压力表更换操作规程一、准备工作1. 确定需更换的压力表型号和规格。
2. 准备所需的工具和材料,包括扳手、螺丝刀、密封胶、新的压力表等。
3. 关闭系统中的压力源,确保操作时系统处于安全状态。
二、拆卸原压力表1. 使用扳手打开原压力表上的接口螺纹,逆时针旋转将其拆除。
2. 若原压力表与系统之间有连接管道,使用螺丝刀将其拆卸。
3. 清理拆除部位,确保无杂质和污垢。
三、安装新压力表1. 检查新压力表的接口规格,与原压力表相符。
2. 在新压力表上涂抹一层密封胶,以确保接口的密封性。
3. 将新压力表连接至系统的接口,顺时针旋转拧紧。
4. 若有连接管道,使用螺丝刀将其连接至新压力表。
5. 使用扳手适当拧紧接口螺纹,但不要过度用力以免损坏接口。
四、功能测试和调整1. 打开系统中的压力源,慢慢增加系统压力。
2. 观察新压力表是否正常显示压力数值,确保显示准确。
3. 根据需要,适时调整系统压力至正常工作范围内。
4. 定期检查新压力表的读数和系统的实际压力,确保其准确性。
五、清理和维护1. 清理工作完成后,清除现场杂物和工具。
2. 在使用新压力表的过程中,定期检查其显示准确性和密封性。
3. 若出现压力表故障或失灵,及时更换或修理。
六、安全注意事项1. 在操作过程中,严禁随意拆卸或更换压力表以外的设备部件。
2. 操作人员应穿戴好工作服和防护设备,以及保持清醒状态。
3. 操作前确认系统已经停止工作,并切断与其它设备的连接。
4. 操作过程中如遇有异常或突发情况,应立即停止并向上级报告。
七、操作记录1. 完成压力表更换后,记录更换时间、更换人员和更换原因等信息。
2. 将操作记录整理归档,并备查。
压力表安装、维护操作规程1 范围本规程适应于西部管道所有压力表。
2 概述压力表是石油化工最常用的压力检测仪表,按精度等级分可以分为普通压力表和精密压力表,0.6级以上的为精密压力表,0.6级以下的为普通压力表;按材质可分为普通弹簧管压力表和全不锈钢压力弹簧管压力表;根据使用的场合不同可以分为普通压力表和耐震压力表等。
3 工作原理压力表弹簧管在压力和真空作用下,产生弹性变形引起管端位移,其位移通过机械传动机构进行放大,传递给指示装置,再由指针在刻有法定计量单位的分度盘上指出被测压力或真空量值。
4 使用中注意事项4.1 在测量范围内,示值误差,不应大于允许误差,(允许误差 =±精度×量程%)。
4.2 在测量范围内,回程误差应不大于允许误差绝对值。
4.3 轻敲位移,轻敲表壳后,指针示值变动量应不大允许误差绝对值的1/2。
4.4 外观1.压力表的零部件装配应牢固,无松动现象。
4.5 巡检中发现压力表有渗漏情况,应关闭压力表根部阀,汇报处理。
5 对压力表的选用要求5.1 选用的压力表,必须与压力容器内的介质相适应。
5.2 低压容器使用的压力表精度不应低于 2.5 级中压及高压容器使用的压力表精度不应低于 1.5级。
5.3 压力表盘刻度极限值应为最高工作压力的 1.5~3.0倍,最好选用2倍。
6 压力表的安装要求6.1 装设位置应便于操作人员观察和清洗,且应避免受到辐射热、冻结或震动的不利影响;6.2 压力表与压力容器之间,应装设三通旋塞或针型阀;三通旋塞或针型阀上应有开启标记和锁紧装置压力表与压力容器之间,不得连接其他用途的任何配件或接管;6.3 用于水蒸汽介质的压力表,在压力表与压力容器之间应装有存水弯管。
U-SUP-Y810-MYCN6 智能数字压力表 使用说明书
智能数字压力表使用说明书杭州美仪自动化有限公司U-SUP-Y810-MYCN 6第6版杭州美仪自动化有限公司前言●感谢您购买本公司产品。
目录第一章产品概述 (1)第二章主要特点 (2)第三章技术参数 (3)第四章显示与按键功能概述 (5)4.1显示界面 (5)4.2压力表校准 (8)4.3按键功能说明 (8)第五章尺寸结构与安装 (10)第六章代码说明 (11)第七章注意事项 (12)第八章质保及售后服务 (13)第一章产品概述第一章产品概述高精度数字压力表,内置高精度压力传感器,能够准确的实时显示压力,并且具有精度高,长期稳定性好的特点。
二、常见故障与排除方法1. 压力表读数不稳定可能原因:- 压力表受到机械振动或外部冲击;- 压力表零位调整不准确;- 压力表零位元件磨损导致不稳定。
排除方法:- 确保压力表安装稳固,远离机械振动源;- 对于可调零位的压力表,按照使用说明进行正确的零位调整;- 若零位元件损坏,应及时更换。
2. 压力表指针卡滞或不动可能原因:- 压力表内部积聚杂质;- 指针轴磨损导致不灵活。
排除方法:- 将压力表拆卸,清除内部杂质,并确保表内干净;- 若指针轴磨损,应更换新的指针轴。
3. 压力表漏气可能原因:- 压力表密封圈老化或损坏;- 压力表外壳破损。
排除方法:- 更换压力表密封圈;- 若外壳破损,应更换新的外壳。
4. 压力表读数误差较大可能原因:- 压力表使用时间过长,内部零件磨损;- 压力表指针或刻度盘损坏。
排除方法:- 定期检查和更换压力表内部零部件;- 若指针或刻度盘损坏,应更换新的指针或刻度盘。
三、维护与保养1. 定期校准为确保压力表的准确性,建议定期进行校准。
2. 清洁与防尘定期清洁压力表,避免灰尘和污物进入压力表内部,影响其正常工作。
3. 合理使用避免压力表受到过大的冲击和振动,注意避免过高的工作压力,以延长压力表的使用寿命。
四、安全注意事项1. 在维修或保养压力表之前,务必切断压力源,并确保系统内无压力。
2. 若需要更换压力表内部零部件,请使用与原压力表相匹配的零件,并请专业人士进行操作。
3. 在校准或调整压力表时,务必使用合适的工具,并遵循正确的操作方法,以避免损坏压力表。
压力表维护方法Maintaining a pressure gauge is essential to ensure its accuracy and prolong its lifespan. 压力表的维护是确保其准确性和延长使用寿命的关键。
Regular maintenance procedures can prevent potential issues and provide reliable pressure readings. 定期的维护程序可以预防潜在问题,并提供可靠的压力读数。
Here are some methods for maintaining a pressure gauge. 下面是一些维护压力表的方法。
First, it is important to keep the pressure gauge clean. 首先,保持压力表的清洁是很重要的。
Dirt, dust, and debris can affect the accuracy of the readings. 灰尘和杂物可能会影响读数的准确性。
Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe the gauge and remove any buildup on the dial. 使用软湿布擦拭压力表,并清除刻度盘上的任何积聚物。
Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can damage the gauge's components. 避免使用刺激性化学品或研磨材料,因为它们会损坏压力表的组件。
Second, regular calibration is essential for maintaining the accuracyof a pressure gauge. 其次,定期校准对于保持压力表的准确性至关重要。
700G 系列压力表使用说明书
700G SeriesPressure Gauges用户手册November 2011, Rev. 2, 8/17 (Simplified Chinese)© 2011-2017 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.在正常使用和维护条件下,Fluke公司保证每一个产品都没有材料缺陷和制造工艺问题。
压力表Introduction to Pressure Gauges压力表和压力开关压力表和压力开关是工厂中最常用的仪器。
Pressure Gauges and switchesPressure gauges and switches are among the most often used instruments in a plant. But because of their great numbers, attention to maintenance--and reliability--can be compromised. As a consequence, it is not uncommon in older plants to see many gauges and switches out of service. This is unfortunate because, if a plant is operated with a failed pressure switch, the safety of the plant may be compromised. Conversely, if a plant can operate safely while a gauge is defective, it shows that the gauge was not needed in the first place. Therefore, one goal of good process instrumentation design is to install fewer but more useful and more reliable pressure gauges and switches.One way to reduce the number of gauges in a plant is to stop installing them on the basis of habit (such as placing a pressure gauge on the discharge of every pump). Instead, review the need for each device individually. During the review one should ask: "What will I do with the reading of this gauge?" and install one only if there is a logical answer to the question. If a gauge only indicates that a pump is running, it is not needed, since one can hear and see that. If the gauge indicates the pressure (or pressure drop) in the process, that information is valuable only if one can do something about it (like cleaning a filter); otherwise it is useless. If one approaches the specification of pressure gauges with this mentality, the number of gauges used will be reduced. If a plant uses fewer, better gauges, reliability will increase.压力表设计压力表(和开关)损坏的两个常见原因是管道振动和水气凝结,在寒冷天气下会冻结和损坏仪表外壳。
帕斯菲达流量计-PULSAlarm泄漏检测 真空型和压力型 安装、操作、维修指南说明书
隔膜计量泵PULSAlarm泄漏检测真空型和压力型适用于PULSA Series 计量泵型号:680,880,7120,7440,7660和8480安装,操作,维修指南编号:IOM-PSVLD-03 Rv AENGINEERED PUMP OPERATION2883 Brighton Henrietta Townline RoadRochester, New York, 14623Telephone: (585)292-8000 Fax: (585)424-5619E-mail:*********************:帕斯菲达工厂服务原则:在使用帕斯菲达泵的过程中遇到问题,请先参照操作维修手册上的维修指南。
需要注意的安全事项:1. 在安装或维护设备前,请仔细阅读并理解相关的说明和文件。
2. 请仔细阅读所有特殊的说明,注意事项以及警告。
3. 在安装,调试和维护过程中,请务必小心谨慎。
4. 确保所有的安全和工作流程/标准适用于贵公司,在安装,维护,运行过程中,工具能配套齐全。
版权申明:Copyright©2004, 2006 Pulsafeeder, Inc. All rights reserved.Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other that the purchaser’s personal use without the written permission of Pulsafeeder,Inc.商标:Pulsa Series®和PULSAlarm®都是帕斯菲达公司的注册商标目录1. 系统信息 (5)1.1简述和操作原理 (5)1.2 PULSAlarm接液泵头 (6)1.3 PULSAlarm 泄漏检测膜片 (6)1.4 膜片结构 (7)2. 供电 (8)3. 真空检漏系统的设置 (9)4. 压力检漏系统的设置 (10)4.1 带压注液辅件 (14)5. 维修 (15)5.1 开关设定值的调整 (15)5.2 PULSAlarm 隔膜维修 (16)5.2.1 PULSAlarm 膜片的拆卸 (17)5.2.2 检查 (17)5.2.3 膜片的重新安装 (18)5.3 泄漏检测系统的转换 (19)6. 硅油MSDS (19)符号说明:警告-表明此条件可能对设备和操作人员造成伤害。
压力表的安装方法以及使用注意事项压力表(英文名称:pressure gauge)是指以弹性元件为敏感元件,测量并指示高于环境压力的仪表,应用极为普遍,它几乎遍及所有的工业流程和科研领域。
