



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Controls for inventory management best Practices Material Source: Accounting control best practices Author: Steven M.B r a g g Overview: An enormous number of advanced systems are involved in the procurement ,handling ,and shipment of inventory ,all of which require different types of controls .In this chapter ,we discuss control systems for a wide range of system complexities, ranging from paper-based inventory acquisition systems ,through bar-coded trackingsystems,cross docking ,pick-to-light systems, and zone picking ,and on to controls for manufacturing resources planning and just-in-time systems .As usual ,the number of controls that could be installed may appear to be oppressively large ,and could certainly interfere with the efficient running of inventory-related activities .Consequently ,always be mindful of the need to install only those controls that are truly necessary to the mitigation of significant risks.4-1Controls for basic inventory acquisitionThis section describes controls over the acquisition of inventory where there is no computerization of the pross.Section4-9,'Controls for Manufacturing Resources Planning, presents a more advanced application in which purchase orders are generated automatically by the computer system.The basic acquisition process centers on the purchase order authorization,as shown in Exhibit 4.1,The warehouse issues a renumbered purchase requisition when inventory levees run low ,which is primary authorization for the creation of a multipart purchase order .One copy of purchase order goes back to the warehouse ,where it is compared to a copy of the purchase requisition to verify completeness ;another copy goes to the accounts payable department for eventual matching to the supplier invoice .A fourth copy is sent to the receiving department ,where it is used to accept incomingdeliveries,while a fifth copy is retained in the purchasing department .In short ,various copies of the purchase order drive orders to suppliers ,receiving ,and payment.The controls noted in the flowchart are described at greater length next ,in sequence from the top of the flowchart to the bottom.*Warehouse :Prepare a renumbered purchase requisition .In the absence of a formal inventory management system, the only people who know which inventory items are running low are the warehouse staff. They must notify the purchasing department to issue purchase orders for inventory replenishments. To ensure that these requisitions are made in an orderly manner, only renumbered requisition forms should be used, and preferably they should be issued only by a limited number of warehouse staff. By limiting their use, it is less likely that multiple people will issue a requisition for the same inventory item.*Purchasing: Prepare a renumbered purchase order. The primary control over inventory in a basic inventory management system is through the purchases function ,which controls the spigot of inventory flowing into the warehouse, This control can be eliminated for small-dollar purchase for fittings and fasteners, which are typically purchased as soon as on-hand quantities reach marked reorder points in their storage bins (visual reorder system).Since the purchase order is the primary control over inventory purchases,you can avoid fake purchaseorders by using renumbered forms that are stored in a locked cabinet.*Verify that purchase order matches requisition .Once the warehouse staff receives its copy of the purchase order; it should compare the purchase order to the initiating requisition to ensure that the correct items were order. Any incorrect purchase order information should be brought to the attention of the purchasing staff at once.*Reject unauthorized deliveries, to enforce the use of purchase orders for al inventory purchases, the receiving staff should be instructed to reject all deliveries for which there is no accompanying purchase order number.*Match receipts to purchase order authorization. Once an order is received, the warehouse staff should enter the receiving information into a receiving report and send the receiving report to the accounts payable department for later matching to the supplier invoice and purchase order, It should also send a copy of the report to the purchasing department for further analysis.*Cancel residual purchase order balances. Upon receipt of the receiving report from the receiving department, the purchasing staff compares it to the file of open invoices to determine which orders have not yet been received and which purchase orders with residual amounts outstanding can now be cancelled .Otherwise, additional deliveries may arrive well after the date when they were originally needed.*There-way matching with supplier invoice for payment approval. Upon receipt of the receiving report, the accounts payable staff matches it to the supplier invoice and authorizing purchase order to determine if the quantity appearing on the supplier invoice matches the amount received and that the price listed on the supplier invoice matches the price listed on the purchase order. The department pays suppliers based on the results of these matching processes.The next control is supplemental to the primary controls just noted for the inventory acquisition process.*Segregate the purchasing and receiving functions. Anyone ordering supplies should not be allowed to receive it, since that person could eliminate all traces of the initiation order and make off with the inventory .This is normally considered a primary control, but it dose not fit into the actual transaction flow noted earlier in Exhibit 4.1 and so is listed here as a supplemental control.*Require supervisory approval of purchase orders. If the purchasing staff has a low level of experience ,it may be necessary to require supervisory approval of all purchase order before they are issued, in order to spot mistake ,This approval may also be useful for large purchasing commitments.*Inform suppliers that verbal purchase orders are not accepted. Suppliers will ship deliveries on the basic of verbal authorizations,which circumvents the use of formal purchase orders. To prevent this, periodically issue reminder notices to all suppliers that deliveries based on verbal purchase orders will be rejected at the receiving dock.*Inform suppliers of who can approve purchase orders. If there is a significant perceived risk that purchase orders can be forged ,then tell suppliers which purchasing personnel are authorized to approve purchase orders and update this notice whenever the authorization list changes. This control is not heavily used, especially for large purchasing department where the authorization list constantly changes or where there are many suppliers to notify. Usually the risk of purchase order forgery is not perceived to that large.4-2 Control for basic inventory storage and movementThis section describes control for only the most basic inventory management system, where there is no perpetual inventory tracking system in place, no computerization of the inventory database ,and no formal planning system, such as manufacture resources planning(MRPII)or just-in –time(JIT). When there is no perpetual inventory tracking system in place, the key control tasks of the warehouse staff fall into four categories:1. Guard the gates .The warehouse staff must ensure that access to inventory is restricted, in order to reduce theft and unauthorized use of inventory .This also means that warehouse staff must accept onlyproperly requisitioned inventory and must conduct a standard receiving review before accepting any inventory.2. Orderly storage .All on-hand inventories must be properly organized, so it can be easily accessed, counted, and requisitioned.3.Accurate picking ,The production department depends on the warehouse for accurate picking of all items needed for the production process ,as is also the case for picking of finished goods for delivery to customers.4. Timely and accurate requisitioning, when there is no computer system or perpetual card file to indicate when inventory levels are too low, the warehouse staff must use visual reordering systems and frequent inventory inspections to produce timely requisitions for additional stock.Exhibit 4.2 expands on the general control categories just noted .In the general category of “guarding the gates,” controls include rejecting unauthorized deliveries as well as inspecting ,identifying ,and recording all receipts .The orderly storage goal entails the segregation of customer-owned inventory and the assignment of inventory to specific locations .To achieve the accurate picking goal calls for the use of a source document for picking ,while the requisitioning target requires the use of pre numbered requisitions and document matching .A number of supplement controls also bolster the control targets.The controls noted in the flowchart are described at greater length next, in sequence from the top of the flowchart to the bottom .Also; a few controls from the last section (concerning requisitions and receiving) are repeated in order to form a complete picture of all required controls.*Reject unauthorized deliveries .To enforce the use of purchase orders for all inventory purchase, the receiving staff should be instructed to reject all deliveries for which there is no accompanying purchase older number.*Conduct receiving inspections with a checklist .The receiving staff is responsible for inspecting all delivered items .if staff members perform only a perfunctory inspection all delivered item .If staff members perform only a perfunctory inspection ,then the company is at risk of having accepted goods with a variety of problems .To ensure that a complete inspection is made ,create a receiving checklist describing specific inspection points ,such as timeliness of the delivery ,quality ,quantity ,and the presence of an authorizing purchase order number .Require the receiving staff to initial each item on the receiving checklist and then file it with the daily receiving report.*Identify and tag all received inventory .Many inventory items are difficult to identify once they have been removed from their shipping containers ,so it is imperative to properly identify and tag all received items prior to storage.*Put away items immediately after receipt .It is difficult for the warehouse staff to determine whether more inventory should be requisitioned if the inventory is sitting in the receiving area rather than in its designated location. Consequently, a standard part of the receiving procedure should be to put away items as soon after receipt as possible.*Conduct daily reordering review .When there is no perpetual inventory system ,the only way to ensure that sufficient quantities are on hand for expected production levels is to conduct a daily review of the inventory and place requisitions if inventory items have fallen below predetermined reorder points.*Issue pre numbered requisitions to the purchasing department .The warehouse should issue only pre numbered requisitions to the purchasing department .By doing so, the warehouse staff can maintain a log of requisition numbers used and thereby determine if any requisitions have been lost in transit to the purchasing department.*Verify that purchase order matches requisition, once the warehouse staff receives its copy of purchase order, it should compare the purchase order to the initiating requisition to ensure that the correct items were ordered .And incorrect purchase order information should be brought to the attention of the purchasing staff at once.译文:存货管理控制最佳实务概述:存货的采购、处理、和装运过程涉及很多先进的系统,所有这些都需要不同类型的控制措施。


