




全新长轴距C级车入座你的舒适区01 03 05 09 15 16 17 21 22 23C位颜值C位智慧C位驾乘车型亮点车型价格梅赛德斯-奔驰精选定制配置车漆轮毂内饰目录入座你的舒适区入座你的舒适区,以放松的心态做自己。
















奔驰4S店设计说明书实习名称:专业方向能力训练系部名称:汽车与交通工程学院专业班级:汽车服务工程 08-2班第一章品牌分析 (2)第二章建筑地址选择 (5)第三章生产厂区设计 (8)第四章4S店整体规划 (10)第五章人员分配 (15)第六章主要设备配置 (17)第七章成本计算 (20)本设计根据黑龙江省哈尔滨市消费者对汽车车型和汽车风格的需求,通过分析城市交通道路和路段的特点,选择了在靠近市中心地段建设奔驰4S店。

并根据其年销售量、年维修量及进、出车辆的流通方便性进行了研究,设计了黑龙江之星奔驰汽车4S店的总体规划布局及主厂区规划,从而提出了黑龙江之星奔驰4S店的建设目的、建设性质、企业的生产纲领、企业的工作制度和管理制度等指标,并将奔驰的企业文化与企业要求融入了对 4S店的设计中,力求本4S店能够充分展示奔驰的品牌形象,为广大消费者提供优质服务。












奔驰4S店项目商业计划书1 概况1.1 背景1.1.1 建设单位某汽车工贸有限公司是三菱、东南、奔驰、福特、江铃等多个品牌在某的汽车特约授权经销商,多年来积累了一定的资本与汽车销售服务的经验,并保持着良好的发展势头。


1.1.2 品牌介绍奔驰是世界上最成功的高档汽车品牌之一,不仅代表各种类型汽车的制造境界,而且标志着设计质量的最高水准,品牌在全球各地、在中国消费心目中拥有及高的地位,拥有梅赛德斯-奔驰品牌汽车,是每个消费者的梦想。



1.2 选址及土地1.21 地址:项目拟建于某市江北经济开发区1.22 土地:新购土地9990平米,建造奔驰品牌标准4S店一幢,具有汽车整车销售、售后服务(车辆维修)、零配件销售及信息反馈等功能。

1.3 投资1.31 投资来源:项目资金全部由某汽车工贸有限公司自筹。

1.32 投资额:预计项目总投资额约8000万元,其中固定资产投资3000万元,流动资金5000万元。

1.33 建设规模拟建建筑面积为8000平米,维修设备共40台。

1.34 未来五年效益预测年新车销售效益预测年份项目万元2009(半年)2010 2011 2012 2013销量(台)119498620775969新车收入367613593169232116726454其他收入60120150200200新车成本3327 12302 15315 19156 23941 固定费用129268278288300税金2060738095其他变动费用85220252308380税前利润175 863 1155 1535 1938 企业所得税44 216 289 384 485 税后利润131 648 866 1151 14541.35 投资报酬率及投资回收期投资报酬率20%-30%投资回收期3-5年2. 公司组织2.1 公司形式有限责任2.2 公司战略2.2.1 愿景1、成为中国最优秀的国产奔驰商务车经销商之一。



4S店设计说明范文4S店是指集汽车销售(Sale)、售后服务(Service)、配件供应(Spare parts)以及售后维修(Support)于一体的汽车销售综合服务体系。





















原有建筑空间未经装饰, 钢架结构、及防雨瓦楞 板暴露,给人简陋粗糙 的感觉,与展厅展示营 销的汽车产品形成明显 的反差。降低影响的产 品的档次。因此建议对 天花进行装饰美化,提 升营销展示空间环境档 次。
顶部加装铝制格栅, 遮挡裸露的瓦楞板, 使整个空间充满韵 律感。
Benz 4s店展厅空间环境美化完善设计方案
展厅大堂(展厅顶部天花) 咨询接待台(接待前台、形象墙) 客户接洽区(洽谈室、等候休歇室) 业务区 办公空间(会议室、部门办公室、管理层办公区) 公共空间(咖啡台、洗手间、吸烟室、餐厅)
银灰色 画框, 应用于 洽谈室、 客户休 息区、 吸烟室 等 空白墙 壁。以 弥补空 白空间, 增添汽 车文化 氛围。
形式简 约的银 灰色画 框,与 周围环 境相匹 配。
会议室: 当前现场
1.背墙上安 挂4个显示 世界时间的 表。 2.展示格里 放置benz车 模。以弥补 空白营造温 馨的国际化 汽车文化气 氛。
Hale Waihona Puke .19设计说明:
此提案为意向性提案,如需调整,请随时与我司业务或设计师联系。 待贵司基本方案确定后,我们将根据您确定的具体内容进行详细的深

梅赛德斯 - 奔驰新一代长轴距GLC SUV产品手册说明书

梅赛德斯 - 奔驰新一代长轴距GLC SUV产品手册说明书


新一代长轴距GLC SUV01 03 05 07 08 09 13 14 15 16尽显锋芒,方才敢为英雄尽其所长,方才敢为英雄车型亮点车型价格梅赛德斯-奔驰精选定制配置车漆内饰轮毂车型尺寸目录敢为英雄加长轴距,更多空间,不拘规格,尽显英雄胸襟;多区域智能空调,征服之路与礼同行;后排多项专属配置,尽显关怀。

梅赛德斯-奔驰新一代长轴距GLC SUV,英雄之路,不惮险阻。


新一代长轴距GLC SUV尽展待发之势,LED高性能大灯光芒如炬,瞬间引燃双眸;流畅舒展的侧身线条,挥洒修长俊朗之风;AMG车身风格组件动感凌厉,令车辆外观更富运动气质;前后裙板的高光银色高品质元素,彰显着击破空气阻力的非凡气魄;引擎盖隆起的肌肉线条传递出充沛的力量感,将英雄本色全然演绎。




03040605车型亮点 新一代长轴距GLC SUV 车型亮点 新一代长轴距GLC SUV9速自动变速箱(9G-TRONIC )9速自动变速箱(9G-TRONIC )换档操作更加快速、平顺,且有助于降低油耗,配合4缸涡轮增压发动机,将效率、舒适性和动态性全面提升,带来自由灵动的驾乘体验。



全时四轮驱动(4MATIC )系统通过协调呈现出近乎完美的动力分配,不仅增强了行驶的动态性与舒适性,更将车辆在潮湿、冰雪路面上的操控稳定性与牵引力提升至全新境界,令驾驭更显从容不迫。







品牌口号的“The Best or Nothing”,彰显了奔驰品牌对于卓越品质和顶级体验的不懈追求。















中升汇驰(奔驰) 偏市内
利星(奔驰) 城市周边
(一)利星(大连)汽车服务有限公司 地址: 辽宁省大连市甘井子区大连市井子区华北路 492 号 交通动线情况:地处“大连北部经济圈”核心,独享当地经济飞跃之契机。 毗邻大连北站、高速路口、大连国际机场、地铁站点交通网络开阔通达; 南临大连主城区空间最大,潜力最优的综合商务区—华南商圈。
(3)前台 前台主要以实木色背景墙以及蓝色或银色作为北京衬托,附上灯光更具时
代感与高端感;台面全部采用亮银色台面,以方便接待与书写;地面会铺上 红色短绒地毯,以待贵宾之礼。
梅赛德斯·奔驰,这个汽车界的高端品牌,面向的市场与人群大不相同,奔 驰专卖店内处处是人性化设计,更为顾客展示无微不至的服务标准 。
(1)新车及二手车展台:为提高车辆的光彩性以及体现现代科技的魅力, 展台一般采用亮银色、亮乳白色、亚光黑色和实木色地板等高端、现代 装修色彩
(2)洽谈区、休息区 供顾客和工作人员洽谈以及休息的区域,奔驰汽车专卖店采用高端的黑
色皮革制沙发,以及实木地板作为整体环境,搭配上部分绿色植物为顾客 带来身心舒适的同时也带来了视觉上的享受,更可以清新空气。真皮沙发 采用半包裹式,符合人机工程学,为顾客带来了舒适,玻璃制桌子更可体 现奔驰专卖店整体的建筑风格。
地址:大连市甘井子区虹港路 560 号 地理位置:位于大连国际机场附近
规模:中升汇驰是福建戴姆勒在大连地区唯一授权经销和维修梅赛 德斯—奔驰品牌商务车的高档 4S 汽车服务商。公司占地近万平,独立 的奔驰商务车展厅大气高雅,售后车间采用奔驰最先进的设备和技术, 可为客户提供尊贵完美的人性化服务 。 6、大连中升星辉汽车销售服务有限公司



