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Unit 1 词组

1.play the guitar 弹吉他

2.on the weekend(on weekends) 在周末

3.play chess下棋

4.speak English .说英语

5.go to your home去你家

6.at home在家

7.go home .回家

8.be free (have time) 有空

9.can also swim (can swim , too) 也会游泳

10.talk to/with---(speak to---)跟---说

11.do kung fu练功夫

12.play the drums打鼓

13.some people一些人

14.show us your photo给我们看你的照片 (show your photo to us )

15.the story-telling club讲故事俱乐部

16.the English-speaking club说英语俱乐部

17.students wanted for the school show (want students for the school show) 招聘学校表演的学生

18.make friends with them与他们交朋友

19.help us with our English在我们英语方面帮助我们

20.help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人干某事

21.call us at the number拨这号给我们打电话

e to the Students' Sports Center 到学生运动中心来

23.teach us to learn history教我们学历史

24.need help at the old people's home 在老人之家需要帮助

25.tell them stories (stories to them) 给他们讲故事

26.join(be in) the sports club参加运动俱乐部

27.English-speaking students说英语的学生

e and join us来加入我们

29.be good with对---有办法

30.be good at telling stories擅长讲故事

31.like drawing喜欢画画

32.teach us geography教我们地理

33.write to me (write me a letter, write

a letter to me) 给我写信

34.be(join) in the school festival参加学校音乐节

35.be busy swimming忙于游泳

36.make us happy使我们高兴

37.make him sing使他唱

38.be good for对---有益

39.in the music room在音乐室里

Unit 2 词组

1.get up early起床早

2.get dressed穿上衣服

3.dress her给她穿衣服

4.brush his teeth刷他的牙

5.take(have) a shower淋浴

6.go to work early去上班早

7.an interesting job有趣的工作

8.radio station广播电台

9.at night(in the evening) 在晚上

10.get (take) exercise进行锻炼

11.do morning exercises做早操

12.some exercises一些练习

13.draw well画地好

14.like musicians best最喜欢音乐家

15.two groups of people两群人

16.exercise for half an hour锻炼半小时

17.half past nine(nine thirty) 九点半

18.a quarter past ten(ten fifteen) 十点一刻

19.a quarter to eight(seven forty-five) 八点差一刻

20.three quarters四分之三

21.do our homework做我们作业

22.running stars跑步明星

23.walk to school步行到学校

24.walk here步行到这儿

25.take(have) a walk (go for a walk) 散步

26.run very quickly跑地非常快

Unit 3 词组

1.take the subway(the subway ride) 乘地铁

2.ride a bike(by bike,on a bike) 骑自行车

3.one hundred and eight一百零八

4.nine hundred and ninety-nine九百九十九

5. leave for Beijing动身去北京

6.cross the river on a ropeway乘索道过河

7.drive home开车回家

8.drive a car to Wuhan开车去武汉

9.drive her to Wuhan捎她去武汉

10.live in a village住在村里

11.a bus stop公汽停靠点

12.stop to read停下来读

13.stop reading停止读

14.one hour and a half(one and a half hours) 一小时半

15.cross the bridge过桥

16.cross the river to school过河上学

17.go on a ropeway乘索道

18.be afraid of me怕我

19.be afraid to take a boat怕乘船

20.There is no bridge.(There isn't a bridge) (There are no bridges.) 没有桥

21.how far多远

22.be far from your home离你家远

23.fifty minutes五十分钟

e true实现

25.dream a dream做个梦

26.dream about(of) him梦见他

27.live 2 kilometers from school住得距学校两公里远

28.dream her to take the train梦见她乘火车

29.drive his car to work开他的车上班

30.15 minutes by bike骑自行车15分钟

31.take me half an hour to read我花半小时看书

32.leave Zaoyang for Beijing离开枣阳去北京33.leave my book at home把我的书忘在了家

34.need an hour to get to school需要一小时到校

35.between me and him在我和他之间

36.an 11-year-old boy

(a bob of 11 years old) 一位11岁的男孩

37.like a father to me对我而言像位父亲

38.look like her看上去像她

39.run quickly for boats对船而言流得急Unit 4 词组

1.follow(keep) the rules遵守规则

2.break the rules违反制度

3.be(arrive) late for school上学迟到

4.listen to the teacher听老师讲

5.fight with him与他打架

6.play outside在外面玩

7.wear a uniform穿制服

8. keep(be) quiet安静

9.do the dishes清洗餐具

10.arrive in(get to) Zaoyang到达枣阳

11.Good luck. 祝你好运

12.feel lucky感到幸运

13.keep healthy保持健康

14.some hair一些头发

15.three white hairs三根白发

16.learn from Lei Feng学习雷锋

17.learn to follow the rules学会守纪

18.eat in class在课堂上吃

19.have to(must) be on time必须准时

20.on school days在上学日

21.every 20 minutes每20分钟

22.make(cook) breakfast做早饭

23.too many rules太多的规则

24.before breakfast早饭前

25.at school在上学时

26.make rules .制定规则27.

27.practice speaking English练习说英语

28.arrive at the shop到达那商店处

29.be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

30.be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格

31.a relaxing story一个使人轻松的故事

32.remember to do sth. 记得做某事
