水域生态学:Community Ecology(中文)

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2.3 竞争Competition
• 资源利用性竞争 (Exploitation competition ):
competition in which the actions of one species
significantly reduce the amount or availability of
• Mutualism (互利共生) • Commensalism(偏利共栖) • Facilitation (促进作用) Enhancement
of a population of one species by the activities of another, particularly during early succession.
➢Mutualism: 双方互利的共生合作关系 (The type of symbiosis in which both species profit from the association).
• 专性互利共生obligate when the participating species are fully dependent on one another
➢中间的观点或混合的观点 • 接受个体论的观点:大多数的相互作用是
敌对的,群落是物种偶然的集合; • 接受整体论的观点:群落的一些特性来自
于物种间的相互作用,由于协同进化而加 强。
2. 种间关系 Interspecific interactions
➢积极关系Positive interactions
• 整(机)体论holistic concept(Clements 1916,1936) 认为群落是一个超生物体 (superorganism),只有将其作为一个完 整的实体考虑时,才能正确地评价其功能和 组织。只有依据各个物种对整个系统动态所 作的贡献,才能了解每个物种。
• 个体论 individualistic concept (Gleason 1926,1939)认为群落结构和功能仅仅表达各 物种的相互作用,并未反映任何超越物种水 平之上的组织。
• Inhibition(抑制作用): the suppression of a
colonizing population by another that already established, especially during successional sequences.
2.1 互利共生 (Mutualism)
• Commensalism:一方得利,另一方无利 也无害的共生关系 (The form of symbiosis in which one species benefit from the association, while the other is neither harmed nor benefited).
• 兼性互利共生facultative when either partner can live alone if necessary
✓ Anthozoan(珊瑚虫)—zooxanthella (虫黄藻);
✓ cleaner fish—‘customer’ fish
2.2 偏利共栖 (Commensalism)
Ch. 3 群落生态学 Community Ecology
• Definition • Interspecific interactions • Community structure • Community succession
1. 群落定义
• 在同一时间、同一地方一起出现的所有物种种群的 集合。An assemblage of species populations that occur together in the same place at the same time.
• 植物、动物、微生物通过摄食关系和别的 作用相互关联,形成一个综合整体,称之 为生物群落。these plants, animals, and microbes are linked to one another by their feeding relationships and other interactions, forming a complex whole referred to as a biological community
the shared resources for another.
• 相互干涉性竞争(Interference competition):
群落的不同ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ点
➢整体观预言群落是封闭的closed: • 物种分布是同时发生的coincident • 群落间边界(群落交错区 ecotones)是明确
的distinct ➢个体观预言群落是开放的open : • 物种分布是不相关的independent • 群落间边界是模糊的diffuse
➢消极关系Negative interactions
• Competition (竞争) • Predation (捕食) • Parasitism (寄生) • Amensalism(偏害作用): A symbiotic relationship
between organisms in which one species is harmed or inhibited and the other species is unaffected.
• 一个生物群落是生活在同一环境中、相互支持、相 互之间有直接或间接作用的植物和动物的自然集合。 A biotic community is a naturally occurring assemblage of plants and animals living in the same environment, mutually sustaining and interacting directly or indirectly with one another.