英国CITY氧气传感器 4OXV气体检测模块

Figure 1 - Schematic of oxygen sensor.进入传感器的氧气的流速取决于传感器顶部的毛细微孔的大小。
当氧气到达工作电极时,它立刻被还原释放出氢氧根离子:O2 + 2H2O + 4e- " type="#_x0000_t75">4OH-这些氢氧根离子通过电解质到达阳极(铅),与铅发生氧化反应,生成对应的金属氧化物。
2Pb + 4OH- " type="#_x0000_t75">2PbO + 2H2O + 4e-上述两个反应发生生成电流,电流大小相应地取决于氧气反应速度(法拉第定律),可外接一只已知电阻来测量产生的电势差,这样就可以准确测量出氧气的浓度。
通常氧气传感器的使用寿命为1-2 年,但也可以通过增加阳极铅的含量或限制接触阳极的氧气量来延长传感器的使用寿命。

英国CITY 氧气传感器点击察看大图产品名称: 英国CITY 氧气传感器产品型号: 2FO 5FO 40X产品展商: 北京乐氏联创科技有限公司产品产地: 英国 产品价格: 面议联系该产品厂商产品详细说明氧气传感器 概况所有的氧气传感器都是自身供电,有限扩散,其金属-空气型电池由空气阴极,阳极和电解液组成。
氧气传感器简单来说是一个密封容器(金属的或塑料的容器),它里面包含有两个电极:阴极是涂有活性催化剂的一片PTFE (聚四氟乙烯),阳极是一个铅块。
Figure 1 - Schematic of oxygen sensor.进入传感器的氧气的流速取决于传感器顶部的毛细微孔的大小。
当氧气到达工作电极时,它立刻被还原释放出氢氧根离子:O2 + 2H2O + 4e- " type="#_x0000_t75">4OH-这些氢氧根离子通过电解质到达阳极(铅),与铅发生氧化反应,生成对应的金属氧化物。
2Pb + 4OH- " type="#_x0000_t75">2PbO + 2H2O + 4e-上述两个反应发生生成电流,电流大小相应地取决于氧气反应速度(法拉第定律),可外接一只已知电阻来测量产生的电势差,这样就可以准确测量出氧气的浓度。
通常氧气传感器的使用寿命为1-2 年,但也可以通过增加阳极铅的含量或限制接触阳极的氧气量来延长传感器的使用寿命。
英国CITY氧气传感器 7OXV气体检测探头

7OX-V CiTiceL® Performance CharacteristicsNominal RangeMax Overload Expected Operating LifeOutput SignalT95Response TimeOffset (3mins N2)Temperature Range Temperature Coefficient Absolute Pressure Range Differential PressureRange Pressure CoefficientOperating Humidityintermittentcontinuous Long Term Output DriftRecommended LoadResistor 0-25% Oxygen30% OxygenTwo years in air0.195 - 0.25 mA in air≤15 seconds<0.5% O2-20°C to +50°C0.2% signal/°CAtmospheric ± 10%0 to 40 mBar max<0.02% signal/mBar0 to 99% RH non-condensing15 to 99% RH non-condensing<5% signal loss/year100 ΩSix months in CTL container0-20°C24 months from date of despatch(This amounts to a variation of condition 6of our standard terms and conditions whichotherwise apply)Physical CharacteristicsStorage LifeRecommended StorageTemperatureWarranty PeriodAll tolerances ±0.15 mm unlessotherwise stated.IMPORTANT NOTE: Connectionshould be made via PCB socketsonly. Soldering to the pins will renderyour warranty void.Outline DimensionsN.B. All performance data is based on conditions at 20°C,50%RH, and 1013 mBar深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improve-ment City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.Performance characteristics on this data sheet outline the performance of newly supplied sensors. Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time.Temperature Behaviour1) Gradual changesThe output of a 7OX-V CiTiceL varies slightly with gradual tem-perature changes. The behaviour of a batch of 7OX-V sensors is shown opposite. Output was measured at a range of temperatures and expressed as a percentage of the signal at 20°C. The graph shows the mean signal and three times standard deviation.2) Sharp fluctuationsA transient response will occur with sharp fluctuations in tem-perature. For rapid increases in temperature there is a sharp drop in sensor output, and a sharp increase in output for rapid decreases. These responses are transient and should die awayLinearityThe output signal of an Oxygen CiTiceL follows the relationship:S = K log e 1/(1-C)where:S = Output signal;C = Fractional oxygen concentration;K = a constant for the sensor.For most applications the deviation from a linear response will be insignificant, and no compensation needed. For example, the graph below shows the output of a sensor calibrated in air (20.9% O 2). In this case the maximum error in the 0-25% range is »0.5% at around 10% O 2.SAFETY NOTEThis sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensor and/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900。

您最诚挚的,Kent D . McElhattan总裁兼首席执行官美国英思科公司目录1、警告及注意事项2、仪器拆箱3、认证4、仪器示图5、简介6、仪器操作气体读数模式操作模式调零/标定模式峰值显示模式 TWA读数观察模式STEL读数观察模式7、设置模式低浓度气体报警设定值高浓度气体报警设定值TWA报警设定值STEL报警设定值时钟设置日历设置安全密码设置调零/标定保护设置8、仪器调零/标定9、数据记录10、CH4超量程11、保养和维修清洗电池充电12、SP40采样泵13、技术指标14、可替换零件清单15、质量保证16、版权17、使用小贴士煤矿矿用产品安全标志证书3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20警告及注意事项不正确的操作或不适宜的使用环境,可能会消弱仪器的性能。

