作为世界上最负盛名的设计中心,飞利浦将其设计理念归 结为6条原则:将人放在第一位;保护环境;深刻理解技 术变化;尊重独立性与自主性;发展高层次的设计,设计 不只是设计部的事情,而要发展为公司每个人的DNA;要 有社会道德等。其中以人为本的交互式设计理念是核心所 在。 位于芝加哥市郊的卢舍伦综合儿童医院就是在飞利浦的这 种理念主导下修建的。这家医院看起来更像是一个儿童乐 园:在CT扫描室,儿童们惊奇地发现这个灯光柔和的弧 形房间更像童话的城堡,在墙壁上的屏幕里出现了刚才磁 卡上的梦幻世界。 也就是飞利浦所打造的周围环境系统。
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节能灯:使用节能技术,降 低能耗,保护环境
壁灯:安装在墙壁上,用于 局部照明
落地灯:放置在地面上,用 于局部照明
智能灯:通过智能控制,实 现自动开关、调节亮度等功
吸顶灯:安装在天花板上, 用于照亮整个房间
白炽灯:通过加热灯丝产生光,具有较好的显色性,但耗能较高 荧光灯:通过激发荧光粉发光,具有较高的发光效率,但显色性较差 LED灯:通过半导体材料发光,具有节能、环保、长寿命等优点,但价格较高 卤素灯:通过加热卤素气体发光,具有较好的显色性和发光效率,但寿命较短源自绿色照明和节能减排的重要性
绿色照明:使用环保、节能的照明产品,减少对环境的影响 节能减排:降低能源消耗,减少碳排放,保护环境 政策支持:政府对绿色照明和节能减排的鼓励和支持 市场需求:消费者对绿色照明和节能减排产品的需求日益增长
亮度:衡量灯具发光强度的指标,单位 为流明(lm)
色温:衡量灯具发光颜色的指标,单位 为开尔文(K)
显色指数:衡量灯具对物体颜色还原能 力的指标,单位为百分比(%)
功率因数:衡量灯具电能转换效率的指 标,单位为百分比(%)
寿命:衡量灯具使用寿命的指标,单位 为小时(h)
安全性能:衡量灯具安全性能的指标, 包括防触电、防火、防爆等性能。
安装步骤:选择 合适的位置、固 定灯具、连接电 源
维护方法:定期 检查、清洁、更 换损坏的部件
注意事项:确保 安全、避免触电、 遵守相关法规
常见问题:灯具 不亮、闪烁、发 热等,以及解决 方法
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• 明智使用飞利浦耐震灯泡 1. 飞利浦灯泡寿命至少是一般灯泡的 3-5 倍。 a. 按使用寿命计算就省钱了.
W + 2 Br WBr2
1000° C
2Br 石英玻璃 W 钨丝 結合 分解
在适当的温度条件下,从灯丝蒸发出来的钨原子在泡壁区 域内与卤素(碘,氟,氯,溴等)反应形成挥发性的卤钨化 合物。当卤钨化合物扩散到较热的灯丝周围区域时又分解成 卤素和钨,释放出来的钨部分回到灯丝上,而卤素再继续扩 散到温度较低的区域与钨化合,这一过程称为卤钨循环或再 生循环.