安阳奔驰4S店工程建设结构设计一、编制的依据和引用的标准1、施工合同:依据河南安阳奔驰店工程施工合同;2、施工图纸依据《河南安阳奔驰店工程》施工图;3、地质勘查报告:依据本地区基本建筑的自然条件和本工程的地质报告;4、适用的规范、规程及相应的验评标准(1)《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》(GB 50300-2013)(2)《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50202-2002)(3)《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50204-2002)2011版(4)《混凝土强度检验评定标准》(GB/T50 107-2010)(5)《混凝土泵送施工技术规程》(JGJ/T10-95)(6)《钢筋焊接及验收规程》(JGJ 18-2003)(7)《钢筋焊接接头试验方法》(JGJ/T27-2001)(8)《屋面工程质量验收规范》(GB 50207-2002)(9)《建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50209-2010)(10)《建筑装饰装修工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50210-2001)(11)《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50242-2002)(12)《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50303-2002)(13)《建设工程文件归档整理规范》(GB/T 50328-2001)(14)《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》(GB1499-2007)(15)《工程测量规范》(GB 50026-2007)(16)《建筑施工安全检查标准》(JGJ59-2011)(17)《建筑机械使用安全技术规程》(JGJ33-2001)(18)《建筑施工现场环境与卫生标准》(JGJ146-2004)(19)《混凝土质量控制标准》(GB50164-2011)(20)《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50203-2011)(21)《砼结构工程施工规范》(GB50666-2011)(22)《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50205-2001)(23)《建筑钢结构焊接规程》(JGJ81-91)(24)《钢结构高强度螺栓连接的设计、施工及验收规程》(JGJ82-91)(25)《钢结构制作工艺规程》(DBJ08-216-95)5、适用的法律法规及国家现行有关标准和技术经济指标(1)中华人民共和国建筑法(2)中华人民共和国环境保护法(3)城市建筑垃圾管理规定(4)危险化学品安全管理条例(5)河北省建设施工工地卫生标准6、本公司管理制度按河北天昕建设集团有限公司管理制度汇编,编号:2011年3月1日第一版相关规定执行。




GLC 轿跑 SUV01 03 05 07 08 12 13 15 16跃然,生辉怡然,新境车型亮点车型价格配置车漆内饰轮毂车型尺寸目录倾心,动魄全新几何多光束 LED 大灯及闪钻格栅,以凌厉之势掠获心扉;溜背式车尾设计和焕新造型尾灯,简洁流畅,动感张扬;强劲的AMG 车身风格组件,让极尽健硕的运动之姿锋芒难掩;更有运动型悬挂,殊路无惧,纵享全程舒行。





010605车型亮点 GLC 轿跑 SUV 车型亮点 GLC 轿跑SUV4缸汽油发动机双涡流涡轮增压系统拥有活塞冷却管道和冷却效果更佳的排气门,可释放较高的动态潜能,动力更强且油耗更低。


9速自动变速箱(9G-TRONIC )9个前进档以更快速、平顺的换档操作,将效率、舒适性和动态性全面提升。

而且9速自动变速箱(9G-TRONIC )有助于降低油耗。

Nappa 皮饰多功能运动型方向盘Nappa 皮饰多功能运动型方向盘带有镀铬控制面板,底部采用扁平设计,抓握区域采用打孔皮,彰显出色的运动驾驶性能,舒适质感一触即发。

几何多光束LED 大灯(MULTIBEAM LED )自适应几何多光束LED 大灯配备可单独控制的LED 灯泡,能根据交通状况做出反应。


Burmester ® 环绕立体声音响系统高性能扬声器营造出卓群的立体声音响效果,前排和后排乘客还可以分别优化微调,进一步提升听觉体验,静享音乐之美。



4S店设计说明1.项目背景1.1 项目概述1.2 项目目标1.3 项目范围2.设计原则与目标2.1 创造舒适的购车环境2.2 提升品牌形象2.3 优化空间利用2.4 提供便捷的服务流程3.空间规划与布局设计3.1 接待区设计3.1.1 客户接待区3.1.2 售后接待区3.2 展示区设计3.2.1 新车展示区3.2.2 二手车展示区3.2.3 配件展示区3.3 办公区设计3.3.1 销售办公区3.3.2 售后服务办公区3.3.3 管理办公区3.4 维修区设计3.4.1 维修车间3.4.2 快修区3.4.3 喷漆区3.5 其他功能区设计3.5.1 休息区3.5.2 咖啡厅3.5.3 儿童活动区3.5.4 洗车区3.5.5 停车区4.家具与装饰设计4.1 家具选型4.2 装饰材料选择4.3 照明设计4.4 颜色搭配4.5 品牌标识设计5.技术设备与系统设计5.1 网络设备5.2 客户信息管理系统5.3 安防设备5.4 空调与通风系统5.5 照明控制系统6.设计成本控制6.1 预算编制6.2 设备与材料采购6.3 施工合同管理7.法律与法规遵守7.1 建筑法规7.2 消防安全法规7.3 环境保护法规7.4 劳动法规7.5 知识产权法规附件:1.项目示意图2.布局平面图3.家具与装饰方案4.技术设备与系统配置表法律名词及注释:1.建筑法规:指国家对建筑设计、施工及使用所制定的法律、法规和标准,用于规范建筑行业的发展和管理。





全新CLS级猎装车,奔驰CLS Shooting Brake精美说明书

全新CLS级猎装车,奔驰CLS Shooting Brake精美说明书

197 曜岩黑色 497 赤铜棕色 541 玄武皂石红色 755 黑铜灰色 775 铱银色 792 钯银色 794 珍珠黄色 890 水硅钒钙石蓝色 963 靛蓝灰色
795 哑光锰矿灰色(选装配备) 799 亮钻石白色(选装配备)
内饰 201 黑色 205 杏仁黄色 207 黑色/茄紫色(选装配备) 208 羊驼灰色 225 黑色/瓷器黄色(选装配备)
饰件 H19 哑光浅棕色白杨木 731 高光棕色多疤胡桃木 736 高光黑色岑木 H21 黑色钢琴漆(选装配备)
748 1158
2585371547 4970
708 504
882 1739
1453 1495
1435 1494
气缸数/排列方式 总 排 量(毫 升) 额定输出功率1(千瓦(马力)/转 每 分) 额定扭 矩1(牛顿 米/转 每 分) 0 至 100 公里/小时加速时间(秒) 最 高 车 速,近 似 值(公 里 /小 时) 轮胎尺寸—前 轴、后轴 燃油 燃油消耗量3(升/100 公里) 市区 市郊 综合 二氧化 碳综合排放值3(克/公里) 欧盟排放标准 油 箱 容 积( 升)/包 括 储 备 油 箱,近 似 值 载 物 舱 容 积( 升) 转 弯 直 径( 米) 整 备 质 量 4(千克 ) 允许总重 量(千克)



奔驰R系列说明书奔驰R级大型豪华旅行车三辐宽大镀鉻散热格栅,辉映敞阔全景天窗,超大车内空间搭配七座尊崇坐席一个充满无尽可能的世界,从此开始-------奔驰R级“豪华运动旅行车”(Grand Sports Tourer)心容万象,坐享大成超大车内空间搭配七座尊崇坐席,强劲动力系统辅以全时四轮驱动,创享大成之局----奔驰R级奔驰: 一旦拥有,别无所求奔驰,德国汽车品牌,被认为是世界上最成功的高档汽车品牌之一,其完美的技术水平、过硬的质量标准、推陈出新的创新能力、以及一系列经典轿跑车款式令人称道。