Honeywell Analytics 毒气 可燃气体 氧气探测器 MDA Scientific 操

HoneywellAnalytics©2004 Honeywell Analytics Issue 1 12/2004 MIDAS-A-001目录1 目录 22 概述 53 产品概述 5 3.1 主机架 6 3.1.1 显示器模块 63.1.2 泵模块 7 3.1.3 传感器暗盒腔 73.2 安装托架底座 73.2.1 安装托架 73.2.2 终端模块 73.3 传感器盒 83.3.1 偏致传感器盒 83.4 机壳 84 默认配置 95 安装95.1 探测器的安装和定位 105.2 机械安装 115.3 样品和排气管道计算 125.4 在线过滤器 135.5 本地化探测器选购件 145.6 电气安装 155.7 电连接 17 5.8 改装主机架 185.9 安装传感器盒 196 探测器启动程序 197 总体操作 21 7.1 正常操作模式 217.1.1 重置报警、故障和维护故障 227.2 浏览模式 227.2.1 浏览模式菜单概述 237.3 设置、校准和测试模式概述 247.3.1 设置菜单概述 247.3.2 校准菜单概述‘CAL’ 267.3.3 测试菜单概述‘ tESt’ 278浏览、设置、校准和测试模式子菜单的导向的详细程序 288.1 浏览模式 288.1.1 复查软件‘SW’ 288.1.2 复查报警‘ ALm’ 298.1.3 复查故障‘ FLt’ 298.1.4 复查校准 ‘ CAL’ 298.1.5 复查日期和时间‘timE’ 298.1.6 复查探测器地址‘ nEt’ 308.1.7 复查事件标识‘ Hi St’ 308.2 设置、校准和测试模式 308.2.1 设置菜单‘ SEt’ 318.2.2 设置报警‘ ALm’ 318.2.3 设置故障‘ FLt’ 348.2.4 设置校准间距 ‘ CAL’ 348.2.5 设置日期和时间 ‘timE’ 558.2.6 设置地址‘ nEt’ 358.2.7 设置密码 ‘ PWd’ 368.3 校准菜单‘CAL’ 368.3.1 零点校准 ‘ 0CAL’ 368.3.2 间距校准‘ SPAn’ 378.3.3 流量校准‘ FLoW’ 388.3.4 mA 校准 ‘mA 4-20’ 388.4 测试菜单‘ tESt’ 398.4.1 颠簸测试 ‘ bUmP’ 398.4.2 报警/故障测试‘ Si m’ 398.4.3 禁止状态‘ I nH’ 409 常规维护 41 9.1 传感器盒的更换 419.1.1 传感器盒的安装/更换 419.2 泵的更换 43 9.3 重新组装探测器 469.4 过滤器的更换 4610 热解器模块选项 4710.1 安装热解器模块 4810.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器 4911 模拟输出模块 51 11.1 安装模拟模块 5111.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器 5212 找出故障并诊断 5313 REFLEX®ٛ5414 内置的网络服务器 5414.1 物理的网络组件 5414.2 网络设置 5414.3 运行网络浏览器 5415 典型安装拓扑 5615.1 常规安装 57 15.2 Modbus/TCP 安装 5715.3 通过以太网供电(POE) 的安装 5716 订购信息 58 16.1 MIDAS® 发送器 5816.2 MIDAS®热解器 5816.2 MIDAS® 热解器 5816.3 MIDAS® 模拟输出模块5816.4 MIDAS®插入式传感器盒(标准保修期) 5916.5 MIDAS®插入式传感器盒(延长保修期)6016.6 完整的MIDAS®气体探测器套件 6116.7 附件及备件 6117 一般规格 6218 校准及颠簸测试 6319 保证声明6720 软件菜单叙述图表 6920.1 高级6920.2 浏览模式7020.3 复查软件的信息、报警、故障及气体校准7120.4 复查日期/时间和网络7220.5 复查事件日志7320.6 设置模式7420.7 设置报警、故障及气体校准 7520.8 设置日期/时间和网络7620.9 设置密码7720.10 校准模式7820.11 校准气体零点及间距7920.12 校准——流量校准 8020.13 校准——4-20 mA 8120.14 测试模式8220.15 测试颠簸、报警/故障模拟 8320.16 测试禁止8421 联系详情 852 概述作为一个提取式气体取样系统,MIDAS气体探测器能在本地或从一个远程点提取一个样品到位于探测器机架内的传感器盒。
4OX - Oxygen CiTiceL 说明书

4OX(1) - Oxygen CiTiceL ®Performance CharacteristicsNominal Range Max Overload Expected Operating Life Output Signal T 95 Response Time Temperature Range Temperature Coefficient Pressure Range Pressure Coefficient Operating Humidity Long Term Output Drift Recommended Load Resistor0-25% Oxygen 30% OxygenOne year in air0.22 ± 0.02mA in air ≤15 seconds -20°C to +50°C 0.2% signal/°CAtmospheric ± 10%<0.02% signal/mBar (typ.0.01%)0 to 99% RH non-condensing <5% signal/year 100ΩDoc. Ref.:4ox1.p65Issue 1.4Jan 16, 200117g (approx.)NoneSix months in CTL container0-20°C 12 months from date ofdespatchPhysical CharacteristicsWeight Orientation Sensitivity Storage Life Recommended Storage TemperatureWarranty Period N.B.The specification is based on measurements made with cylinder gases using a flow rate of 400 mls min -1. Conditions at 20°C, 50%RH, and 1013mBar unless otherwise noted.IMPORTANT NOTE : Connection should be made via PCB sockets only. Soldering to the pins will seriously damage your sensor and render your warranty void.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale.The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in4OX (1) Oxygen CiticeL - Output vs Temperature85.090.095.0100.0105.0110.0-20-101020304050Temperature (C)O u t p u t (% o f 20C S i g n a l )英国CT气体传感器 CITY城市技术气体传感器常用型号选型样本 CITY公司/IT公司/SENSORIC公司气体传感器选购指南 英国CT气体传感器快速选型产品系列用途3系列种类齐全的毒气气体传感器4系列主要应用于便携式气体检测仪5系列排放气体传感器系列7系列用于一般气体检测的传感器医用系列氧气传感器是专为呼吸及麻醉应用而设计的产品汽车系列用于汽车尾气排放分析仪MICROceL微型气体传感器Sensoric毒气传感器Sixth Sense一氧化碳传感器工业安全监测气体类型产品名称 使用寿命 量程 产品描述一氧化碳C O MICROceL CF2CF2E/F3E3E/F3ME/F4CF4CO4COSH7E7E/F9CFA7EA7E/FCO 2E 300CO 3E 300CO 3E 500 SE ZT3E/F2年空气中2年空气中2年空气中3年空气中3年空气中3年空气中2年空气中2年空气中3年空气中3年空气中3年3个月空气中3年空气中3年>3 years>4 years>2 years空气中3年0-1500ppm0-1000ppm0-500ppm0-2000ppm0-2000ppm0-2000ppm0-1500ppm0-1500ppm0-1500ppm CO0-500ppmH2S0-2000ppm0-2000ppm0-200ppm0-2000ppm0-2000ppm0-300ppm0-500ppm0-500p三电极一氧化碳传感器带内置过滤器二电极微型传感器二电极,带H2S过滤器三电极三电极,带H2S过滤器三电极,带H2S过滤器和mV输出板三电极微型,带H2S和SO2过滤器三电极微型四电极微型二气(CO和H2S)三电极微型三电极微型,带H2S和SO2过滤器二电极,使用寿命三个月四电极,带氢气补偿四电极,带H2S、SO2过滤器,和H2补偿两电极,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.三电极,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.三电极传感器,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.三电极,带H2S过滤器和4-20mA传输板0-500p mp硫化氢H 2 S MICROceL HS3H3HH3HH/LM3MH4COSH4H4HS7H7HH7HH/LM9HHEZT3HH2S 2E 30H2S 2E 50H2S 2E 50 SH2S 3E 100H2S 3E 100 SH2S 3E 302年空气中2年空气中2年空气中2年空气中2年空气中3年空气中2年空气中2年空气中2年空气中2年空气中2年空气中3个月空气中2年>18 月>18 月>4 years>4 years>4 years>18 months0-1000ppm0-1000ppm0-500ppm0-500ppm0-500ppm0-1500ppm CO0-500ppmH2S0-500ppm0-500ppm0-1000ppm0-500ppm0-500ppm0-200ppm0-200ppm0-30ppm0-50ppm0-50ppm0-100ppm0-100pMICRO三电极硫化氢传感器三电极传感器三电极传感器,高量程三电极传感器,对甲烷交叉干扰低三电极传感器,带mV输出板四电极微型二气传感器(CO和H2S)三电极微型传感器,高干扰三电极微型传感器三电极微型传感器三电极微型传感器,高干扰三电极微型传感器,对甲烷交叉干扰低二电极传感器,使用寿命三个月三电极传感器带4-20mA传输板两电极,有机电极、有4系和7系等三种尺寸.两电极,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.三电极,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.三电极,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.三电极,有4系和7系等三种尺寸.0-30ppm氧气O 2 4OX-14OX-27OX-VC/2C/2PNC/NC/NLHC/NLLC/SC/YMICROceL OXT7OX-VI-05I-01I-02I-04I-06I-08P-10P-40P-40F OS-65空气中1年空气中2年空气中2年空气中18个月空气中1年空气中9个月平衡平衡空气中9个月空气中1年空气中2年空气中2年3年6年6年3年4年4年2年2年2年0-30%0-30%0-30%0-30%0-30%0-30%0-1000ppm0-1000ppm0-30%0-30%0-30%0-25%0-100%0-35%0-35%0-100%0-100%0-25%0-21%0-21%0-1%0-65%微型传感器,塑料容器微型传感器,塑料容器微型传感器–塑料罐。
英国CITY氨气传感器NH3 3E100SE氨气检测模块

