Unit 4 What can you do课堂实录

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Unit 4 What can you do? Part A, Read and Write课堂实录

PEP Primary English (Book 5)

Step1 warm-up

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls, today I am very happy to have English class with you, first I want to introduce myself, my name is Zhang Jie, and you can call me Miss Zhang, OK?

Ss: OK!

T: So first let’s chant together. Show me your hands, let’s clap together.

Dog, dog, what can you do?

I can run after you.

Panda, panda, what can you do?

I can eat so much bamboo.

Mouse, mouse, what can you do?

I can hide in the shoe.

Mike, Mike, what can you do?

I can draw animals in the zoo!

T: boys and girls, we see, animals can do so many things, what about you? What can you do? Maybe first I can show you an example, this is a photo of my daughter and me, I have a daughter, she is two years old, and she can do many things. She can swim, she sweep the floor and she can make a snowman(PPT 出示照片),so boys and girls, what can you do?

S1: I can…and …

T: great! You are helpful! What about you?

S2:I can…and…

T: great! You are helpful! Now I need two students, one ask, one answer.

S3: What can you do?

S4: I can…and…

S3: great! You are helpful!

T: boys and girls look here, there are some animals in this picture, what are they? Ss: rabbit, monkey, mother goat, zoom and zip.

T: mother goat is ill, the animals want to help her. Let’s watch the video and answer the questions.

1 Monkey can sweep the floor. ( )

2 Zip can cook the meals. ( )

3 Zoom can wash the clothes. ( )

T: let’s check the answers. (Check the answer)

This time, listen and repeat(边跟读,边讲解单词ill, we can help her, 书写重点句子What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers.)

T: after we reading this story, please finish the sentences.

1. What can the monkey do? He can_______.

2 .What can the rabbit do ? She can_______.

3. What can Zip do? She can_________.

4. What can Zoom do? He can___________.

T: let’s check the answers.

T: boys and girls, here is another passage that relevant to this story, please answer the questions after you read it.

Amy and Ann are good friends. Amy is tall and strong. Ann is short and thin.

Amy is helpful at home. She can sweep the floor and cook the meals. Ann is helpful, too. She can clean the bedroom. Today, Ann’s mother is ill. Amy helps Ann to cook the meals. She is a helpful girl.

Answer the questions:

1. What can Amy do?

2 .What can Ann do?

3. Is Ann’s mother ill?

T: now let’s check the answers.

S1:She can sweep the floor and cook the meals.

S2:She can clean the bedroom

S3: Yes, she is.

T: great! You did a good job. Children, look at this photo(PPT出示老奶奶照片). Who is she?

Ss: grandma.

T: yes, what’s she like?

Ss: she is old.

T: yes, look at the grandma. She is too old. She can not do housework. She needs help Can you help her?

Ss: Yes!

T: so if you can help her, Please write a letter to the old grandma. She will be very
