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4.2 常系数高阶线性方程基本解组求法
(How to Solve higher order Linear ODE with constant coefficients)
[教学内容] 1. 介绍常系数高阶齐次线性微分方程特征方程的概念; 2.介绍如何由常系数高阶齐次线性微分方程特征方程的根来获得原微分方程基本解组; 3. 介绍如何说明常系数齐次线性微分方程一组解能否构成基本解组;4. 介绍欧拉方程及其解法.
[教学重难点] 重点是知道并会常系数高阶齐次线性微分方程(或欧拉方程)特征方程来获得原微分方程基本解组;难点是如何由特征方程的特征根来写出原微分方程的基本解组.
[教学方法] 预习1、2;讲授3
1. 能写出常系数高阶齐次线性微分方程或欧拉方程的特征方程的形式
2. 能由常系数高阶齐次线性微分方程或欧拉方程的特征方程的特征根写出原微分方程基本解组;
3. 知道试解法以及微分方程复函数解概念以及其与实函数解关系.
例45. 考察微分方程«Skip Record If...»,由分离变量法可得其通解为«Skip Record If...».
现考察常系数齐次线性微分方程«Skip Record If...». 大胆假定方程具有形如«Skip Record If...»的解,将其代入原方程得到,«Skip Record If...».
注意到«Skip Record If...»,因此«Skip Record If...»是方程的解«Skip Record If...»«Skip Record If...».
我们称代数方程«Skip Record If...»为微分方程«Skip Record If...»的特征方程. ( 如何由常系数齐次线性微分方程来写出其特征方程?)
由特征方程«Skip Record If...»解出«Skip Record If...»,相应地得到原微分方程的两个解«Skip Record If...»,«Skip Record If...».
下面验证«Skip Record If...»线性无关:
«Skip Record If...»(这里行列式叫做范德蒙行列式,参见《高等代数》 P79例2)
因此,«Skip Record If...»构成了原微分方程一个基本解组,原方程的通解为
«Skip Record If...».
例46. Solve the differential equation «Skip Record If...».
Solution The associated characteristic equation is «Skip Record If...».
By applying the quadratic formula, we get two different roots:«Skip Record If...»。Thus, the general solution to the differential equation is
«Skip Record If...».
注解47. 一般的n阶齐次线性方程的特征方程具有n个不同实根情形下基本解组参见教材P137 表达式 (4.22).
作业44. Solve the following differential equations (1) «Skip Record If...»;
(2)«Skip Record If...».
例48. 求解«Skip Record If...»和«Skip Record If...»,其中«Skip Record If...». 解:原方程的特征方程为«Skip Record If...»,解得«Skip Record If...».
于是,我们得到原方程的一个非零解«Skip Record If...».
考察方程«Skip Record If...»,其特征方程为«Skip Record If...»,得特征值为
«Skip Record If...». 此处很容易求出方程«Skip Record If...»两个线性无关的解函数«Skip Record If...». 因此,通解为«Skip Record If...».
考察方程«Skip Record If...»,令«Skip Record If...»,代入方程得到,
«Skip Record If...»,«Skip Record If...»,
注意到«Skip Record If...»为方程«Skip Record If...»的解,于是«Skip Record If...»,因而«Skip Record If...».
解得«Skip Record If...»,相应地,原方程的两个解为«Skip Record If...». 下证
«Skip Record If...»线性无关. 考察«Skip Record If...»,即«Skip Record If...»,注意到«Skip Record If...»,于是上式两边同除«Skip Record If...»得到,«Skip Record If...»,这是等式成立只能是«Skip Record If...». 因此,«Skip Record If...»为原方程的基本解组,因此«Skip Record If...»通解为«Skip Record If...».
例50. Find the general solution of differential equation «Skip Record If...». Solution The associated characteristic equation is «Skip Record If...». This algebraic equation only has one single solution «Skip Record If...». So fundamental solutions of differential equation are «Skip Record If...». The general solution of the differential equation is «Skip Record If...».
作业45. Find particular solution of differential equation «Skip Record If...»satisfying «Skip Record If...».
例49. 求解方程«Skip Record If...».
解:相应的特征方程为«Skip Record If...»,运用二次根式公式得到«Skip Record If...».
2.复值函数和复值解(complex value function and complex value solution)