AmmoniaR e v . 11/2011Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SE深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SEFEATURESAmperometric 3 electrode sensor cellVery stable zero readingVery selectiveHighly sensitiveHydrous electrolyteTYPICAL APPLICATIONSTLV-monitoring, leakage detectionSensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1portable & fixed point applicationsFood & Refrigeration Industry, General Industry, Semiconductor Industry PART NUMBER INFORMATIONMINI1845-932-30009SENSORIC CLASSIC1845-932-30069CTL 4 series adaptation1845-932-30049CTL 7 series adaptation1845-932-30079深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring Range0–100 ppmSensitivity Range130 nA/ppm ±30 nA/ppmZero Current at 20°C< ±100 nAResolution at 20°C< 1 ppmBias Potential0 mVLinearity< 10% full scaleResponse Time at 20°Ct50< 20 s calculated from 5 min. exposure time Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1t90< 60 s calculated from 5 min. exposure time Long Term Sensitivity Drift< 5% per 6 monthsOperation ConditionsTemperature Range-20°C to +40°CHumidity Range15–90% r.H, non–condensingEffect of HumiditySensor Life Expectancy> 24 months in air*Warranty12 monthsNote:* Background concentrations of ammonia might shorten life time of sensor .深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Cross Sensitivities at 20°CGas Concentration Reading [ppm]Alcohols1000 ppm0Carbon Dioxide5000 ppm01Carbon Monoxide100 ppm0Hydrocarbons% range0Hydrogen10000 ppm02Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1Hydrogen Sulfide20 ppm21) At higher carbon dioxide concentration (approx. >5%) there can be a negative reading2) Short gas exposure in minute range.Notes:1.Interference factors may differ from sensor to sensor and with life time. It is not advisable to calibrate with interference gases.2.This table does not claim to be complete. The sensor might also be sensitive to other gases.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Safety NoteThis sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensorand/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.AttentionSensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1Use of the Sensoric range sensors requires complete understanding of the instructions. Before using Sensoric range sensors please carefully read ‘Application Notes’ which can be found at under the heading ‘Support’ -> ‘Application Notes’->‘Sensoric’Product Safety Data Sheets (PSDS) can be obtained at under the heading ‘Support’ -> ‘Product Safety Datasheets’For further assistance on sensor selection and use, please contact a member of the Technical Sales team.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司。
英国CITY AO2 0-100%VOL氧气传感器 国外原装进口富量氧气体检测探头

Doc. Ref.: a02.pmd Issue 1.6Page 1 of 222nd October 2001AO2 CiTiceL ®with Molex connectorPerformance CharacteristicsOutput Range Resolution Expected Operating Life T 90 Response Time T 99.5 Response Time*Signal in 100%O 2Linearity Zero Offset Temperature Range Temperature Compensation Differential Pressure Range Absolute Pressure Range Relative Humidity Range Long Term Output Drift Recommended Load ResistorWarranty Period 9 - 13mV in Air 0-100% O 20.01% O 2360000%O 2hrs at 20°C286000%O 2hrs at 40°C or 2 years in air at STP<5 seconds <40 seconds100±1%Linear 0-100% O 2<20µV-20°C to +50°C<2% variation from 0°C to 40°C(see graph)0-500mbar Max 500-2000mbar0 to 99% non-condensing <10% signal loss/year Min 10K Ω12 month from date of despatch*T 99.5 response is equivalent to a change in concentration from 20.9% O 2 to 0.1% O 2N.B.All performance data is based on conditions at 20°C,50%RH, and 1013mBarNOTEMolex header used in sensor is MOLEX 22-29-2031Suggested mating parts are:Molex 22-01-2035: 3-way housing Molex 08-56-0110: crimp terminalsAO2 CiTiceL to be assembled into application 'finger tight' onlyOxygen CiTiceL® SpecificationTemperature BehaviourThe output of an AO2 CiTiceL varies with gradual changes in temperature, but incorporates a thermistor to compensate for these changes. The thermistor gives the AO2 a very stable output over a wide temperature range.The graph below shows the typical output behaviour of AO2 sensors over the range 0°C to +40°C.Cross-sensitivityThe AO2 has been tested for cross-sensitivity to a number of gases likely to be present in an automotive exhaust sample. The gas concentrations used and the response of the AO2 have been summarised below.These figures show that of the gases tested none show a sufficiently large cross-sensitivity to cause any inaccuracy in readings. In addition the baseline was unaffected by exposure to these gases.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.Performance characteristics on this data sheet outline the performance of newly supplied sensors. Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time. Doc. Ref.: a02.pmd Issue 1.6Page 2 of 222nd October 2001。
工业科学 维斯特 m x4 多气体监测器 产品手册说明书

1Multi-gas Monitor产品手册设 置操 作 维 护部件号:版本复合式气体检测报警器珠海司福斯特科技有限w w w .sa f e d t e c h .c o m气体/火焰检测专家!Ventis ™ MX4 产品手册目录版权声明 (3)警告及注意事项 (3)常规 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 人员 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 危险情况、毒物和污染物 ........................................................................................................................................ 3 一般用法.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 监管机构发布的使用条件与警告 .............................................................................................................................. 4 建议做法 .. (4)VENTIS MX4™ 资源 (6)VENTIS MX4 功能 (6)仪器拆箱 (7)箱内部件.................................................................................................................................................................. 7 反馈问题 .. (7)监测仪概述 (8)特点与功能 .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 显示屏幕.................................................................................................................................................................. 9 警报 .. (11)监测仪设置 ................................................................................................................................................................... 13 电池特性和监测仪兼容性 ...................................................................................................................................... 13 充电锂离子电池盒 (14)说明................................................................................................................................................................ 14 开机和关机 ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 配置 .. (17)介绍................................................................................................................................................................ 17 说明................................................................................................................................................................ 17 配置过程 .. (18)监测仪使用和维护 (25)调零、标定和通气测试 (25)程序................................................................................................................................................................ 25 建议................................................................................................................................................................ 25 一般信息. (26)说明 ............................................................................................................................................................... 26 现场空气采样建议做法 ......................................................................................................................................... 33 清洁 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 33 维护 .. (33)电池盒 ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 监测仪转换 ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 传感器、传感器防水膜、LCD 和振动电机更换 .............................................................................................. 39 泵模块 ............................................................................................................................................................ 42 Ventis MX4 分解图 .. (43)产品、规格与认证 (46)Ventis MX4 配件与部件 ......................................................................................................................................... 46 监测仪规格 ............................................................................................................................................................ 48 作业条件................................................................................................................................................................ 48 储存条件................................................................................................................................................................ 49 传感器规格 ............................................................................................................................................................ 49 有毒气体传感器 交叉灵敏度表 .............................................................................................................................. 49 可燃性气体的LEL 及LEL 相关系数 ...................................................................................................................... 50 认证 .. (51)质保 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 53 责任限定. (53)英思科公司全球办事处 .............................................................................................................................................. 封底珠海司福斯特科技有限w w w .sa f e d t e c h .c o m气体/火焰检测专家!Ventis™ MX4 产品手册►版权声明Ventis MX4™ 和Ventis™ 是英思科公司的商标。
Honeywell iSeries 智能气体传感器诊断测试说明书

DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR THE INTELLIGENT GAS SENSORS, iSERIESTechnical NoteHoneywell introduces the Next-Generationintelligent (iseries) gas sensors. These sensorshave a digital interface, longer life andnumerous built-in diagnostics features.The iseries’ intelligent diagnostic features help enhance the overall instrumentperformance, making them smarter and safer by indicating faults and monitoringhealth, thereby decreasing downtime and cost of ownership.The purpose of this document is to describe the Predictive Calibration and End-of-lifefunctions, and outline the principles of the diagnostic tests.BACKGROUNDAll gas sensors drift over time and eventually need recalibrating, and the amountof drift is strongly dependent on the environment that the sensor is used in.Traditionally, instrument developers, fleet managers or end users would work out forthemselves by experience how often they need to recalibrate sensors, or would use recommendations from the sensor or instrument manufacturer as it is not knownwhat conditions the sensors are being used in. This often results in unnecessarilyfrequent recalibrations which is costly and time consuming.Intelligent FeaturesThe iseries platform uses internal tests to monitor the condition of the sensorand apply algorithms both to compensate for drift and to predict when the sensoraccuracy exceeds a predefined limit and needs recalibrating.It can also predict when it is wearing out and can give warning in advance that thesensor needs replacing. As both the Predictive Calibration and End-of-life indicationuse predictions based on the environment that the sensor is being used.Definition of Diagnostic TestsPredictive Calibration: The calibration process can be very tedious, costly and a time-consuming process. With this function, sensors can predict in advance whenits accuracy is becoming too poor to give a reliable reading. This function helps to identify exactly when a recalibration is required.The sensor can estimate the time to recalibration up to six months in advance. Recalibration intervals will be typically at least twice as long as for conventional sensors and will adapt depending on the environment – with sensors used in more benign environments needing less frequent calibrations than those in aggressive ones.The user can configure the accuracy limit of the sensor, and this will determine the interval at which the calibration is needed. In other words, the tighter the accuracy value, the more frequent calibration needed.The user can therefore trade off accuracy against recalibration interval. There is also a configurable built in fixed interval recalibration countdown timer for applications where legislation requires calibration at certain intervals.End-of-Life: The lifespan of a sensor depends mostly on the environmental conditions at which the sensor is exposed. With this function, the sensor can predict in advance when its sensitivity is falling too low to give a reliable and accurate reading. When the End-of-life function is triggered, the sensor automatically warns the instrument via a set of fault flags sent together with the gas reading. If the fault is detected the instrument can warn the user to stop using the sensor.How was the design of the sensor optimised?Honeywell engineers performed finite element analysis of the water management and electrolyte distribution within sensors and gained an extensive understandingof the optimum designs for retaining the electrolyte in the right place at the right concentration.Subsequently, safety operating area charts were developed based on a combination of fundamental physical theory, modelling and experimental verification to show how sensors will perform and withstand over the full temperature, humidity and time.To validate that the sensor will last in real-world applications, an environmental database was obtained. The database contains hundreds of locations around the world, with temperature and humidity data for 10 years with two hourly resolution. The knowledge of use cases for sensors was combined, for example time spent indoors and outdoors, charging to provide input data on the actual conditionssensors are exposed to in the real world. This information was fed into the models to predict how long sensors will last and how their performance will change in real world conditions, and to assist us in optimising the sensor design for maximum performance and life.The environmental performance data was generated by storing sensors in a rangeof environmental conditions over a two-year period. There were more than 8000 individual gas responses recorded for each gas typeDuring this period, the sensors were tested to generate different databases corresponding to the performance of the sensor at particular environments.The resulting predictive algorithm keeps track of the electrolyte concentration and environmental conditions over time and extrapolates this data with a linear regression in order to accurately predict when does the sensor need to be calibrated or when does the sensor is about to reach its lifespan.How does the predictive model for EoL and Predictive Calibration works?To estimate the EoL and Predictive Calibration, a 30-day time period is defined. During this period, the sensor will keep track of the environmental changes. The model works under the assumption that the sensor will be exposed to similar conditions.For instance, if the sensor has been in an extremely hot and dry environment, the predicted model will calculate the corresponding water loss as if the conditions remained the same; giving warning to the user in order to prevent further dry out. Figure 1 shows how the electrolyte concentration and predicted electrolyte concentration vary for a sensor in an extreme environment. The environment chosen corresponds to a challenging environment for the sensor to survive: during winter, outdoor temperatures can be -40°C or less, and in a heated unhumidified buildingor car, the relative humidity can be extremely low due to the very low water content of the cold outside air. Therefore, a sensor which spends part of the day indoors and part outdoors (a typical ‘field worker’ use case) not only gets very dry in winter but is also expected to function at very low temperatures.A perfect prediction (theoretical) would follow the dashed black line. In other words, the predicted days to recalibration would be exactly equal to the actual days to recalibration.The solid black line shows the true electrolyte concentration, which gets dry (high concentration) each winter but recovers to some extent each summer. The yellow line shows how the concentration has been predicted. The historical relative humidityis calculated from the average of another 30 days prior to that. As the prediction is made over a longer time, it becomes less accurate, mainly because the historical environmental conditions become less representative of the future conditions. How often does the sensor updates the EoL and Predictive Calibration?The diagnostic test runs automatically every 24 hours. However, the test is only performed when the sensor is in sleep mode, so it is highly recommended to change the sensor to sleep mode whenever it is not in use (otherwise the End of Life and Predictive Calibration estimations will not be updated/recalculated, leading to non-accurate results).The sensor needs to be in sleep mode at least two minutes per day, so it can update the EoL and Predictive Calibration values.What technique is used for the diagnostic tests?For this test, a smart indicative gadget is used as a diagnostic electrode. Thenan electrochemical technique called square wave voltammetry is applied to the electrode.The technique is a linear potential sweep voltammetry that uses a combined staircase potential and a square wave, which has the advantage of having better peak definition and location than conventional cyclic voltammetry or staircase voltammetry.The diagnostic test is performed to determine the electrolyte concentration of the sensor.Figure 2. Diagnostic TestingHow and when the End-of-Life and Predictive Calibration are flagged?The error and faults can be transmitted to the instrument every time it requests a gas reading from the sensor. For additional information about the gas reading format consult get data pack command (0x30) in the User’s Manual.Predictive Calibration alarm consists of two different parameters, and the • Thealarm will be triggered when either the countdown or the accuracy threshold are reached (whichever is triggered first):o The Predictive Calibration estimation will depend on the requested accuracy of the sensor. This parameter can be configured by the user: the tighter theaccuracy value, the more frequently the calibration.o Additionally, a countdown timer can be set by the user. This period can reflect the time required to calibrate the sensor, which may vary depending on thespecified standard or applications.• Likewise, the End-of-life is flagged when either the countdown or the future prediction algorithm conditions are met (whichever is triggered first):o The predicted End-of-Life algorithm is flagged when the sensor detects less than 50% of its initial sensitivity or when the electrolyte concentrationis above or below its limit. The sensitivity estimation is constantly updatedand its calculation is based on the measure at the minimum temperatures atwhich the sensor has been exposed to.o Along with this, there is a five-year countdown timer. The alarm is flagged after the sensor has reached its expected lifespan.How accurate are the End-of-life andPredictive Calibration functions?The predictive model for End-of-life and time to calibrationis highly accurate if the environmental conditions remainadequately constant.An analogy to this is the ETA (estimated time to arrival) in a car’s GPS system, which is based on previous average speed. If you travel at a constant speed, the ETA will count down linearly and be quite accurate over long distances. However, if you speed up or slow down the ETA could increase of decrease significantly throughout the journey. Similarly, if a sensor is kept in constant conditions, the future prediction based on historical conditions should predict a long way into the future quite accurately, and as a result the time to end of life or recalibration would decrease linearly over time. If the sensor is put into a more aggressive environment, then its predicted time to EOL/ recalibration will start to drop rapidly, whereas if a sensor that has been running in aggressive (e.g. dry) conditions is transferred to more benign conditions, the time to end of life or recalibration prediction may even increase over time.Other diagnostic tests:Just like the End-of-life and Predictive Calibration flags, the sensor can warn the instrument about other possible errors and failures that may appear on a sensor whenever a gas reading command is requested. These flags could also be used to indicate to the end user what type of maintenance is required, for example if the sensor warns that its electrolyte is getting too dry or wet the instrument could advise the user to store it in a suitable humidity environment to recover it.The following table shows the possible failures that the sensor may encounter along with their corresponding automatic detection methods:002717-2-EN | 2 | 08/21HoneywellAdvanced Sensing Technologies 830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081FOR MORE INFORMATIONHoneywell Advanced Sensing Technol-ogies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit /ast or call:USA/Canada +302 613 4491Latin America +1 305 805 8188Europe +44 1344 238258Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152Singapore +65 6355 2828Greater China+86 4006396841WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of itsmanufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period ofcoverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion,finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through ourliterature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply isbelieved to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.。