1. FM-800 Pressure Gauge Assembly (P/N 10098692 - Pressure Gauge, On/Off Valve, 4” Pipe Nipple 1/4” x 1/4” MPT)user manual FM-8OO (Pressure Gauge Kit)Package ContentsSafety PrecautionsWARNING! Please read these warnings carefully and follow all applicable local codes and regulations.THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN OUR PRODUCTS!TO AVOID SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE:protective clothing and eyewear when dispensing chemicals or other materials, when working in the vicinityof chemicals, and when filling or emptying equipment. read and follow all safety instructions in safety data sheets (SDS) for all chemicals. observe all safety and handling instructions of chemical manufacturer. dilute and dispense chemicals in accordance with chemical manufacturer‘s instructions. direct discharge away from you and other persons and into approved containers. regularly inspect equipment and keep equipment clean and properly maintained.use a locally approved back-flow prevention device - not provided - as required for safe, legal operation.mix incompatible chemicals that pose hazards. only to water tap outlets (25 PSI minimum, 85 PSI maximum and maximum water temperature 140° F).Operating outside of these parameters will void manufacturer’s warranty. It is recommended to flush with a dedicated COLD water supply only, when possible.WEAR NOTE ALWAYS NEVER ATTACHa. unscrew last port check valve c. pressure gauge installedOverviewThis instruction sheet assumes that the last or rightmost chemical port is not in use and can be removed in order to make room for this optional pressure gauge assembly.Installation of Pressure GaugeCAUTION : Make sure the water supply and the pump stand feeding the manifold are turned off!1. Unscrew the last chemical port check valve from the manifold.2. Apply Teflon tape to the threaded nipple at the bottom of the pressure gauge assembly.3. Screw the pressure gauge into the open port on the manifold. Do not twist using the pressure gauge to tighten the assembly!. Twist to tighten gripping the on/off valve or the pipe nipple.4. After tightening the assembly onto the manifold, align the on/off valve as desired.NOTE: To prevent damage to the gauge due to repeated pressure and/or chemical exposure, keep the valve in the off orclosed position (as shown) during normal use. Only open the valve briefly while reading the pressure.IMPORTANT NOTE: Water inlet fitting size is 1/2” hose barb (1/2” ID hose). Flush outlet fitting size is 1/2” hose barb (1/2” ID hose). To connect other sizes or types of water inlet and/or flush outlet hoses, obtain fittings locally.HYD10098689 Rev A 05/17Limited WarrantySeller warrants solely to Buyer the Products will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from the date of completion of manufacture. This limited warranty does not apply to (a) hoses; (b) and products that have a normal life shorter than one year; or (c) failure in performance or damage caused by chemicals, abrasive materials, corrosion, lightning, improper voltage supply, physical abuse, mishandling or misapplication. In the event the Products are altered or repaired by Buyer without Seller’s prior written approval, all warranties will be void.No other warranty, oral, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, is made for these products, and all other warranties are hereby expressly excluded.Seller’s sole obligation under this warranty will be, at Seller’s option, to repair or replace F .O.B. Seller’s facility in Cincinnati, Ohio any Products found to be other than as warranted.Limitation of LiabilitySeller’s warranty obligations and Buyer’s remedies are solely and exclusively as stated herein. Seller shall have no other liability, direct or indirect, of any kind, including liability for special, incidental, or consequential damages or for any other claims for damage or loss resulting from any cause whatsoever, whether based on negligence, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty.Hydro Systems 3798 Round Bottom Road Cincinnati, OH 45244Phone 513.271.88OO Toll Free 8OO.543.7184 Fax 513.271.O16O Web 。
操作过程中小心观察,避免发生意外或造成其 他设备损害。
1. 关闭相关设备,排空系统压力。 2. 使用适当的工具轻轻拆除旧压力表。 3. 检查旧表连接口是否有损坏。 4. 清除连接口,确保表面干净无污物。
1. 涂抹适当的螺纹密封胶在新表的连接口。 2. 将新表轻轻插入连接口,并手动旋紧,确保连接牢固。 3. 使用扳手或扭力扳手适当拧紧新表,但不要过紧。
保持压力表的清洁和干燥,防止灰尘和水分进 入,影响正常工作。
不得超过压力表的标定范围,严禁使用超过标 定范围的压力。
定期检查和维护压力表,保持其准确度和正常 工作。
1. 重新启动设备,并观察新压力表的工作状态。 2. 检查压力表的连接部位是否有泄漏,确保密封良好。 3. 进行压力测试,验证新表的准确性。 4. 做好记录和归档工作,以备将来参考和管理。
《更换压力表操作》PPT 课件
通过本课件,我们将一步一步为您介绍更换压力表的操作过程。请详细阅读 以一
2 准备工作
3 阅读说明
压力表Introduction to Pressure Gauges压力表和压力开关压力表和压力开关是工厂中最常用的仪器。
Pressure Gauges and switchesPressure gauges and switches are among the most often used instruments in a plant. But because of their great numbers, attention to maintenance--and reliability--can be compromised. As a consequence, it is not uncommon in older plants to see many gauges and switches out of service. This is unfortunate because, if a plant is operated with a failed pressure switch, the safety of the plant may be compromised. Conversely, if a plant can operate safely while a gauge is defective, it shows that the gauge was not needed in the first place. Therefore, one goal of good process instrumentation design is to install fewer but more useful and more reliable pressure gauges and switches.One way to reduce the number of gauges in a plant is to stop installing them on the basis of habit (such as placing a pressure gauge on the discharge of every pump). Instead, review the need for each device individually. During the review one should ask: "What will I do with the reading of this gauge?" and install one only if there is a logical answer to the question. If a gauge only indicates that a pump is running, it is not needed, since one can hear and see that. If the gauge indicates the pressure (or pressure drop) in the process, that information is valuable only if one can do something about it (like cleaning a filter); otherwise it is useless. If one approaches the specification of pressure gauges with this mentality, the number of gauges used will be reduced. If a plant uses fewer, better gauges, reliability will increase.压力表设计压力表(和开关)损坏的两个常见原因是管道振动和水气凝结,在寒冷天气下会冻结和损坏仪表外壳。
