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• 邮件中的信息由最初的柔性的、利益导向信息发展为明确的以产 品为中心的信息。 • Began with folded self-mailer, then 2 postcards. • 第一封是折叠式邮简,然后是两个明信片 • Signatory was VP of the customer’s regional bank.
• Thus, key message focused on Wells Fargo’s reputation for advanced automation services and the remote deposit product’s ability to free CFOs and Treasurers from time-consuming, tedious tasks. • 因此,信息主要强调Wells Fargo在先进的自动化服务和提供远程存款 产品能力方面享有盛誉,而这将把企业CFO和财务人员从既浪费时间 又繁琐的工作中解放出来。
Step 4: Testing landing page copy 第4步:测试登录网页文案
Benefit oriented copy test 利益导向文案 测试
Step 4: Testing landing page copy 第4步:测试登录网页文案
Feature oriented copy test 特征导向文案 测试
• • • •
Source: MarketingSherpa
Step 1: Create benefit message
• Using Wells Fargo customer research, they identified two significant concerns: • 通过Wells Fargo的客户调查,他们发现了两个重要问题:
• 签署人是客户所在地区银行的副总裁 • Response vehicle was a PURL and an 800-number. • 响应工具是固定的网络链接和800电话。
Step 3: Email in 3 phases
• • • • Each email was timed to land along with the direct mail piece. 每封电子邮件要定时,与直邮同时到达。 Subject lines moved from benefit oriented to offer oriented. 主题由利益导向转变为诱因导向 – Free yourself to think big 把自己从琐碎的事情中解放出来 – Make deposits from your office 在你的办公室办理存款 – See the Desktop Deposit® demo 看“桌面存款”的视频演示 From line was VP of the customer’s regional bank. 发件人是客户所在地区银行的副总裁 Link position in the email became bolder over time. 链接位置在email中随着时间推移要变得更加明显
Step 3: Post card 2 (direct mail 3), back 第3步:第2个明信片(第3封直邮),背面
Step 3: Post card 2 (direct mailБайду номын сангаас3), front 第3步:第2个明信片(第3封直邮),正面
Step 3: Email 3 第3步:第3封email
– – – – CFOs and Treasurers were overburdened with day-to-day financial management tasks that kept them from providing the strategic guidance their companies needed. 企业的CFO(财务总监)和财务人员对日复一日的财务管理工作不堪重负,因为这使得他们无法提供企业需要的 战略指导。 Their inability to deliver on strategic direction for their company had them concerned about their job security. 由于不能为公司提供战略指导,他们很担心他们会丢掉现在的职位。
Step 2: Direct mail in 3 phases, coinciding with 3 emails
第2步:直邮的3个阶段需要和3个email相对应 • Mail every other week to existing customers. • 每隔一周给现有消费者一封邮件 • Progressed from softer, benefit-oriented message to a strong, product-focused message in the final mailing.
Integrated campaign results: Response rate was “higher than past campaigns.” 整合营销效果:响应率超过了以往营销活动

Direct mail: 直邮: – 11.96%click-through-rate to landing page通过直邮点击登录网页率11.96% – 7.98% conversion rate to lead 产生7.98%的转化率 Email: – 39.86% click-through-rate to landing page – 通过email点击登录网页率 39.86% – 11.71% conversion rate to lead 产生11.71%的转化率 The landing page test: 登录网页测试: – confirmed the advantages of benefit-oriented copy: – 确定了利益导向版本文案的优点 – The product-focused landing page converted 45% of the leads. – 以产品为中心的登录网页产生的转化率为45% – The benefit-focused landing page converted 55% of the leads. – 以利益为中心的登录网页产生的转化率为55%
Case example in integrated direct marketing: Wells Fargo (bank) promotes treasury management services

• 整合直复营销的案例:Wells Fargo(富国银行)提升金融管理服务 Wells Fargo’s objective was to promote the bank’s remote deposit service -an online program that lets businesses scan and deposit checks from their offices, rather than taking them to a bank. Wells Fargo的目标是提升银行远程存款服务,这项在线系统允许企业在自 己的办公室查询并存款而不必去银行办理这些业务。 To convince current customers CFOs and Treasurers to change their behavior. 说服当前客户的CFO(财务总监)和财务人员改变他们的行为。 Campaign focused on their customers’ major pain point: how tedious day-today tasks divert them from focusing on strategic business issues. 这个营销活动关注于客户的主要问题:日复一日的繁琐工作使得他们无 暇顾及战略业务。
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Step 3: Self-mailer (direct mail 1) 第3步:寄发邮简 (第一封直邮)
Step 3: Email 1
Step 3: Post card 1 (direct mail 2) 第3步:第1个明信片(第 2封直邮)
Step 3: Email 2