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- 化学特性
- 抗紫外线
为什么大家喜欢用飞利浦了?原因一就是石英玻璃。那么,原因二?原因三? 原因四?原因五…
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Correspondence Course Lighting ApplicationLighting Design andEngineering Centre History of Light and LightingContentsIntroduction3 1. The role of lighting in modern32. History of light sources5 2.1 Before the advent of the lamp5 2.2 The oldest lamps5 2.3 Gaslight8 2.4 Electric lighting before the incandescent lamp11 2.5 The incandescent lamp14 2.6 Discharge lamps212.7 History of electricity production and distribution253. History of light in science28 3.1 Greek and Mediaeval times28 3.2 The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries29 3.3 The nineteenth century303.4 The present century304. History of lighting technology32 4.1 History of photometry32 4.2 Lighting societies33 4.3 Modern lighting technology34 Conclusion35(c)Philips Lighting B.V. 1984 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recordingor otherwise without the prior permission of Philips Lighting B.V.Printed in The NetherlandsIntroductionThe story of the history of light and lighting is a fascinating one, going backalmost as far as the history of mankind. It started when man learned tocontrol fire, and for thousands of years afterwards the simple flameremained the only source of artificial light available. Subsequent attempts torefine the process of light generation and separate it from heat productioncan be roughly divided into four stages:Four important stages in the development of light sourcesStage 1 was marked by the wish to produce a constant flame, which couldbe left relatively unattended for a longer period. This resulted, still in thestone age, in the first bowl-type lamps, burning animal or vegetable oil andfitted with a wick, and later - probably in Roman times - to the invention ofthe candle. The lamp and the candle, like the torch, made light ‘portable’.The next big stride in the development of light sources took place just twocenturies ago, when the first successful steps were taken to increase thelight output of the flame. The physicist Ami Argand it was who gave hisname to the tubular burner, which launched the era of lighting technology.The third stage began a little over a century ago, when the flame as a lightsource was abandoned in favour of an incandescent solid body. Theincandescent electric lamp and the gas mantle were the two importantinventions during this period of development.Finally, in the second decade of the present century, it became possible toproduce light without wasting energy on its traditional byproduct - heat, fordischarge lamps in various forms went into commercial production.Development of these lamps is still in full swing today.Parallel to the development of light sources, came the increase in ourknowledge of the nature and behaviour of light. Commonplace though itmight have been, the controversy among philosophers and scientists aboutthe exact nature of light raged for centuries, and was not finally settled untilcomparatively recently.Lighting technology Scientific investigation into the proper application of light - LightingTechnology - started comparatively late, as was the case with most multi-disciplinary sciences. National lighting societies sprang up in Europe and theUnited States in the first decade of the present century. Their activities wereput on an international footing by the foundation of the ‘Commissionlnternationale de l’Eclairage’ (CIE) or ‘International Lighting Commission’, inwhich experts from all parts of the world and from all provinces of science,technology and design contribute to the expansion of our knowledgesurrounding lighting and lighting application.1. The role of lighting in modern societyIt is difficult to overestimate the importance of artificial light in our present-day society. Without it, commercial, social and cultural life would come to avirtual stand-still with the onset of darkness. And yet task lighting - designedto allow work to continue after dark, rather than facilitating basic orientation -like so many other achievements is a by-product of the Industrial Revolution.3Fig. 1 A simple oil-flame - in addition to the light from the open fire - was theonly source of light available in an average household before the nineteenthcentury. The man entering from outside carries a portable lightThe influence of the Industrial RevolutionThis started at the beginning of the eighteenth century, and