pray for good weather before our picnic day, we pray for a clear head for a big test, we pray for a long life free of illness and accidents. We say “good luck” a lot and we really mean it. Everyone of us will need luck and opportunity at some point in our life.


辩论赛范文英文用英语写一篇英语辩论赛的欢迎稿 克隆利弊争论比较大的就是伦理问题 作为正方可以回避伦理问题,抓住治疗科研方面突破,攻击对方弱点,让其无还手之机。 To clone or not to clone, is that the question? Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc-- tion must be considered as a serious issue. Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.

Since the declaration of the death of Dolly,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone.Acorrding to "Dolly's false legacy",the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i don't see there is any point in whole--being cloning. Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be aomplished by cloning.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human.But let's think, what is the practical value in doing so?You may ___ me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than aept the gene intrusion from a doner.But imagine,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husband's, will you aept it without any unfort?


英语辩论常用语 Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... Ways to open a debate ?To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… ?We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … ?In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. ? A number of key issues arise which merit (deserve) closer examination. ?We will elaborate one of the most striking features of this problem, namely… ?In the first place we would like to make clear that…. The main argument focuses on…. 1.Giving Reasons and offering explanations: ?To start with…, ?The reason why..., ?That's why..., ?For this reason..., ?That's the reason why..., ?Many people think...., ?Considering..., ?Allowing for the fact that..., ?When you consider that..., ? 2.Asking for an opinion from the other party ?I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 ?Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗? ?I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问 题怎么看。 ?well…what do you think (about ?Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) ?What's your view on the matter?就这件事你的看法呢? how do you see it?你 怎么看它? ?let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ?do you t hink that…?你认为…吗 3.Stating an opinion陈述观点 ?I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… ?I'd like to point out that我想指出的是… ?Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说… ?In my experience…根据我的经验… ?I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… ?I suppose..., ? I'd rather..., I'd prefer...,


初中英语诗歌朗诵稿(1): looking up at the stars, i know quite well 仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,that, for all they care, i can go to hell, 尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府, but on earth indifference is the least 可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧 we have to dread from man or beast. 人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。 how should we like it were stars to burn 倘若群星燃烧着关怀我们的激情,with a passion for us we could not return? 我们却无法回报,我们作何感想? if equal affection cannot be, 倘若无法产生同样的感情, let the more loving one be me. 让我成为更有爱心的人。 admirer as i think i am 尽管我自视为群星的崇拜者, of stars that do not give a damn, 它们满不在乎, i cannot, now i see them ,say 现在我看群星,我却难以启齿, i missed one terribly all day. 说我成天思念一颗星星。 were all stars to disappear or die 倘若所有的星星消失或者消亡, i should learn to look at an empty sky 我应该学会仰望空荡的天空, and feel its total dark sublime, 同时感受天空一片漆黑的崇高, though this might take me a little time. 虽然这样可能要花费一点时间。


英语辩论赛常用词 总 法汇 表达 汇和 辩论赛English debating Competition 辩论赛事debating event 决赛grand final 打分score the competition t he definition 主办 h ost\manage 正方pro side 定义要合理 会制辩论preliamentary 反方con side 议 should be reasonable 正方一辩the first debater 素材要有说服力matter debating style 赛preliminary debate of pro side should be persuasive 循环 淘汰赛elimination debate 反方一辩the second debater 没有平局there is no draws 八分之一决赛octofinals of con side in competitive competition t imekeeper 一辩:first debater 四分之一决赛quarterfinals 计时员 半决赛semifinals 二辩:second debater ,my fellow debaters 对方辩友 ,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 开始的陈词 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进 设 :according to your logic You are missing the point !(你 行假 意,要用 没有说重点!你没有围绕中心!即,他在钻洞子,这个时候他很有可能会说漏 。注 are,不能说成Y ou're,因为这样语气,士气就没有了。) You just don't understand what we talked about !(你根本就没有明白我们刚说了什么!即: 误解了,曲解了) You know what? You are straying from the main point !你知道吗?你已经跑题了!(也要注 意,都用You are) 自由辩论的阶段,可以在他在说的时候,插进去 ,说“W ait!Wait!You just said??,did you?”(当然这句话要用在,你发现对方说的不正确时~~) You are generalizing what I asked !(你在以偏盖全!即:我要你回答这个,但对方你绕过去 了!) Please ask my question!(请不要回避我的问题!请你回答!!) 正方affirmative 反方negative 辩题topic /issue 校园辩论赛academic debate /辩护 a dvocate 辩手 歧义ambiguity 位) 主事者agent of change(负责采取正方计划的人或单 a rgument 辩论argumentation (正式)辩论debate 论点,论据 断言assertion b acking 佐证 "Balance of arguments" judge 裁判式评判人员 "Better job of debating" judge 评审式评判人员 d ata,也作ground 推定presumption c laim 交锋c lash 资料 主张 g oals 通案反驳off-case 命题proposition e vidence 目标 论据 Refutation 反驳Stock issues 核心议题Topicality 合题性W arrant