压力表校准作业指导书 英文
压力表校准作业指导书英文The calibration operation manual for pressure gauges is an essential document that provides detailed instructions for the proper calibration of pressure gauges. This manual typically includes information on the equipment and tools required for calibration, step-by-step procedures for the calibration process, safety precautions, troubleshooting guidelines, and record-keeping requirements. It also outlines the standards and regulations that need to be followed during the calibration process.The calibration operation manual for pressure gauges is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of pressure measurements. It serves as a guide for technicians and engineers involved in the calibration process, helping them to perform the task accurately and efficiently. Additionally, the manual may also include information on the periodicity of calibration, maintenance of calibration equipment, and the traceability of measurements to national or international standards.In summary, the calibration operation manual for pressure gauges is a comprehensive document that plays a vital role in maintaining the accuracy of pressure measurements. It provides detailed guidance for the calibration process, ensuring that pressure gauges are calibrated correctly and in compliance with relevant standards and regulations.。
PRESSURE GAUGE INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE1.0 SELECTION & A PPLICATIONUsers should become familiar with ASME B40.100 (Gauges –Pressure Indicating Dial T ype – Elastic Element) before specifying pressure measuring gauges. That document –containing valuable information regarding gauge construction, accuracy, safety,selection and testing – may be ordered from: ASME InternationalThree Park AvenueNew Y ork, N.Y. 10016-5990800-843-2763 (US/Canada)001-800-843-2763 (Mexico)973-882-1170 outside North Americaemail: infocentral@WARNING:T o prevent misapplication, pressure gauges should be selected considering media and ambient operating conditions. Improper application can be detrimental to the gauge, causing failure and possible personal injury, property damage or death. The information contained in this manual is offered as a guide in making the proper selection of a pressure gauge. Additional information is available from Ashcroft Inc. The following is a highlight of some of the more important con-siderations:1.1 Range– The range of the instrument should be approxi-mately twice the maximum operating pressure. T oo low a range may result in (a) low fatigue life of the elastic element due to high operating stress and (b) susceptibility to over-pressure set due to pressure transients that exceed the nor-mal operating pressure. T oo high a range may yield insuffi-cient resolution for the application.1.2 Temperature– Refer to Section 2 of this manual for important information concerning temperature related limita-tions of pressure gauges, both dry and liquid filled.1.3 Media– The material of the process sensing element must be compatible with the process media. Use of a diaphragm seal with the gauge is recommended for process media that (a) is corrosive to the process sensing element; (b) contain heavy particulates (slurries) or (c) are very viscous including those that harden at room temperature.1.4 Oxidizing media– Gauges for direct use on oxidizing media should be specially cleaned. Gauges for oxygen ser-vice should be ordered to variation X6B and will carry the ASME required dial marking “USE NO OIL” in red letters. Gauges for direct use on other oxidizing media may be ordered to variation X6W. They will be cleaned but carry no dial marking. PLUS!™Performance gauges or Halocarbon filled gauge or diaphragm fill is required for use with oxidiz-ing media; order variation XCF.1.5 Pulsation/Vibration– Pressure pulsation can be damp-ened by several mechanisms; the patented PLUS! Perfor-mance gauge will handle the vast majority of applications. One exception to this is high frequency pulsation which is difficult to detect. The only indication may be an upscale zero shift due to movement wear. These applications should be addressed with a liquid filled gauge, or in extreme cases, a remotely mounted liquid filled gauge connected with a length of capillary line. The small diameter of the capillary provides excellent dampening, but can be plugged. The Ashcroft 1106 pulsation dampener and 1112 snubber are auxiliary devices which dampen pulsation with less tendency to plug.1.6 Gauge fills. – Once it has been determined that a liquid filled gauge is in order, the next step is selecting the type of fill.Glycerin satisfies most applications. While being the least expensive fill, its usable temperature range is 20/180°F. Silicone filled gauges have a broader service range:–40/250°F. Oxidizing media require the use of Halocarbon, with a service range of –40/250°F. Pointer motion will be slowed at the low end of the low end of these temperature ranges.1.7 Mounting– Users should predetermine how the gauge will be mounted in service: stem (pipe), wall (surface) or panel (flush). Ashcroft wall or panel mounting kits should be ordered with the gauge. See Section 3.2.0 TEMPERATURE2.1 Ambient Temperature– T o ensure long life and accura-cy, pressure gauges should preferably be used at an ambi-ent temperature between –20 and +150°F (–30 to +65°C). At very low temperatures, standard gauges may exhibit slow pointer response. Above 150°F, the accuracy will be affected by approximately 1.5% per 100°F. Other than discoloration of the dial and hardening of the gasketing and degradation of accuracy, non-liquid filled T ype 1279 (phenolic case) and 1379 (aluminum case) Duragauge® gauge,with standard glass windows, can withstand continuous operating tempera-tures up to 250°F. Unigauge models 21⁄2˝ and 31⁄2˝ 1009 and 1008S liquid filled gauges can withstand 200°F but glycerin fill and the acrylic window of Duragauge®gauges will tend to yellow. Silicone fill will have much less tendency to yellow. Low pressure, liquid filled T ypes 1008 and 1009 gauges may have some downscale errors caused by liquid fill expansion. This can be alleviated