第4讲 库存管理(II)
Multi-Echelon Inventory in Supply Chain
Outside supplier(s)
Central warehouse
Branch warehouse
Branch warehouse
Retail outlets
Two Stage Echelon Inventory
integers surrounding the n * Whichever gives the lower value of F is the appropriate n
to use (because the F function is convex in n).
Two Stage Echelon Inventory
which gives
nW ' v v R ' A n W 2 A R A n W v W ' 0
This solves for
AW vR' ARvW'
Two Stage Echelon Inventory
Ascertain Fn1 and Fn2 where n1 and n2 are the two
Inventory Control with Uncertain Demand
The demand can be decomposed into two parts,
DDDet DRan
DDet = Deterministic component of demand



外文翻译inventory managementMaterial Source: spring link Author: Floyd D. Hedrick“Inventory” to many small business owners is one of the mor e visible and tangible aspects of doing business. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various forms of inventory. Each type represents money Tied up until the inventory leaves the company as purchased products. Likewise, merchandise stocks in a retail store contribute to profits only when their sale puts money into the cash register. In a literal sense, inventory refers lo stocks of anything necessary lo do business. These stocks represent a large portion of the business investment and must be well managed in order to maximize profils. In facl, many small businesses cannot absorb the types of losses arising from poor inventory management. Unless invenlories are controlled, they are unreliable, inefficient and costly.SUCCESSFUL INVENTORY MANAGEMENTSuccessful inventory management involves balancing the costs of inventory with the benefits of inventory. Many small business owners fail to appreciate fully the true costs of carrying inventory, which include not only direct costs of storage, insurance and taxes, but also the cost of money tied up in inventory. This fine line between keeping too much inventory and not enough is not the manager's only concern. Others include: Maintaining a wide assortment of stock •• but not spreading the rapidly moving ones too thin: Increasing inventory turnover - but not sacrificing the service level: Keeping slock low - but not sacrificing service or performance. Obtaining lower prices by making volume purchases -- but not ending up with slow-moving invenlory: and having an adequate invemory on hand - but not gelling caught with obsolete items.The degree of success in addressing these concerns is easier to gauge for some than for others. For example, computing the inventory turnover ratio is a simple measure of managerial performance. This value gives a rough guideline by which managers can set goals and evaluate performance, but it must be realized that the turnover rate varies with the function ol' inventory, the type of business and how the ratio is calculated (whether on sales or cost of goods sold). Average inventory turnover ratios for individual industries can be obtained from trade associations.One of the most important aspects of inventory control is to have the items in stock at the moment they are needed. This includes going into the market to buy the goods early enoughto ensure delivery at the proper time. Thus, buying requires advance planning to determine inventory needs for each time period and then making the commitments without procrastination.For retailers, planning ahead is very crucial. Since they offer new items for sale months before the actual calendar date for the beginning of the new season, it is imperative that buying plans be formulated, early enough to allow for intelligent buying without any last minute panic purchases. The main reason for this early offering for sale of new items is that the retailer regards the calendar date for the beginning of Ihe new season as the merchandise date for ihe end of the old season. For example, many retailers view March 21 as the end of the spring season, June 21 as the end of summer and December 21 as Ihe end of winter.Part of your purchasing plan must include accounting for the depletion of the inventory. Before a decision can be made as to the level of inventory lo order, you must determine how long the inventory you have in stock will last.For instance, a retail firm must formulate a plan to ensure the sale of the greatest number of units. Likewise, a manufacturing business must formulate a plan to ensure enough inventory is on hand for production of a finished product.In summary, the purchasing plan detail: When commitments should be placed: When the first delivery should be received; When the inventory should be peaked; When reorders should no longer be placed: and When the item should no longer be in stock.Well planned purchases affect the price, delivery and availability of products for sale.CONTROLLING YOUR INVENTORYTo maintain an in-stock position of wanted items and to dispose of unwanted items, it is necessary to establish adequate controls over inventory on order and inventory in stock. There are several proven methods for inventory control. They are listed below, from simplest to most complex. Visual control enables the manager to examine the inventory visually to determine if additional inventory is required. In very small businesses where this method is used, records may not be needed at all or only for slow moving or expensive items. Tickler control enables the manager tophysically count a small portion of the inventory each day so that each segment of the inventory is counted every so many days on a regular basis. Click sheet control enables the manager to record the item as il is used on a sheel of paper. Such information is then used for reorder purposes. Stub control (used by retailers) enables the manager to retain a portion of the price ticket when the item is sold. The manager can then use the stub to record the item that was sold.As a business grows, it may find a need for a more sophisticated and technical form of inventory control. Today, the use of computer systems to control inventory is far more feasible for small business than ever before, both through the widespread existence of computer service organizations and the decreasing cost of small-sized computers. Often the justification for such a computer-based system is enhanced by the fact that company accounting and billing procedures can also be handled on the computer.Point-of-sale terminals relay information on each item used or sold. The manager receives information printouts at regular intervals for review and action.Off-line point-of-sale terminals relay information directly to the supplier's computer who uses the information to ship additional items automatically to the buyer/inventory manager.The final method for inventory control is done by an outside agency. A manufacturer's representative visits the large retailer on a scheduled basis, takes Ihe stock count and writes the reorder. Unwanted merchandise is removed from stock and returned lo Ihe manufacturer Ihrough a predetermined, authorized procedure.A principal goal for many of the methods described above is to determine the minimum possible annual cost of ordering and stocking each item. Two major control values are used: 1) the order quantity, that is, the size and frequency of order: and 2) the reorder point, that is, the minimum stock level at which additional quantities are ordered. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) formula is one widely used method of computing the minimum annual cost for ordering and stocking each item. The EOQ computation takes into account the cost of placing an order, the annual sales rate, the unit cost、and the cost of carrying invenlory. Many books on management practices describe the EOQ model in detail.DEVELOPMENTS IN INVENTORY MANAGEMENTIn recenl years, two approaches have had a major inipacl on inventory management: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Just-In-Time (JIT andKanban). Their application is primarily within manufacturing but suppliers might find new requirements placed on them and sometimes buyers of manufactured items will experience a difference in delivery.Material requirements planning is basically an information system in which sales arc converted dircctly into loads on the facility by sub-unit and time period. Materials are scheduled more closely, thereby reducing inventories, and delivery times become shorter and more predictable. Its primary use is with products composed of many components. MRP systems are practical for smaller firms. The computer system is only one part of the total project which is usually long-term, taking one to three years lo develop.Just-in-time inventory management is an approach which works to eliminate inventories rather than optimize them. The inventory of raw materials and work-in-process falls to that needed in a single day. This is accomplished by reducing set-up times and lead times so that small lots may be ordered. Suppliers may have to make several deliveries a day or move close to the user plants to support this plan.TIPS FOR BETTER INVENTORY MANAGEMENTAt time of delivery. Verify count -- Make sure you are receiving as many cartons as arc listed on the delivery rcccipt. Carefully examine cach carton for visible damage ~ If damage is visible, note it on the delivery receipt and have Ihe driver sign your copy. After delivery, immediately open all cartons and inspcct for merchandise damage.When damage is discovered: Retain damaged items - All damaged materials must be held at Ihe point received. Call carrier to report damage and request inspection. Confirm call in writing—This is not mandatory but it is one way to protect yourself.Carrier inspection of damaged items. Have all damaged items in the receiving area - Make certain the damaged items have not moved from the receiving area prior to inspection by carrier. After carrier /inspector prepares damage report, carefully read before signing.After inspeclion: Keep damaged materials—Damaged materials should not be used or disposed of without permission by the carrier. Do not return damaged items without wrillen aulhorization from shipper/supplier.SPECIAL TIPS FOR MANUFACTURERSIf you are in the business of bidding, specifications play a very important role. In writing specifications, the following elements should be considered. Do not request features or quality thai are not necessary for the items' intended use. Include full descriptions of any tesling lo be performed. Include procedures for adding optional items. Describe the quality of the items in clear terms.The following aclions can help save money when you are slocking inventory: Substitution of less costly materials without impairing required quality: Improvement in quality or changes in specifications that would lead to savings in process time or other operating savings; Developing new sources of supply; Greater use of bulk shipments; Quantity savings due to large volume, through consideration of economic order quantity: A reduction in unit prices due to negotiations:Initiating make-or-buy studies: Application of new purchasing techniques; Using competition along with price, service and delivery when making the purchase selection decision.译文存货管理资料来源:s p r i n g l i n k作者•:F l o y d D. H e d r i c k “存货”对于许多小企业来说是一种更容易看到和有形的资产。



Benefits of WM
> Benefits
• Better control of inventory
– More accurate inventory – Able to maintain lower inventory levels
• Better control of information
• Handling of inventory samples • Inspection lot is maintained with the material data
Hand-held terminals-WM
• Processing of transfer requirements • Processing of transfer orders • Bin and material inquiries
SAP Organizational Structure
Company Company Company
Challenges with Inventory Management
> Lack of detailed visibility to material flow
• Processing of all material movements • Automated communication with configurable processing
• Two-step picking with SD-WM integration • Wave picking opportunities • Processing individual deliveries





1. "Inventory Control and Management" by Donald Waters这本书是存货管理方面的经典之作。



2. "Effective Inventory Management" by Thomas T. Stallkamp本书作者是一位经验丰富的运营管理专家,他根据自己的实践经验,在存货管理领域中提出了很多独到的见解。


