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6. 镀膜玻璃 Coated glass 低辐射镀膜玻璃 Low-e coated glass (Low Emissivity ) energy-saving, solar & heat control, environment improving 节 能,阳光及热量控制,改善环境。 热反射镀膜玻璃 Heat reflecting coated glass 7. 彩釉玻璃 Ceramic-fritted glass/Frit pattern glass/Silk screen glass 8. 平板玻璃 Flat/ plate/ sheet glass Transparent,heat & sound insulation, weather-proofing, radiation-proofing 透光,隔热,隔音,耐气候变化,保温,防辐 射等性能 多为无色透明或略带淡绿色又可称为本体绿玻璃 (Green tinted glass)
English Collections
I. Façade, Curtain wall, Cladding区别

Faç ade: the face or front of a building 建筑的表面 或正面 Curtain wall:A wall that encloses the space within a building but does not support the roof, typically on a modern high-rise.用于围绕建筑内部空间,但不支撑 屋顶,主要用于现代高层建筑。(Panel wall) Cladding:a protective covering that protects the outside of a building 保护覆层 (Envelope )
Also homogenization [hɔ,mɔdʒənai‗zeiʃən, -ni‘z-] 热浸处理主要是减小玻璃
Polish Cut
Heat-strengthened Heat soak Fully tempered Alum. spacer Furnace

Aluminum panel 铝板 1. 铝单板 Alum. solid panel 2. 铝复合板 Alum. composite panel=铝塑板 Alum. plastic panel 3. 铝蜂窝板 Alum. honey-comb panel 4. 穿孔铝板 Perforated alum. panel Plate: a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic 金属板,木 板,玻璃板,或塑料板 Panel: sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat) section or component of something镶板;板条;护墙板;窗玻璃片;建筑 用四分板;木工用线板;脚手架;桁架
13. 中空夹胶 Laminated double glass/ laminated insulated glass 14. 彩釉夹胶玻璃 Laminated glass with ceramic frit 15. 钢化中空透明玻璃 Tempered insulated clear glass 16. 单玻 Single glass/ Monolithic glass Note:Glass disposal procedures Heat soak test: to reduce spontaneous breaking rate.
Curtain wall is composed of panel + supporting system + connecnecting system
Supporting system
II. Curtain wall type:
1,Classified as panel material: A. Glass CW;B. Stone CW; C. Alum. CW(single plate,composite board,honeycomb plate) Others:Metal plate(STAILESS STEEL,[tai‗teiniəm, ti-] TITANIUMZINC plate钛锌板)terra-cotta plate(陶土板),(Trespa board)千 思板,(Eterpan board)埃特板,GRC (Glass-fiber Reinforced Composite玻璃纤维增强复合板) ,Wood CW…… 2,Classified as structure: A. Stick CW ;B. Unitized CW;C. Semi-unitized CW Others:Full-glass CW(Rib-supported肋支撑式,suspending吊挂 式,Free stand type座式),Double-skin CW……

III. Surface materials 面材

Glass 玻璃
1.中空玻璃 IGU = insulated glass unit / Double glass (Glass piece+ Air space+ Glass piece ) Excellent ability in thermal preservation, thermal & sound insulation 保温隔热,隔音性能好 2.钢化玻璃 Tempered glass/ toughened glass(FT) High flexural strength, impact-resistance, acid['æ sid] & alkali [‗ælkəlai] resistance,safety glass but be easy to spontaneous breaking 高抗弯强度,耐冲击,抗酸,抗碱,安全玻璃但是易发 生自爆现象 3.半钢化玻璃 Half strengthened/ heat strengthened glass (HSG)
Other associated collections:

Frame supported curtain wall assembled in per-fabricated units / Unitized curtain wall单元式幕墙 Frame supported glass curtain wall assembled in elements/Stick CW构件式 幕墙(框架式幕墙) Sealed curtain wall封闭式幕墙 Open joint curtain wall开放式幕墙 Natural stone curtain wall石材幕墙 Metal panel curtain wall金属板幕墙 Artificial panel curtain wall人造板材幕墙 Porcelain panel curtain wall瓷板幕墙 Terra-cotta panel curtain wall陶板幕墙 Glass-ceramic/microcrystal glass curtain wall微晶玻璃幕墙

Building curtain wall建筑幕墙 Composite curtain wall组合幕墙 Glass curtain wall玻璃幕墙 Inclined building curtain wall斜玻璃幕墙 Frame supported glass curtain wall框支撑幕墙 Full glass curtain wall全玻幕墙 Double-skin facade 双层幕墙 Outer CW(外层幕墙)+ thermal chamber(热通道)+ inner CW(内 层幕墙) Double-skin facade with outer skin ventilation外通风双层幕墙 Double-skin facade with inner skin ventilation内通风双层幕墙 Transparent roof and metal roof采光顶与金属屋面 Transparent panel( 透光板)/ metal plate(金属板)+ supporting system (支撑体系) Pointe supported glass curtain wall点支撑玻璃幕墙 Glass panel(面板)+ supporting device(支撑装置)+ supporting structure (支撑结构)
4. 夹胶玻璃 Laminated glass Glass piece + PVB interlayer+ glass piece Safety glass with features in good anti-seismic [,æ nti'saizmik] ability, sound insulation, filtering ultraviolet [,ʌltrə'vaiələt] light, reducing solar transmittance, impact-resistance. 安全玻璃,特点有:良好的抗震 能力, 隔音,过滤紫外线, 减少太阳透射,抗撞击。 5. 浮法玻璃 Floated glass= Anneal glass(退火玻璃) 超白浮法玻璃 Ultra/Extra/Super Clear Float Glass,Low Iron Float Glass 超白玻璃是一种超透明低铁玻璃,也称低铁玻璃、高透明玻 璃。 Energy-saving, environment friendly, excellent physical, mechanical & optical properties, can combined with photoelectrical Tech.节能,环保,良好的物理,机械和光学性能, 能与光电技术相结合
3. Classified as decorative effect: A. Exposed frame supported curtain wall明框幕墙 B. Hidden frame supported curtain wall隐框幕墙 C. Semi-hidden frame supported curtain wall半隐框幕墙 D. Full glass curtain wall 全玻璃幕墙 4. Classified as development process: A. Functional system功能型; B. Energy conversion system能量转换型; 5. Classified as energy-saving system: A. Non thermal break system非断热系统; B. Thermal break system断热系统
9. 喷砂玻璃 Sandblasted glass/Frosted glass(雾玻,毛玻璃) 酸蚀玻璃 Acidic etching glass 10. 真空玻璃 Vacuum glass 热阻性能极高 Extremely high heat resistance 11. 夹丝玻璃 Wire glass 又称为防碎玻璃。防火性能优越,高温时不发生炸裂。Also known as shatter proof glass. High fireproof performance and no spontaneous breaking in high temperature. 12. 压花玻璃 Figured glass/pattern glass 又称花纹玻璃或滚花玻璃。光学上有透光不透明的特点