by venting the gauge at the top plug (pullout the blue plug insert). T o do this the gauge must be installed in the vertical position.Although the gauge may be destroyed and calibration lost, gauges can withstand short times at the following tempera-tures: gauges with all welded pressure boundary joints, 750°F (400°C); gauges with silver brazed joints, 450°F (232°C) and gauges with soft soldered joints, 250°F (121°C). For expected long term service below –20°F (–30°C) Duragauge®and 41⁄2˝1009 gauges should be hermetically sealed and specially lubricated; add “H” to the product code for hermetic sealing. Add variation XVY for special lubricant. Standard Duralife®gauges may be used to –50°F (–45°C) without modification.2.2 Accuracy– Heat and cold affect accuracy of indication.A general rule of thumb for dry gauges is 0.5% of full scale change for every 40°F change from 75°F. Double that al -lowance for gauges with hermetically sealed or liquid filled cases, except for Duragauge®gauges where no extra allowance is required due to the elastomeric, compensating back. Above 250°F there may exist very significant errors in indication.2.3 Steam service– In order to prevent live steam from entering the Bourdon tube, a siphon filled with water should be installed between the gauge and the process line. Siphons can be supplied with ratings up to 4,000 psi. If freezing of the condensate in the loop of the siphon is a pos-sibility, a diaphragm seal should be used to isolate the gauge from the process steam. Siphons should also be used when-ever condensing, hot vapors (not just steam) are present. Super heated steam should have enough piping or capillary line ahead of the siphon to maintain liquid water in the siphon loop.2.4 Hot or very cold media– A five foot capillary line assem-bly will bring most hot or cold process media within the recom-mended gauge ambient temperature range. For media above750°F (400°C) the customers should use their own small diameter piping to avoid possible corrosion of the stainless steel. The five foot capillary will protect the gauges used on the com-mon cryogenic (less than –300°F (200°C) gases, liquid argon, nitrogen, and oxygen.) The capillary and gauge must be cleaned for oxygen service. The media must not be corrosive to stainless steel, and must not plug the small bore of the capillary.2.5 Diaphragm seals– A diaphragm seal should be used to protect gauges from corrosive media, or media that will plug the instrument. Diaphragm seals are offered in a wide variety of designs and corrosion resistant materials to accommo-date almost any application and most connections.Visit for details.2.6 Autoclaving– Sanitary gauges with clamp type connec-tions are frequently steam sterilized in an autoclave. Gauges equipped with polysulfone windows will withstand more auto-clave cycles than those equipped with polycarbonate win-dows. Gauges equipped with plain glass or laminated safety glass should not be autoclaved.Gauge cases should be vented to atmosphere (removing the rubber fill/safety plug if necessary) before autoclaving to prevent the plastic window from cracking or excessively distorting. If the gauge is liquid filled, the fill should be drained from the case and the front ring loosened before autoclaving.3.0 INSTALLATION3.1 Location– Whenever possible, gauges should be locat-ed to minimize the effects of vibration, extreme ambient tem-peratures and moisture. Dry locations away from very high thermal sources (ovens, boilers etc.) are preferred. If the mechanical vibration level is extreme, the gauge should be remotely located (usually on a wall) and connected to the pressure source via flexible tubing.3.2 Gauge reuse– ASME B40.100 recommends that gauges not be moved indiscriminately from one application to another. The cumulative number of pressure cycles on an in-service or previously used gauge is generally unknown, so it is generally safer to install a new gauge whenever and wherever possible. This will also minimize the possibility of a reaction with previous media.3.3 Tightening of gauge– T orque should never be applied to the gauge case. Instead, an open end or adjustable wrench should always be used on the wrench flats of the gauge socket to tighten the gauge into the fitting or pipe. NPT threads require the use of a suitable thread sealant, such as pipe dope or teflon tape, and must be tightened very securely to ensure a leak tight seal.CAUTION:T orque applied to a diaphragm seal or its attached gauge, that tends to loosen one relative to the other, can cause loss of fill and subsequent inaccurate read-ings. Always apply torque only to the wrench flats on the lower seal housing when installing filled, diaphragm seal assemblies or removing same from process lines.3.4 Process isolation– A shut-off valve should be installed between the gauge and the process in order to be able to isolate the gauge for inspection or replacement without shut-ting down the process.3.5 Surface mounting– Also known as wall mounting. Gauges should be kept free of piping strains. The gauge case mounting feet, if applicable, will ensure clearance between the pressure relieving back and the mounting surface.3.6 Flush mounting– Also known as panel mounting. The applicable panel mounting cutout dimensions can be found at 4.0 OPERATION4.1 Frequency of inspection– This is quite subjective and depends upon the severity of the service and how critical the accuracy of the indicated pressure is. For example, a month-ly inspection frequency may be in order for critical, severe service applications. Annual inspections, or even less fre-quent schedules, are often employed in non-critical applica-tions.4.2 In-service inspection– If the accuracy of the gauge cannot be checked in place, the user can at least look for (a) erratic or random pointer motion; (b) readings that are sus-pect – especially indications of pressure when the user believes the true pressure is 0 psig. Any gauge which is obviously not working or indicating erroneously, should be immediately valved-off or removed from service to avoid a possible pressure boundary failure.4.3 When to check accuracy– Any suspicious behavior of the gauge pointer warrants