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You do business overseas through multiple shell corporations.你在海外利用多家空壳公司 做生意。
An hour ago.越快越好。
The place is ground zero for scummers. 那地方是人渣们的巢穴。
give sb. a wide berth(卧铺,停泊,安全距离). 对某人敬而远之。
Courtest of the French government for past services rendered. 法国政府对于你过去所做贡献的特别招待。
You have no time to scratch your balls. 你们根本没时间卷铺盖走人。
Stop jerking around before I close you down for wasting my time. 别耍人了,再浪费时间,小心我干掉你。
You cann't just run around traring down Paris. 你不能这样跑来跑去,把巴黎弄得天翻地覆。
Your friend has a desk now. 你的朋友现在是做文职的。
Deputy director, International Security. 内部安全局副局长。
White or dark meat? 要鸡胸还是鸡腿?
It's a flash wound. 只是皮外伤。
Sure you don't wanna ride with us? 你确定不用载你一程?
paranoid 神经质,过分猜疑的,属于偏执狂的 preventer 防护人员 ransom 赎金 lease agreement 租约 trafficking 非法交易 spotter 盯梢的人,放哨的人 extort 敲诈,曲解 quay 码头,埠头
Lennie still got a hard-on for you? 列尼还恨你吗?
She still sleep over(借宿别人处) yet. 他还是没回来住吗?
Say the word, it's yours。 我们随时欢迎你回来。
Stand by.准备行动。
The suger will take the edge off the shock. 糖水可以压惊。
You have got the edge. 你已经尝到甜头了。
Don't make a big deal out of his. 别小题大做了。
As you so amply demonstrated for most of her life. 你就不能少操点心。
Stay focused. You have to hold it together. 集中精力,别分心。
1102班 李贝贝 1
It's the one pros use. 内行都用这个。
Still having trouble following the rules. 仍是我行我素啊。
You are impossible. 太意外了。
hit on sb. 和某人搭讪 That take care of the morning. 上午有的忙了。