额定功率(千瓦/ 额定扭矩气缸数/总排量 0-100公里车长/车宽/车高市场指导价车型马力/转每分) (牛顿米/转每分) (毫升) 加速用时(秒) (毫米) (人民币) R 300 L 商务型 170/ 231/ 6000 300/ 2500-5000 V6/ 2996 9.7 5157/ 1922/ 167452 R 300 L 豪华型 170/ 231/ 6000 300/ 2500-5000 V6/ 2996 9.7 5157/ 1922/ 167460 R 350 L 4MATIC 200/ 272/ 6000 350/ 2400-5000 V6/ 3498 8.4 5157/ 1922/ 167468 万 R 500 L 4MATIC 285/ 388/ 6000 530/ 2800-4800 V8/ 5461 6.3 5157/ 1922/ 1674100 万奔驰R300商务型配置:安全性多级激活逻辑的安全气囊。

奔驰Cayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition商品说明书

奔驰Cayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition商品说明书

Cayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PPHZQWP3Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpgurator1/orsche1com./orsche-code.PPHZQWP3Cayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionExterior Colors & WheelsCategory0/tion0/tion code Price Exterior Colour White2Q9Yq Dtandard E,ui/mentWheels RO-inch SD D/yder xesign wheels in satin Platinum highly /olished withInterior Colors & SeatsCategory0/tion0/tion code PriceInterior Colour Partial leather interior in standard colourB Alack M( ArraySeats D/orts seats front 8)-wayB electricT with integrated headrests QOxDtandard E,ui/mentIndividualizationCategory0/tion0/tion code Price ArrayDrive train / Chassis)-D/eed Gi/tronic D•O•Dtandard E,ui/mentCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionStandard EquipmentSeatsF D/orts seats front 8)-wayB electricT with integrated headrestsDrive train / ChassisF)-D/eed Gi/tronic DWheelsF RO-inch SD D/yder xesign wheels in satin Platinum highly /olished with wheel arch e5tensions in e5terior colourExterior ColourF WhiteF AlackInterior ColourF Partial leather interior in standard colourB Deats in smooth-pnish leather Dlate •reyF Partial leather interior in standard colourB AlackExteriorF Mutomatic tailgateF Iully galvanised steel-aluminium-hybrid lightweight bodyshellF Iour doors with integrated side-im/act /rotectionF Engine bonnetB tailgateB doorsB side sections and front wings in aluminiumF Power dome on engine bonnetF Aum/ers com/rising high-strength cross members and two deformation elements each with two threaded p5ture /oints for towing eye contained in on-board tool kit F Dide window trims in Alack 8high-glossTF xoor handles /ainted in e5terior colourF Gailgate with integrated roof s/oiler in e5terior colourF E5tensiveB aerodynamic underbody /rotectionF Iront end with integrated air intakes and airblades in side air intakesF Mir curtains in the wheel archesF'nlays in air intake slats in satin PlatinumF Wheel arch e5tension in e5terior colourF‘P0SDCHE‘ lettering integrated in taillight stri/F(odel designation in satin Platinum with surround in Mcid •reen on tailgateF‘e-hybrid‘ logo in satin Platinum on front wings with border in Mcid •reenF Dideskirts in Alack 8mattTF Panoramic roof systemF’P0SDCHE6 logo in satin PlatinumF Mctive bonnetDrive train / ChassisCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionF312-litre turbocharged V4 engineB ma5imum /ower out/ut R92 kW 83N2 PDTB ma5imum tor,ue N92 7m1 Electric motor: ma5imum /ower out/ut O22 kW 8O34 PDTB ma5imum tor,ue N22 7m1 Combined out/ut: ma5imum /ower out/ut 3N2 kW 8N4R PDTB ma5imum tor,ue j22 7mF Arake /ad wear indicatorF Electrically o/erated /arking brakeF N-/iston aluminium monobloc p5ed calli/er brakes at frontB internally vented brake discsF R-/iston aluminium monobloc p5ed-calli/er brakes at rearB internally vented brake discsF D/eed-sensitive /ower steeringF Arake discs with diameter 392 mm at frontB 332 mm at rearB internally ventedF Mda/tive air sus/ension with levelling system and height adLustment incl1 Porsche Mctive Dus/ension (anagement 8PMD(TF Arake cali/ers in Mcid •reenF Secu/erating brake systemF(ulti-collision brakeF Mutomatic hold functionF Porsche Hill Control 8PHCTF Mnti-lock brake system 8MADTF)-D/eed Gi/tronic DF D/orts modeF'ndividual mode for individual selection of s/orty car settingsF Porsche Dtability (anagement 8PD(TF Porsche Graction (anagement 8PG(TF GurbochargedF Mluminium engine blockF Mluminium cylinder headF j9-litre fuel tankF Mctive air intake Ka/sF Charge-air coolingF Water-cooled with thermal managementF VarioCam PlusF Electrical system recu/erationF Mluminium multi-link rear a5leF Mluminium multi-link front a5leF'ntegrated Porsche Nx Chassis ControlF xirect fuel inLection 8xirect Iuel 'nLectionB xI'T with central inLector /ositionF•asoline /articulate plter 8•PITF xistinctive twin dual-tube tail/i/es in Alack 8high-glossTF D/ort Chrono Package incl1 mode switch and analogue clock on the dashboardWheelsF(i5ed tyresF RO-inch SD D/yder xesign wheels in satin Platinum highly /olished with wheel arch e5tensions in e5terior colourWheel AccessoriesF Wheel centre set with full-colour Porsche CrestF Gyre sealing com/ound and electric air com/ressorF Gyre Pressure (onitoring Dystem 8GP(TLights and visionF Iour-/oint XEx daytime running lightsF Iront light units with /osition lights and direction indicators with XEx light guide technologyCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionF Mutomatically dimming interior and e5terior mirrorsF Mutomatic headlight activation incl1 ’Welcome Home6 lightingF xark-tinted glass in the rear side windowsB as well as in the rear screenF High-level third brake light 8XExT integrated into roof s/oilerF XEx taillights with three-dimensional lighting gra/hicsB integrated four-/oint brake lights and light stri/F XEx interior lighting conce/tF XEx main headlights including Porsche xynamic Xight Dystem 8PxXDTF Electrically adLustable and heatable electrically folding e5terior mirrors 8also via remote keyTB as/herical on driver6s sideB including ambient lightingF Iront wi/er system with R s/eedsB intermittent wi/e and rain sensorF Sear screen wi/er with intermittent wi/e and washer LetF Sear screen heating with ‘auto oz‘ functionComfort and assistance systemsF Semote central lockingF