that a full accuracy check be per-formed. Even if the gauge is not showing any symptoms of abnormal performance, the user may want to establish a fre-quency of bench type inspection.4.4 When to recalibrate– This depends on the criticality of the application. If the accuracy of a 3-2-3% commercial type gauge is only 0.5% beyond specification, the user must decide whether it’s worth the time and expense to bring the gauge back into specification. Conversely if the accuracy of a 0.25% test gauge is found to be 0.1% out of specification then the gauge should be recalibrated.4.5 Other considerations– These include (a) bent or unat-tached pointers due to extreme pressure pulsation; (b) bro-ken windows which should be replaced to keep dirt out of the internals; (c) leakage of gauge fill; (d) case damage –dents and/or cracks; (e) any signs of service media leakage through the gauge including its connection; (f) discoloration of gauge fill that impedes readability.4.6 Spare parts– As a general rule it is recommendedthat the user maintain in inventory one complete Ashcroft®instrument for every ten (or fraction thereof) of that instrument type in service.5.0 GAUGE REPLACEMENTIt is recommended that the user stock one complete Ashcroft®instrument for every ten (or fraction thereof) of that instrument type in service. With regard to gauges having a service history, consideration should be given to discarding rather than repairing them. Gauges in this category include the following:a.Gauges that exhibit a span shift greater than 10%. It ispossible the Bourdon tube has suffered thinning of itswalls by corrosion.b.Gauges that exhibit a zero shift greater than 25%. It islikely the Bourdon tube has seen significant overpres-sure leaving residual stresses that may be detrimentalto the application.c.Gauges which have accumulated over 1,000,000 pres-sure cycles with significant pointer excursion.d.Gauges showing any signs of corrosion and/or leakageof the pressure system.e.Gauges which have been exposed to high temperatureor exhibit signs of having been exposed to high temper-ature – specifically 250°F or greater for soft solderedsystems; 450°F or greater for brazed systems; and750°F or greater for welded systems.f.Gauges showing significant friction error and/or wear ofthe movement and linkage.g.Gauges having damaged sockets, especially damagedthreads.h.Liquid filled gauges showing loss of case fill.NOTE:ASME B40.100 does not recommend moving gauges from one application to another. This policy is prudent in that it encourages the user to procure a new gauge, properly tai-lored by specification, to each application that arises.6.0 ACCURACY: PROCEDURES/DEFINITIONS Accuracy inspection– Readings at approximately five points equally spaced over the dial should be taken, both upscale and downscale, before and after lightly rapping the gauge to remove friction. A pressure standard with accuracy at least four times greater than the accuracy of the gauge being tested is recommended.Equipment– A finely regulated pressure supply will be required. It is critical that the piping system associated with the test setup be leaktight. The gauge under test should be positioned as it will be in service to eliminate positional errors due to gravity.Method– ASME B40.100 recommends that known pres-sure (based on the reading from the pressure standard used) be applied to the gauge under test. Readings including any error from the nominal input pressure, are then taken from the gauge under test. The practice of aligning the pointer of the gauge under test with a dial graduation and then reading the error from the master gauge (“reverse reading”) can result in inconsistent and misleading data and should NOT be used. Calibration chart– After recording all of the readings it is necessary to calculate the errors associated with each test point using the following formula: ERROR in percent = 100 times (TRUE VALUE minus READING) ÷ RANGE. Plotting the individual errors (Figure 1) makes it possible to visualize the total gauge characteristic. The plot should contain all four curves: upscale – before rap; upscale – after rap; downscale –before rap; downscale – after rap. “Rap”means lightly tap-ping the gauge before reading to remove friction as described in ASME B40.100.Referring to Figure 1, several classes of error may be seen: Zero– An error which is approximately equal over the entire scale. This error can be manifested when either the gauge isdropped or overpressured and the Bourdon tube takes a permanent set. This error may often be corrected by simply repositioning the pointer. Except for test gauges, it is recom-mended that the pointer be set at midscale pressure to “split”the errors.Span– A span error exists when the error at full scale pres-sure is different from the error at zero pressure. This error is often proportional to the applied pressure. Most Ashcroft gauges are equipped with an internal, adjusting mechanism with which the user can correct any span errors which have developed in service.Linearity– A gauge that has been properly spanned can still be out of specification at intermediate points if the response of the gauge as seen in Figure 1 (T ypical Calibration Chart) is not linear. The Ashcroft Duragauge®pressure gauge is equipped with a rotary movement feature which permits the user to minimize this class of error. Other Ashcroft gauge designs (e.g., 1009 Duralife®) require that the dial be moved left or right prior to tightening the dial screws. Hysteresis– Some Bourdon tubes have a material property known as hysteresis. This material characteristic results in differences between the upscale and downscale curves. This class of error can not be eliminated by adjusting the gauge movement or dial position.Friction– This error is defined as the difference in readings before and after lightly tapping the gauge case at a check point. Possible causes of friction are burrs or foreign material in the movement gearing, “bound” linkages between the movement and the bourdon tube, or an improperly tensioned hairspring. If correcting these potential causes of friction does not eliminate excessive friction error, the movement should be replaced.6.1 