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How to translate dish names?
以原料命名者可以直 译: 清炖牛尾 steamed oxtail in clear soup
以形状为特色的可以使 用in the shape of 或shaped结构表达: 熊掌豆腐 bear paw-shaped beancurd
How to translate dish names?
It is a way, he says, of paying tribute to the rock'n'roll era that had a huge impact on him as a child. So why did the idea come off the backburner and on to paper and then celluloid? Celebrity burn-out is the answer. Hollywood's man with the golden touch had had a string of box-office success, from Sleepless in Seattle to Toy Story and Apollo 13, and had won Oscars two years in succession, for Philadelphia and then Forrest Gump.
对于典故性菜名,一 般先介绍原料,然后 直译菜名作补充 佛跳墙 assorted meat and vegetables soaked in wine jug, literally called the Buddha jumped over the wall
历史与传说:to cross the Rubicon and burn one’s boats to cut the Gordian knot 生活:carry coal to New Castle love me, love my dog 文学:What’s been done cannot be undone. between the devil and the blue sea
heavy1 1 of a certain weight, esp. of a weight that makes carrying, moving, or lifting difficult 2 of unusual force or amount 3 a serious, esp. if uninteresting b (esp. of periods of time) full of hard work 4 sad 5 a feeling or showing difficulty or slowness in moving b difficult to do or move in 6 (of food) rather solid and bad for the stomach 7 (of weather) a still, without wind, dark, etc. b (at sea) stormy, with big waves 8 (~ on ) infml. a severe (towards) b using in large quantities 9 sl. esp. AmE troublesome or threatening 10 find it heavy going to find it very difficult 11 make heavy weather of something to make something more difficult than it really is 12 play the heavy father to scold someone in a very serious way – opposite light – -ily adv – -iness n [u] Note: the usage cited here is adopted from LONGMAN DICTIONARY ( P. 525), with its adverbial use (heavy2) and noun use (heavy3)omitted
seek a hare in a hen's nest talk horse kill the goose that lays the golden eggs One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. Never offer to teach fish to swim.
老战士 老师傅 老领导 老黄牛 老芹菜 老黄历 老生常谈 a veteran a master craftsman a senior leader a willing ox overgrown celery last year’s calendar commonplace
以人名地名命名的, 可以直接使用人名地 名的拼音: 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck 东坡肘子 Dongpo braised elbow
具有特色的或中外不 同的,现在常使用音 译法(transliteration) 饺子 jiao’zi (wenton)
How to translate dish names?
英汉语词汇的根本特征 (从个体角度看)
汉语: 汉语:字与词 音形义兼备 音:多音字;四声变化;平仄;双声与 叠韵 形:汉字的沿革体变 义:众多的形声字
英汉语词汇的根本特征 (从个体角度看)
英语语音的丰富变 化 按照音的本质分析: 语调;重音;音域; 语速;连读 unchained melody: Lyrics.doc
原则:译入语导向(target-language oriented principle) 表现:一味以译文读者的口味为准绳 (free without any bound) 示例:Spring, the sweet spring, is the year‘s pleasant king.春,甘美之 春,一年之中的尧舜。
Art of Cooking
