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A Brief Introduction to the Process of Patent Application for Invention
Under the Patent Law, the examination of patent application for invention consistsoffivestages:
Filing;PreliminaryExaminationProcedure;Publication;SubstantiveExamination Procedure and Granting Patent Right.
The Patent Office starts examination upon receiving a patent application. If theapplicationisinconformitywitherequirementoffiling,thePatentOfficeshalldetermine the filing date, give application number. After verifying list of documents,the Patent Office shall notify the applicant the acceptance of application by issuing theFiling Receipt for Patent Application.
(2)Preliminary Examination Procedure
Upon issuing theNotification of Passing Preliminary Examination, the PatentApplicationforInventionentersintotheStageofPublication.AfterpassingthePreli minary Examination, the application shall be published after 18 months from thefiling date. The Patent Office can effect earlier publication as requested by the applicant.Through publication the applicant attains the right of temporary protection.
(4)Substantive Examination Procedure
If the applicant has filed a request for substantive examination and such request iseffective,thepatentapplicationforinventionwillenterintotheSubstantiveExamination Procedure after publication. Upon Substantive Examination the examinershall examine fully whether or not the application possess novelty, inventiveness andpractical applicability and whether or not the application is in conformity with otherrelatedsubstantiveconditionsprovidedinthePatentLaw.Forapatentapplicationwh ichisdeemednotbeingeligibletobegrantedpatentrightorwhoseapplicationdocuments have defects, the examiner shall notify the applicant to make statements ormake rectification within the time specified. If the applicant fails to respond within thetime limit the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. If the applicationfails to meet the requirements of substantive examination after repeated responses,