would in a fewhundred years change the face of the earth as never before in the history ofmankind. It was more than just a technical revolution, it was an economicaland social one too, that brought with it industrial mass production andmechanized transport.It also meant the end of a way of life that was dictated by the daily passageof the sun and the change of seasons, a way of life that had changed verylittle over thousands of years. Daylight and weather still continued to governagricultural activity, and with it the associated crafts and trades. Although oillamps and candles existed, the costs of the fuel they burned was so high asto make it uneconomical to continue most types of economic activity afterdarkness, and for the poorer classes of the population - the great majority -the open domestic fire remained the only source of light (Fig. 1).More and cheaper light All this changed dramatically with the advent of planned production and theorganised long-distance transport of people and goods. Contemporarylighting was both inadequate and expensive, and so seriously hamperedexpansion of these activities. Consequently inventors were pressed to turnto alternative light sources, and at the same time reduce the costs of fuel.The success of their efforts is clearly demonstrated by the followingexample. Compared with the most advanced light source currently availablefor domestic use, the SL* lamp, candles producing the same amount of lightwould be approximately 2000 times more expensive in terms of energyconsumption, a staggering figure indeed!We are reminded of the almost mystical role that artificial light played in thepast by the fact that in many cultures the lamp is still seen as a symbol,associated with truth, inspiration, progress, hope and wealth (Alladin!).Indeed, it is safe to state that our present-day society would beunrecognizable without artificial lighting.42.History of light sources2.1Before the advent of the lampThe harnessing of fire Artificial light entered into the history of mankind with the harnessing of fire.This, along with the introduction of the first primitive tools, must have beenone of man’s earliest achievements. Needless to say, in those early daysfire was certainly not primarily used as a light source, but rather for itswarmth, as a protection against animals, and to prepare food. And yet itcould not have been long before the first portable light source was‘invented’, in the form of primitive torches made from the branches ofresiniferous trees.2.2The oldest lamps2.2.1Primitive oil lampsOil lamps were used all over the worldThe oldest known artifacts made especially for lighting purposes date from atleast 20 000 years ago. They take the form of primitive oil lamps; made of ahollowed-out stone (Fig. 2 left). The same basic design of lamp has beenused all over the world, remaining principally unchanged until well into theeighteenth century. It consisted basically of a fuel reservoir and a wick,sometimes completed by a pedestal or suspension device and a collector forspilled oil.Vegetable or animal oil or fat was burned in these lamps. During the latercenturies in Europe either olive or colza oil was generally used, as it burnedwith a steady, smoke-free flame. The wick would be made of bark, moss orplant fibres, and was either free-floating, supported by a spike, or laid in asloping groove or lip in the rim of the reservoir (Fig. 2 centre). With latertypes of oil lamp the wick was usually led through a spout (Fig. 2 right).2.2.2CandIes and torchesToday’s candles differ considerably from those before 1800Compared with the oil lamp the candle is relatively recent, and is said tohave been invented by the Romans soon after the birth of Christ. The firstcandles were made either of hard animal fat (tallow) or beeswax. The latterwere of superior quality, but also far more expensive.Fig. 2 Oil-lamps, made of a hollowed-out stone (left), of earthenware in theform of a shell (centre), and of brass with a spout (right).5Fig. 3 A bog-deal torch foruse indoors.At the end of the eighteenth century an urgent need arose for a candlematerial of better quality than tallow, but less costly than beeswax. Fromabout 1830 on, stearine became popular, a product obtained by chemicaltreatment of animal or vegetable fat or oil. Finally, in the second half of thenineteenth century, paraffin became available for candle-making. This is adistillation product of mineral oil or pitch, but can also be obtained from theresidues of coal-gas production. These new materials, together with thebraided cotton wick, which was introduced around 1800, resulted in thedomestic candle as we know it today.