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• 用情态动词翻译句子: • 1. 他病倒了,他父母不该对他期望太高的。 • 2. 你应该把那一幅美景拍下来的. • 3. 你不必发短信给他的,我早就用电话通知过他了. • 4. 他心情那么好, 肯定得奖了. • 5. 昨晚我打电话到他家没人接电话,他可能去参加
1. He has fallen ill, so his parents shouldn’t / oughtn’t to have expeຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduted too much of him.
4. He must have won the/a prize, for he is in so good a mood/ such a cheerful mood.
5. No one / Nobody answered my phone when I called /rang him (up) last night, so he may / might have gone to attend the party.
2. You should/ ought to have taken a photo of that beautiful scenery / scene.
3. You needn’t have sent the short message to him, for I had informed him about / of it by (means of ) phone.