1Where’s my backpack? Dear Feifei, Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The note book is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table. Thanks Grandma 2Do you have a soccer ball? A: Let’s play soccer. B: I don’t have a soccer ball. A: Well, let’s play volleyball. B: That sounds good. 3Do you like bananas? Runner eats well! Runner star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream. 1

4How much are these pants? Clerk: Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater. Clerk: What color do you want? Mary: Blue. Clerk: Here you are. Mary: How much is it? Clerk: 20 dollars. Mary: I’ll take it. Thanks. Clerk: You’re welcome. 5Do you want to go to a movie? I often go to the movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rich Smith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’s a ver y successful thriller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’s father likes it, too! 2


在座的各位大家晚上好, 由于绝大多数的学生都是在学校里吃住,所以像电视机,冰箱,洗衣机等大型电子产品与大学生生活并不是很大。与当代大学生有密切联系的电子产品主要有电脑,手机,U盘等小型电子产品。 诚如刚刚我方辩友所说,在这电子科技迅速发展的时代,电子产品确实给我们大学生带来了便捷的生活,但与此同时,也带来了很多负面影响。所以我方坚持认为“电子产品对于大学生是弊大于利” 众所周知,当代大学生是一个先进的群体,所以功能丰富的电子产品特别能吸引大学生。而当代大学生又是知识的追求者,书籍上的内容已经完全无法来满足他们的求知欲了。这时候对方辩友肯定会说现代的电子产品还能丰富大学生的课余生活,但是不知大家有没有发现,在手机,电脑等一些电子产品渐渐入侵我们的生活时,我们也越来越离不开它们了,他们逐渐成为了我们生活的必需品。 请对方辩友好好反思一下,是否出门在外发现手机没带会心慌意乱?是否感觉电子产品把整个世界变小了,却让我们离身边的人越来越远了?是否感觉我们宅在家里的时间长了,出去运动的时间越来越少了?我们专注做事情的时间越来越少,而分散注意力上网的时间越来越多了? 看,对电子产品的过分依赖和过度使用已经严重影响到了大学生的作息和身体健康状况。但是很多时候我们明明知道确纠正不过来,毕竟电子产品就在桌子上,诱惑那么大。“亚当和夏娃都偷吃禁果了,我们怎么就不能玩一下手机呢?” 正是因为现代大学生还抵抗不了对电子产品带来的诱惑,所以其带来的危害远远大于其利处。 最后,我方坚持认为“电子产品对于大学生是弊大于利” Everyone here good evening, Due to the vast majority of students are at school to eat to live, so like televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and other large electronic products and college students' life is not very great. Is closely related to contemporary college students of electronic products mainly include computer, mobile phone, U disk and other small electronic products.


关于网络的英语辩论赛演讲稿 络的正面影响 1、络有助于创新青少年思想教育的手段和方法。利用络进行德育教育工作,教育者可以以友的身份和青少年在上“毫无顾忌”地进行真实心态的平等交流,这对于德育工作者摸清、摸准青少年的思想并开展正面引导和全方位沟通提供了新的快捷的方法。此外,由于络信息的传播具有实时性和交互性的特点,青少年可以同时和多个教育者或教育信息保持快速互动,从而提高思想互动的频率,提高教育效果;由于络信息具有可下载性、可储存性等延时性特点,可延长教育者和受教育者思想互动的时间,为青少年提供“全天候”的思想引导和教育。还可以上相约,下聚会,实现上德育工作的滋润和补充,从而及时化解矛盾,起到温暖人心,调动积极性,激发创造力的作用。 2、提供了求知学习的新渠道。目前在我国教育资源不能满足需求的情况下,络提供了求知学习的广阔校园,学习者在任何时间、任何地点都能接受高等教育,学到在校大学生学习的所有课程、修满学分、获得学位。这对于处在应试教育体制下的青少年来说无疑是一种的解脱,它不但有利于其身心的健康发展,而且有利于家庭乃至于社会的稳定。 3、开拓青少年全球视野,提高青少年综合素质。上使青少年的第 1 页共 4 页

政治视野、知识范畴更加开阔,从而有助于他们全球意识的形成。同样,又可提高青少年综合素质。通过上,可以培养他们和各式各样的人交流的能力;通过在上阅览各类有益图书,触类旁通,提高自身文 化素养。 1, the network contribute to innovation and the ideological education of young people the means and methods. Using the Internet to conduct moral education work, education, either in User's identity and young people in the online “no qualms” real state of mind to carry out an equal exchange, and this for moral education to find out, Mozhun thinking of young people and carry out positive guidance and all-round communication and provides a new fast-track method. In addition, due to network with real-time dissemination of information and interactive features, adolescents may be at the same time and a number of educators or educational information to maintain a rapid interaction, thereby increasing the frequency of interactive ideas to improve educational results; because of network information can be downloaded with the nature of , store, etc. character delay, extended educators and educated 第 2 页共 4 页