‘Poor-man’s’ versions of the candle - mainly used in Northern Europe - werethe rushlight, a piece of stripped rush dipped in molten tallow, and the bog-deal torch, a splinter of long-burning pine wood found in peat bogs (Fig. 3).Outdoor lighting usually took the form of torches or flambeaux, which weresticks topped off with rope or tow and dipped in resin, fat or pitch. They wereused to illuminate outdoor festivities, and were carried by runners to light theway for the carriages and sedan chairs of the rich.2.2.3Further development of the oil lampThe economic and social pressure for more, better and cheaper lighting,brought about by the Industrial Revolution, led, from about 1780 on, to aflood of inventions, aimed either at improving existing light sources(especially the oil lamp) or at the development of completely new methods oflight production - for example gas lighting, and later on electric lighting.The tubular oil burner A first step toward improving the light output of the oil flame was made in1784, when the Swiss physicist Ami Argand invented a round burner with atubular wick, which was named after him (Fig. 4). As air is drawn up insidethe wick, combustion is improved, resulting in an increase in light output fromthe flame and less risk of smoke. The upward air draught was considerablyincreased by the subsequent invention, by Argand’s partner Quinquet, of theglass chimney.Vegetable oil was used exclusively in these improved lamps. As this issomewhat sticky by nature, much thought was given to finding methods toensure a constant supply to the burner without overflowing. From 1836 on,the ‘Moderator lamp was introduced. This was fitted with a spring-loadedpiston to pressure-feed the burner (Fig. 5).6Fig. 4 A typical Argand burner, fitted with a Fig. 5 A ‘Moderator’ lamp for colza oil, withflame spreader.pressure-feed to the burner.Mineral oil replaces vegetable oilBecause of the relatively high price of vegetable oil and its tendency to clog theburner, making frequent cleaning necessary, a fuel that could be used as asubstitute was eagerly sought after. In 1847 the Scotsman James Youngdiscovered a refining process for mineral oil, and thus produced the first paraffinoil. It proved to be an ideal fuel for oil lamps, rapidly replacing vegetable oil after itbecame cheaply available around 1860.In less than a century the oil lamp had evolved from a rather primitive lightsource into one that was highly effective. The largest single-f lame types, asused in churches, schools and public rooms, had a light output of some 2500lumens. Furthermore, availability of cheap fuel helped its proliferation at all levelsof Victorian society, and even the most modest of house-holds had at least adozen lamps at their disposal.Apart from differences in size and decoration, a host of specially adapted lampscame about, for portable, industrial and marine use, as well as for street andvehicle lighting. Perhaps the most famous among these special versions is theminer’s safety lamp, invented in 1813 almost simultaneously by GeorgeStephenson and Sir Humphry Davy. It is still used today in coal mines, althoughno longer for general lighting purposes (Fig. 6).Oil lamps for street lightingStreet lighting on any scale was unheard of before the middle of the seventeenthcentury -people going out after dark carried their own lights. The invention of anoil lantern specially suited to street lighting is usually attributed to the DutchmanJan van der Heyden, who first used it to light the streets of his home townAmsterdam in 1669. The all-enclosed lantern housed a shouted oil lamp, fittedwith a special reservoir that maintained a constant oil level on the wick (Fig. 7).In the following fifty years most of the major cities of the old world received streetlighting, be it on a very limited scale by present-day standards. From 1810 on,gas lighting quickly gained ground in towns, it being both cheaper on fuel andmaintenance, but in rural areas the oil lantern lasted well into the presentcentury.By 1870, development of the oil lamp had almost come to an end. The onlysignificant improvement made after that date was in around 1895 when Auer vonWelsbach’s gas mantle (q.v.) was adapted for use with oil lamps. In some casesthe oil reservoir was also pressurised to improve combustion (Fig. 8).7Fig. 