Warn and Arake Mssist incl1 Pedestrian /rotectionF¹eyless driveF xriver /ersonalisation for climateB audio and communicationB assistance systems and other customisable vehicle systemsF ParkMssist 8front and rearT with visual and audible warningF Cruise controlF(emory function for driver‘s seat and e5terior mirror /ositionsF Porsche EntryInteriorF Mutomatic climate control with se/erate tem/erature and air volume settings for driver and front /assenger with automatic air recirculation mode including air ,uality sensorB MC-(M® button and humidity sensorF D/orts seats front 8)-wayB electricT with integrated headrestsF Iive seatsB bench seat in rear with two comfortable seats outside leU and right and one centre seatF Deat Heating 8frontTF'ntegrated headrestsF Dtorage com/artmentsF A-/illar clothes hooks on driver and /assenger‘s sideF Gwo integrated cu/holders in front and rear with variable diameterF Aottle holders in door /anels front and rearF Elevated centre console with handlesF'oniserF Central analogue rev counter with Alack xialB /ower meter and /ointer in Mcid •reenF(ultifunctional steering wheel with shiU /addlesF Parking /re-climatisationF Particle./ollen plter with active carbon plterF Pull-outB Ke5ible luggage com/artment cover in detachable cassetteF Soof lining and M-.A-. C-/illar trims in fabricF xual sun visors for driver and front /assengerF xoor sill guards in aluminium with model logo ‘Platinum Edition‘ at frontF xoor sill guards in aluminium with ‘Cayenne‘ logo at rearF Iull-si+e airbags for driver and front /assengerF Iront /assenger airbag deactivation function for mounting child seat on front seatF Sollover detection for activation of curtain airbags and seat belt /retensionersF Ghree-/oint automatic seat beltsF(anual adLustment of seat belt height for driver and front /assenger seatsCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition F Ghree OR V /lug socketsB located in front below the glove com/artmentB in front centre console and at the side of luggage com/artment F Dide airbags in the rear outer seat backrestsF Mlarm system with ultrasonic interior surveillance and two-stage locking 8DMIE functionTF'mmobiliser with in-key trans/onderF'D0I'® fastening systemF Mnalogue clock on dashboardF Mmbient lightingF Iloor matsF Deat belts crayonInterior LeatherF Porsche Crest on headrestsInterior AluminiumF Ge5tured aluminium interior /ackageAudio and communicationF Porsche Communication (anagement 8PC(T including 0nline 7avigation³F Porsche ConnectF A0DE° Durround Dound DystemF Gwo DA-C charging /orts in the front centre console storage com/artmentF Gwo DA-C charging /orts in the rear centre consoleF Dmart/hone integrationF Connect CareF xigital Sadio 8xMA TF Porsche Vehicle Gracking Dystem 8PVGDTE-PerformanceF Charge /ortF0n-Aoard MC charger with 314 kWF(obile ChargerF Du//ly cable for domestic electrical socketF Du//ly cable for red industrial electrical outlet 8N22 VB 3R MB 9 PinTCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionTechnical DataPower unit7umber of cylinders4Iuel grade Y9Aore)N19 mmDtroke)Y12 mmxis/lacement RBYY9 cmPower 8kWT R92 kWPower 8PDT3N2 PDSP( range ma5imum /ower9B322 - 4BN22 O.min(a5imum engine s/eed4B922 O.min(a51 tor,ue N92 7mSP( range ma5imum tor,ue OB3N2 - 9B322 O.minPower Electric (otor 8kWT O22 kWPower Electric (otor 8PDT O34 PDGor,ue Electric (otor N22 7mPower combined 8kWT3N2 kWPower combined 8PDT N4R PDGor,ue combined j22 7m(a51 out/ut /er liter 8kW.lT)3122 kW.l(a51 out/ut /er liter 8PD.lT OO3122 PD.lConsumption/EmissionsC0R emissions combined9) - 94 g.kmElectricity consum/tion combined RR12 - RO14 kWh.O22 kmCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition 705 emissions RO1O mg.kmConsumption/Emissions WLTPConsum/tion weighted 8PHEV model rangeT31j - 313 l.O22 kmC0R-emission combined 8WXGPT)3 - j9 g.kmElectrical consum/tion combined 8de/letingT 8model rangeT NR1O - N21j kWh.O22 kmElectrical consum/tion combined 8weightedT 8model rangeT R419 - R914 kWh.O22 kmElectric drivingElectric Sange WXGP 8EMEST - model range NO - N3 kmElectric Sange WXGP City 8EMES CityT - model range NN - N4 kmSange combined 8ECET Nj kmElectrical to/ s/eed O39 km.hCharging•ross battery ca/acity Oj1Y kWh7et battery ca/acity ON13 kWhBodyXength NBYO) mmWidth OBY)3 mmWidth 8with mirrorsT RBOYN mmHeight OB4Y4 mmWheelbase RB)Y9 mmGurning circle OR1R mnladen weight 8x'7T RBRY9 kgnladen weight 8E T RB3j2 kgCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition Permissible gross weight3B232 kg(a5imum load j39 kg(a5imum /ermissible roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort system O22 kgCapacitiesXuggage com/artment volumeB rear932 l0/en luggage com/artment volume 8u/ to the u//er edge of the rear seatsT4N9 lXargest luggage com/artment volume 8behind front seatsB u/ to roofT OB42j lIuel tank j9 lPerformanceGo/ s/eed R93 km.hMcceleration 2 - 42 m/h with D/ort Chrono Package N1j sMcceleration 2 - O22 km.h with D/ort Chrono Package912 sMcceleration 2 - O42 km.h with D/ort Chrono Package OO19 sMcceleration 2 - R22 km.h with D/ort Chrono Package OY1O s'n-gear acceleration 8)2-OR2km.hT 892-j9 m/hT with D/ort Chrono Package31R sO.N mile with D/ort Chrono Package O31O sTerrain features(a51 clearance between ground and water-sensitive /arts 8steel sus/ensionT R92 mmR)2 mm(a51 clearance between ground and water-sensitive /arts 8air sus/ensionB oz-road rideheightTDlo/e angleB front.rear 8steel sus/ensionT R91R - RR1OSam/ break over angle steel sus/ensionT O)1jSam/ break over angle air sus/ension 8highest levelT RO13(a51 ground clearance 8steel sus/ensionT RO2 mm(a51 ground clearance 8air sus/ensionB normal levelT OY2 mmCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition (a51 ground clearance 8air sus/ensionB oz-road ride heightT RN9 mmCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum EditionCayenne E-Hybrid Platinum Edition。