3. "Inventory Management Explained: A Focus on Forecasting, Lot Sizing, Safety Stock, and Ordering" by David J. Piasecki这本书专注于存货管理中的预测、批量大小、安全库存和订货等方面。


4. "Inventory Management Best Practices" by Steven M. Bragg这本书是一本从实践中总结出来的存货管理指南。


5. "World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling" by Edward Frazelle这本书不仅讨论了存货管理方面,还涵盖了物流、材料管理和仓储方面的问题。








1. "Inventory management practices and performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria" (Ojo, A. et al., 2020)这篇文章主要研究了尼日利亚的中小企业的存货管理实践及其对企业绩效的影响。



2. "Inventory Management and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya" (Owino, C., 2020)该文研究对象为肯尼亚基苏木市的中小企业,重点分析了存货管理与企业绩效之间的关系。



3. "The effect of inventory management on firm performance: evidence from the Jua Kali Sector in Nakuru Town, Kenya" (Sirma, K. et al., 2020)该研究以肯尼亚纳库鲁镇的小规模制造业为研究对象,探讨了存货管理对企业绩效的影响。



存货管理外文文献What is Inventory Management?什么是库存管理?Effective inventory management is all about knowing what is on hand, where it is in use, and how much finished product results.Inventory management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing inventory. This process usually involves controlling the transfer in of units in order to prevent the inventory from becoming too high, or dwindling to levels that could put the operation of the company into jeopardy. Competent inventory management also seeks to control the costs associated with the inventory, both from the perspective of the total value of the goods included and the tax burden generated by the cumulative value of the inventory.Balancing the various tasks of inventory management means paying attention to three key aspects of any inventory. The first aspect has to do with time. In terms of materials acquired for inclusion in the total inventory, this means understanding how long it takes for a supplier to process an order and execute a delivery. Inventory management also demands that a solid understanding of how long it will take for those materials to transfer out of the inventory be established. Knowing these two important lead times makes it possible to know when to place an order and how many units must be ordered to keep production running smoothly.Calculating what is known as buffer stock is also key to effective inventory management. Essentially, buffer stock is additional units above and beyond the minimum number required to maintain production levels. For example, the manager may determine that it would be a good idea to keep one or two extra units of a given machine part on hand, just in case an emergency situation arises or one of the units proves to be defective once installed. Creating this cushion or buffer helps to minimize the chance for production to be interrupted due to a lack of essential parts in the operation supply inventory.Inventory management is not limited to documenting the delivery of raw materials and the movement of those materials into operational process. The movement of those materials as they go through the various stages of the operation is also important. Typically known as a goods or work in progress inventory, tracking materials as they are used to create finished goods also helps to identify the need to adjust ordering amounts before the raw materials inventory gets dangerously low or is inflated to an unfavorable level.。



存货管理研究英文文献Inventory Management Research LiteratureInventory management is a crucial aspect of any business that involves the management of goods or products. This process involves recording, tracking, and updating the level of stock that an organization has. Effective inventory management ensures that a business maintains optimal stock levels, reduces the risk of stockouts, and avoids overstocking, which can lead to the wastage of resources. This article will examine the available research literature that relates to inventory management.Inventory ModelsInventory models refer to mathematical models that are used to determine the optimal order quantity and reorder points in inventory management. There are various types of inventory models, including EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) and the ROP (Reorder Point) model. The EOQ model is used to determine the most efficient order quantity for a particular inventory item, while the ROP model is used to determine the point at which to reorder inventory. Research has shown that organizations that use inventory models have a better chance of reducing their holding costs, improving customer satisfaction, and increasing operational efficiency.Inventory Management SystemsInventory management systems are software programs that help businesses monitor and control their inventory levels. The systems provide real-time data on stock levels, reorder points, and inventory turnover. Research shows that inventorymanagement systems help organizations reduce the risks of stockouts, improve order fulfillment, and reduce inventory costs. Additionally, the systems help organizations optimize their inventory levels, which helps them reduce the amount of capital they need to invest in inventory.Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory ManagementJust-In-Time (JIT) inventory management is a production strategy that aims to minimize inventory levels by producing products only when needed. This approach enablesorganizations to reduce inventory levels, increaseoperational efficiency, and optimize production processes. Research has shown that JIT inventory management can help organizations reduce their inventory holding costs by up to 30%, improve productivity, and increase customer satisfaction.ABC AnalysisABC analysis is a technique used to categorize inventory items based on their value. The technique divides inventory into three categories: A-items, B-items, and C-items. A-items are high-value items that account for the majority of an organization's inventory value. B-items are medium-value items, while C-items are low-value items that make up thebulk of the inventory. Research shows that ABC analysis helps organizations prioritize their inventory management efforts, reduce inventory holding costs, and optimize inventory levels.ConclusionEffective inventory management is essential for any business that deals with physical products or goods. The available research literature shows that various methodologies, tools, and techniques can help organizations optimize their inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. Organizations should consider adoptinginventory management systems, using inventory models, implementing JIT inventory management, and leveraging ABC analysis to optimize their inventory management practices.。