符合中国煤矿标准的City传感器--4CM 传感器-符合中国煤矿标准的 传感器-• • 检测范围上升至1000ppm。 基本误差 0-20ppm < 2ppm 0-100ppm < 4ppm 0-500ppm < 4% • • • • • 反应时间变快至小于35s。 100s内复位至小于2ppm。 在温湿度极端环境下,传感器的长期稳定性仍然良好。 环境瞬变时,传感器性能稳定。 达到国家安全成产行业标准AQ6205-2006的技术指标。 我们的测试根据AQ6205-2006而来 而来 我们的测试根据
4CM 性能:反应时间
• • 对高浓度CO,反应时间变小。 反应时间分布区域变小。
Response time (T90) to 250ppm CO (s)
19 18 17 16 T90 (s) 15 14 13 12 11 10 4CF 4CF+ Cell type 4CM Competitor
Variant 4CF 4CF+ 4CM C ompetitor
Span performance
257 256
Span Drift, Average +/- 2*STDEV (ppm)
255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 Calibration Gas exposure 1 Gas exposure 2 Gas exposure 3 Gas exposure 4 Gas exposure 4CF 4CF+ Cell type 4CM Competitor
Failed to recov er to < 2 ppm withi 15 mins in

电化学毒气传感器是一种微燃料电池元件,不必保养而可以有长期 的稳定性。它是在原有的氧气传感器的基础上改进而得。
Pellistors使用催化燃烧来测量可燃气体或蒸气在空气的含量直到达 到该气体的LEL* 。
正如人们所知: • 很多材料能吸收红外辐射(由于分子内振动) • 对任何一种材料,它的吸收能力随波长(它的吸收光谱)变化而变化 • 不同材料有不同的吸收光谱
环境保护气体检测: 相关应用设备: 烟气污染源检测仪器,汽车尾气分析仪器。 主要客户: 崂山应用技术有限公司,浙江浙大鸣泉科技有限公司 主要型号: NO传感器(NX1,3NF/F); 氧气传感器(AO2,7OXV,5FO); SO2传感器(3SF/F); NO2传感器(3ND); CO传感器(3F/F); 医疗 : 相关应用设备: 矿井下的有毒气体检测,可燃气体检测设备。 主要客户:深圳迈瑞生物医疗股份有限公司,北京谊安医疗系统股份有限公司 主要型号:氧气传感器(MOX-2,MOX-4,AO2,7OXV)
• • • 传感器的稳定性: 在特殊应用环境下的稳定性、整个生命周期内的稳定性。 传感器的反应时间(通常是T90)。 传感器的量程及精度。
• • • •
传感器的鲁棒性(抗干扰,2,3,5,MOX等系列. 传感器的复位时间。
CITY产品所涉及的行业已经成熟稳定,近年来行业内的竞争也越来越 激烈。
行业 煤炭气体安全 工业气体安全 竞争品牌 ALPHASENSE NEMOTO ALPHASENSE MENBRAPOR RAE 环保设备 IT ALPHASENSE 费加罗 医疗 VENTEX 费加罗 主要代理商 深圳新世联 北京长英科技 深圳新世联 深圳富安达 上海孚兴,上海首 亨,昆山诺金 深圳富安达 深圳新世联 深圳富安达 威海诺金 深圳富安达 主要产品 O2,有毒气体 CO O2,有毒气体 氨气 CO,H2S O2,NO SO2,NO2, CO O2 O2 O2 产地 英国 日本 英国 瑞士 上海 德国 英国 日本 美国 日本
Ventis MX4多气体检测器说明书