Calibration – Rotary Movement Gauges and Type 1259 Gauges – Inspect gauge for accuracy. Many times gauges are simply “off zero” and a simple pointer adjustment using the micrometer pointer is adequate. If inspection shows the gauge warrants recalibration to correct span and/or linearity errors, proceed as follows:a.Remove ring, window and, if solid front case, the rearclosure assembly.b.Pressurize the gauge once to full scale and back to zero.c.Refer to Figure 2 (Ashcroft System Assembly w/RotaryGear Movement) for a view of a typical Ashcroft rotarysystem assembly with component parts identified. Refer to Figure 2A for link configuration of T ype 1259 gauge.zero position. For open front gauges the pointer and dial must also be disassembled and the pointer should then be lightly pressed onto the pinion at the 9:00 o’clockposition.e.Apply full scale pressure and note the magnitude of thespan error. With open front gauges, ideal span (270degrees) will exist when at full scale pressure the pointer rests exactly at the 6:00 o’clock position.f.If the span has shifted significantly (span error greaterthan 10%), the gauge should be replaced because there may be some partial corrosion inside the Bourdon tube which could lead to ultimate failure. If the span errorexceeds 0.25%, loosen the lower link screw and movethe lower end of the link toward the movement toincrease span or away to decrease span. An adjustment of 0.004 inch will change the span by approximately 1%.This is a repetitive procedure which often requires more than one adjustment of the link position and the subsequent rechecking of the errors at zero and full scale pressure.g.Apply midscale pressure and note error in reading. Even though the gauge is accurate at zero and full scale, itmay be inaccurate at the midpoint. This is called linearity error. For corrections to linearity with the T ype 1259gauges refer to Figure 2B. For rotary movement gauges, note the following: if the error is positive, the movement should be rotated counter clockwise. Rotating the move-ment one degree will change this error by approximately0.25%. Rotating the movement often affects span and itshould be subsequently rechecked and readjusted if nec-essary according to step 6.1e and 6.1f.h.While recalibrating the gauge, the friction error – differ-ence in readings taken with and without rap – should be noted. This error should not exceed the basic accuracyof the gauge. If the friction error is excessive, the move-ment should be replaced. One possible cause of exces-sive friction is improper adjustment of the hairspring. The hairspring torque,or tension, must be adequate withoutbeing excessive. The hairspring should also be level, unwind evenly (no turns rubbing) and it should never tangle. NOTES:1For operation of test gauge external zeroreset, refer to page 17.2For test gauge calibration procedure,refer to Figure 2 on page 18.7.0 DIAPHRAGM SEALS7.1 General– A diaphragm seal (isolator) is a device which is attached to the inlet connection of a pressure instrument to isolate its measuring element from the process media. The space between the diaphragm and the instrument’s pressure sensing element is solidly filled with a suitable liquid. Displacement of the liquid fill in the pressure element, through movement of the diaphragm, transmits process pressure changes directly to a gauge, switch or any other pressure instrument. When diaphragm seals are used with pressure gauges, an additional 0.5% tolerance must be added to the gauge accuracy because of the diaphragm spring rate.Used in a variety of process applications where corrosives, slurries or viscous fluids may be encountered, the diaphragm seal affords protection to the instrument where:•The process fluid being measured would normally clogthe pressure element.•Pressure element materials capable of withstanding corro-sive effects of certain fluids are not available.•The process fluid might freeze due to changes in ambient temperature and damage the element.7.2 Installation– Refer to bulletin OH-1 for information regarding (a) seal configurations; (b) filling fluids; (c) temper-ature range of filling fluids; (d) diaphragm material pressure and temperature limits; (e) bottom housing material pressure and temperature limits; (f) pressure rating of seal assembly;(g) accuracy/temperature errors of seal assembly; (h) diaphragm seal displacement. The volumetric displacement of the diaphragm must at least equal the volu m etric dis-placement of the measuring element in the pressure instru-ment to which the seal is to be attached.It is imperative that the pressure instrument/diaphragm seal assembly be properly filled prior to being placed in service. Ashcroft diaphragm seal assemblies should only be filled bya seal assembler certified by Ashcroft Inc. Refer to section3.3 for a cautionary note about not applying torque on either the instrument or seal relative to the other.7.3 Operation– All Ashcroft®diaphragm seals, with the exception of T ype 310 mini-seals, are continuous duty. Should the pressure instrument fail, or be removed acciden-tally or deliberately, the diaphragm will seat against a match-ing surface preventing damage to the diaphragm or leakage of the process fluid.7.4 Maintenance– Clamp type diaphragm seals – T ypes 100, 200 and 300 – allow for replacement of the diaphragm or diaphragm capsule, if that ever becomes necessary. The T ype 200 top housing must also be replaced with the dia-phragm. With all three types the clamping arrangement allows field d is a s s em b ly to permit cleaning of the seal i nterior.7.5 Failures– Diaphragm failures are generally caused byeither corrosion, high temperatures or fill leakage. Process media build-up on the process side of the diaphragm canalso require seal cleaning or replacement. Consult Customer Service, Stratford CT for advice on seal failures and/orreplacement.WARNING: All seal components should be selectedconsidering process and ambient operating conditions toprevent misapplication. Improper application could result in failure, possible personal injury, property d amage or death.8.0 DAMPENING DEVICES8.1 General – Some type of dampening device should beused whenever the pressure