Mercedes-Benz S-Class 说明书

Mercedes-Benz S-Class 说明书

S-ClassBrief overview Mercedes-BenzP68.00-8428-001Seat functionsAdjusts the seat electrically c Seat heating s Seat ventilationw Adjusts the front-passenger seat r Memory function and presets45=2Light switchAdjusts the instrument lighting 3Driver assistance systemsèActive Steering AssistÃActive Lane Keeping Assist ÁNight View AssistHead-up displayu Rear window roller sunblind 4Adjusts the air vents:open or closed5Multifunction steering wheel control panels 6DIRECT SELECT lever for transmissionpositionCockpit –overview$WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual.Otherwise,you may not recognize dangers.Overhead control panel*Not available in all countries7Start/Stop button8Multimedia system display9Buttons for automatic climate control aMultimedia system controller with T Seats menuØNavigation menu $Radio menu ÕMedia menu %Telephone menu ØVehicle menu %Back buttonòShows main functionsb ÜSwitches multimedia system on or offH Adjusts the volumePress:switches the sound on or off ÜLowers or raises the head restraints inthe rear compartment éDeactivates PARKTRONICc Multimedia system touchpad d Driving functionsECO start/stop function w DYNAMIC SELECT ÉVehicle levelc Active Parking Assist e !Electric parking brakef p Opens or closes the trunk lidg Door control panel withcontrols for power windows,exterior mirror settings and the override feature for power windows and roller sunblinds for the side windows in the rear h Door handle&Locks the vehicle centrally %Unlocks the vehicle centrally1Buttons for interior lighting and reading light 2Button for Mercedes me connect*3G SOS button*(Mercedes-Benz emergency call system)43Panoramic roofFront roller sunblind5y MAGIC SKY CONTROL orRear roller sunblindP82.00-3232-00Cockpit –overviewNote that your vehicle may not be fitted with all features described.Overview1Combination switch for turn signals,high-beam headlamps and windshield wipers 2Lever for electrical steering columnadjustment and steering wheel heatingP54.26-1086-00Combination switch –windshield wiper functions Combination switch –lighting functions 1íîSingle wipeWipes with washer fluid 1$Windshield wipers off2ÄIntermittent wiping,normal 3ÅIntermittent wiping,frequent 4°Continuous wiping,slow 5¯Continuous wiping,fast1High-beam headlamps orAdaptive Highbeam Assist Plus 2Turn signal,right 3Headlamp flasher 4Turn signal,leftLever on the steering wheelP54.26-1087-00$WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual.Otherwise,you may not recognize dangers.Activating/deactivating Changing the speed/distance1Switches Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC on or off3Activates Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC with the current speed 4Activates with the stored speed/pulls away with Active Distance Assist DISTRONICDeactivates Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC2Increases the specified minimum distanceReduces the specified minimum distance3Increases the speed Reduces the speedActive Distance Assist DISTRONIC maintains a constant speed which has been stored.The lowest speed that can be set is 12mph (20km/h).You can change the set speed:Using rocker switch 2,you can change the specified minimum distance to the vehicle in front.The specified minimum distance depends on the currently driven speed.If rocker switch 4is pressed upwards twice,Distance Assist DISTRONIC is activated with the speed restriction displayed in the instrument cluster.X 1mph step (1km/h):Briefly press rocker switch 3up or down.X 5mph step (10km/h):Press rocker switch 3up or down beyond the pressure point.Active Distance Assistant DISTRONIC P54.26-1088-00Note that your vehicle may not be fitted with all features described.Order no.P222028913Part no.2225843312Edition B-20202225843312Operating possibilities for climate control You can set automatic climate control using:•The buttons on control unit 1of the center console•The climate control menu of the multimedia systemAir-conditioning function bar 2shows the most important settings and the status of automatic climate control.Automatic climate control panelClimate control menu of the multimedia system•A/C –Activates/deactivates the cooling and air dehumidification functions of the automatic climate control•Climate Mode –Changes the air flow•Air Distribution –Sets the air distribution for the driver and front passenger•Footwell Temperature –Adjusts the temperature for the footwell separately•Rear –Operates the automatic climate control in the rear•SYNC –Changes settings for all climate zones in the vehicle simultaneously•Ionization –Freshens the air in the vehicle interior using ionization•Air Freshener –Sets the intensity of the perfume atomizerP68.20-5119-00ÃSets climate control to automatic mode w Sets the temperature H Sets the airflowAt level 0:climate control off g Air-recirculation modeThe air in the vehicle interior is recirculated.In air-recirculation mode,the windows can fog up more quickly.¬Defrosts the windshieldt Calls up the climate control menuIf you press and hold the t button for approximately 4seconds,automatic climate control is reset to the basic settings.¤Defrosts the rear windowÁCooling with air dehumidificationResidual heat with the engine offXTo call up the climate control menu:press the t rocker switch on the control panel up or down.Climate controlOperating the menu of the on-board computerOperating the multimedia system1Back button for the on-board computer2Touch Control for the on-board computer 3òMain menu of the multimedia system 4Touch Control for the multimedia system 5Back button for the multimediasystem66Accepts a telephone call~Rejects a telephone callEnds a call7H Adjusts the volumePress:switches the sound on or off8?Starts dialog with the Voice ControlSystem or cancels the current Voice Control System voice command ßDisplays favoritesButtons on the multifunction steering wheelP46.10-3585-00$WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual.Otherwise,you may not recognize dangers.Starting a dialogThe Voice Control System allows you to comfortably operate the majority of the multimedia system's functions.Voice Control System help functions •General information:Say the "Help Voice Control System"voice command.•Help for the current function:Say the "Help"voice command.•Help for a specific system:Say the voice command for the desired system,e.g."Help telephone".ExamplesVoice commands for Navigation•"Navigate to Woodward Avenue,Detroit"Starts route guidance to the named address.•"Navigate to John Doe"Starts route guidance to a contact in the address book.•"Nearest gas station"Further categories are also available:restaurant,car park and rest area.Voice commands for telephone •"Call Jane Doe"Calls the number of a contact in the address book.•"Latest calls"Shows the latest calls.Voice commands for audio mode •"Station Z100"Calls up stations which are in range or stored stations.•"Play Moonlight Sonata"Plays the named media file.All tracks available in the system can be used.X To say a voice command:press the ?button and speak a voice command after the signal tone.Voice Control SystemNote that your vehicle may not be fitted with all features described.You can operate the multimedia system with the controller,touchpad or Touch Control.X Controller:turn or slide in the direction of the desired entry.X Slide to the left or right in order to open a menu.X Confirm your choice by pressing the controller.X Touchpad:swipe in the direction of the desired entry.X Swipe to the left or right in order to open a menu.XConfirm your selection by pressing.%Press briefly:returns to the previousdisplayPress and hold:calls up main functions òCalls up main functionsD Rapid access to audio sourcesFavoritesFavorites allow you to quickly call up applications which you use regularly.PersonalizationYou can store your own personal settings for the multimedia system in a user profile.X To call up the menu:press the òbutton.The main functions are displayed.X Navigate downwards.The favorites bar is shown.X To create your own favorite:select the desired function in the multimedia system.X Press and hold the òbutton until the favorites are displayed.X Add your own favorite at the desired position.X To call up the menu:press the òbutton.XSelect +System *g Personalization .Overview of the multimedia system P82.89-2871-00$WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual.Otherwise,you may not recognize dangers.Zooming the mapRapid access to audio sourcesDepending on the audio source to which you are currently listening,you can move to the next radio station or music track.orHandwriting recognitionYou can enter individual characters.Quickly storing radio stationsIf you are listening to the radio and the Radio menu is shown in the multimedia system:XTouchpad:move two fingers together or apart.XController:turn left or right.P82.89-2876-00P82.89-2873-00X To open the access bar:swipe up with two fingers.X Press the D button on the touchpad.X To select the previous or next station/music track:use one finger to swipe up or down.X To close the access bar:swipe down with two fingers or press D on the touchpad.P82.89-2874-00X To deletej :swipe to the left.X To insert a space :swipe to the right.X Press and hold the controller or touchpador the right-hand Touch Control on the multifunction steering wheel.A tone confirms the save.P82.89-2875-00Operating the multimedia systemNote that your vehicle may not be fitted with all features described.Requirement•Bluetooth ®is switched on on the mobile phone and visible for other devices (see the manufacturer's operating instructions).•Bluetooth ®is switched on on the multimedia system.Searching for a mobile phoneorIf your mobile phone is not found,select Search from Device .X Press the %button on the center console.XSelect Devices *Connect a New Device .XSelect Start Search on System .The available devices are shown in the display.Connecting a mobile phonei You can simultaneously connect two telephones with your system.Further informationDetailed information on Bluetooth ®connections with your mobile phone can be found at:https:///connectXSelect the desired mobile phone.A code is displayed in the multimedia system and on the mobile phone.X If the codes match :Confirm with Yes on the multimedia system.X Confirm the code on the mobile phone.Establishing a Bluetooth ®connection $WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual.Otherwise,you may not recognize dangers.Connecting external media sources The USB connection for Apple CarPlay™and Android Auto™is marked with the çsymbol.HANDS-FREE ACCESSIf you carry the KEYLESS-GO key on your person,you will be detected by a sensor.Do not touch the bumper and maintain a distance of around 12in (30cm).Further informationObtain further information on your vehicle from:https://1SD card slot 2USB portsP82.89-2877-00X To open or close:kick into the sensor detection area below the bumper.P80.61-3063-00How-to videos Operator's ManualsFurther information on your vehicle Note that your vehicle may not be fitted with all features described.。