PUMP UP YOURGAS DETECTION PROGRAMConfigured for your safety, theVentis™ MX4 multi-gas detector takesyour gas detection program to thenext level.■ Detect from one to four gases witha wide range of sensor options■ Draw samples from up to 100 feetwith an optional, integrated samplingpump■ Gain increasedinstrument visibilitywith a safety orangeovermold■Realize true portabilitywithmulti-gas protection insingle-gas size■ Use the extendedrange battery for up to20 hours (without pump)■ Discover a better way to do gasdetection with the Ventis on iNet®Build your Ventis today at/ventisbuilder5.When iNet detects a problem, Industrial Scientific rushes areplacement gas detector to you.4.iNet emails real-time alerts and status reports.3.iNet Control provides visibility into your gas detection programvia the Internet.1.Operators dock gas detectors owned by Industrial Scientific.2.Docking stations perform bump tests, calibrationsand record keeping.HOW GAS DETECTION AS A SERVICE WORKSIMAGINE YOUR PEACE OF MIND... IMAGINE iNETCONFIGURATION OPTIONSVENTIS MX4 INTEGRAL PUMP MA TRIX EXAMPLE : VTSP-0011 - Ventis MX4 Pump, No Bat-VTSP-011VTSP-0011 PUMPBuild and price your Ventis online with the Ventis MX4 instrument builder./ventisbuilderMOST COMMON INSTRUMENT CONFIGURA TIONS PART NO.DESCRIPTIONVTS-K1231100y0z Ventis - LEL, CO, H 2S, O 2, Li-ion, desktop charger, BlackVTS-K1231201y0z Ventis - LEL, CO, H 2S, O 2, Li-ion, desktop charger/datalink, Safety OrangeVTS-K5231300y1z Ventis - LEL, SO 2, H 2S, O 2, Li-ion, auto charger, soft case, Black VTS-K1031301y0z Ventis - LEL, CO, O 2, Li-ion, auto charger, Safety Orange VTS-K1431000y1z Ventis - LEL, CO, NO 2, O 2, Li-ion, no charger, soft case, Black VTS-K1232111y0z Ventis with pump - LEL, CO, H 2S, O 2, Extended Li-ion, desktop charger, Safety OrangeVTS-K1232110y1z Ventis with pump - LEL, CO, H 2S, O 2, Extended Li-ion, desktop charger, soft case, BlackVTS-L1232110y2z Ventis with pump - LEL (methane), CO, H 2S, O 2, Extended Li-ion, desktop charger, hard case with display window, BlackVTS-K5232111y0zVentis with Pump - LEL, SO 2, H 2S, O 2, Extended Li-ion, desktop charger, Safety OrangeVTSP-2011 PUMPORDERING INFORMATIONCONFINED SPACE KITS WITH INTEGRAL PUMP PART NO.VK-K123211xy1z Ventis Confined Space Kit - LEL, CO, H VK-K103211xy1z Ventis Confined Space Kit - LEL, CO, O VK-K023211xy1z Ventis Confined Space Kit - LEL, H2S, O VK-K003211xy1zVentis Confined Space Kit - LEL, O x = Instrument Color: 0 = Black, 1 = Safety Orangey = A gency Certification: 1 = UL/CSA, 2 = ATEX/IECEx, 3 = MSHA, 4 = ANZEx,5 = CHINA EX, 7 = GOST-R/GOST-K, 8 = KOSHA, 9 = INMETRO, A = MED, D = TIIS z = L anguage for included Reference Guide: 1 = EN, 2 = FR, 3 = ES, 4 = DE, 5 = ITA,6 = DUT,7 = PT, 9 = RUS, A = POL, B = CZE, C = CN, D = DAN, E = NOR, F = FIN, G = SWE, J = JPN Ventis Confined Space Kits with Integral Pump Include: Ventis with intergral pump, universal charger, soft carrying case, reference guide, calibration tubing, dustfilter/water stop, calibration fitting, sample tubing, calibration gas (appropriate mix) with regulator, rugged hard plastic case.CONFINED SPACE KITS WITH SLIDE-ON PUMP MA TRIX PART NO.DESCRIPTIONVKVSP4-ABCDEFVentis Confined Space Kit with Ventis Slide-on Pump (LEL, CO, H 2S, O 2)A = LEL Sensor Calibration: K = Pentane, L = MethaneB = Instrument Color: 0 = Black, 1 = Safety OrangeC = Monitor Battery: 1 = Lithium-ion, 2 = Extended Range Lithium-ion, 3 = AlkalineD = Pump Battery: 1 = Lithium-ion, 2 = Extended Range Lithium-ionE = Agency Certification: 1 = UL/CSA, 2 = ATEX/IECEx, 3 = MSHA, 9 = INMETROF = D ocumentation Language: 1 = EN, 2 = FR, 3 = ES, 4 = DE, 5 = ITA, 6 = DUT, 7 = PT, 9 = RUS, A = POL, B = CZE, C = CN, D = DAN, E = NOR, F = FIN,G = SWE Ventis Confined Space Kits with Slide-on Pump Include: Ventis with LEL, CO, H 2S, and O 2 sensors, Ventis Slide-on Pump, 110 VAC desktop charger for each rechargeable instrument ordered (max of 2), calibration cup and tubing with T-fitting, dust filter/water stop, 10 feet of sample tubing, 34 liter cylinder of calibration gas, manual regulator, rug-ged hard plastic carrying caseTHE VENTIS IS PARTICULARLY USEFUL IN THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIES:■ Chemical ■ Construction■ Electrical / Gas Utilities ■ Fire Service■ Oil and Gas ■ Public Works ■ Steel Production ■ W ater / Waste Water T reatment18108631-00 V·CAL WITH VENTIS INSTRUMENT* (*monitor not included)18108191 VENTIS CHAR GER18108650-06-UNIT CHARGER18108209 CHARGER/DA T ALINK18107763 PRINTER18108652TRUCK-MOUNTCHAR GER , WITH PLUG18108651AUTOMOTIVE CHARGERACCESSORIESPART NO .DESCRIPTION18109327-ABC DSX ™ Docking Station for Ventis ™ MX4A – DSX Mode:0 = DSX Standalone171344871715556417134495171345031714359517148313-117148313-217148313-317148313-41715060818108653 TR UCK-MOUNT CHARGER, HAR D WIR ED18108631-10 V·CAL WITH VENTIS WITHPUMP INSTRUMENT* (*monitor not included)18109327 DSX DOCKING ST A TION WITH VENTIS MX4* (*monitor not included)REV 0715© 2015 Industrial Scientific CorporationINSTRUMENT WARRANTY:Two-year warranty, including sensors and battery CASE MATERIAL:Polycarbonate with protective rubber overmold DIMENSIONS:103 mm x 58 mm x 30 mm (4.1” X 2.3” X 1.2”) - Ventis, lithium-ion battery version172 mm x 67 mm x 66 mm (6.8” X 2.6” X 2.6”) - Ventis with pump, lithium-ion battery version WEIGHT:182 g (6.4 oz) - Ventis, lithium-ion battery version380 g (13.4 oz) - Ventis with pump, lithium-ion battery version OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: -20°C- 50°C (-4°F-122°F)OPERATING HUMIDITY RANGE:15%-95% Non-condensing (continuous)DISPLAY/READOUT:Backlit liquid crystal display (LCD)POWER SOURCE/RUN TIME:Rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack (12 hours typical @ 20ºC) - VentisRechargeable extended-range lithium-ion battery pack (20 hours typical @ 20ºC) - Ventis(12 hours typical @ 20ºC) - Ventis with pump Replaceable AAA alkaline battery pack (8 hours typical @ 20ºC) - Ventis(4 hours typical @ 20ºC) - Ventis with pump ALARMS:Ultra-bright LEDs, loud audible alarm (95 dB at 30 cm) and vibrating alarm SENSORS:Combustible gases/methane - Catalytic diffusion O 2, CO, CO/H 2 low, H 2S, NO 2, SO 2 - Electrochemical MEASURING RANGES: Combustible gases: 0-100% LEL in 1% increments Methane (CH 4): 0-5% of vol. In 0.01% increments Oxygen (O 2): 0-30% of vol. In 0.1% increments Carbon monoxide (CO/H 2 low): 0-1,000 ppm in 1 ppm increments Carbon monoxide (CO): 0-1,000 ppm in 1 ppm increments Hydrogen sulfide (H 2S): 0-500 ppm in 0.1 ppm increments Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2): 0-150 ppm in 0.1 ppm increments Sulfur dioxide (SO 2): 0-150 ppm in 0.1 ppm incrementsCERTIFICATIONS:UL: Class I, Division 1, Groups A B C D, T4; Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4 Class II, Groups F G (Carbonaceous & Grain dust); IP66; IP67ATEX: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga and Ex ia I Ma; Equipment Group and Category II 1G and I M1; IP66; IP67IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga; IP66; IP67CSA: Class I, Division 1, Groups A B C D, T4; Ex d ia IIC T4 C22.2 No. 152 for %LEL reading only ANZEx: Ex ia s Zone 0 I/IIC T4; IP66; IP67INMETRO: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga; IP66; IP67KOSHA: Ex d ia IIC T4MSHA: 30 CFR Part 22; Permissible for underground mines; Li-ion versions onlyPA-DEP: Permissible for PA Bituminous Underground Mines CHINA EX: Ex ia d IIC T4 Gb CHINA CMC: Metrology approvalCHINA MA: Approved for underground mines; Alkaline version onlyChina KA: Ex ia d I Mb, diffusion (without pump) Alkaline version only GOST- K: PBExdiaI X / 1ExdiaIICT4 X GOST-R: PBExdiaI X / 1ExdiaIICT4 XMED: Portable Multigas Detector; Category 2 (MED 2012/32/EU); Li-Ion only Charger/Docking Station accessories; category 1SANS-1515: SANS 1515-1; Type A; Ex ia I/IIC T4 IP66/67; Li-Ion only TIIS: Ex ia IIC T4 X SUPPLIED WITH MONITOR:Calibration Cup (Ventis), Sample Tubing (Ventis with pump), Ventis MX4 Reference GuideREFERENCE GUIDE LANGUAGE:English (1), French (2), Spanish (3), German (4), Italian (5), Dutch (6), Portuguese (7), Russian (9), Polish (A), Czech (B), Chinese (C), Danish (D), Norwegian (E), Finnish (F), Swedish (G), Japanese (J)* These specifications are based on performance averages and may vary by instrument.SPECIFICATIONS*ASIA PACIFICPhone: +65-6561-7377 Fax: +65-6561-7787**************.comAMERICASPhone: +1-412-788-4353 | Fax: +1-412-788-8353 1-800-DETECTS (338-3287) North America***************EMEAPhone:+33 (0)1 57 32 92 61Fax: +33 (0)1 57 32 92 67**************.com。