6 A ‘Davy’ miner’s safety Fig. 7 Oil-burning street lantern Fig. 8 Modern pressurizedlamp with a flat wick for of the type introduced in paraffin oil-lamp, fitted with anparaffin oil.Amsterdam in 1669 by Jan van incandescent mantle.der Heyden.2.3Gaslight2.3.1Early historyThe existence of flammable gas was known for ages, but it was not until theeighteenth century that man attempted to use it to his benefit. The earliestexperiments using gas for lighting purposes were carried out by threescientists, independently of each other. They were the Dutchman JanMinckelers, who in 1783 produced coal gas to light his lecture room at theuniversity of Louvain, the Englishman George Dixon, and the FrenchmanPhilippe Lebon.The first to exploit coal gas commercially must have been William Murdock, aScot. In 1803 he successfully lighted the Soho works of the Boulton and WattCompany, where he was employed. The following year he sold a lightinginstallation with fifty lights to a cotton spinning mill in Salford, nearManchester. Over the following years the capacity was extended to cover thewhole premises, the owner claiming that, compared with tallow candles,annual lighting costs had dropped to a fifth.Gas was first used for street lightingThe idea of centralising gas production and distributing it over the townthrough a network of pipes came from a German working in London, oneFriedrich Albert Winzer, or Winsor as he called himself in England. He wasneither an engineer, nor a scientist, but a businessman of considerableenterprise who was able to interest political and financial circles in his plan.In 1807, after a successful demonstration in London, he formed the NationalLight and Heat Company which, after being renamed to the Gas Light andCoke Company in 1812, would grow to be the largest gas company in theworld. Yet, in those early days, gas lighting was far from ideal. Supply waserratic and the pressure in the mains would drop to almost zero during peakloads. The smell of the insufficiently purified gas restricted its use indoors,and the price was still high. Nevertheless, because of the low maintenancecosts of the lamps, it was strongly favoured for street lighting. Heavycompetition - in 1823 there were in London alone already three rival gascompanies meant that the quality of the gas and the reliability of its supplyquickly improved, while the price dropped steeply during the same period.82.3.2Gas productionCoal gas is produced by heating bituminous coal in cast-iron retorts, in theabsence of air. The methane liberated during this process is cleaned ofundesirable admixtures before being stored in the gasometer, today still awell-known landmark in many towns. From there it is pressure-fed into themains, either by pumping or by the weight of the movable upper part of thegasometer. What is left in the retorts is highly carboniferous coal, calledcokes, which is used for the production of iron from its ore in blast furnaces,or for heating purposes.2.3.3Gaslight burnersFlat-flame and Argand burnersThe first gaslight burners were nothing more than narrow apertures at Theends of pipes. The number and configuration of the openings gave theflame(s) a specific shape, and thus names like ‘rat-tail’, ‘cockspur’ and‘cockscomb’ burner evolved.As with oil lamps, attemps were made to increase the light output of the gasflame. This resulted in the introduction of flat-flame burners, named ‘bats-wing’ or ‘fish-tail’ burners after the shape of the flame. In 1809, SamuelClegg managed to adapt the Argand burner for use with gas, which - fittedwith a glass chimney - would remain the most popular type until theintroduction of the gas mantle (Fig. 9). A further improvement, aimed atincreasing the efficiency of the lamp, was introduced in 1886, whereby theincoming air needed for combustion was preheated by the flue gases. Thisresulted in the so-called regenerative lamp (Fig. 10).2.3.4 The gas-mantleA dramatic step foreward was made in 1887. Following numerous attemptsby a host of inventors - even including Thomas Alva Edison - over a periodof twenty-five years, to improve the luminosity of the gas flame by bringingsolid material in it to incandescence, it was at last the Austrian physicist CarlAuer von Welsbach who met with success.The story of the origin of the incandescent gas lamp is not unlike that of theelectric incandescent lamp, invented some ten years earlier. It was not somuch a problem to find a material that could be brought to brilliantincandescence, but rather to find one that would last long enough to becomepracticable. MostCarl Auer von Welsbach experimenters tried platinum gauze, coated with various oxides, ormagnesia, but these materials were prone to prematureFig. 