gauge may be exposed torepetitive pressure fluctuations that are fairly rapid, high inmagnitude and especially when transitory pressure spikesexceeding the gauge range are present (as with starting and stopping action of valves and pumps). A restricted orifice of some kind is employed through which pressure fluctuations must pass before they reach the Bourdon tube. The dampen-er reduces the magnitude of the pressure pulse thus extend-ing the life of the Bourdon tube and movement. This reduc-tion of the pressure pulsation as “seen” by the pressuregauge is generally evidenced by a reduction in the pointertravel. If the orifice is very small the pointer may indicate the average service pressure, with little or no indication of thetime varying component of the process pressure.Commonly encountered media (e.g. – water and hydraulicoil) often carry impurities which can plug the orifice over time thus rendering the gauge inoperative until the dampener is cleaned or replaced.Highly viscous media and media that tend to periodicallyharden (e.g., asphalt) require a diaphragm seal be fitted to the gauge. The seal contains an internal orifice which damp-ens the pressure fluctuation within the fill fluid.8.2 Throttle Screws & Plugs– These accessories providedampening for the least cost. They have the advantage of fit-ting completely within the gauge socket and come in threetypes: (a) a screwed-in type which permits easy removal for cleaning or replacement; (b) a pressed in, non-threadeddesign and (c) a pressed in, threaded design which providesa highly restrictive, helical flow path. Not all styles are avail-able on all gauge types.8.3 Ashcroft Pulsation Dampener– T ype 1106 Ashcroftpulsation dampener is a moving pin type in which therestricted orifice is the clearance between the pin and anyone of five preselected hole diameters. Unlike a simple throt-tle screw/plug, this device has a self-cleaning action in that the pin moves up and down under the influence of pressure fluc t uations.8.4 Ashcroft Pressure Snubber– The heart of the T ype1112 pressure snubber is a thick porous metal filter disc. The disc is available in four standard porosity grades.8.5 Ashcroft Needle Valves– T ype 7001 thru 7004 steelneedle valves provide varying degrees of dampening. These devices, in the event of plugging, can easily be opened toallow the pressure fluid to clear away the obstruction.8.6 Chemiquip®Pressure Limiting Valves– Model PLV-255, PLV-2550, PLV-5460, PLV-5500 and PLV-6430, avail-able with and without built-in snubbers, automatically “shutoff” at adjustable preset values of pressure to protect thegauge from damage to overpressure. They are especiallyuseful on hydraulic systems wherein hydraulic transients(spikes) are common.8HAND JACK SET(1)Formerly 1206T Tool Kit.(2)Formerly some parts in 1205T Tool Kit.(3)Both parts must be purchased together.(4)Previous and current design.(5)Previous design only.(6)Current design only.9.421⁄2& 31⁄21009 Duralife ®Gauge ToolsDescriptionPart No.Pointer Puller Screw/Pin (2)(3)(4)112A381-01Pointer Puller Body (2)(3)(4)292A133-01Pointer Staker (2)(4)188A101-01Span Wrench (2)(5)(to adjust span)266A137-01Ring Wrench 31⁄2˝(1)(5)(for ring removal) (35 1009)266B134-01Ring Wrench 21⁄2˝(1)(5)(for ring removal) (25 1009)266B135-01Nest 21⁄2˝ & 31⁄2˝(1)(5)(to hold gauge for ring removal) (25/35 1009)266B136-01Ring Removal T ool (6)(25 1009)101B221-02Ring Removal T ool (6)(35 1009)101B221-01Nest 21⁄2˝(6)(to hold gauge for ring removal) (25 1009)101B220-02Nest 31⁄2˝(6)(to hold gauge for ring removal) (35 1009) 101B220-01T ype 1230 throttle plug insertion (1⁄4NPT) for 1009 Duralife ®)1230T ype 1231 throttle plug insertion (1⁄2NPT) for 1009 Duralife ®(body only)1231Tool to open orifice on push-in throttle plug101A206-01RING WRENCH 266B134-01RING WRENCH 266B135-01RING REMOVAL TOOL101B221-02RING REMOVAL TOOL101B221-01NEST 266B136-01SPAN WRENCH 266A137-01POINTER STAKER 188A101-01POINTER PULLER SCREW/PIN 112A381-01andPOINTER PULLER BODY292A133-01NEST 101B220-02NEST 101B220-01。
要求和测试对于过压测量装置的要求和测试列在DIN 16005中。
对弹簧管测量系统壳体的要求列在DIN 16006和DIN 16007中。
温度误差过压压力表的一般误差范围规定在DIN 16005中,适于不同的精度等级。
这些技术要求是指参考温度为20℃时,附加误差在温度影响中予以考虑(标准值):a) 灵敏度的影响约为0.3%/10Kb) 在充液标准装置中的指示器误差-对DIN 16006-6 mbar/10K-对DIN 16007-10 mbar/10K是由装置防护类型IP66产生的、内部压力补偿膜片引起的,并在正常应用范围-20…+50℃内。
振动:液体阻尼被测介质波动:上游连接节流阀和液体阻尼按照不同的应用和环境温度,可用各种不混合液体来作为测量元件阻尼:a) 甘油-水混合物,用于无附件装置,工作温度从-20℃起,在特殊情况时从-40℃起,有小阻尼特性。
b) 专用油(Labofin),用于带电气附件装置,从-40℃起。
电气附件对于带电气附件的压力表,DIN 16085(目前暂行)给出了关于工作、误差范围、开关方式的定义和连接端子的布置等重要资料。
Ashcroft 8008 压力表安装说明
Applicable Standards:EN 837-1 Bourdon tube pressure gauges, dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing.EN 837-2 Selection and installation recommendationsfor pressure gauges.ASME B40.100 Pressure gauges and gauge attachments 2014/68/ECPressure equipment directive.Specifications: Refer to Ashcroft Type 8008A/S data sheets at 1. SAFETY WARNING!Before installation, be certain the appropriate gauge has been selected considering operating pressure/full scale pres-sure/proof pressure, wetted material requirements, media compatibility, operating temperature, vibration, pulsation, desired accuracy and any other gauge component related to the service application (including the potential need for pro-tective attachments and/or special installation requirements). Failure to do so could result in equipment damage, gauge failure and/or personal injury. Only qualified personnel should be permitted to install and maintain pressure gauges.2. INSTALLATIONWhen installing the gauge connection into the application, use the wrench area (above the threaded portion) to thread in and tighten the gauge. Do not use the gauge case to install the gauge. This could result in loss of accuracy, excessive friction, or mechanical damage to the pressure element or gauge case.The gauge connection must be compatible with the mating connection and must be assembled appropriately. If the mating parts do not seal completely, a sealing material may be considered. Install with open end wrench;8008S 63mm 9/16˝ (14mm) 7/16˝ (11mm)100mm5/8˝ (16mm)8008A Gauge Size 7/8˝ (22mm)5. AVAILABLE MOUNTING OPTIONS (Cont’d)Installation Instructions Type 8008 U-Clamp Case Mounting