AsH3 3E 1 F LT
2 years
NEW 3 Electrode sensor with ionic liquid electrolyte and 200ppm hour H2S filter; available in Mini, Classic, 4-Series and 7-Series formats.
HCl/HBr 3E 30
>2 years
NH3 3E 100 SE
>2 years
NH3 3E 1000
>18 months
NH3 3E 1000 SE
英国CITY氧气传感器 T7OXV气体探测器

T7OXV CiTiceL ®Technical Specifications7OXV0-25%vol. O 2None4-20 mA d.c.<15 Seconds at 20°C0.1%vol O 2Can be considered linear inmany cases. Refer to OP-05 for further details Product DimensionsAll dimensions in mmAll tolerances ±0.15 mm unless otherwise statedIMPORTANT NOTE:All performance data is based on conditions at 20°C, 50% RH and 1013 mBar. For further information on the operation and calibration of the T7OX/V 4-20mA transmitter, please refer to OP-05.Oxygen (O 2) Gas Sensor with 4-20 mA TransmitterProduct Code : TA2R-1AMEASUREMENTSensor Type Used Measurement Range Filter Output Response Time (T 95)Resolution Linearity 10 - 35 VDC15 M ΩVia built-in span potentiometerELECTRICALPower Supply Required Output Impedance Calibration Via mounting nose supplied Approx. 120 g includingmounting accessoryNoneMECHANICALMounting Weight Position Sensitivty -20°C to +50°C 0°C to 20°C Refer to OP-05Atmospheric ± 10%0.02% signal/mbar0 - 99% RH non-condensingENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature Range Recommended Storage Temp Temperature Compensation Operating Pressure RangePressure Coefficient Operating Humidity Range<5% signal loss/year Two years in air6 months in CTL container24 months from date of despatch(This ammounts to a variation ofcondition 6 of our standard terms and conditions which otherwise apply)LIFETIMELong Term Sensitivity Drift Expected Operating LifeStorage LifeStandard WarrantyKey Features & Benefits:• Robust 3-Series packaging• Industry standard 4-20 mA outputPoisoningCiTiceLs are designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments and operation.When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the CiTiceL as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic.Cross Sensitivity TableToxic gases at TLV levels will have no cross-sensitivity effect on Oxygen CiTiceLs. At very high levels (i.e. percent levels), highly oxidising gases (e.g. ozone and chlorine) will interfere to the extent of their oxygen equivalent, but most other commonly occurring gases will have no effect. For example: Methane 100% 0 Hydrocarbons 100% 0 Hydrogen 100% < -2% Carbon monoxide 20% < -0.5%Acid gases such as CO 2 and SO 2 will be slightly absorbed by the electrolyte and tend to increase the flux of oxygen to the electrode. This gives an enhanced oxygen signal of about 0.3% of signal per 1% CO 2. Capilliary controlled CiTiceLs (such as the 7OX/V) are not suitable for continuous operation in concentrations of CO 2 above 25%. In applications where high concentrations of CO 2 are present, the AO2 CiTiceL is recommended.The cross-sensitivity values quoted are based on tests conducted on a small number of sensors. They are intended to indicate sensor response to gases other than the target gas. Sensors may behave differently with changes in ambient conditions and any batch may show significant variation from the values quoted.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in aSAFETY NOTEThis sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensor and/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.。
NEMA 4X (IP65) 工业气体流量控制器和计量仪说明书

NEMA 4X (IP65) MASS FLOW CONTROLLERS AND METERSFMA-8301$1697ߜNEMA 4X (IP65)Watertight ConstructionߜStackable Designfor Easy InstallationߜDual AnalogSignal OutputsߜRemovable SensorߜCorrosion-ResistantValveThese controllers and meters offerhigh accuracy, control, andmeasurement of industrial gaseswith the added integrity of NEMA 4X(IP65) industrial packaging. Theheart of the controller and meter isthe removable flow sensor whichproduces an electrical output signal linear with mass flow rate. This output can be used for indicating, recording, and/or controlling purposes. The FMA-8300 controller has an integral valve and accepts a remote setpoint, which makes it a simple and easy-to-install flow control system. SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy:±1% FS including linearity at calibrated conditions Repeatability:0.25% of rate Response Time:Less than 6 seconds to within 2% of full scale of final value for a 0 to 100% command change Operating Pressure:1500 psig (100 bar) maximum Differential Pressure:5 to 50 psid pressure dropPressure Sensitivity:±0.03% per psi up to 200 psig (N2) Operating Temperature:5 to 65°C (41 to 149°F)Temperature Sensitivity:Zero:Less than ±0.075% FSper degree CSpan:Less than ±1.0 FS shift from original calibration over10 to 50°C (50 to 122°F)Leak Integrity:1 x 10-9Atm. scc/sec heliumWetted Materials:316 SS with Viton®O-rings Set Point Input:4 to 20 mA(75⍀ resistance) or0 to 5 Vdc 220 K⍀ resistanceOutput Signal:4 to 20 mA,loop-resistance is power supply dependent or 0 to 5 Vdc 220 K⍀or greater load. Maximum ripple 3 mV Power Voltage:Current:FMA-8200 Series:240 mA @15 VdcFMA-8300 Series:90 mAControl Range:50 to 1Weight:FMA-8200 Series:4.5 kg (10 lb)FMA-8300 Series:2.7 kg (6 lb)Note:Ranges are based on Nitrogen.* For controllers, insert: gas, inlet/outlet pressure and temperature.Comes complete with manual, connection fittings and calibration data.For calibration above 200 psig, add $355to the price.Ordering Examples: FMA-8300,0 to 10 SCCM mass flow meter,$2085.FMA-8209-H2-0/50 PSIG-70°C, 0 to 10 SLM mass flow controller for hydrogen, inlet/outlet pressure, 0/50 PSIG at 70°F,$2275.FMA-8300,$2085.FMA-8200,$2665.D-29CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
英国CITY 4OXeco LP无铅型氧气传感器 不含铅氧气探测器 氧气检测模块 氧气报警器