Passages for Reading 1. Smoking It is known to all that smoking is bad for health. Scientific research show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problem. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year. Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior, and habits, whether good or bad are not easy to be given up. Another reason is the effect of nicotine, the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do. Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking. 2. My First Job Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. At the night before my first day, I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant. In a great hurry, I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other. So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30 I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience. 3. Money Money is what everybody desires. It can be used to buy food, clothes, books, bicycle, furniture and many other things people need or want. Money is considered by many people as the most important thing in life. With money, they can go wherever they please and do whatever they want. With money, they can buy a fine house to live in, fashionable clothes to put on, and a nice bicycle to ride. And with money, they can employ attendants to serve them. In a word, money can make people comfortable and bring them happiness. However, money is also the source of all crimes and brings them misery. Since money is so tempting, quite a few people are attracted by it and begin to go astray. By hook or by crook, they try to make money. To get more money, they gamble, swindle, steal, rob or do many other evil things, for "money makes the mare go". As a result, money leads them to jail or even to the execution grounds. Of course money is useful and desirable, yet we should make money in proper way and spend

辩论 英文一辩稿

Honorable judges, ladies and gentleman, my fellow debaters., good evening. Our side firmly believes that “live to work” means more to people. First of all, let’s have a look at the definitions of these two words. According to Collins advanced English dictionary, live not only means someone in a particular kind of life, but also means live for something, in order to achieve something in their life. Workit's not just doing a job which can enable us to earn money. It's exerting ourselves by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity. Following are some aspects which can support our argument. First of all, work is a source of self-esteem and

satisfaction. We are emotionally dependent on it. Because we live in this world, we have need and desire, so we have to find a way to satisfy our need and desire. Our enthusiastic passion for work enhances our quality of life. Second, living to work is a positive living attitude. Live to work make people keep step to society development and progress. In the case of we are living in a competitive world, a positive attitude of living to work can make us keep pace with the world. Last but not least, only by choosing the attitude of living to work can we be unselfish and do more contribution to our society and environment.On the one hand, it will promote human civilization.On the


英语辩论赛 话题:当代社会男人压力大还是女人压力大 正方一辩:我方观点是当今社会男人的压力比女人的压力大。在当今社会事实是男人承受的压力远大于女人的压力,不仅从社会角度,从工作角度,从家庭角度都对男人有更多的要求,男人被要求能够很好的处理社会交际,能够出色的工作,能够赚取更多的钱,能够很好的照顾家庭和孩子。因此,在当代社会,男人承受了比女人更多的心理压力。Our view is that the pressure of men is more than women in today's society. The fact is that the men’s pressure is far greater than women, not only from a social point of view, from the working point of view, from the families point of view , the society has more demands on men, men are required to have good social communication, excellent work, to earn more money, to take care of their families. Therefore, in contemporary society, men suffer more psychological pressure than women. 反方一辩:我方的观点是当今社会女人的压力比男人压力大,随着社会的发展,女人在社会中的角色发生了重大变化,原来的女人只需要在家相夫教子就行,但是那个年代早已一去不复返了。女人在当今社会不仅要照顾家庭,而且自身也承担着社会中巨大的工作压力,因此,我方坚持认为在当今社会,女人承受了更大的压力。 Our view is that the pressure of women is more than men in today's society。With the development of society, the role of women in society greatly changes. In original ,women only need to assist their husbands and educate the children , Nowadays. A woman not only to take care of the family, and also bear the tremendous pressure from society. Therefore, we detected that in today's society, women suffer greater pressure. 自由辩论 正方二辩:当今社会对男人的要求比女人的要求高很多,在如今如此大的竞争压力下,男人为了家庭不得不寻求一份稳定的工作,努力赚取养家的资本,哪怕在工作中不如意,也只能默默承受。因为一旦男人失去了工作,整个家庭将陷入严重的危机,这使得男人承受了巨大压力的同时也不敢轻易更换不如意的工作。因此,当代社会男人承受比女人更大的压力。 In today's society, requirements on men is much higher than women's, under so much competitive pressures, The man have to find a stable job for the family, to earn more money to support his families. Even if he is unhappy at work, he must endure. The reason is once the men lose their jobs, the whole family will be plunged into serious trouble, which makes the man under great pressure, while also not easy to replace unsatisfactory work. Therefore, men suffer greater pressure than women in contemporary society. 反方一辩:正如正方所言社会对我们给了我们更多的要求以及更大的压力。仅仅工作一项就使得我们难以喘息,更何况当代社会女人不仅自己要努力工作,承担社会给予的巨大压力,而且更多地要承担几乎整个家庭生活所给的压力。每天要做饭,洗衣服,照顾丈夫孩子,这些事已经使得女人忙得黑白颠倒,再加上工作上的巨大压力,使得当代女人超额承受着巨大的压力。 As you said the society has given us more demands and greater pressure. Just work making us difficult to breathe , moreover modern women not only to work hard, bear enormous social pressure , but also have to undertake almost the entire pressure from family and life. Cooking, washing, taking care of her husband and child every day have made women day and night reversed , combined with the enormous pressure at work, so the modern women under great pressure. 正方一辩:当然,你说得非常有道理,但是所有的前提是女人自己来选择。如果女人感到压力大,她可以从二中选