Kit1. Drill panel hole for gauge (see table for sizes).2. I nstall threaded studs (provided) onto back of gauge (finger tight).3. P lace gauge through panel. Assemble bracket onto threaded studs and secure against panel4. I nstall locking nuts (provided) onto threaded and tighten until gauge is secure (16 – 20 in-lbs).NOTE: U se an open end wrench on the gauge process connection when connecting gauge to pressure source.Installation Instructions Type 8008 Trim Ring1. P ress trim ring onto back of case until it touches the front ring. (Fill plug should slightly compress to allow trim ring to slide over it. To prevent warping, press evenly around perimiter of trim ring as it slides down the case.)2. D rill panel hole for gauge (see table for sizes).3. M ount gauge to panel with secondary clamp kit.NOTE - if no other mounting kit is purchased, gauge must be mounted by ‘hard plumbing’ (not recommended)NOTE: U se an open end wrench on the gauge process connection when connecting gauge to pressure source.PanelGauge SizeKitPart No.Panel HoleMin.Max.63mm101A230-636 2.48˝ (63.0mm) 2.56˝ (65.0mm) 100mm101A230-106 3.94˝ (100mm)4.02˝ (102.0mm)Gauge SizeKitPart No.Panel HoleMin.Max.63mm101A230-637 2.56˝ (65.0mm) 2.70˝ (68.8mm)100mm101A230-107 4.04˝ (102.5mm) 4.15˝ (105.4mm)Panel。
1.1 安装位置选择。
1.2 安装前准备。
还有啊,连接压力表的管道也得清理干净,可不能让杂物堵在里面,不然就像嗓子眼儿里卡了东西,气都不顺,压力表还怎么正常工作呢?1.3 安装过程。
2.1 计量法规相关。
2.2 安全法规相关。
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1. Safety instructions The user must ensure that the appropriate pressure gauge with regard to scale range and performance and the appropriate wetted material (corrosion) for the specific measuring conditions of the respective application is selected. In order to guarantee the accuracy and long-term stability specified, the corresponding load limits are to be observed. Specifications: see data sheet under www.wika.de
WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30 63911 Klingenberg • Germany Phone (+49) 93 72/132-0 Fax (+49) 93 72/132-406 E-Mail info@wika.de www.wika.de
T The volume of the pressure bearing housings of T The pressure gauges carry the CE marking for
fluid group 1G in accordance with annex 2, table 1 when their permissible working pressure exceeds 200 bar Pressure gauges that do not carry the CE marking are manufactured in accordance with article 3, paragraph 3 "sound engineering practice".
Model 732.14, Overpressure safety up to 400 bar Model 432.36, Overpressure safety up to 400 bar Model 213.40
Only qualified persons authorised by the plant manager are permitted to install, maintain and service the pressure gauges. Dangerous pressure media such as Oxygen, Acetylene, flammable gases or liquids, toxic gases or liquids as well as for refrigeration plants or compressors requires attention above the standard regulations. Here the specific safety codes or regulations must be considered. After an external fire pressure media can leak out particularly at soft solder joints. All gauges have to be checked and, if necessary, replaced before recommissioning the plant. Serious injuries and/or damage can occur should the appropriate regulations not be observed. 2. Mechanical connection According to the general technical regulations for pressure gauges, respectively (i.e. EN 837-2). When screw-fitting the gauges the force required for this must not be applied through the case or terminal box but just through the spanner flats (with suitable tool) provided for this purpose. Installation with open-ended spanner Correct sealing of pressure gauge connections with parallel thread ? shall be means of a suitable sealing ring, sealing washer or WIKA profile seals. The sealing of tapered threads (e.g. NPT threads) is made by providing the thread @‚ with additional sealing material like, for example, PTFE tape (EN 837-2). Wrench surface Sealing area ? Sealing of the thread @
Applied standard EN 837-1 Bourdon tube pressure gauges, Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing EN 837-2 Selection and installation recommendations for pressure gauges EN 837-3 Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges, Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing
Pressure Gauges
nut is recommended to simplify correct orientation of the gauge. When a blow-out device is fitted to a pressure gauge it shall be resistant to blocking by debris and dirt. With safety pattern gauges (see dial symbol k ) you need to pay attention to the fact that the free space behind the blow-out back will be at least 15 mm. 2.1 Requirements for the installation point If the measuring point is not adequately stable a measuring instrument support such as a bracket or flange should be used for fastening (and possibly via a flexible capillary line). If the pressure gauge is exposed to vibration or pulsating pressure or both, then a liquid filled pressure gauge may provide considerably better performance and readability. Instruments should be protected against coarse dirt and wide fluctuations in ambient temperature. EN 837-2 "Selection and installation recommendations for pressure gauges" should be complied with. 3. Admissible ambient and working temperatures When installing the pressure gauge it has to be ensured that, taking the influence of convection and heat radiation into consideration, no upper or lower deviation from the permissible ambient and medium temperatures can occur. The influence of temperature on the class accuracy is to be observed. 4. Storage The pressure gauge should remain in its original packing until installation. The gauge should be protected from external damage during storage. Storage temperature: -40 °C ... +70 °C. Pressure gauges removed from service should be protected from dust and humidity. 5. Maintenance and servicing / Repairs The instruments require no maintenance or servicing. Tests should be carried out on a regular basis to guarantee the measuring accuracy of the pressure gauge. The tests or recalibrations have to be carried out by qualified persons with the appropriate equipment. Remainder of the pressure medium contained in the pressure element may be hazardous or toxic. This should be considered when handling and storing the removed pressure gauge.