本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目: Zero Inventory Approach 文献、资料来源: The IUP Journal of SupplyChain Management文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 2012.06院(部):管理工程学院专业:工业工程班级:工业112姓名:张金丰学号:2011021527指导教师:孔海花翻译日期:2015.06.14外文文献:Zero Inventory ApproachManaging optimal inventory in the supply chain is critical for an enterprise. The ability to increase inventory turns and the use of best inventory practices will reduce inventory costs across the supply chain. Moving towards zero inventory will result in effective inventory management in the business process. Inventory Optimization Solutions can be implemented easily using inventory optimization software. With Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, inventory can be updated in real time without product movement, scanning or human involvement. Companies have to adopt best practices to optimize operational processes and lower their cost structure through inventory strategies.IntroductionWith supply chain planning and latest software, companies are managing their inventory in the best possible manner, keeping inventory holdings to the minimum without sacrificing the customer service needs. The zero inventory concept has been around since the 1980s. It tries to reduce inventory to a minimum and enhances profit margins by reducing the need for warehousing and expenses related to it.The concept of a supply chain is to have items flowing from one stage of supply to the next, both within the business and outside, in a seamless fashion. Any stock in the system is caused by either delay between the processes (demand, distribution, transfer, recording and production) or by the variation in the flow. Eliminating/reducing stock can be achieved by: linking processes, making the same throughput rate on processes, locating processes near each other and coordinating flows. Recent advanced software has made zero inventory strategy executable."Inventory optimization is an emerging practical approach to balancing investment and service-level goals over a very large assortment of Stock-Keeping Units (SKUS). In contrast to traditional ‘one-at-a-time’ marginal stock level setting, inventory optimization simultaneously determines all SKU stock levels to fulfill total service and investment constraints or objectives".Inventory optimization techniques provide a new logic to drive the system with information systems. To effectively manage inventory, businesses must also optimize thecosts of buying, holding, producing, moving and selling inventory.The objective of inventory optimization is to sustain minimal levels of inventory while providing the maximum possible levels of service. Supply Chain Design and Optimization (SCDO) is an inventory optimization solution which helps companies satisfy customer demands while balancing limitations on supply and the need for operational efficiency. Inventory optimization focuses on modeling uncertainty and variability and minimizing the risks they impose on the supply chain.Inventory optimization can help resolve total supply chain cost options like:•In-house manufacturing vs. contract manufacturing;•Domestic vs. off shore;•New supplier's cost vs. current suppliers' cost.Companies can benefit from inventory optimization, provided they control their supply chain processes and the complexity of supply chain. In case the supply chain is very complex, besides inventory optimization, network design has to be used to reap the benefits fully. This paper covers various inventory models that are available and then describes the technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and networking used for the optimization of inventory. The paper also describes the software solutions available for achieving the same. It concludes by giving a few examples where inventory optimization has been successfully implemented.Inventory ModelsHexagon ModelThe hexagon model was developed due to the need to structure day-to-day work, reduce headcount and other inventory costs and improve customer satisfaction.In the first phase, operation strategies were established in alignment with inte-rnal customers. Later, continuous improvement plans and business continuity pl-ans were added. The five strategies used were: forecasting future consumption,setting financial targets to minimize inventory costs, preparing daily reports to monitor inventory operational performance,studying critical success indicators to track the accomplishments, to form inventory strategic objectives and inventor-y health and operating strategies. The hexagon model is a combination of two triangular structures (Figure 1).The upper triangle focuses on the soft management of human resources, customer orientation and supplier relations; the lower focuses on the execution of inventory plans with their success criteria, continuous improvement methodology and business continuity plans.The inventory indicators are: total inventory value, availability of spares, days of inventory, cost of inventory, cost saving and cash saving output expen-diture and quality improvement. The hexagon model combines the elements of the people involved in managing inventory with operational excellence (Figur2).Managing inventory with operational excellence was achieved by reducing the number of employees in the material department, changing the mix of people skills such as introducing engineering into the department structure and reducing the cost of ownership of the material department to the operation that it supports.Normally, this is implemented with reduction in headcount of material department, having less people with engineering skills in the department. Operation results include, improvement in raw material supply line quality indicators, competitive days of inventory and improved and stabilized spares availability. And the financial results include, increase in cost savings and reduced cost of inventory. It can be established by outsourcing some of the inventory functions as required. The level of efficiency of the inventory managed can be measured to a specific risk level, changing requirements or changes in the environment. Just-In-Time (JIT)Just-in-time (JIT) inventory system is a concept developed by the Japanese, wherein, the suppliers deliver the materials to the factory JIT for their processing, eliminating the need for storage and retrieval. The rate of output and the rate of supply of inputs are synchronized, to manage a zero inventory.The main benefits of JIT are: set up times are significantly reduced in the factory, the flow of goods from warehouse to shelves improves, employees who possess multiple skills are utilized more efficiently, better consistency of scheduling and consistency of employee work hours, increased emphasis on supplier relationships and continuous round the clock supplies keeping workers productive and businesses focused on turnover.And though a JIT system might even be a necessity, given the inventory demands of certain business types, its many advantages are realized only when some significant risks likedelays in movement of goods over long distances are mitigated.Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) is a planning and management system in which the vendor is responsible for ma intaining the customer’s inventory levels. VMI is defined as a process or mechanism where the supplier creates the purchase orders based on the demand information. VMI is a combination of e-commerce, software and people. It has resulted in the dramatic reduction of inventory across the supply chain. VMI is categorized in the real world as collaboration, automation and cost transference.The main objectives of VMI are better, cheaper and faster transactions. In order to establish the VMI process,management commitment,data synchronization,setting up agreements,data exchange, ordering, invoice matching and measurement have to be undertaken.The benefits of VMI to an organization are reduction in inventory besides reduction of stock-outs and increase in customer satisfaction. Accurate information which is required for optimizing the supply chain is facilitated by efficient transfer of information. The concept of VMI would be successful only when there is trust between the organization and its suppliers as all the demand information is available to the suppliers which can be revealed to the competitors. VMI optimizes inventory in supply chain and reduces stock-outs by proper planning and centralized forecasting.Consignment ModelConsignment inventory model is an extension of VMI where the vendor places inventory at the customer’s location while retaining ownership of the inventory.The consignment inventory model works best in the case of new and unproven products where there is a high degree of demand uncertainty, highly expensive products and service parts for critical equipment. The types of consignment inventory ownership transfer models are: pay as sold during a pre-defined period, ownership changes after a pre-defined period, and order to order consignment.The issues that the VMI and consignment inventory model encounter are cost of developing VMI system, invoicing problems, cash flow problems, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) problems and obsolete stock.Enabling PracticesThe decision makers have to make prudent decisions on future course of action of a project relating to the following variables: Forecasting and Inventory Management,Inventory Management practices,Inventory Planning,Optimal purchase, Multichannel Inventory, Moving towards zero inventory.To improve inventory management for better forecasting, the 14 best practices that will most likely benefit business the most are:•Synchronize promotions;•Revamp the organizational structure;•Take a longer view of item planning;•Enforce vendor compliance;•Track key inventory metrics;•Select the right systems;•Master the art of master scheduling;•Adhere to exception reporting;•Identify lost demands;•Plan by assortment;•Track inbound receipts;•Create coverage reports;•Balance under stock/overstock; and•Optimize SKUs.This will leverage the retailer’s ability to buy larger quantities across all channels while buying only what is required for a specified period in order to manage risk in a better way. In most multichannel companies, inventory is the largest asset on the balance sheet, which means that their profitability will be determined to a large degree by the way they plan, forecast, and manage inventory (Curt Barry, 2007). They can follow some steps like creating a strategy, integrating planning and forecasting, equipping with the best-laid plans and building strong vendor relationships and effective liquidation.Moving Towards Zero InventoryAt the fore is the development and widespread adoption of nimble, sophisticated software systems such as Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II), Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems, as well as dedicated supply chain management software systems. These systems offer manufacturers greater functionality. To implement ‘Zero Stock’ system, companies need to have a good information system to handle customer orders, sub-contractor orders, product inventory and all issues related to production. If the company has no IT infrastructure, it will need to build it from the scratch.A good information system can help managers to get accurate data and make strategic decisions. IT infrastructure is not a cost, but an investment. A company can use RFID method, network inventory and other software tools for inventory optimization.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)RFID is an automatic identification method, which relies on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.RFID use in enterprise supply chain management increases the efficiency of inventory tracking and management. RFID application develops asset utilization by tracking reusable assets and provides visibility, improves quality control by tagging raw material, work-in-progress, and finished goods inventory, improves production execution and supply chain performance by providing accurate, timely and detailed information to enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution system.The status of inventory can be obtained automatically by using RFID. There are many benefits of using RFID such as reduced inventory, reduced time, reduced errors, accessibility increase, high security, etc.Network InventoryA Network Inventory Management System (NIMS) tracks movement of items across the system and thus can locate malfunctioning equipment/process and provide information required to diagnose and correct problem areas. It also determines where capacity is to be added, calculates impact of market conditions, assesses impact of new products and the impact of a new customer. NIMS is very important when the complexity of a supply chain is high. It determines the manufacturing and distribution strategies for the future. It should take into consideration production, location, inventory and transportation.The NIMS software, including asset configuration information and change management, is an essential component of robust network management architecture.NIMS provideinformation that administrators can use to improve network management performance and help develop effective network asset control processes.A network inventory solution manages network resource information for multiple network technologies as well as multiple vendors in one common accurate database. It is an extremely useful tool for improving several operation processes, such as resource trouble management, service assurance, network planning and provisioning, field maintenance and spare parts management.The NIMS software, including asset configuration information and change management, is an essential component of strong network management architecture. In addition, software tools that provide planning, design and life cycle management for network assets should prominently appear on enterprise radar screens.Inventory Optimization Softwarei2 Inventory Optimizationi2 solutions enable customers to realize top and bottom-line benefits through the use of superior inventory management practices. i2 Inventory Optimization can help companies monitor, manage, and optimize strategies to decide—what to make, what to buy and from whom, what inventories to carry, where, in what form and how much—across the supply chain. It enables customers to learn and continuously improve inventory management policies and processes, strategic analysis and optimization.Product-oriented industry can install i2 Inventory Optimization and develop supply chain. Through this, the company can reduce inventory levels and overall logistics costs. It can also get higher service level performance, greater customer satisfaction, improved asset utilization, accelerated inventory turns, better product availability, reduced risk, and more precise and comprehensive supply chain visibility.Oracle Inventory OptimizationOracle Inventory Optimization considers the demand, supply, constraints and variability in extended supply chain to optimize strategic inventory investment decisions. It allows retailers to provide higher service levels to customers at a lower total cost. Oracle Inventory Optimization is part of the Oracle e-Business Suite, an integrated set of applications that are engineered to work together.Oracle Inventory Optimization provides solutions when demandand supply are in ambiguity. It provides graphic representation of the plan. It calculates cost and risk.MRO SoftwareMRO Software (now a part of IBM's Tivoli software business) announced a marketing alliance with inventory optimization specialists Xtivity to enhance the service offering of inventory management solutions for MRO Software customers. MRO offers Xtivity's Inventory Optimizer (XIO) service as an extension of its asset and service management solutions.Structured Query Language (SQL)Successful implementation of an inventory optimization solution requires significant effort and can pose certain risks to companies implementing such solutions. Structured Query Language (SQL) can be used on a common ERP platform. An optimal inventory policy can be determined by using it. Along with it, other metrics such as projected inventory levels, projected backlogs and their confidence bands can also be calculated. The only drawback of this method is that it may not be possible to obtain quick real-time results because of architectural and algorithmic complexity. However, potential scenarios can be analyzed in anticipation of results stored prior to user requests.Some ExamplesToyota’s Practice in IndiaToyota, a quality conscious company working towards zero inventory has selected Mitsui and Transport Corporation of India Ltd. (TCI) for their entire logistic solutions encompassing planning, transportation, warehousing, distribution and MIS and related documentation. Infrastructure is a bottleneck that continues to dog economic growth in India. Transystem renders services like procurement, consolidation and transportation of original equipment manufacturer's parts, through milk run operations from various suppliers all over India on a JIT basis, transportation of Complete Built-up Units (CBU) from plant to all dealers in the country and operation of CBU yards, coordination and transportation of Knock Down (KD) parts from port of entry to manufacturing plant, transportation of aftermarket parts to dealers by road and air to Toyota Kirloskar Motors Pvt. Ltd.Wal-MartWal-Mart is the largest retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business, as well as the largest toy seller in the US, with an estimated 22% share of the toy market. Wal-Mart also operates in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico and UK.Wal-Mart keeps close track of the inventories by extensively adopting vendor-managed inventory to streamline the flow of goods from manufacturer to the store shelf. This results in more turns and therefore fewer inventories.Wal-Mart is an early adopter of RFID to monitor the movement of stocks in different stages of supply chain. The company keeps tabs on all of its merchandize by outfitting its products with RFID.Wal-Mart has indicated recently that it is moving towards the aggressive theoretical zero inventory model.Chordus Inc.Chordus Inc. has the largest division of office furniture in USA. It has advanced logistics and a model of zero inventory. It has Internet-based system for distribution network with real-time updates and low costs. Chordus determined that only SAP R/3 could accommodate this cutting-edge operational model for its network of 150 dealer-owned franchises in 44 states supported by five nationwide Distribution Centers (DCs) and a fleet of 65 delivery trucks. Small Scale Cycle Industry Around LudhianaIn and around Ludhiana, there are many small bicycle units, which are not organized.They have a sharp focus on financial and raw material management enjoying a low employee turnover. They have been practicing zero inventory models which became popular in Japan only much later. Raw material is brought into the unit in the morning, processed during the day and by evening the finished product is passed on to the next unit. Thus, the chain continues till the ultimate finished product is manufactured. In this way, the bicycles used to be produced in Ludhiana at half the production cost of TI Cycles. Even the large manufacturers of cycles, like Hero cycles, Atlas cycles and Avon cycles are reported to maintain only one week's inventory.ConclusionInventory managers are faced with high service-level requirements and many SKUsappreciate the complexity of inventory optimization, as well as the explicit control that is needed over total investment in warehousing, moving and logistics. Inventory optimization can provide both an enormous performance improvement for the supply chain and ongoing continuous improvements over competitors. The company achieves the stability needed to have enough stock to meet unpredictable demands without wasteful allocation of capital. Having the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time improves customer satisfaction, market share and bottom line. Certainly, the organizations that are able to take inventory optimization to the enterprise level will reap greater benefits. Zero inventory may be wishful thinking, but embracing new technologies and processes to manage one's inventory more efficiently could move one much closer to that ideal.中文译文:零库存方法对于一个企业来说,在供应链中优化库存管理是至关重要的。