煮boiled 炖stewed 烧 braised 煎pan-fired 烤 broil 滷cooked in light brine 炒stir-fried 爆 quick-fried 炸deep-fired 扒fried and simmered 煨 simmered 煸sauteed 蒸 steamed 烘baked 涮 instant boiled 酿stuffed 熏smoked 酱marinated 白煮scalded 清蒸steamed in clear soup
the roll of the thunder the roar of the storm the shrieking of the siren the babbling of the springபைடு நூலகம்the jingling of the bells the pattering of the drizzle the whisper of the breeze the rat-a-tat at the door the zooming of the jet 雷声隆隆 暴风雨咆哮 汽笛尖叫 泉水汩汩 铃声叮当 细雨淅沥 微风瑟瑟 哒哒的敲门声 飞机“嗖”一声掠过
狮 狼 狗 猪 驴 鼠 鸽 夜莺 海鸥 青蛙 蜜蜂 小鸟 蛇 roar howl bark; yap; yelp; growl; bow-bow grunt hew-haw squeak; cheep; peep coo warble; jug mew croak buzz; hum; drone chirp; twitter hiss
英语缺语气助词: 英语缺语气助词: Are you coming or not? 你来不来? 你来不来呢? 你来呢,还是不来? 汉语中的常用语气助 词有以下六个: 词有以下六个: 的;了;么;呢;吧; 啊
一门亲事 一场噩梦 可充当量词的可数名词 一群鱼 一群美女 一群观众 一群旁观者 一群影迷 一群示威者 一群劫匪 一群鸭 一群蜜蜂 一群羊 一群狼 一群海岛 a marriage a bad dream a shoal of herring a galaxy of beauties a crowd of spectators a group of onlookers a throng of film fans a troop of demonstrators a gang of robbers a flock of ducks a swarm of bees a herd of sheep a pack of wolves a cluster of islands
英汉语词汇的根本特征 (从词汇缺项角度看)
汉语缺冠词: 汉语缺冠词: 狗跑得快。 A dog runs quickly. Dogs run quickly. He is a pianist and singer. 他是钢琴师兼歌手。 This is the life for me. 这正是我最想要的生活。
运动: 棒球 to get to the first base 运动: 拳击 to hit below the belt 运动: 桥牌 to call a spade a spade
原则:译出语导向(source-language oriented principle) 表现:惟恐失真,过分直译(word for word) 示例:Every dog has its day.每只狗 都有它的日子。
缘木求鱼 吹牛 杀鸡取卵 一个和尚挑水吃,两 个和尚抬水吃,三个 和尚没水吃。 不要教鱼儿游泳.
异化(foreignizing) 归化 (domesticating) to kill two birds with one stone 谋事在人,成事在天。
英汉语词汇的根本特征 (从应用角度看)
I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. —— Tennyson: The Brook
英汉语词汇的根本特征 (从个体角度看)
按照音的功能分析:如:修辞功能—— 拟声onomatopoeia
公鸡 母鸡 小鸡 火鸡 公牛 母牛 小牛 鸭 猪 兔 crow cackle; cluck; chuck cheep gobble bellow mow bleat quack grunt mumble
英汉语词汇的根本特征 (从对应角度看)
A:一对一关系 uranium; Marxism; CPU B:一对多关系 笑: laugh; smile; giggle; chuckle; beaming; jeer; guffaw; smirk; grin wife wife 和I 的同义词.doc C:不对应关系 “品”;目不识丁;雨后春笋;teenager
恢复健康 恢复疲劳 恢复谈判 恢复秩序 恢复正常 恢复知觉 恢复镇静 regain health relieve fatigue resume talk restore order return to normal recover consciousness regain composure
翻译的定义:typical concepts
Translation is the act or process of rendering what is expressed in one language or set of symbols by means of another language or set of symbols. 翻译是使用不同语言的人们互相沟通的 纽带和桥梁,是把一种语言(可以称之 为“原语”)所表达的信息用另一种语 言(可以称之为“译语”)传达出来的 过程。
副总统 副经理 副教授 副司令 副食品 副作用 副标题 vice president deputy manager associate professor assistant commanding officer non-staple food side effect subheading
汉语:概括模糊 汉字约五万,常用汉 字三千多个(《汉语 大字典》) 把杯子递给我。 英语:具体精确 1976,《大英百科全 书》认为英语词汇已 经超过五十万;学者 们的新统计认为,英 语单词多达百万以上
模糊与精确——汉语的概括词 general-utility words
图书馆 水族馆 博物馆 旅馆 饭馆 体育馆 展览馆 照相馆 大使馆 library aquarium museum hotel restaurant gymnasium exhibition hall photo studio embassy