梅赛德斯-奔驰CLA 200 Urban车型说明书

梅赛德斯-奔驰CLA 200 Urban车型说明书

Driver Passenger SIDE IMPACT CAR8 ptsCarPole3,3 ptsSIDE IMPACT POLE6,5 ptsREAR IMPACT (WHIPLASH)Mercedes-Benz CLA-ClassMercedes-Benz CLA 200 “Urban”91%75%74%81% FRONTAL IMPACT15,2 pts FRONTAL IMPACTHEADDriver airbag contact stablePassenger airbag contact stableHead protection airbag YesChest protection airbag YesSIDE IMPACTPassenger compartment stableWindscreen Pillar rearward noneCHESTSteering wheel rearward noneSteering wheel upward noneChest contact with steeringwheelnoneStiff structures in dashboard noneConcentrated loads on knees noneUPPER LEGS, KNEES AND PELVISLOWER LEGS AND FEETRearward pedal movement Brake - 9.8mmUpward pedal movement noneFootwell Collapse noneSeat description Standard (Artico), 6 way manualHead restraint type PassiveWHIPLASHGeometric assessment 1 ptsTESTS- High severity2,3 pts- Medium severity2,4 pts- Low severity2,5 ptsGOODADEQUATEMARGINALWEAKPOORFRONTAL IMPACT18 MONTH OLD CHILD3 YEAR OLD CHILDRestraint Facing InstallationRömer BabySafe Plus rearward facing Adult seatbeltRestraint Facing InstallationRömer Duo Plus forward facing ISOFIX and TopTetherPERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE12 pts9,8 ptsHead forward movement protected Head acceleration good Chest loadgoodHead containment protected Head accelerationgoodSIDE IMPACTFRONTAL IMPACTHead forward movement protected Head acceleration good Chest loadfairHead containment protected Head accelerationgoodSIDE IMPACTCRASH TEST PERFORMANCECHILD SAFETY FEATURES AND CRS INSTALLATION CHECKIsofixSafety features score 4 pts Installation check score 11 ptsFail Safety critical problem Pass Install without problem Partial Fail Install with care ExemptInstallation not allowedSpeed Assistance (Manual)PassSpeed InformationNOT ASSESSED 1,3 pts3 pts3 ptsSPEED ASSISTANCE SYSTEMELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL (ESC)- driver and passenger Pass - rearPassSEATBELT REMINDERHEAD 17 pts PELVIS 4 pts LEG6 pts- ESPStandardPass GOOD ADEQUATE MARGINAL WEAK POORLateral displacement (1.07s)3,12m Yaw rate ratio (1.75s)3,52%Yaw rate ratio (1.00s)11,63%Electronic stability control is standard on the CLA, and met Euro NCAP's test requirements. A seatbelt remindersystem covers the front and rear seats while a driver-set speed limitation met the test requirements for such devices.PedestrianSafety assistThe CLA is equipped with an active bonnet. Sensors detect when a pedestrian has been struck and automatically raise the bonnet to provide greater clearance to the hard structures beneath. Mercedes-Benz showed that thesystem triggered robustly over a range of speeds and for different statures of pedestrians, so the car was tested with the system deployed. As a result, protection of the head is good over most of the bonnet surface. The protection of pedestrians' legs by the bumper is also good. The front edge of the bonnet also provided predominantly goodprotection to the pelvis region.Adult occupantChild occupantBased on dummy readings in the dynamic tests, the CLA scored maximum points for its protection of the 1½ year infant. Forward movement of the 3 year dummy, sat in a forward-facing restraint, was not excessive but deceleration of the chest showed that protection of that dummy's chest was fair. Mercedes-Benz's 'CPOD' system is available as an option. The system automatically deactivates the front passenger airbag to allow suitably equipped Mercedes-Benz child seats to be used rearward-facing in that seating position. The system does not work with other child restraints and was not rewarded by Euro NCAP. The dangers of using a rearward-facing restraint in that seating position without first disabling the airbag were clearly explained in the vehicle. Mercedes will update the manual for the CLA to make clear which categories of child restraints are suitable for which seating positions, and the scorereflects this updated information. Earlier cars would have received the same star rating as the changes in the manual have only a small influence on the score.The passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal impact. Dummy data indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of both the driver and the front seat passenger. Mercedes-Benz provided data which showed that a similar level of protection would be provided to occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different positions. The CLA scored maximum points in the side impact barrier test, showing good protection of all body regions. In the more severe side pole impact, dummy readings of rib compression showed that protection of the chest was marginal. The front seats and head restraints provided good protection against whiplash injury in the event of a rear-end collision.SPECIFICATIONSMercedes-Benz CLA 200 “Urban”Tested model Body type4 door coupéYear of publication 2013VIN from which rating applies applies to all CLA-Class of thespecification tested1430kgKerb weightSAFETY EQUIPMENToutboard seatsFront seatbelt pretensioners Front seatbelt load limiters Driver frontal airbagSide body airbags Side head airbags Front passenger frontal airbag Driver knee airbagElectronic Stability Control Seatbelt ReminderSpeed Limitation Assistance。



以超凡尺度 匹配超凡气度

正如“E”不只代表着卓越 (excellence),同样也代表着精湛技艺 (exquisite)、完美体验 (experience)与不断进化 (evolution)。



以辉煌历史 开启壮阔未来
作为享誉世界的“全球最佳行政座驾”,自1947年首度面世以来,E 级轿车凭借其超过1200万辆的斐然销量,成为梅赛德斯-奔驰车型系列乃至全球市场上最受欢迎的车型之一。

