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• Definition of explicit vocabulary acquisition
the explicit learning of vocabulary is characterized by selective attention and the use of strategies to determine the meanings of a lexical unit (Ellis 1994: 219).
Apart from ‘ignoring’, these strategies take obvious and explicit aim at determining the word’s meaning.
guessing/inferring the meaning
• (i) from the context and on the basis of their knowledge of the world (extralingual and contextual cues) • (ii) from associations based on knowledge of the target language (intralingual cues) • (iii) from associations with existing knowledge of the learner’s L1 or of a foreign language other than the one under study (interlingual cues).
focus to varying extents on the main pedagogical activity being undertaken or on the aim of the learner(Gass 1999; Paribakht and Wesche 1999).—aim-oriented
Implicit and Explicit Cognitive Processes in Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
ANDREA ENDER Institute of Multilingualism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland E-mail: andrea.ender@unifr.ch
whether the beneficial effect of linguistic cues is the same for both inter- and intralingual cues
whether there is an important distinction between associations within the target language system on the one hand and, on the other, associations with the learner’s first language and/or possibly also with other foreign languages in the learner’s repertoire.
the strategies applied here reflect the classroom behaviour of these specific (mostly female) learners, and other groups of learners—for example, in a naturalistic learning situation or in other reading contexts such as leisure reading—may react differently.
• The reading-for-comprehension exercise(a few days later) read the two texts—summarize the content of paragraph by paragraph—answer study questions —speak their thoughts out loud during the reading and comprehension process(were audio-recorded)
• Participants
24 advanced learners (21F+3M)of French who are native German speakers.
Procedure Analyses
• Pretest
participants were asked to read through the texts and highlight any words and phrases they did not know in 40 minutes . This procedure was intended to yield the number of unknown words in the texts on an individual basis.
In all, the learners in the present study do not behave as active guessers, even though their answers to the strategy inventory by Oxford (1990), reporting their strategic behaviour, identified them as strategy-experienced learners (Ender 2007: 127).
• The follow-up vocabulary test(a week later) the participants were tested on their retention of the new words and phrases. the students were asked to declare their level of knowledge for each previously unknown word, using the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) by Wesche and Paribakht (1996).
these think-aloud protocols were intended to document the way the participants coped with unknown vocabulary (e.g. ignoring it, consulting a dictionary)
Research questions
• How does implicit and explicit processing of new lexical items differ in terms of the retention or learning of new vocabulary, and how do different forms of explicit processing differ in this way? • How far can implicit processes be considered successful for the expansion of second language vocabulary?
• Definition of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
Modeling the importance of implicit and explicit processes
in the present sample, language-based inference strategies are a less frequent but more efficient process for learning than sense-creation based on world knowledge and context.
Definition of implicit vocabulary acquisition
Implicit vocabulary acquisition would therefore be the totally unconscious and unintentional learning of new words as a result of exposure to them in a meaningful context (a more detailed discussion of the vague term ‘consciousness’ in language learning is given in Rieder (2003).
● Relative frequency of processing strategies & Effects of processing strategies ●Modeling the importance of implicit and explicit processes
Lexical processing strategies
(i) ignore the lexical item and continue reading (ii) consult a dictionary or another individual (iii) infer the meaning on the basis of linguistic or contextual cues
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Vocabulary-learning scores—that is the proportion of previously unknown words for which vocabulary growth was manifest, at least in terms of the recall of a meaning—ranged from eight to 59 per cent for the individual participants, with an overall average of 27 per cent (SD = 13.25).
Lexical items recalled after being involved in what could be conceived of as an implicit process, however, mostly received a score of three, which is to say, the learners came up with an appropriate translation equivalent. In cases of explicit search for a meaning, the learners attained significantly higher retention scores.