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1.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院,广东广州 510006

2.广东省环境保护监测中心站,广东广州 510045

摘要:建立了2006年珠江三角洲(以下简称为珠三角)地区机动车排放清单,获得了该地区分车型、区域以及燃料类型的机动车排放分担率.结果表明:¹珠三角地区不同车型的机动车污染排放分担率有显著差别,其中柴油大货车、汽油小客车和柴油小货车是机动车排放NO x 的主要来源,摩托车、汽油小货车和汽油小客车是机动车排放V OCs 的主要来源,柴油大货车、柴油大客车和柴油小货车是机动车排放PM 10的主要来源;º广州、佛山、东莞和深圳等经济发达和快速发展地区的机动车污染物排放量均较大,这4个城市机动车NO x ,V OCs 和PM 10的排放量之和分别占珠三角地区机动车排放总量的7917%,6918%和7719%;»机动车燃油比例对污染排放影响显著.汽油车(含摩托车)对VO Cs 的排放分担率较大(约为9318%),而柴油车对NO x 和PM 10的排放分担率较大(分别为6115%和8410%).关键词:机动车污染;珠江三角洲地区;分担率;排放特征

中图分类号:X51 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-6929(2009)04-0456-06

Vehicle Exha ust Emission Characteristics and Contributions in the Pearl River Delta Region

CHE Wen 2w ei 1

,Z HEN G Jun 2yu 1

,Z HO NG Liu 2ju


1.College of Environmental Science and Engi neering,South China University of Technology,G uangzhou 510006,China

2.G uangdong Pro vince Environ mental Monitoring Cen ter,G uangzhou 510045,China

Abstr act :A vehicle emission inven tory was developed fo r the Pearl River Del ta (PRD )region in 2006.The inventory was used to analy ze the contributio ns from di fferent vehicle types,different cities,and fuel usage to the total vehicular emissio n in the PRD.The results sho w:(1)There are sig nifican t differences i n the emission contributions among di fferent vehicle types.Heavy 2duty gasoline trucks,li ght 2duty gasoline passenger cars,and lig ht 2duty gaso line trucks were the majo r NO x emission contributors.Motorcycles,light 2duty gaso line trucks,and ligh t 2duty gasoline passenger cars contributed most to the V OCs emissio ns.Heavy 2duty diesel trucks,heavy duty diesel passenger cars,and ligh t 2duty diesel trucks w ere the main contributio n so urces o f PM 10.(2)The develo ped and rapidly developing cities such as Guangzho u,Fushan,Don gguan and Shenzhen are major co ntri bu tors to to tal mo to r vehicle emissions i n the PRD region;the emissio ns fro m these ci ties account for 7917%,6918%and 7719%o f the total vehicular N O x ,V OCs,and PM 10emissio ns,respecti vely.(3)The ratio of diesel vs.gasoline sho wed significant effects on pollutant emissions.Gasoli ne vehicles make significant con tributi on 2about 9318%2to total VO Cs emissio ns,w hile diesel vehicles contribute about 6115%and 8410%to the to tal N O x and PM 10emissions,respectively.Key wor ds :vehicle exhaust;Pearl River Del ta;contributio n rates;emission characteristics

收稿日期:2008-06-04 修订日期:2008-10-24基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2006AA06A305)作者简介:车汶蔚(1985-),女,山东烟台人,wenweic herren@g .*责任作者,郑君瑜(1968-),男,四川南部人,副教授,博士,主要从事大气源清单开发、大气污染控制策略及大气模型不确定性研究,zheng.junyu@gm










第22卷 第4期2009年4月环 境 科 学 研 究Research o f Enviro nmental Sciences Vol.22,N o.4Apr.,2009
