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An alcoholic is the third person who met the little prince after he left home.
The little prince asked why he is always drunk with wine, the drunkard replied to forget the things he feel embarrassed.
who only enjoys calculating the numbers of money.
The merchant was the fourth man the little prince met. He sat there counting his stars, and he was so busy that he didn't even have time to look up. He thought he had the stars and made him rich. But he didn't do anything good to the stars.
Since the movie , T h e L i t t l e P r i n c e ,
is on hot line , I'd like to introduce the
story of the book to you all .
The Little Prince
The child's world is simple, when we were a child, our heart
In the travel, the y一ou朵ng喜pr欢in卖ce 弄saw风情all的th花e f,or她ms的of 自
person confus负ed和in幼th稚e s没oc能iet让y: 小王子明白她对他
The story moved many people, so there are many versions of books, and adapted into cartoons, movies, ballet, opera, songs, picture books, comic books...
what let embarrasses him? Because drinking all day.
The drunkard(醉鬼), who lives in the illusion, drunks to forgot about his ashamed of drinking.
The merchant was the fourth man that the little prince met.
King, who is undoubtedly a hypocrite.
The king claimed he ruled everything, his rule must be respected and can not disobey; however, as a matter of fact, he is illusory, he can only let others doing what they want to do things.
The vain man lives in the second planet .
He insisted that we worship him.The vain man turn a deaf ear to opinion on others, he heard only a praise.
The little prince—the soul journey
The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.
innocence. It reminds adults not to forget that "all adults are
used to be a child"
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The author
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, was a French writer and aviator .he was deeply loved by the people of France, the French government issued fifty Francenotes, as well as the anniversary of the death of the author of the fifty stamps, postcards.
are very pure, but when we grown up, most of the people
gradually lose their innocence. If you have lost your innocence
, you can get back from this book, back to your childlike
在这个奇特的隐喻中,人们所有的衡量事物 的尺度都走样了:火山,我们觉得是很大 的,可是在小王子的星球上,捅火山就象 捅炉子,其中一座活火山还能用来做早点。 如果在小王子的B612号小行星上暂住,就 会搞乱我们所有的时间观念,小王子只要 把椅子挪动挪动,每天就能看到四十三次 晚霞。我们被弄得晕头转向,因为任何事 物都是相对的。