每一代E 级轿车,都以其开创性的科技、完美的外观设计、极致的舒适体验,在揽尽世人瞩目的同时,更为汽车工业史树立起一座座令人叹为观止的里程碑。

闪耀欧洲的梅赛德斯-奔驰E 级轿车,现在有了更辉煌的气势。

梅赛德斯-奔驰全新长轴距E 级轿车,因时光流转而至臻完美,如此溢彩流光,只待尊驾亲临赏鉴。

始终被追随 无法被超越。

奔驰Panamera 4S Sport Turismo产品介绍说明书

奔驰Panamera 4S Sport Turismo产品介绍说明书

Panamera 4S Sport TurismoYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRRAXW57Visit the following link to view your con/guration: https:..con/gurator-porsche-com.porsche1code.PRRAXW57Panamera 4S Sport TurismoExterior Colors & WheelsCategory0ption0ption code Price Exterior Colour White Q9Wheels O81inch Panamera S wheels V5EStandard qBuipmentInterior Colors & SeatsCategory0ption0ption code Price Interior Colours & Materials Partial leather interior in (lack A( ArraySeats Comfort seats front ,E1way) electricG9ODStandard qBuipmentExterior OptionsCategory0ption0ption code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance E1speed Porsche Koppelkupplung ,PK2G DODStandard qBuipmentPanamera 4S Sport TurismoStandard EquipmentWheelsb O81inch Panamera S wheelsWheel Accessoriesb Anti1theM wheel +oltsb Wheel centre set with monochrome Porsche Crestb Tyre Pressure Ionitoring System ,TPIGSeatsb Comfort seats front ,E1way) electricGb4FO Seatsb Seat heating ,frontGb xS0LxX fastening system) rearExterior designb Sideskirtsb q6terior Iirror jower Trims painted in q6terior Colour including Iirror (ase painted in (lack ,high1glossGb Side Window Trims in Silver colour ,high1glossGb Air outlet trims painted in (lack ,high1glossGb Koor handles painted in e6terior colourb Rear Ki3usor in jouvered KesignRoof and transport systemsb Aluminum roofLettering and decalsb Silver coloured model designation on tailgate ,high1glossGPowertrain & Performanceb Twin1tur+o V‘ engine with direct fuel inHection: displacement •-8 litresb Lour1wheel driveb Adaptive Air Suspension including Porsche Active Suspension Ianagement ,PASIGb q6haust system with twin dual1tu+e tailpipes outside leM and right in +rushed stainless steelb Power steeringb(rake system with +rake calipers in Redb75 litre fuel tankb E1speed Porsche Koppelkupplung ,PK2GLights & Visionb jqK main headlightsPanamera 4S Sport Turismo b Taillight strip with zP0RSCNqU letteringb zP0RSCNqU logo in Silver colour ,high1glossGb Automatically dimming interior and e6terior mirrorsb Automatically dimming e6terior mirrors ,in conHunction with memory packageGb Rear wiperInterior packages & decors/materialsb xnterior package in +lack ,high1glossGSteering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerb Sports steering wheelb Steering wheel with manual fore.aM and height adHustmentb PK2 gear changer leverInterior designb Central analogue rev counter with (lack dialb La+ric roof linigb Air+agsb Side air+ags in the frontb Pedals and footrest in (lackb Koor sill guards in aluminium with model designationb Sun visorsb Lle6i+le luggage compartment roller coverb Lloor matsAssistance systemsb Tra³c sign recognitionb ParkAssist including reversing camerab jane 2eeping Assistb Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityb Kriver Iemory Packageb Two1₂one automatic climate controlb Alarm system with interior surveillanceb Particle.pollen /lter with active car+on /lterb Yon1smoking packageInfotainmentb Yavigation Nighb Smartphone compartment with wireless chargingb Voice Controlb Kigital radiob Sound Package Plusb Smartphone integrationb Two S(1C charge ports in rear compartmentPanamera 4S Sport Turismo Othersb Lirst Aid 2it with warning triangleb TPI Valve in SilverPanamera 4S Sport TurismoDechnical 1ataPower unitYum+er of cylinders‘(ore E4-5 mmStroke E‘-Q mm Kisplacement•)E84 cmPower ,kWG’•4 kWPower ,PSG44Q PSRPI range ma6imum power5)‘5Q 1 ‘)‘QQ O.minIa6imum engine speed‘)EQQ O.minIa6- torBue55Q YmRPI range ma6imum torBue•)QQQ 1 5)5QQ O.minIa6- output per liter ,kW.lG OOO-8‘ kW.lIa6- output per liter ,PS.lG O5•-Q4 PS.lConsumption/Emissions2C0• emissions com+ined•OQ 1 •Q7 g.kmY06 emissions•O-7 mg.kmConsumption/Emissions WLDP(Luel consumption ur+an O‘-‘ 1 O5-E l.OQQ kmLuel consumption su+ur+OO-4 1 OQ-5 l.OQQ kmLuel consumption e6tra ur+an OQ-O 1 8-’ l.OQQ kmLuel consumption highway OQ-E 1 OQ-Q l.OQQ kmLuel consumption com+ined OO-5 1 OQ-7 l.OQQ kmC0•1emissions low ,WjTPG’75 1 ’58 g.kmPanamera 4S Sport Turismo C0•1emissions medium ,WjTPG•58 1 •’8 g.kmC0•1emissions high ,WjTPG••E 1 •OO g.kmC0•1emissions e6tra high ,WjTPG•45 1 ••7 g.kmC0•1emissions com+ined ,WjTPG•‘Q 1 •4• g.kmConsumption/Emissions )ECEBLuel consumption ur+an O’-O l.OQQ kmLuel consumption e6tra1ur+an E-O l.OQQ kmLuel consumption com+ined8-8 l.OQQ kmC0• emissions com+ined••7 g.km3odyjength5)Q48 mmWidth O)8’7 mmWidth ,with mirrorsG•)O‘5 mmNeight O)4•E mmWheel+ase•)85Q mmTurning circle OO-8 mnladen weight ,KxYG O)84Q kgnladen weight ,q G O•)QO5 kgPermissi+le gross weight•)54Q kgIa6imum load‘QQ kgIa6- towing load ,+rakedG•)•QQ kgIa6- towing load ,un+rakedG75Q kgIa6imum permissi+le roof load with Porsche roof transport system75 kgCapacitiesPanamera 4S Sport Turismo0pen luggage compartment volume ,up to the upper edge of the rear seatsG5O5 ljargest luggage compartment volume ,+ehind front seats) up to roofG O)’E4 lLuel tank75 lPerformanceTop speed•E8 km.hAcceleration Q 1 ‘Q mph4-O sAcceleration Q 1 ‘Q mph with Sport Chrono Package’-8 sAcceleration Q 1 OQQ km.h4-’ sAcceleration Q 1 OQQ km.h with Sport Chrono Package4-O sAcceleration Q 1 O‘Q km.h OQ-4 sAcceleration Q 1 O‘Q km.h with Sport Chrono Package OQ-O sAcceleration Q 1 •QQ km.h O‘-‘ sAcceleration Q 1 •QQ km.h with Sport Chrono Package O‘-’ sxn1gear acceleration ,EQ1O•Qkm.hG ,5Q175 mphG•-E sO.4 mile O•-7 sO.4 mile with Sport Chrono Package O•-5 sDerrain featuresIa6- ground clearance air suspension ,normal ride heightG O’4 mmO-Kata determined in accordance with the measurement method reBuired +y law- Since O Septem+er •QO7 certain new cars have +een type approved in accordance with the Worldwide Narmonised jight Vehicles Test Procedure ,WjTPG) a more realistic test procedure to measure fuel.electricity consumption and C0 emissions- As of O Septem+er •QOE the WjTP replaced the Yew quropean Kriving Cycle ,YqKCG- Kue to the more realistic test conditions) the fuel.electricity consumption and C0 emission values determined in accordance with the WjTP will) in many cases) +e higher than those determined in accordance with the YqKC- This may lead to corresponding changes in vehicle ta6ation from O Septem+er •QOE- ou can /nd more information on the di3erence +etween WjTP and YqKC at ww-porsche-com.wltp Currently) we are still o+liged to provide the YqKC values) regardless of the type approval process used- The additional reporting of the WjTP values is voluntary until their o+ligatory use- As far as new cars ,which are type approved in accordance with the WjTPG are concerned) the YqKC values will) therefore) +e derived from the WjTP values during the transition period- To the e6tent that YqKC values are given as ranges) these do not relate to a single) individual car and do not constitute part of the o3er- They are intended solely as a means of comparing di3erent types of vehicle- q6tra features and accessories attachments) tyre formats) etc-G can change relevant vehicle parameters such as weight) rolling resistance and aerodynamics and) in addition to weather and tra³c conditions) as well as individual handling) can a3ect the fuel.electricity consumption) C0 emissions and performance values of a car-•-These values correspond to your current con/guration- xf you add or remove eBuipment this may change the values currently shown-’-(ody’-OPanamera 4S Sport TurismoWeight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC Kirectives and is valid for vehicles with standard speci/cation only- 0ptional eBuipment increases this /gure- The /gure given includes 75kg for the driverPanamera 4S Sport TurismoPanamera 4S Sport TurismoPanamera 4S Sport Turismo。


本工程中甲方指定分包的项目:装饰装修、空调。具体计划和管理措施详见《分包计划和对 分包队伍的管理》。 3.5.11 计算机技术应用
现场实施信息化管理,建立基于计算机网络的建设项目信息管理系统,建立与项目业主、设 计、监理、分包单位、供货单位的横向联系,以施工项目经理部各部门之间的管理系统,充分、 及时的进行各种信息的沟通与交流,共享项目建设过程中产生的公共信息,更好的控制项目的 投资、进度、质量目标。 3.6 施工现场临时用水布置 3.6.1 水源基本情况
1.3 本工程应用的主要图集
序号 类别

03G101 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示法制图规则和构


97G329 建筑物抗震构造详图(含 2003 年局部修改版)

88J 系列 建筑构造通用图集
4 地方 92DQ 系列 建筑电气通用图集
5 标准 91SB 系列 建筑设备施工安装图集
3.5.8 装饰装修工程 装修工程是本工程的重点,种类多,工艺复杂,质量要求高,交叉作业多,安装工程工程量
大,占用工期长,需要组织各工种之间配合。总的原则是先粗装后精装,粗装自下而上,精装 自上而下,合理安排工种穿插施工。(精装修建设单位另行确定方案另行提交) 3.5.9 季节性施工
本工程历经一个雨季一个冬季。雨季施工项目主要为基础部分和主体结构部分,可按照正常 的措施做好防雨排水准备。冬季施工项目主要为外装饰、内装饰施工项目,可按照冬季施工措 施做好冬季施工准备。 详见季节性施工方案。 3.5.10 分包工程
GB50231-98 GB50243-2002 GB50261-96 GB50263-97 GB50268-97 GB50274-98 GB50275-98 GB50242-2002 GB50185-93 CECS49-93 CECS70-94 DBJ01-88-2005 DBJ01-26-96(1) DBJ01-26-96(2) DBJ01-26-96(3) DBJ01-26-96(4) DBJ01-26-96(5) GB50026-93 GB50194-93 GB/T50328-2002 JGJ59-99 JGJ104-97 JGJ80-91
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5 门 5 座 SUV 5 门 5 座 SUV

