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Unit 1


It started raining, so she made for the nearest


2. 她挑了一顶帽子,正好配她的衣服。

She picked out a cap to match her dress.

3. 我等了一个小时,可还是没见到他的人影。

I waited for an hour, but he didn’t show up.

4. 他们觉得还是呆在原地好。

They figured it was better to stay where they


5. 小岛上发生的地震,造成了23人死亡.

The earthquake that struck the little island

caused 23 deaths.

6. 在离开村子20年后,他终于回到了家。

He returned home at length after being away

from the village for 20 years.

7. 她的许多同事已经失去了工作,她总算保住了。

She managed to hold on to her job while many of

her colleagues lost theirs.

Unit 2

1. 我老师告诉我瓶子里的液体可以去除金属和瓷


My teacher told me that the liquid in the bottle could remove stains from metal and china.

2. 坐在我旁边的学生忐忑不安地看着考场的四周。The student sitting beside me looked around the examination room with apprehension.

3. 他现在大学毕业了,自己养活自己。

He is now out of college and lives on his own.

4. 她们轮流睡觉,以免出差错。

They took turns staying awake in case anything went wrong.

5. 大女儿也许会接父亲的班,等她长大后接管家业。The elder daughter will probably follow in her father's footsteps, and take over the family business when she's old enough.

6. 他不得不跳下自行车,推车上山。

He had to get off his bike and push it up the hill.

7. 这副手套将保护你的手不受冻。

This pair of gloves will protect your hands against the cold . Unit 4


A new bridge having been built, crossing the river by ferry has become a thing of the past.

2. 如果不重点解决一下,这个问题只能恶化。The problem will only get worse if it is not addressed.

3. 医生仍在试用这个新药以检验它的效果。Doctors are still trying out this new medicine to see if it is effective.

4. 它的新书将如期在明年出版。

His new book is due to be published next year. 5. 小男孩哄着他爸爸给他买了个飞机模型。

The little boy cajoled his father into buying him a model aircraft.

6. 我们的制度与他们的相比,显得过于守旧了。

In contrast with their system, ours seems very


7. 改革还使中国农村产业结构和就业结构不断得


Reform has also helped optimize rural industrial and employment structures constantly.

8. 我得砍掉论文的一大部分,这样篇幅才合理。

I had to cut huge chunks out to get this essay to

the right length.

Unit 7

1. 她卧室有几扇可以眺望美丽湖景的窗。

Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a beautiful lake.

2. 他瘫倒在扶手椅上,两腿向前伸着。

He collapsed into the armchair, stretching out his legs in front of him.

3. 那儿我实在住不下去了,我在那里度假时天天


I simply could not live there; it rained day in and

day out when I went there on holiday.

4. 仓库保持干燥非常重要,对于这些药物来说尤


A dry warehouse is important especially in the

case of these medicines.

5. 这个村里的人多半温文尔雅,彬彬有礼。

The people in this village, for the most part, are quiet and well behaved.
