03 翻译中的理解和表达
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• • • • They were distressful memories to her. ×它们都是她感到悲伤的回忆。 【译】 这些都是勾起她痛苦回忆的往事。 Concerned farmers are building terraces on hilly fields, rotating their crops, and using new plowing methods to cut soil losses significantly. • 【译】 关注事态的农民们在山地上修造梯田,实 行轮作,并采用新法耕作以大幅度减少土壤流失。
• A causeless event or thing, we cannot think of any more than we can of a stick with only one end. • 【译】 我们不可能设想有哪件事情是无缘 无故产生的,就像我们不可能设想有哪根 棍子只有一头一样。
• Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking. • ×德里克自以为是讨女人喜欢的人,可 是为了讨我喜欢,他却花很多时间在镜 子面前自我欣赏。 • 德里克自以为是个讨女人喜欢的人,可 是我不喜欢他花那么多的时间在镜子面 前自我欣赏。
• ×她搂着爱米丽亚说:“求老天保佑你,孩子。” 一面说,一面从女孩的肩头对夏泼小姐恶狠狠地 瞪眼。吉米玛小姐心里害怕,赶快拉着年轻女子 出来,口里说:“来吧,贝基。” • 【译】 她搂着爱米丽亚说:“求老天保佑你,孩 子。”一面说,一面从爱米丽亚肩头对夏泼小姐 恶狠狠地瞪眼。吉米玛小姐心里害怕,赶快拉着 夏泼小姐出来,口里说:“走吧,小姐。”
• When he dined with his sister that evening, Madeline helped herself to a cigarette from his pack on the table, and lit and smoked it inexpertly. Her defiant, self-satisfied, somewhat pathetic air made Warren laugh. • 华伦那天跟妹妹美德琳一起吃晚饭时, 妹 妹从桌上他的烟盒里取出一支香烟,不太在 行地抽了起来。她那种不可一世、自鸣得意、 又有点惹人爱怜的神气引得华伦哈哈大笑。
• His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. • ×他的烦恼经不起安静的良宵美景的感染 力。 • 【译文】 更深夜静,美景宜人,他的烦恼 不禁烟消云散。
• The team is famous for its arsenal of veteran players. • 【译】 这个球队拥有众多经验丰富的老队 员,很有名气。 • These new shoes squeak. • 【译】 这双新鞋走起路来咯吱咯吱响。
• A grass eating animal cannot exist without grass, a predator without prey, a plant without certain basic chemicals or certain kinds of soil. • 食草动物没有草不能生存,食肉动物没有猎 物无法活命,植物没有一定的基本化学物质 或一定的土壤就生长不了。
• Fifty cases of woolen sweaters were shipped from Shanghai to New York. They were products of the city's first joint venture. Owing to a storm at sea, some of the cargo got stained by seawater. However, the goods duly arrived yesterday. • 【译】 有50箱羊毛衫从上海发往纽约。这些羊毛 衫是上海首家合资企业的产品。由于海上遇到风 暴,其中一部分遭到海水污损,但这批货物已于 昨天按时运抵。
• The computer makes possible a marvelous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence. • ×计算机将可能使人类熟练掌握技术产生惊 人的飞跃,他推倒了理论和实践之间的隔墙。 • 【译】 计算机使人类的能力有可能发生巨 大的飞跃;它拓展了人类从事实践工作甚至 理论工作的智慧。
• If I am getting a free ride, how come I am so tired when I go home at the end of a shift? • ×如果我是免费乘车的话,我上完一次班回家后 怎么会那么累呢? • 如果我上班偷闲的话,我下班回家怎么会那么累 呢? • I am sorry I was a little short with you just now. I don't feel myself today. • ×如果我刚才陪你的时间短了一些的话,我很抱 歉。今天我自己也没有感觉到。 • 刚才对你态度不好,我很抱歉。今天我身体有点 不舒服。
• 避免翻译腔(Translationese) • 翻译腔是初学翻译者不知不觉地会在汉语 译文中表现出来的一种不当倾向。翻译时 所要表达的内容来自外语原文,原文的词 语和结构形式随着内容一起进入到我们的 大脑,于是原文的语言形式被带入译文, 造成了译文的外语腔。
• 【例】 Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted. • ×拂晓已降临岛上,灰色的柔光,许多云 彩,景色美极了。这里有透明的光线,它 是不能描写也不能画出来的。 • 【译】 曙色中的海岛美极了,晨光熹微, 彩云片片,澄彻的光影无法形容,无法描 画。
• "Has he sold his collection yet?" "He has some of the paintings; I'm not sure about the rest." • ד他的藏画全都卖了吗?” “他有一些画, 其他的我说不准。” • 【译】 “他的藏画全都卖了吗?” “有一 部分画他已经卖了,其他的我说不准。”
• Translating requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and text-pragmatic comprehension by the translator of the original texts. • 翻译过程要求译者在句法、语义、文体和 语篇语用各方面对原文的进行理解。 • ----(德)Wolfram Wilss
• Like my friend, I now have an alternative to complaining. When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. • ×就像我的朋友一样,我现在有了一种代替抱怨 的东西。当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔 到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看 上去像树的树木速写。 • 【译】 同有位朋友一样,我现在不再抱怨,而 是去做一些别的事情。在生活中感到厌倦时,我 就拿起铅笔,到后院里随便涂鸦个把小时,画画 树林的速写,尽量画得看上去像是树林。
• John is now with his parents in New York; it is three years since he was a high school teacher in Washington. • 约翰现在同父母一起住在纽约;他不在华 盛顿当中学教师已有三年了。 • She didn't attend the meeting because she wanted to. • 她去开会并不是她自己想去。
• Distance from the event should make the memories less painful. • ×事件的久远自然会减少回忆的痛苦。 • 【译】 时过境迁,痛苦的往事自然在记忆 中淡漠。
• It was an elderly woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned. • 【译】 他站住,转过身来,定睛一看,是 个年迈妇女,个子很高,依然一副好身材, 虽然受岁月折磨而显得憔悴。
• "Heaven bless you, my child," said she, embracing Amelia, and scowling the while over the girl's shoulder at Miss Sharp. "Come away, Becky," said Miss Jemima, pulling the young woman away in great alarm.
• • • • 【1】 For some people hope dies slowly. 【译】 对有些人来说,希望不会轻易破灭。 【2】 He always lives ahead of his salary. 【译】 他总是不到发薪水的日子就把钱花 完了。或:他的薪水总是不够花。 • 【3】 At first, they were being nice. • 【译】 起初人们只是出于一时的好心。
• I felt uncomfortable in the suit I had dredged up to wear. • ×穿着那套已经弄干净的衣服,我只觉得 浑身不自在。 • 【译】 穿着那套费了好大功夫才找出来的 衣服,我觉得浑身不自在。
• One of the great charms of Lawrence as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring. • 在跟劳伦斯的相处中感到他有一点可爱之 处,那就是他从不讨厌人,因而也从不讨 人厌。
• Go to hell! You report what I have done to the authorities. • ×去你的吧!你去向领导汇报我对他们的不敬吧! • 去你的吧!你去向领导汇报我的所作所为好啦! • He ate his savoury, and hurried the maid as she swept the crumbs. • ×他一边吃着最后的一道消食小吃,一边催促女 佣人赶快打扫碎屑。 • 他吃完最后的一道消食小吃,在女佣人打扫碎屑 时,催她快一点。