文献一:Effective Inventory Management: Impact on Cash Flow management and Delivery Performance (Cai and Luo, 2012)这篇文献着重探讨存货管理对于现金流管理和交货绩效的影响。







文献二:The Impact of Inventory Management Practices on Financial Performance of Firms: An Empirical Investigation (Chopra et al., 2017)这篇文献旨在研究存货管理实践对企业财务绩效的影响。






供应链下的多级存货管理外文文献1、IntroductionIn today's globalized and interconnected business environment, supply chain management has become an essential component of enterprise success. One of the key elements of supply chain management is inventory management, which involves the effective management of inventory levels across multiple tiers of the supply chain. This article examines the concept of multi-level inventory management within the context of supply chain management and explores relevant literature from foreign sources.2、Supply Chain Management and Inventory ManagementSupply chain management involves the integration and coordination of various activities across all levels of a supply chain, from suppliers to manufacturers, distributors, and consumers. Inventory management, specifically, refers to the effective management of inventory levels in order to meet demand while minimizing costs and risks. It involves theidentification of demand patterns, the determination of appropriate inventory levels, and the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure that inventory is rotated and utilized effectively.3、Multi-Level Inventory Management in the Supply ChainMulti-level inventory management refers to the management of inventory across multiple tiers or levels within a supply chain. It involves the coordination and synchronization of inventory levels across different stages of the supply chain to ensure efficient flow of goods and materials. By managing inventory at multiple levels simultaneously, enterprises can optimize overall inventory levels while ensuring that each tier of the supply chain is able to meet demand.4、Foreign Literature Review on Multi-Level Inventory ManagementA review of foreign literature on multi-level inventory management reveals a growing body of research on this topic. Studies have focused on various aspects of multi-levelinventory management, including demand forecasting, inventory policies, and supply chain coordination. Notably, research has shown that multi-level inventory management can significantly improve overall supply chain performance by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.5、ConclusionThe concept of multi-level inventory management within the context of supply chain management has gained significant attention in recent years. A review of foreign literature suggests that effective multi-level inventory management can lead to significant improvements in overall supply chain performance by optimizing inventory levels across different stages of the supply chain. Enterprises that adopt multi-level inventory management strategies can expect to achieve cost savings, increased efficiency, and a more robust supply chain overall.6、Recommendations for Future ResearchDespite the growing body of research on multi-level inventorymanagement, there are still several areas that require further exploration. Future research could focus on developing more advanced demand forecasting techniques to improve accuracy and reduce demand uncertnty. Additionally, studies could investigate novel inventory policies and strategies that can further optimize inventory levels across different tiers of the supply chn. Finally, research could also examine the role of technology in supporting multi-level inventory management, including the use of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and other emerging technologies.供应链管理外文翻译供应链管理是一种全面的管理方法,旨在优化供应链的运作,提高效率和竞争力。














SAP库存管理讲义(ppt 56页)(英文版)

SAP库存管理讲义(ppt 56页)(英文版)

Inventory Management (IM)
> Key features/strengths
• Inventory management by quantity
– Visibility of on-hand quantity by storage location – Management of special stocks
Solution: R/3 Warehouse Management (cont.)
> Infancy to maturity
• Functionality considerably expanded with 4.6x and higher
– Two-step picking, two-step confirmation, managing multiple storage locations with a single warehouse
> Management of materials
• Provides bin-level tracking • Inventory management functions • Various placement and removal strategies
> Value-added services
> Initially released with R/2 as an Extension of IM
• IM-WM integration is real-time and automatic
> Enables granular traceability and control
• Ability to synchronize the system and material flow • Simple-to-complex placement and removal strategies • Assignment of inbound orders to outbound deliveries • Allocation of storage bins




下面是存货管理论文外文文献,欢迎参考借鉴!存货管理论文参考文献一:[1]陈军.防范资金风险与资金管理研究[J].财会研究.2009(18)[2]孙静芹着.集团公司资金集中管理研究[M].中国经济出版社,2004[3]刘霄仑主译,英国皇家银行学会(CIB)着.现金流量管理[M].中信出版社,2002[4]宋倪影.信用“5C”分析法的探究[J].会计师.2009(08)[5]曹中新,孙华生,孟晓霖.基于国际化发展过程中的`海外资金风险管理--中海油服建立全面的资金风险控制体系的实践综述[J].中国石油和化工经济分析.2008(05)[6]王之君,杨文静.集团资金管理模式研究[J].中央财经大学学报.2006(11)[7]袁琳.构筑集团企业资金结算与集中控制的新系统-中国石化集团财务公司资金结算与集中控制案例研究[J].会计研究.2003(02)[8]王珞.石油工程造价分析应用研究[D].中国石油大学2010[9]王俐.石油工程项目物资采购招评标研究[D].东北石油大学2012 存货管理论文参考文献二:[1]王禹博.ZYLH石油工程有限公司税务筹划研究[D].辽宁大学2014[2]王俐.石油工程项目物资采购招评标研究[D].东北石油大学2012[3]龚国杨.石油工程项目成本控制模式研究[D].西南财经大学2013[4]王红.胜利石油管理局资金集中管理优化方案研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2012[5]时甜甜.基于供应链管理理论的企业营运资金管理研究[D].河南大学2014[6]李志东.胜利石油工程有限公司人力资源管理研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013[7]龚国杨.石油工程项目成本控制模式研究[D].西南财经大学2013[8]吕哲海.境内外一体化下的石油工程企业资金管理问题研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013存货管理论文参考文献三:[1]时甜甜.基于供应链管理理论的企业营运资金管理研究[D].河南大学2014[2]罗道永.大型建筑施工企业“资金池”模式研究[D].西南财经大学2013[3]朱静.油田企业物资供应全生命周期成本管理模式研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013[4]程树英.石油钻井工程板块成本消耗定额的编制及管理应用研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013[5]张涛.基于单井单元核算的油田企业内部配产优化机制研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013[6]陈枫.PR控股集团现金流管理研究[D].中南大学2014[7]杜蕾.基于石油安全的石油工程风险管理研究[D].中南大学2013[8]刘宏江.油田企业预算后评估体系的设计及应用研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013。



