A Tale of Two Citys(《双城记》简介)

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• 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。
• Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.
• 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
«老古玩店» 4). A Christmas Carol(1843)
《圣诞颂歌》 5).David Copperfield (1849-1850) «大卫·科波菲尔», the most autobiographical, one of
the greatest English novels 6). A Tale of Two Cities(1859)
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1 A brief introduction of Charles Dickens 2 The creative background of A Tale of Two Cities 3 The introduction of A Tale of Two Cities 4 Comments and influence of this literature work
Chapter 3 Let’s go into A Tale of Two Cities
Book the First: Recalled to Life(复活)
1757年12月,巴黎医生曼奈特(Dr. Alexandre Manette) 被厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟强迫出诊,看到一对姐弟气绝 的惨状。弟弟在临死前将侯爵兄弟二人对自己家族的 迫害告诉了医生,自己的姐夫和父亲如何因这二人的 关系死去和自己的姐姐受到了怎样的迫害。曼奈特写 信向国王告发,不幸这封信落到侯爵兄弟手中。最后 曼奈特以政治犯身份被关进巴士底监狱(Bastille SaintAntoine ),2年后妻子忧郁以终,女儿露西·曼奈特 (Lucie Manette)被好友劳雷接到伦敦抚养。曼奈特 在监狱中渡过18年后释放,得他以前的仆人德法奇 (Ernest Defarge)收留,德法奇开了一家酒店,是革 命活动的联络站,他的妻子将法国贵族的暴行记录在 围巾上。曼奈特的女儿露西接他去英国伦敦居住,路 上遇到侯爵的儿子查尔斯·丹尼。
• No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one • who is, won‘t make you cry. • 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 • The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside • them knowing you can‘t have them. • 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
时之圣者也,时之凶者也。此亦蒙昧世,此亦智慧世。此亦光明时节, 此亦黯淡时节。此亦笃信之年,此亦大惑之年。此亦多丽之阳春,此亦 绝念之穷冬。人或万物具备,人或一事无成。我 辈其青云直上,我辈其黄泉永坠。当时有识之士咸谓人间善恶或臻至极, 亦必事有所本,势无可绾。但居之习之可也。
Chapter 4 Comments and influence
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Learn about the background of
A Tale of Two Cities
"A Tale of Two Cities" is one of the most important masterpieces of Dickens, works by Charles Dickens published at the age of 47, is the pinnacle of his twilight years. Long before the creation of "A Tale of Two Cities" Dickens of great concern to the French Revolution, mulling British historian Carroll's "History of the French Revolution" and the writings of other scholars. He originated in the French Revolution interest in the concerns of the British lurking serious social crisis. The end of 1854, he said: "I believe that dissatisfaction with emotions like this smoke than fire up even much worse, especially as the French public psychology in the first before the outbreak of the revolution, which is dangerous, because of the countless types of reasons - such as a bad harvest, the aristocracy the imperious and no can already tense situation last stepped up, the defeat of foreign wars, domestic episodic events, and so on - into that have never seen a terrible fire. "visible" A Tale of Two Cities,
(From Wikipedia)
Famous Works
1). The Pickwick Papers (1837) «匹克威克外传»
2).Oliver Twist (1837-1838) «奥克佛·特维斯特»,《雾都孤儿》 3). The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841)
《双城记》把冤狱、爱情和仇恨交织在一起,塑造出了三种不同的人性。 第一种是以封建贵族为代表,他们是王权专制的体现者和持有者,是千百年来 人民痛斥的对象。而并不是所有贵族都是一个样,那位贵族哥哥的妻子和儿子 和就是一个例子。在马内特医生从贵族家出来之后,那位好心的妻子曾带着悔 恨和赎罪的心来造访他,在多年以后,达奈又和他的女儿喜结良缘,带给了他 一个和睦美好的家庭生活。第二种是以革命群众为代表,他们大多数人都是在 底层遭受过迫害的劳苦人民,他们有着被逼无奈的凄苦,有着恨天恨地的愤怒, 对封建贵族们怀着巨大的仇恨。而仇恨堆积,以致爆发,无数底层的人民拿起 长剑捍卫他们的利益,轰轰烈烈的革命诞生了。当革命进一步深入的时候,有 些人的私欲也跟着扩大,他们假借着推翻一切封建统治的名义,对着自己的仇 人伸出了魔掌,把那些曾经害过自己的贵族以及他们无辜的家人送上了断头台。 他们此时的作为与当初的贵族无异,他们被仇恨蒙蔽了双眼,已经发了疯,就 像"复仇女神"一般。第三种人是作者心目中以人道主义解决社会矛盾、以博爱战 胜仇恨的榜样人物,书中此类人物的化身就是放弃仇恨的马内特医生和西德 尼·卡顿。当读到西德尼勇敢地进入监狱把查尔斯·达奈替换出来的时候,我的心 都颤抖了。“你没有时间了,别问我为什么带信,别问是什么用意;我没时间 告诉你。”就这样短短的几句话语,他不需要别人的赞扬不需要歌功颂德,他 的爱是默默的,是沉寂的,但是最圣洁的,也是最无畏最勇敢的。
Well-known saying (名言警句)
• I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I • am when I am with you. • 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你 • 在一起时的感觉。
Chapter 1 Get to know Charles Dickens
Charles John Huffam Dickens
(7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870)
He was an English writer and social critic who is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period and the creator of some of the world's most memorable fictional characters. During his lifetime Dickens's works enjoyed unprecedented popularity and fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was fully recognized by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to enjoy an enduring popularity among the general reading public.
• 得知消息后露西与曼奈特医生也一起赶到巴黎,
曼奈特医生利用其老政治犯的威望拯救被囚禁的丹尼。虽然丹 尼最后重获自由,但是很快又因被人检举而重新入狱,检举人 竟然是曾经帮助过曼奈特医生的德法奇夫人(Teresa Defarge/Madame Defarge),一位坚定的女革命者。
• 法庭上,德法奇夫人递交了关键性的证据:曼奈特医生狱中所 写的一份有关入狱经过的血书。原来曼奈特医生因检举埃弗尔 蒙德(Evrémonde)家族(丹尼的世家)的丑闻事件,这份血 书最后却判处丹尼死刑。这时一直爱慕露西的雪尼‧卡顿也来 到巴黎,为了帮助心上人的爱人,他买通狱卒,潜入监狱,将 丹尼迷晕,并顶替他,并且最后被处死,而丹尼一家则得以逃 出法国,抵达伦敦。
• Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
• 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
• To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Book the Second: the Golden Thread(金线)
查尔斯·丹尼(Charles Darney)和 雪尼·卡顿(Sydney Carton)外貌 相似,但性格却完全不同。丹尼是 法国贵族后裔,但是他对其家族压 迫劳动者的行为感到不满,他放弃 财产的继承权,一人在伦敦谋生, 是一名法语教师。卡顿是一个有才 华但愤世嫉俗的英国律师。两人爱 上了同一个女人,露西·曼奈特爱 上了丹尼,两人在曼奈特医生同意 后结婚。丹尼的双亲相继去世,叔 父厄弗里蒙地侯爵因为压死农夫的 小孩,被孩子的父亲一刀杀死。
Book the Third: the Track of a Storm
• 法国大革命( French Revolution )爆发,
• 巴黎人民攻陷巴士底监狱( Bastille Saint-Antoine
• ),已经继承家业的丹尼为保护旧日的管家盖白勒,
• 冒险赶回时局纷乱的巴黎,一到巴黎就被捕入狱。