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完成时间2012. 12. 18


Content Abstract (3)

摘要 (3)

1. Introduction (4)

2. Literature Review (5)

2.1 Grice and Cooperative Principle (5)

2.2 Robin Lakoff and Politeness Principle (5)

2.3 Brown and Levinson and Face-saving (5)

2.4 Leech and Politeness Principle (6)

3. The Analysis of Dialogues in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (7)

3.1 Adhere and Violate Tact Principle (7)

3.2Adhere and Violate Generosity Maxim (8)

3.3 Adhere and Violate Approbation Maxim (8)

3.4 Adhere and Violate Modesty Maxim (9)

3.5 Adhere and Violate Agreement Maxim (9)

3.6 Adhere and Violate Sympathy Maxim (10)

4. Conclusion (11)

Reference (12)

The Analysis of Dialogues in Alice in the Wonderland from the Perspective of Politeness Principle

Li Yuanyuan

(Class3, 2009, Foreign Languages School, Qingdao Agricultural University)

Abstract: According to Leech‟s Politeness Principle, this paper analysis the twelve dialogues in Alice‟s Adventure in the Wonderland and then getting the ways

of keep the conversation happily and continuously. The thesis takes the

descriptive way to explain the Politeness Principle, and then studies the

conversations in fairy tales. The paper analyzes the Politeness Principle

and its maxims from two aspects. On the one hand, two conversationalists

adhere to the maxims and their conversation will continuously. On the

other hand, they violate the maxims, and both of them are unhappy and

they have an unpleasant end of conversation. Accordingly the effects of

them are contrary. Therefore, let readers realize the importance of

Politeness Principle and the maxims in our daily communication.

Key words: Politeness Principle;adhere;violate; Alice‟s Adventure in the Wonderland 基于礼貌原则的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的对话分析



1. Introduction

With the development of our society, we depend more on politeness. Therefore, no matter what our society develop, politeness is more and more important for us. Since the ancient time, many countries keep the politeness as one of the most important things in their nation, so do we.

Since 1967, Grice put forward the Cooperative Principle, he made the politeness as a theory at the first time and the four Cooperative Principles were turned up. After Grice‟s Cooperative Principle, Robin Lakoff pointed out the Politeness Principle in order to add and enrich the Cooperative Principle. His three maxims of Politeness Principle gave the Politeness much more lights. Then in 1978 Brown and Levinson proposed the politeness from the face-saving frame of reference. As they thoughts, when people communicated to each other, we should let others owns …face‟, because it could make other happy, and people were glad to talk with you. Leech was one of the most important and famous people in the history of Politeness Principle. His six maxims of Politeness Principle were so worth for us to study. He wrote the Politeness Principle as system, and it becomes mature.

Alice‟s Adventure in Wonderland is one of the most outstanding stories in the world, written by English writer Lewis Carroll. He gives us a wonderful story about a girl named Alice experienced the adventures in her dream, what is the more, his interesting language and colorful imagination also give us deep impression. Alice as a little girl, when she talks to other in the story, her language reflects her characteristics. My paper will introduce the development of Politeness Principle at first, and then, I will analyze the dialogues in Alice‟s Adventure in the Wonderland according to the Politeness Principle. At last, I will give my conclusion.

2. Literature Review

Politeness is one of the most important things in our life. When people talk with each other or do some daily things, politeness will turn up. Politeness is pragmatic phenomenon; people usually understand that speaking person use the way of