外文翻译inventory managementMaterial Source: spring link Author: Floyd D. Hedrick“Inventory” to many small business owners is one of the more visible and tangible aspects of doing business. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various forms of inventory. Each type represents money Tied up until the inventory leaves the company as purchased products. Likewise, merchandise stocks in a retail store contribute to profits only when their sale puts money into the cash register. In a literal sense, inventory refers lo stocks of anything necessary lo do business. These stocks represent a large portion of the business investment and must be well managed in order to maximize profils. In facl, many small businesses cannot absorb the types of losses arising from poor inventory management. Unless invenlories are controlled, they are unreliable, inefficient and costly.SUCCESSFUL INVENTORY MANAGEMENTSuccessful inventory management involves balancing the costs of inventory with the benefits of inventory. Many small business owners fail to appreciate fully the true costs of carrying inventory, which include not only direct costs of storage, insurance and taxes, but also the cost of money tied up in inventory. This fine line between keeping too much inventory and not enough is not the manager's only concern. Others include: Maintaining a wide assortment of stock •• but not spreading the rapidly moving ones too thin: Increasing inventory turnover - but not sacrificing the service level: Keeping slock low - but not sacrificing service or performance. Obtaining lower prices by making volume purchases -- but not ending up with slow-moving invenlory: and having an adequate invemory on hand - but not gelling caught with obsolete items.The degree of success in addressing these concerns is easier to gauge for some than for others. For example, computing the inventory turnover ratio is a simple measure of managerial performance. This value gives a rough guideline by which managers can set goals and evaluate performance, but it must be realized that the turnover rate varies with the function ol' inventory, the type of business and how the ratio is calculated (whether on sales or cost of goods sold). Average inventory turnover ratios for individual industries can be obtained from trade associations.One of the most important aspects of inventory control is to have the items in stock at the moment they are needed. This includes going into the market to buy the goods early enough to ensure delivery at the proper time. Thus, buying requires advance planning to determine inventory needs for each time period and then making the commitments without procrastination.For retailers, planning ahead is very crucial. Since they offer new items for sale months before the actual calendar date for the beginning of the new season, it is imperative that buying plans be formulated, early enough to allow for intelligent buying without any last minute panic purchases. The main reason for this early offering for sale of new items is that the retailer regards the calendar date for the beginning of Ihe new season as the merchandise date for ihe end of the old season. For example, many retailers view March 21 as the end of the spring season, June 21 as the end of summer and December 21 as Ihe end of winter.Part of your purchasing plan must include accounting for the depletion of the inventory. Before a decision can be made as to the level of inventory lo order, you must determine how long the inventory you have in stock will last.For instance, a retail firm must formulate a plan to ensure the sale of the greatest number of units. Likewise, a manufacturing business must formulate a plan to ensure enough inventory is on hand for production of a finished product.In summary, the purchasing plan detail: When commitments should be placed: When the first delivery should be received; When the inventory should be peaked; When reorders should no longer be placed: and When the item should no longer be in stock.Well planned purchases affect the price, delivery and availability of products for sale.CONTROLLING YOUR INVENTORYTo maintain an in-stock position of wanted items and to dispose of unwanted items, it is necessary to establish adequate controls over inventory on order and inventory in stock. There are several proven methods for inventory control. They are listed below, from simplest to most complex. Visual control enables the manager to examine the inventory visually to determine if additional inventory is required. In very small businesses where this method is used, records may not be needed at all or only for slow moving or expensive items. Tickler control enables the manager tophysically count a small portion of the inventory each day so that each segment of the inventory is counted every so many days on a regular basis. Click sheet control enables the manager to record the item as il is used on a sheel of paper. Such information is then used for reorder purposes. Stub control (used by retailers) enables the manager to retain a portion of the price ticket when the item is sold. The manager can then use the stub to record the item that was sold.As a business grows, it may find a need for a more sophisticated and technical form of inventory control. Today, the use of computer systems to control inventory is far more feasible for small business than ever before, both through the widespread existence of computer service organizations and the decreasing cost of small-sized computers. Often the justification for such a computer-based system is enhanced by the fact that company accounting and billing procedures can also be handled on the computer.Point-of-sale terminals relay information on each item used or sold. The manager receives information printouts at regular intervals for review and action.Off-line point-of-sale terminals relay information directly to the supplier's computer who uses the information to ship additional items automatically to the buyer/inventory manager.The final method for inventory control is done by an outside agency. A manufacturer's representative visits the large retailer on a scheduled basis, takes Ihe stock count and writes the reorder. Unwanted merchandise is removed from stock and returned lo Ihe manufacturer Ihrough a predetermined, authorized procedure.A principal goal for many of the methods described above is to determine the minimum possible annual cost of ordering and stocking each item. Two major control values are used: 1) the order quantity, that is, the size and frequency of order: and 2) the reorder point, that is, the minimum stock level at which additional quantities are ordered. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) formula is one widely used method of computing the minimum annual cost for ordering and stocking each item. The EOQ computation takes into account the cost of placing an order, the annual sales rate, the unit cost、and the cost of carrying invenlory. Many books on management practices describe the EOQ model in detail.DEVELOPMENTS IN INVENTORY MANAGEMENTIn recenl years, two approaches have had a major inipacl on inventory management: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Just-In-Time (JIT andKanban). Their application is primarily within manufacturing but suppliers might find new requirements placed on them and sometimes buyers of manufactured items will experience a difference in delivery.Material requirements planning is basically an information system in which sales arc converted dircctly into loads on the facility by sub-unit and time period. Materials are scheduled more closely, thereby reducing inventories, and delivery times become shorter and more predictable. Its primary use is with products composed of many components. MRP systems are practical for smaller firms. The computer system is only one part of the total project which is usually long-term, taking one to three years lo develop.Just-in-time inventory management is an approach which works to eliminate inventories rather than optimize them. The inventory of raw materials and work-in-process falls to that needed in a single day. This is accomplished by reducing set-up times and lead times so that small lots may be ordered. Suppliers may have to make several deliveries a day or move close to the user plants to support this plan.TIPS FOR BETTER INVENTORY MANAGEMENTAt time of delivery. Verify count -- Make sure you are receiving as many cartons as arc listed on the delivery rcccipt. Carefully examine cach carton for visible damage ~ If damage is visible, note it on the delivery receipt and have Ihe driver sign your copy. After delivery, immediately open all cartons and inspcct for merchandise damage.When damage is discovered: Retain damaged items - All damaged materials must be held at Ihe point received. Call carrier to report damage and request inspection. Confirm call in writing—This is not mandatory but it is one way to protect yourself.Carrier inspection of damaged items. Have all damaged items in the receiving area - Make certain the damaged items have not moved from the receiving area prior to inspection by carrier. After carrier /inspector prepares damage report, carefully read before signing.After inspeclion: Keep damaged materials—Damaged materials should not be used or disposed of without permission by the carrier. Do not return damaged items without wrillen aulhorization from shipper/supplier.SPECIAL TIPS FOR MANUFACTURERSIf you are in the business of bidding, specifications play a very important role. In writing specifications, the following elements should be considered. Do not request features or quality thai are not necessary for the items' intended use. Include full descriptions of any tesling lo be performed. Include procedures for adding optional items. Describe the quality of the items in clear terms.The following aclions can help save money when you are slocking inventory: Substitution of less costly materials without impairing required quality: Improvement in quality or changes in specifications that would lead to savings in process time or other operating savings; Developing new sources of supply; Greater use of bulk shipments; Quantity savings due to large volume, through consideration of economic order quantity: A reduction in unit prices due to negotiations:Initiating make-or-buy studies: Application of new purchasing techniques; Using competition along with price, service and delivery when making the purchase selection decision.译文存货管理资料来源:s p r i n g l i n k作者•:F l o y d D. H e d r i c k “存货”对于许多小企业来说是一种更容易看到和有形的资产。



企业存货管理中的问题与对策外文文献Title: Issues and Countermeasures in Enterprise Inventory ManagementAbstract:Keywords: inventory management, problems, countermeasures, enterprise, efficiency1. Introduction2.1 Inaccurate Demand ForecastingAccurate demand forecasting is crucial to prevent stockouts or overstocks. However, inadequate data analysis, improper forecasting methods, and fluctuating market conditions can lead to inaccurate predictions, resulting in either lost sales or excess inventory.2.2 Poor Inventory VisibilityInefficient inventory tracking systems can lead to a lack of visibility, making it difficult for businesses to keep an accurate record of inventory levels. This issue can cause delays in fulfilling customer orders, increased holding costs, and difficulties in identifying slow-moving or obsolete items.2.3 Inefficient Procurement ManagementInadequate procurement management can result in inventory shortages or excesses. Poor supplier evaluation, delayed orderprocessing, and improper inventory planning can contribute to inefficiency in procurement, negatively impacting the overall inventory management process.2.4 Ineffective Stock ControlInefficient stock control practices, such as inaccurate demand forecasting, inadequate safety stock levels, and improper order replenishment policies, can lead to unnecessary carrying costs and inventory obsolescence. Businesses must have proper stock control measures to optimize inventory levels.3. Countermeasures for Effective Inventory Management3.1 Enhance Demand Forecasting Accuracy- Invest in advanced demand forecasting techniques, such as statistical forecasting models, to improve accuracy.- Utilize historical sales data, customer feedback, and market trends to refine forecasting algorithms.- Regularly review and update demand forecasts to reflect changing market conditions.3.2 Improve Inventory Visibility- Implement an advanced inventory tracking system using barcodes, RFID technology, or a centralized ERP system.- Regularly conduct physical inventory counts with cycle counting methods to ensure accuracy.3.3 Streamline Procurement Management3.4 Optimize Stock Control Practices- Implement safety stock policies to prevent stockouts during unexpected demand spikes or supply disruptions.- Regularly monitor inventory turnover rates to identify slow-moving items and take appropriate actions, such as promotions or clearance sales.4. Conclusion。