4OXeco LP CiTiceL ®Technical SpecificationsProduct DimensionsNOTE 1: All performance data is based on conditions at 20°C, 50%RH and 1013 mBar, using City Technology circuitry operating at 15 VDC. For information on sensor performance under other conditions, refer to Operating Principles (OP06) and the 4OXeco LP Characterisation Note.NOTE 2: For 3 VDC circuit operation, see Operating Principles (OP06)Oxygen (O 2) Gas Sensor Part Number : AAZ81-33DKey Features & Benefits:• RoHS compliant • 4 Series housing• 5 year life expectancyAll dimensions in mm All tolerances ±0.15 mm unless otherwise stated Typically <5% signal/year5 years in air6 months in CTL packagingSee Characterisation NoteLong Term Output Drift (at constant temperature, pressure& RH - see note 1)Expected Operating Life Storage Life Recommend stabilisation time LIFETIMEDo not solder directly to pinsABSApprox. 5 gDo not block rear ventMECHANICALHousing Material Weight Vent Access Flue Gas Analysis-20°C to +50°C0°C to 20°C in original packagingAtmospheric ± 20%Typically <0.02% signal/mbar <500% signal change in air20% to 90% RH non-condensing ENVIRONMENTALTypical Application Operating Temperature Range Recommended Storage Temp Operating Pressure Range Pressure Coefficient Pressure Transient (58.8 mBar step change)Relative Humidity Range -600 mV ± 10 mV0.21 mW @ 20.9%O 20.30 mW @ 30%O 2Electronics dependentELECTRICALBias Voltage Maximum Power Requirement Resolution Electrochemical 0-25%vol. O 230%vol. O 280 - 130 µA in air (see note 1)<0.6% O 2 equiv. (3 minutes N 2)< 15 Seconds < 30 SecondsS = K Ln (1/(1-C))(See operating principles OP06)MEASUREMENTTechnology Nominal Range Maximum Overload Output Signal (on receipt)Zero Current (Offset) Response Time (T 90) Response Time (T 97)Linearity US Patent Application : US2010288652 Refer to '4OXeco Cell Management Circuitry' technical note.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued productimprovement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristicsquoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.Performance characteristics on this data sheet outline the performance of newly supplied sensors. Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time.PoisonsCity Technology’s electrochemical sensors are designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments, and operation. When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should not be used after the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the sensor as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic .Cross Sensitivity TableTh e 4OXeco LP has been tested with a number of gases which may be present in applications to establish their level of cross interference. Although this table does provide a guide, it does not dictate the behaviour of any particular sensor or batch of sensors. This behaviour may vary depending upon the application and ambient conditions .GasConcentration Balance %O 2 Equivalent Carbon Dioxide, CO 22% and 10%21% O 2 / Balance N 20.05% O 2 / % CO 2Carbon Monoxide, CO 1000 ppm 21% O 2 / Balance N 2<0.1% O 2Nitric Oxide, NO 500 ppm 21% O 2 / Balance N 2<0.1% O 2Nitrogen Dioxide, NO 2200 ppm 21% O 2 / Balance N 2<0.1% O 2Sulfur Dioxide, SO 21000 ppm 21% O 2 / Balance N 2-0.1% O 2Hydrogen Sulfide, H 2S 10 ppm 21% O 2 / Balance N 2<0.1% O 2Hydrogen, H 25000 ppm21% O 2 / Balance N 2~ -0.5% O 2SAFETY NOTEAlthough this product is not designed for use in life safety applications, if it is used in such applications it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument, to ensure that the sensor and/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.。

细孔和薄膜氧气传感器对对温度的变动都是敏感的,但敏感程度不同。 温度对细孔氧气传感器的影响相对较小,通常温度从+20°C 到–20°C 会导致输出信号 损失 10%。相对的,温度对薄膜氧气传感器的影响要大得多,气体扩散通过薄膜是一个活 动的过程,通常 10°C 的温度变化就会导致传感器信号输出加倍。薄膜氧气传感器要求 温度的相对稳定,因而许多 CiTiceLs?产品带有内置热敏电阻。 英国 CITY 氧气传感器典型应用:
气体 - 氧气 应用 - 工业安全 选择 - 0-30%;
系列 气体类型 产品名称
使用寿命* 量程
气体 - 氧气 应用 - 排放
空气中1年 空气中2年 空气中2年 空气中2年
0-30% 0-30% 0-30% 0-25%
塑料容器传感器 塑料容器装传感器带细管头 废气传感器
气体类型 产品名称 使用寿命* 量程
AutoO2? O2
AutoO2? O2
空气中2年 空气中2年
0-100% 0-100%
汽车传感器(内置热敏电阻),通过 BAR97和 PTB 认证 汽车传感器,含0.141"微型电话插口,通过 BAR97和 PTB 认证
微型传感器,塑料容器 微型传感器,塑料容器 微型传感器 – 塑料罐。用于极端环境 微型传感器,塑料容器,带传输板
气体类型 产品名称
使用寿命* 量程产品描述来自CiTiceL? O2

Figure 1 - Schematic of oxygen sensor.进入传感器的氧气的流速取决于传感器顶部的毛细微孔的大小。
当氧气到达工作电极时,它立刻被还原释放出氢氧根离子:O2 + 2H2O + 4e- " type="#_x0000_t75">4OH-这些氢氧根离子通过电解质到达阳极(铅),与铅发生氧化反应,生成对应的金属氧化物。
2Pb + 4OH- " type="#_x0000_t75">2PbO + 2H2O + 4e-上述两个反应发生生成电流,电流大小相应地取决于氧气反应速度(法拉第定律),可外接一只已知电阻来测量产生的电势差,这样就可以准确测量出氧气的浓度。
通常氧气传感器的使用寿命为1-2 年,但也可以通过增加阳极铅的含量或限制接触阳极的氧气量来延长传感器的使用寿命。
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4OXV CiTiceL ®Product DimensionsOxygen (O 2) Gas Sensor Part Number: AAY80-390Technical SpecificationsElectrochemical1-25% vol. O 230% vol. O 20.10 ± 0.02 mA in Air<15 Seconds <0.6% vol. O 2Can be considered linear inmany cases.See Operating Principles (OP-02) for further details.MEASUREMENTTechnology Measurement Range Maximum Overload Output Signal Response Time (T90)Zero Current (Offset)Linearity 100 ΩRecommended Load Resistor ABS<16 g<0.2% vol. O 2 equivalentMECHANICALCasing Material Weight Orientation Sensitivity -20°C to +50°C (up to 3 monthscontinuous across RH range)0°C to 20°C<23.5% vol. O 2Atmospheric ± 20%<0.02% signal/mbar <200% signal change (at 0°C to 20°C)5 to 95%RH non-condensing 0 to 99%RH non-condensingENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature Range Recommended Storage Temp Thermal Transient (Temp. plunge +22°C to -20°C)Operating Pressure Range Pressure Coefficient Pressure Transient (60 cm H 2O step change)Relative Humidity Range Continuous Short Term <2% signal/monthTypically <5% over operating lifeMinimum 24 months in air6 months in original packaging 24 months from date of despatchLIFETIMELong Term Output Drift Expected Operating Life Storage Life Warranty Period ELECTRICALIMPORTANT NOTESObstruction of the vent hole will compromiseperformance, and must be avoided. Do not remove label.Adequate free volume should be provided below the sensor to ensure full performance.All tolerances ±0.15 mm unless otherwise stated. DO NOT solder to pins.All performance data is based on conditions at 20ºC, 50% RH and 1013 mbar.Key Features and Benefits: • False alarm immunity • Enhanced response time in extreme applications • Reliably meets stated life • Superior environmental performanceEvery effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.Typical ApplicationsGeneral purpose, portable or fixed life safety.PoisonsCiTiceLs are designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments, and operation. When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the CiTiceL as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic.Cross Sensitivity DataToxic gases at TLV levels will have no cross-sensitivity effect on Oxygen CiTiceLs. At very high levels(i.e. percent levels), highly oxidising gases (e.g. ozone, chlorine) will interfere to the extent of their oxygen equivalent, but most other commonly occurring gases will have no effect.Acid GasesIMPORTANT NOTE: Acid gases such as CO2 and SO2will be absorbed by the electrolyte and tend to increasethe flux of oxygen to the electrode. This gives an enhanced oxygen signal of approximately 0.3% of signal per1% CO2. Oxygen CiTiceLs are not suitable for continuous operation in concentrations of CO2above 25%.SAFETY NOTEThis sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensor and/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.。