9 Gas chandelier, fittedwith two Argand burners.9Fig. 10 Regenerative gas-lamp Fig. 11 Early upright ‘Auer’ gas-Fig. 12 Acetylene lantern forfor use in factories, fitted with e on inverted incandescentmantle.disintegration.Auer von Welsbach used a tube of fabric, impregnated with amixture of thorium and cerium salts. The fabric would burn away leaving abrittle, but heat-resistant structure consisting of the oxides of the afore-mentioned metals - the so-called gas-mantle (Fig. 11). Its brilliant light isattributable to the phenomenon of candoluminescence -fluorescencestimulated by heat.The battle of gas versus electricityThe gas-mantle lamp came in the nick of time to provide the mighty gascompanies with an adequate answer to the electric incandescent lamp. Andso successful was it that the proliferation of electric lighting was seriously setback by it for many years. In many parts of the world it was only after the1940-1945 war that electricity took a definite lead in lighting.Over the years the gas-mantle lamp underwent a number of improvements,the most important being the introduction of the inverted burner, in 1897.This had two advantages over the upright one: the downward light was nolonger intercepted by the burner, and the heat of the flame stayed inside themantle, thus increasing the efficiency of the burner.Acetylene gas for lighting Gas was also used for lighting vehicles, ranging from bicycles to railwaycarriages. This was accomplished using acetylene gas, which was producedby adding water to calcium carbide dropwise in a special reservoir (Fig. 12).Owners of isolated houses and mansions could buy their own ‘gasworks’based upon the same principle for lighting the premises. Nowadays,propane gas in pressurized containers is sometimes used to the same end.An almost forgotten form of gas lighting, except in the metaphorical sense, isthe ‘limelight’, reputedly invented by Drummond in 1804. By heating acylinder of quicklime to incandescence in an oxyhydrogen flame, a compact,extremely intense light source was obtained, which was used for projectionor theatre lighting.Although in the home since long superseded by electricity, gas is stillextensively used for street lighting in some countries. The city of West-Berlin, for example, still uses some 40 000 gas lanterns, mostly of a moderndesign (Fig. 13).10。
照明知识培训照明基础知识目录第一章照明发展历程 (2)第二章光度、色度基本概念及知识………………….…...….(2-8)第一节:光的度量及其单位…………………………………………….()第二节:光源的色温及显色性………………………………………….()第三章光源结构及原理……………………………………….(8-19)第一节:白炽灯与卤钨灯………………………………………….……()第二节:荧光灯………………………………….………………………()第三节:高强度气体放电灯…….………………………………………()第四章灯具的性能及制作中的选材………………….………(19-30)第一节:灯具的性能………………………………….…………………()第二节:灯具制造中的选材、设计方法及选用…………….…………()第三节:灯具、照明产品介绍………………………….………………()第五章商业照明设计基础理论………………………………(30-44)第一节:商业建筑和照明…………………………….…………………()第二节:光源的选择和灯具………………………….…………………()第三节:商业照明的分类和方法…………………….…………………()第六章照度计算基础……………………………….…..……. (44-47)第一节:室内建筑设施照明照度计算……………….…………………()第二节:常用灯具光电参数………………………….…………………()第一章照明发展历程早在1802年英国科学家就揭示了白炽现象,从那时开始直到有了电以后,美国科学家爱迪生发明了第一只白炽灯,开始了人类利用电能照明的新天地。
自从1879年托马斯. 爱迪生发明了世界上第一只实用型白炽灯泡以来,已经走过了一百多年的历史,电光源已经有了长足的进步。
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*采用表面贴装技术(SMT); *在电路设计方案中对热扩散进行极为有效的处理; *降低产品运行温度,提高产品功率密度和可靠性,延长产品使用寿命;
Page 19
LED发光需要电流驱动。但是输入LED的电能中只有大概30%的电能转 化为光能。大部分的电能因无效符合而转化为热能。
LED发光过程中产生的热量和周围环境温度(Ta)都影响这LED的结温 Tj。结温是影响LED寿命的重要指标。
LED是对温度非常敏感的器件,LED的结温越高,不但会影响其光学特 性,对LED本身可靠性也会造成严重的影响。
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(1)正向电压VF:LED正向导通时的压降,由LED本身的V-I特性曲线决定。 一般为2.8V~3.4V,在日常使用中越低越好。
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LED灯具上散热器的功能是将LED的热量用最快速度最大可能转移出来 并转移到环境中,保证LED灯具能有安全、有效、持久的工作。同时达到 结构安全及外观完美表达的作用。
• 直接建模技术是一种后参数化技术,它代表某些更基本的Unigraphics功能的 扩展能力。 • 直接建模是面向表面的操作;基于约束的方法。 • 独立于特征历史,可在来自其它CAD系统并是非产参数化的模型上使用直接建 模功能。
•注: 1.每加一个约束, 草图解算器及时求解几何体并即时更新 ;
• 2. Unigraphics允许欠约束草图参与拉伸, 旋转, 自由形状扫描等;
• 3.可通过显示/移去约束(Show/Remove Constraint) 移去过约束 。
• 注意 : • 通常显式曲线为绿色, 草图曲线为青色; • 显示曲线转换为草图曲线后, 从零开始加几何约束与尺寸约束。 • 镜 像 草 图 镜 象 草 图 曲 线 与 几 何 约 束; • 镜 像 线 自 动 变 成 参 考 线。 • 加 抽 取 曲 线 到 草 图 的 功 能 从 本 草 图 外 选 择 对 象 (包 括: 曲线、边 缘、
• 草图上已无自由度箭头存在, 状态行显示∶ ”Sketch is full Constrained” • 3. 过约束草图 (Over Constraint)
• 多余约束被添加,草图曲线和尺寸变成黄色, 状态行显示∶ ”Sketch contains Over constrained geometry”。
成 形 特 征:编 辑 参 考 特 征
•Edit feature Parameters