– Carry out physical inventory at the material level – Perform inventory adjustments
R/3 Inventory Management (IM) (cont.)
> Key features/strengths (cont.):
• Inventory management by value
– Postings update account assignments for cost accounting – Updates G/L account for financial accounting
• Key integration points
SAP OrganΒιβλιοθήκη zational Structure
Company Company Company
Challenges with Inventory Management
> Lack of detailed visibility to material flow
– Integrates directly with MRP, purchasing and invoice verification
– Provides information for MRP, updates PO; used to check conformity during invoice verification
Inventory Management (IM)
> Key features/strengths
• Inventory management by quantity



2009/10/281Unit 4 & 5Inventory Management(I & II)2009/10/282Outline|Functions of Inventories|Types of Inventory|Cost Elements in Inventory|Economic Order Quantity|continuous review & periodic reviewpolicies|ABC Analysis|Effective Inventory Management2009/10/283Inventory is an important performancemeasure for a supply chain|In 1998, Dell had 10 days of inventoryand Compaq had 100 days.|When the prices of PC dropped,Compaq was hurt the most ………2009/10/284What is Inventory|Inventory are materials and supplies thata business or institution carries either forsales or to provide inputs or supplies tothe production process. All business andinstitutions require inventories.|they are a substantial part of total assets.2009/10/285Inventory Management|Inventory Management is responsible for planning and controlling inventory from raw material stage to the customer. Since inventory either results from production or supports it, the two cannot be managed separately and, therefore, must be coordinated |Inventory must be considered at each of theplanning levels and is thus part of productionplanning, master production scheduling, andmaterial requirement planning.2009/10/286Role of inventory in the supplychain|Stabilizes the production andworkforce|Supply/Demand uncertainty|Material delivery lead time uncertainty|Speculation (value of item expected toincrease in the future)|Economies of scale in purchasing andtransportation2009/10/287Why Inventory ExistsRate of supply from input processInventoryRate of demandfrom output process 2009/10/288Functions of Inventories|Inventory serves as buffer between:z Supply and demandz Customer demand and finished goodsz Finished goods and componentavailabilityz Requirements for an operation and theoutput from the preceding operationz Parts and materials to begin productionand the suppliers of materials2009/10/289Factors affecting inventorylevel|There are many factors affecting theinventory level and hence the inventory costin a Supply Chain, the following are some ofthe most important ones:zService level zDemand and supply variability zLead time and lead time variability zInformation (demand information)z Supply chain cost2009/10/2810Type of Inventory|Anticipation Inventory|Buffer Inventory|Cycle Inventory|Pipeline Inventory2009/10/2811Anticipation Inventory|Anticipation inventories are built up inanticipation of future demand.|For example, they are created ahead of apeak selling season, a promotion program,vacation shutdown, or possibly the threat ofa strike.|They are built up to help level productionand to reduce the costs of changing production rates 2009/10/2812Buffer Inventory (Safety Stock)|Inventory is held to cover randomunpredictable fluctuations in supply anddemand or lead time.|If demand or lead time is greater thanforecast, a stockout will occur.|Safety stock is carried to protect againstthis possibility. Its purpose is to preventdisruptions in manufacturing or deliveries tocustomers.|Safety stock is also called reserve stock.2009/10/2813Cycle Inventory|Cycle inventory occurs becauseone or more stages in the operationcannot supply all the items itproduces simultaneously.2009/10/2814Pipeline Inventory|Pipeline inventory exist because of the timeneeded to move goods from one location toanother such as from a plant to a distributioncentre of a customer.|They are sometimes called TransportationInventory or Movement Inventory.2009/10/2815Objectives of Inventory Management|A firm wishing to maximize profit willhave at least the following objectives:•Maximum customer service•Low-cost plant operation•Minimum inventory investment 2009/10/2816Possible InventoryLocationSuppliers CustomerTotal company InventoryManufacturingDistributionCustomer Delivery Raw Materials Inventory Work-in-process Inventory Finished Product Inventory2009/10/2817Cost Elements in Inventory1.Item cost 2.Carrying costs 3.Ordering costs 4.Stockout costs 5.Capacity-associated costs 2009/10/2818Item Cost|Item cost is the price paid for a purchase item, which consists of the cost of the item and any other direct costs associated in getting the item into the plant. |These could include such things as transportation, custom duties, and insurance. The inclusive cost is often called the landed price .|For an item manufactured in-house, the cost includes direct material, direct labor, and factory overhead . |These costs can usually be obtained from eitherpurchasing or accounting.2009/10/2819Carrying Costs|Carrying Costs include all expenses incurred by the firm because of the volume of inventory carried. |As inventory increase, so do thesecosts. They can be broken downinto three categories:1.Capital costs2.Storage costs3.Risk costs 2009/10/2820Ordering Costs|Every time an order is placed to replenish stock a number of transactions are needed which incur costs to the company. |These include the clerical tasks ofpreparing the order and all thedocumentation associated with it,arranging for the delivery to be made,arranging to pay the supplier for thedelivery, and the general costs ofkeeping all the information whichallows us to do this.2009/10/2821Stockout Costs|If demand during the lead time exceeds forecast, we can expect a stockout. |A stockout can potentially be expensive because of back-order costs, lost sales, and possibly lost customers.|Stockout can be reduced by carrying extra inventory to protect against those times when the demand during lead time is greater than forecast.2009/10/2822Capacity -Associated Costs|When output levels must be changed, there may be costs for overtime, hiring, training, extra shift, and layoffs.|These capacity-associated costs can be avoided by leveling production,that is, by producing items in slack periods for sale in peak periods.|However, this builds inventory in the slack periods.2009/10/2823Cost trade-offs to Be Considered by the Purchasing Executive* The savings associated with volume buying include:Lower per-unit purchasing prices Lower transportation costsLower warehouse handling costs Lower order-processing costsLower production lot quantity costs Lower stockout costsThe costs of carrying inventory include:Capital costs associated with the inventory investment Inventory service costs (insurance and taxes)Storage space costs Inventory risk costs Cost savings associated with volume buying *Inventory carrying costs ±Source: Douglas M. Lambert and Jay U. Sterling, “Measuring Purchasing Performance,”Production and InventoryManagement Review 4, no.6 (June 1984), p. 52. Reprinted with permission from P&IM Review, June 1984. Copyright 1984 by T.D.A. Publications, Inc., Hollywood, FL.2009/10/2824Methods of Accounting for Inventory|First-in, First-out (FIFO)zStock acquired earliest is assumed to be sold first, leaving stock acquired more recently in inventory |Last-in, First-out (LIFO)zSales are made from the most recently acquired stock, leaving items acquired in the earliest time period in inventory|Average CostzEach new purchase is averaged with the remaining inventory to obtain a new average price2009/10/2825Class Exercise2009/10/2826Inventory Cycle ChartPeriods of Time (days)Q u a n t i t y o f I t e m i n S t o c kSafety LevelZero StockOperating LevelPeak inventoryOrder Lead TimeRe-Order CycleReceipt of supplyOrder PointConsumption ReplenishmentAverage Inventory2009/10/2827Economic Order Quantity Method|The EOQ method is an attempt to estimate the best order quantity by balancing the conflicting cost of holding stock and of placing replenishment orders|The large order quantity gives a much higher average stock level , and the small order quantity gives a lower average stock level |The small order quantity must bereplenished by placing many more orders than the large order quantity2009/10/2828Economic Order Quantity MethodAssumptions1.Demand is relatively constant and is known.2.The item is produced in lots or batches and not continuously3.Order preparation and inventory-carrying costs are constant and known.4.Replacement occurs all at once.2009/10/2829The Economic Order QuantityI n v e n t o r y L e v e lTimeDemand (D) = 1000 items per yearPlan A Q = 400Plan B Q = 100Average Inventory for Plan A = 200Average Inventory For Plan B = 500.1 Year0.4 Year2009/10/2830The Economic Order Quantity (2)|Average Inventory = Order Quantity/2zPlan A = 200z Plan B = 50|Number of Orders per year = Annual Demand/Order QuantityzPlan A = 1000/400 = 2.5z Plan B = 1000/100 = 10|Annual Cost of Placing Orders |Annual Cost of Carrying Inventory2009/10/2831The Economic Order Quantity (3)D =Annual Usage in Units (1000)S =Ordering Cost in Dollars Per Order ($20)i =Annual Carrying Cost rate as a % (50%)c =Unit Cost in Dollars ($2)Q=Order Quantity in Units (400, 100)|Annual Cost of Placing Ordersz Plan A (2.5 x 20 = $50)zPlan B (10 x 20 = $200)|Annual Cost of Carrying Inventoryz Plan A (400/2 x $2 x 50% = $200)zPlan B (100/2 x $2 x 50% = $50)2009/10/2832Cost & Ordered Quantity Trade-offTotal CostsCarrying CostsProcurement (ordering cost) & Out-of-stock CostsEOQQuantity OrderedT o t a l R e l e v a n t C o s t s2009/10/2833|The optimum quantity for inventory procurement when procurement cost equals to carry costEconomic Order Quantity2DS ICEOQ =D = Annual Usage in UnitsS = Ordering Cost in Dollars Per OrderI = Annual Carrying Cost rate as a % C = Unit Cost in Dollars Q = Order Quantity in Units2009/10/2834Example of EOQAnnual Demand (D): 1000 units Ordering Cost (S):$20Carrying Cost Rate (i):50%Unit Cost in $ (c):$2Q = 2(1000)(20)$2 x 0.5= 400001EOQ = 200 units2009/10/2835Example Problem|An item has an annual demand of 5000 units, Ordering costs are $20 per order, and the cost of carrying inventory is 20%. The cost per unit is $5.|What is:z D = z S = z c = zi = |Then :zEOQ =2009/10/2836Example Problem|An item has an annual demand of 5000 units, Ordering costs are $20 per order, and the cost of carrying inventory is 20%. The cost per unit is $5.|What is:z D = 5000 units z S = $20z c = $5zi = 0.2|Then :zEOQ = 2 x 5000 x 205 x 0.2= 447.21 or 448 units2009/10/2837Class exercise2009/10/2838Fixed order quantity system|Perpetual inventory system|Event triggered: Initiates order when stock depleted to a specific level.zReorder point|Inventory replaced in fixed amountszEconomic order quantities|Issues: visual signals, IT applications2009/10/2839Fixed Order Quantity Systemlead time (L)ROPcycle stockINVENTORYTIMEROP = Lead time demand2009/10/2840Safety Stock|Safety stock is held because of uncertainty in supply and/or demand|The trade-off is the cost of stocking out versus the cost of holding inventory|Safety stock levels can be calculated using statistical techniques.z e.g., Take into account standard deviation of demand2009/10/2841Fixed Order Quantity System:Cycle Stock, Safety Stock and Lead Timelead timeROPcycle stock (Q)INVENTORYTIMESafety Stock2009/10/2842Fixed time period systems|Inventory on-hand counted at specific time intervals and replenished to a desired level|Only the passage of time triggers the model2009/10/2843Fixed Time Period System :Cycle Stock, Safety Stock and Lead TimeINVENTORYTIMESafety Stockreview periodlead timeQ2009/10/2844Replenishment Policies|When to reorder?|How much to reorder?|Continuous Review : order fixed quantity when total inventory drops below reorder point (ROP)|Periodic review : order at fixed time intervals to raise total inventory to order up to level (OUL)2009/10/2845Inventory systems|Continuous Review system:zsystem that keeps track of removals from inventory continuously, thusmonitoring current levels of each item. z When stock level reaches a certain level (ROP), an order of fixed quantity (EOQ) is placed2009/10/2846Inventory systems|Periodic review system:zOrders are placed at fixed review period (RP) intervals.z The order quantity varies and is calculated to meet somepredetermined target inventory level (TIL)2009/10/2847Comparing continuous review & periodic review policies|Factors driving safety inventory in periodic review policyz Demand uncertaintyz Replenishment lead time z Service level zReorder interval|Periodic review policy is easier and cheaper to implement|Periodic review policy requires more safety inventory than continuous review policy for the same lead time and service level2009/10/2848Inventory Priorities –ABC SystemPercentage Percentage value of itemsof annual usage Class A items About 20%About 80%Class B items About 30%About 15%Class C itemsAbout 50%About 5%2009/10/2849Classifying Inventory|ABC Analysis based on Pareto ’s Law –the “80 –20 Rule ”.|Decision steps in applying ABC Analysis:zSelect criterion appropriate for inventory under consideration eg sales revenue z Rank items in descending order of importancez Calculate actual and cumulative total sales revenuez Assign items into ABC groups 2009/10/2850Product Classification Analysis (ABC)Product Number Sales (000)Percent of Sales CumulatoveSales PercentCumulatirveProducts PercentCategory145,00030.030.05A 235,00023.353.310A 325,00016.770.015A 415,00010.080.020A 58,000 5.385.325B 65,000 3.388.730B 74,000 2.791.335B 83,000 2.093.340B 92,000 1.394.745B 101,0000.795.350B 111,0000.796.055C 121,0000.796.760C 202500.2100.00100C2009/10/2851A Typical Pareto Curve with ABC AnalysisS a l e s V a l u eNumber of Products20%50%100%80%95%100%Class CClass BClass A2009/10/2852Steps in Making an ABC Analysis1.Establish the item characteristics that influence the results of inventory management. This is usually annual dollar usage but may be other criteria, such as scarcity of material.2.Classify items into groups based on the established criteria.3.Apply a degree of control in proportion to the importance of the group.2009/10/2853Control Based on ABC Classification|Different controls used with different classifications might be the following:z A items: high priority.•Tight control including complete accurate records, regular and frequent review by management, frequent review of demand forecasts, and close follow-up and expediting to reduce lead timezB items: medium priority.•Normal controls with good records, regular attention, and normal processing.zC items: lowest priority.•Simplest possible controls –make sure there are plenty.•Simple or no records; perhaps use a two-bin system or periodic review system.•Order large quantities and carry safety stock .2009/10/2854ABC AnalysisA Items|Very tight control|Order only calculated or know requirement |Accurate recording of receipts and issues |Schedules constantly reviewed |Continuous progressing|Minimal buffer stocks (probably less than 2 weeks)2009/10/2855B Items|Moderate level of control|Order against forecast from historical data |Recording of all receipts and issues |Moderate level of review of schedules |Progress items in short supply or late |Larger buffer stocks (6 –8 weeks)ABC Analysis (Cont)2009/10/2856ABC Analysis ( Cont )C Items|Lower level of control|Minimal recording of receipts/issues |Low level of schedule review |No progressing|Large safety stocks (12 weeks)2009/10/2857Class Exercise2009/10/2858Symptoms of Poor Inventory|Increasing numbers of back orders|Increasing dollar investment in inventory with back orders remaining constant.|High customer turnover rate.|Increasing number of orders being cancelled.|Periodic lack of sufficient storage space.|Wide variance in inventory turnover among distribution centers and major inventory items.Effective Inventory Management|Traditional method –adequate safetystock of inventory|Contemporary method –adoption of VMI & ECR|EIM depends highly on IT communicationnetwork require information sharingbetween suppliers and customers shiftingresponsibility for managing andreplenishing inventory to vendor2009/10/28 59。