/ 宝马 X5、奥迪 Q7
已停产 有多款车型
5 门 6 座 MP 69.8~124.8

4 门 5 座三厢车 93~329.8 万
宝马 7 系、奥迪 A8、大众
பைடு நூலகம்
2 门 2 座跑车 119.8~198.8
奔驰车,不但质量无可比拟,而且车系齐全。 目前主要生产 C 级车(中档 轿、跑车)、E 级车(高档轿、跑车)、S 级车(豪华轿、跑车),还有 G 型车 (越野车)。公司早期出产的车分为曼海姆版和斯图加特版,1926 年至今,无 论是高中低档车都统一为一个相同的名字“梅赛德斯-奔驰”。之所以取这个名, 有一段佳话。1899 年,奥地利驻德总领事埃米尔·耶利内克订购了 3 辆戴姆勒 凤凰牌轿车,他用他女儿的名字——梅赛德斯为它们命名,并开着车参加了尼斯
Sprinter 5910/1993/2720
5 门 5 座 SUV 44.8~72.8 万 奥迪 Q5、凯迪拉克 SRX 有多款车型
奔驰 4S 店设计说明书
实习名称: 专业方向能力训练 系部名称: 汽车与交通工程学院
目 录 第一章 品牌分析 ......................................................................................2 第二章 建筑地址选择 ..............................................................................5 第三章 生产厂区设计 ..............................................................................8 第四章 4S 店整体规划...........................................................................10 第五章 人员分配 ....................................................................................15 第六章 主要设备配置 ............................................................................17 第七章 成本计算 ....................................................................................20
该项目建设地点位于南岗区。该地块符合城市总体规划,基础设施配套完善, 交通、通迅等条件便捷,地理位置十分优越,是开发建设的理想地段。
1、自然概况 新香坊区位于哈尔滨市东南部,区划面积 339.55 平方公里,其中,建
城区面积 43.8 平方公里,辖 20 个街道办事处,3 镇 1 乡,总人口约 79 万 人 (含流动人口 )。香坊区东与阿城区接壤,北连南岗区,西接平房区,已成 为哈市的四个中心城区之一。 2、发展优势
目标客户:主要消费群体为富有的中年人,单位用车。 根据我哈尔滨庭收入、及消费情况。我们选择了 8 款车作为本店的主要车型:A (小型车)、B(紧凑型旅行车)、BLK(紧凑型 SUV)、C(中型车)、E(商务 车)、G(越野型 SUV)、GLK(中型 SUV)、S (豪华车)。
第二章 地址选择
本设计根据黑龙江省哈尔滨市消费者对汽车车型和汽车风格的需求,通过分 析城市交通道路和路段的特点,和建设 4s 店成本考虑,选择了在比较偏里市中 心的地段建设 4s 店。并根据其年销售量、年维修量及进、出车辆的流通方便性 进行了研究,设计了奔驰汽车 4S 店的总体规划布局及主厂区规划,从而提出了 奔驰 4S 店的建设目的、建设性质、企业的生产纲领、企业的工作制度和管理制 度等指标,并将奔驰文化与企业要求融入了对 4S 店的设计中,力求本 4S 店能 够充分展示奔驰的品牌形象,为广大消费者提供优质服务
汽车拉力赛,获得了冠军。埃米尔认为是他女儿的名字带来了好运,就建议戴姆 勒公司采用其名。戴姆勒公司也希望借这个奥地利贵族帮它打开奥地利市场,便 采用了此名,没想到,其销量大增。后来成立的戴姆勒-奔驰公司也将其产品全 部命为梅赛德斯-奔驰。
2、奔驰现有车系 奔驰汽车现有的车系有 A(小型车)、AMG(高性能版本)、B(紧凑型旅行 车)、BLK(紧凑型 SUV)、C(中型车)、CL、CLK、CLS(轿跑)、E(商务车)、 G(越野型 SUV)、GL(大型 SUV)、GLK(中型 SUV)、M、ML(中大型 SUV)、R (大型旅行车)、S (豪华车)、SL、SLC、SLK(紧凑型轿跑)、SLR、SLS(鸥 翼门跑车)等。 3、奔驰车车型参数及竞争车型
宝马 X1、奥迪 Q3
2013 年上市
4 门 5 座三厢
宝马 3 系

2 门 4 座三厢车 249.8 万
4652/1740/1413 4917/1873/1430
(1)保证无遮挡。汽车专卖店除了一般商业性建筑的设计要求外,更注重展示 性的要求,基地位置要显著,使经过的潜在消费者能清楚地观赏到专卖店的整体 外部形象与标志性装置。 (2)基地的形状尺寸。矩形平面的建筑具有最大的适应性,绝大多数专卖店采 取规整矩形的基地平面。基地环境应满足汽车专卖店各种功能布局的要求。若受 基地形状所限,将专卖店建在不规整的地块上,施工图设计时必须保证基本的形 象要素和使用功能。 (3)安全可靠。应详细了解、收集当地地质、文、市政设施等相关资料,避免 基地选择在自然灾害易发地区,并要远离强噪、高污染、多尘土地区。基地内部 应遵守相应的消防法规,合理设置消防通道与消防设施,消除灾害隐患。 (4)可持续发展。主要考虑基地所在区域的发展空间、消费者购买力、人口情 况、地区竞争情况、竞争水平、企业的独特性及竞争对手的选址、设施的物质水 平和相邻产业情况等因素。
宝马 X6、路虎揽胜

5 门 7 座 SUV 159.8 万
雷克萨斯 LX570
现有 1 款车型
4528/1840/1691 / 4781/1911/1815
一是基础优势更加突出。31 平方公里的香坊工业新区和 12 平方公里的 动力工业园区是哈大齐工业走廊。形成了动力、安埠商圈,建设了化工、 花卉、医药和农产品等专营批发市场。创建科技创业中心、生产力促进中 心 12 家,在孵企业 263 户。 二是资源优势更加明显。区域内拥有哈电集 团、轴承集团、哈量等大型企业,装备制造业在全国处于同行业最高水平。 辖区内有东北农大、703 研究所等高等院校和科研院所,科技、人才、教育 和科研基础力量雄厚。 三是区位优势更加显要。新的香坊区东与阿城区接
有多款车型 有多款车型
5 门 9 座 MPV 125 万
现有 1 款车型
1、现有消费时尚 现在,许多家庭生活水平在大大的提高,购名车已经成为一种时尚,特别 是购买豪华名车,只要经济富有家庭都会考虑购一部好车,然而,奔驰车一般都 为首选品牌。 2、消费者收入与购车


奥迪 TT
37.5 万欧元

(鸥翼门 )跑

362.8 万
保时捷 911turbo
现有 1 款车型
99.8~3 62.8
宝马 M 系、奥迪 RS

5 门 7 座 MPV 39.8~82.8 万 4 门 9 座 MPV 31.2~51.2 万 丰田 Previa
摘 要
本设计根据黑龙江省哈尔滨市消费者对汽车车型和汽车风格的需求,通过分 析城市交通道路和路段的特点,选择了在靠近市中心地段建设奔驰 4S 店。并根 据其年销售量、年维修量及进、出车辆的流通方便性进行了研究,设计了黑龙江 之星奔驰汽车 4S 店的总体规划布局及主厂区规划,从而提出了黑龙江之星奔驰 4S 店的建设目的、建设性质、企业的生产纲领、企业的工作制度和管理制度等 指标,并将奔驰的企业文化与企业要求融入了对 4S 店的设计中,力求本 4S 店 能够充分展示奔驰的品牌形象,为广大消费者提供优质服务。 关键词:总体规划布局;主厂区规划;企业文化
5 门 5 座两厢
23.8~27.8 万 宝马 1 系
