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1-5 CBCCB 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 AABCA 16-20 ACBAB

21-25 ABCAD 26-30 BABDC 31-35 DCDAB

36-40 BDAAB 41-45 DAABC 46-50 BDBBC 51-55 ADDDC

56-57 BA 58-61 DCDD 62-65 CDBA 66-70 CBDCA

71. receiving 72.expect 73. refuse 74.whether 75. eager/dying/thirsty

76. confused/ puzzled 77. depends 78. difficulty/ trouble/ problems

79. controlled 80.discover

81. recover 82. explanation 83. confuses 84. normal 85. embarrassed

86. forbidden 87. branch / branches 88. fluent 89. preparations 90. argument

One possible version:

A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children. Take Li Ming for example. Li Ming used to be a healthy boy, but a year ago, he fell into the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks. Besides, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise. As a result, he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to climb the stairs.

What a terrible thing! Li Ming felt so sorry that he decided to change the unhealthy life style, which had done great damage to his health, though a bit difficult. He began to take up a balanced and healthy diet, containing fruit and vegetables. He also took part in various sports activities such as swimming, skating, running and playing basketball. Several months later, Li Ming became as fit as before.

Luckily, Li Ming has broken away from his former way of life. His example shows that a healthy diet and regular exercise work to prevent obesity. Those who are facing the same problem, why not have a try?


Text 1

M: The bus is always late.

W: I know. I’ve been waiting for it for half an hour. If it doesn’t come in another 15 minutes, I’ll just go to my meeting on foot. (1)

Text 2

W: How is your book coming, Jason?

M: Uh, it’s okay. I’ve talked to some soldiers about their experiences in the war. Now, I just have to organize my information and give more details about the stories. (2)

Text 3

W: When is the next train to Southbrook? M: You’ll have to wait two more hours, ma’am. The next one leaves at 4:00, and it takes three hours to get there. (3)

Text 4

M: Hey, dear. Can you pick up Johnny at soccer practice? I’m just ge tting dinner ready.

W: Sure. Vanessa will be having dinner at her friend’s house, so it will just be the three of us tonight for dinner. (4)

Text 5

M: Could you get onto the couch and lie on your back, please? Now, I am going to take your left leg and see how far you can raise it. Keep the knee straight. Does that hurt at all?

W: Yes, just a little.

M: Let me just call Dr. Bronson. He is in the next room. (5)

Text 6

W: Hey, any idea what’s going on up there? We haven’t moved in a while.

M: Not sure. It’s so mething up by the bridge, though. Could be an accident. (6)

W: Is there any other way for me to get to the freeway from here? (7)

M: Yeah, just go along Frasier Road. That should take you straight there.

W: How much longer will that take? (7)

M: Maybe three quarters of an hour to an hour. (7)

Text 7

M: Can you believe that some people don’t believe in global warming?

W: You do? I think that global temperatures are always changing. Why are people so worried all of a sudden? I don’t even worry about it. (8)

M: Well, the entire scientific world seems to agree that it is a fact. Are you saying you are smarter than a bunch of scientists?

W: I’m not saying that. I’m just saying I think they are worried over nothing. In a couple of years, everything will go back to normal. (9)You’ll see.

M: A couple of years? Global warming is not a new idea. This is an important topic that people have been discussing for the last 50 years at least, and temperatures have been rising for much longer than that.

W: Well, if I was bor n in Alaska, I would think it’s hot here, too.

Text 8

W: Having visited so many different countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.

M: I wish I could. But French and English are the only foreign languages that I have ever learned to speak. (10)

W: Have you ever tried Chinese?

M: Yes, but I gave up halfway. Chinese characters are too difficult to write.

W: How about Japanese? (11)

M: I attended classes for three months, (11) but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became. W: Do you like traveling?

M: No, I don’t, but I have to. I work in the sales department. (12)

W: If only all the countries used the same language!