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What is Inventory Management?什么是库存管理?Effective inventory management is all about knowing what is on hand, where it is in use, and how much finished product results.Inventory management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing inventory. This process usually involves controlling the transfer in of units in order to prevent the inventory from becoming too high, or dwindling to levels that could put the operation of the company into jeopardy. Competent inventory management also seeks to control the costs associated with the inventory, both from the perspective of the total value of the goods included and the tax burden generated by the cumulative value of the inventory.Balancing the various tasks of inventory management means paying attention to three key aspects of any inventory. The first aspect has to do with time. In terms of materials acquired for inclusion in the total inventory, this means understanding how long it takes for a supplier to process an order and execute a delivery. Inventory management also demands that a solid understanding of how long it will take for those materials to transfer out of the inventory be established. Knowing these two important lead times makes it possible to know when to place an order and how many units must be ordered to keep production running smoothly.Calculating what is known as buffer stock is also key to effective inventory management. Essentially, buffer stock is additional units above and beyond the minimum number required to maintain production levels. For example, the manager may determine that it would be a good idea to keep one or two extra units of a given machine part on hand, just in case an emergency situation arises or one of the units proves to be defective once installed. Creating this cushion or buffer helps to minimize the chance for production to be interrupted due to a lack of essential parts in the operation supply inventory.Inventory management is not limited to documenting the delivery of raw materials and the movement of those materials into operational process. The movement of those materials as they go through the various stages of the operation is also important. Typically known as a goods or work in progress inventory, tracking materials as they are used to create finished goods also helps to identify the need to adjust ordering amounts before the raw materials inventory gets dangerously low or is inflated to an unfavorable level.。

Finally, inventory management has to do with keeping accurate records of finished goods that are ready for shipment. This often means posting the production of newly completed goods to theinventory totals as well as subtracting the most recent shipments of finished goods to buyers. When the company has a return policy in place, there is usually a sub-category contained in the finished goods inventory to account for any returned goods that are reclassified as refurbished or second grade quality. Accurately maintaining figures on the finished goods inventory makes it possible to quickly convey information to sales personnel as to what is available and ready for shipment at any given time. In additi on to maintaining control of the volume and movement of various inventories, inventory management also makes it possible to prepare accurate records that are used for accessing any taxes due on each inventory type. Without precise data regarding unit volumes within each phase of the overall operation, the company cannot accurately calculate the tax amounts. This could lead to underpaying the taxes due and possibly incurring stiff penalties in the event of an independent audit.有效的存货管理就是知道什么是手上、在使用中,哪里和多少成品的结果。

















