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• 41-45 ACBAD 46-50 CDBAD 51-55 ACBBA 56-60 DCDCB
• 语法填空词汇结构解析: lightly adv. 轻轻地 61. 填写描述过去的时态dawn n.黎明care vi.在乎 62. 填写表示过去以前的副词63.填写形容词性物主 代词choking adj.令人窒息的smog n.烟雾 with the rain即使下着雨‘d skipped本来想匆匆游览 一下skip vt匆匆游览;跳过dream place梦想的 地方seek vt.探寻64.引导定语从句关系代词,指 物在定语从句中作主语picture vt.描画65.要求复 数66.介词,表示乘坐一种交通工具67.表示一 种客观事实的be动词 68.过去分词短语作后置 定语,conduct vt.进行69经常地,.副词修饰动 词arrang vt.安排getaway n.短假70.live的现在分 词短语作后置定语
• 阅读A 答案 21-23 CDA
• 阅读B词汇结构解析: freezing严寒的terribly 极其fun place好玩的地方Sarasota萨拉索塔(美国西部城市) packed装好的before you could say来不及说 sunshine=sunshine state阳光之州left for前往touch down to乘飞机到达prayer n.祈祷gratefulness n.感恩 wine tasting品酒sunset n.落日fill vt.充斥the best part最 喜欢的地方to my taste最迎合我的口味dull vt.令...索然 寡味的root vegetables根茎类蔬菜adventure n.探索发 现more than worth非常值得early wake-up call唤醒服务 tent n.帐篷strawberry 草莓red-painted涂成红色的 amazing惊艳的broken adj.失信的unfailingly一定 tasteless无味的home in on移向uncerttainty不确定 grove n.果园stand n.摊位fist n.拳头real deal货真价实 delighted欣喜的by在...的旁边in sight看见的deepen vi. 加倍supplier供应商Ritz Carlton丽思卡尔顿饭店where 在那里(引导定语从句)order vt.点菜
2015河南高考英语试题讲解 (词汇结构解析附答案)
• 阅读A词汇结构解析: talk n. 讲座 Canal Museum运河博物馆admission n.门票费 charge n.费用book vt.预订Pioneer n.先驱 by由...做报告be recognized as被公认为 major player主要参与者make a positive contribution to对...做出积极贡献civil engineer土木工程师Metropolis 大都市 Well before在...很久以前freezer冰箱 demand n.需求preservation n.保存catering n.餐饮import vt.进口ice well冰井ice trade 冰贸易update n.升级改造reopening重新开 放state of play进展情况eyot 河洲ait河岛 Thames泰晤士河undertake vt.进行了 review n.综述of greatest interest最关注的
• 阅读D答案 32-35 DACD
Biblioteka Baidu
• 七选五词汇结构解析:trust n.信任 relationship n.关系 learned behavior习得的行为gain vt.获得 risk n.冒险 lack n.缺少result from vi.源于 wrongdoer n.过错方 take no responsibility不承 担责任 fix vt. 修复 victim n.受害者betrayal n.背 叛 lied to被撒谎 misled 被误导 E. can't bear承受 不了understandable可以理解的step n.步骤 confidence n.信心 outcome n.结局 well-being康 乐 betray vt.背叛 circumstance n.环境 mentality n. 心态at some point 在某个时刻tested被检验 violated被亵渎angle n.角度 good n.好处G . ignore vt.忽略 work through 结束allow room for 为... 留出空间positive growth正增长
• 阅读B 24-27 BDBC
• 阅读C 词汇结构解析: Salvador Dali萨尔瓦多-达利I(西 班牙超现实主义画家) Pompidou Centre 蓬皮杜艺术中 心admiration n.敬仰powerful鲜明的;强大的 personality n.个性sculpture n.雕像masterwork n.杰作 on exhibition展出的piece作品persistence n.永恒; 毅力 L's "Enigme sans Fin无尽的谜works on paper纸上作品 object n.物品 project n.作品;工程stage and screen舞 台和银幕selected选取的reflect vt.反映showman n.演 出主持人;表演者quality n.素质egg n.卵子(绘画作 品)is met with看到;遇到beginning生命的开始path of time时间路径subject主题exit vi.退出through the brain 从大脑中viewer n.观看者infinity n.无穷contraction n.收 缩 expansion n.膨胀focus n.焦点amazing惊奇的Flemish adj.佛兰德人的accuracy n.精确showy adj.炫耀的 Baroque巴洛克式的(自由奔放的]museum-theatre博物 馆剧院fine selection优秀的选品done完成的Museo博 物馆Madrid马德里Spain西班牙contribution n.提供的艺 术品institution n.机构Q28 B productive adj.多产的
Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United States? And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, and the life of American high school students. You can write anything relevant so long as it's interesting and informative. 400 words would be fine. Could we have your article before June 28? • I'm looking forward to hearing from you. • Yours • Li Hua
• 语法填空答案 词汇解析: • 61. arrived 62.before/earlier 63. its 64. that/which 65. paintings 66. by 67. is 68. conducted 69. regularly 70. living
• 短文改错词汇结构解析: 1. 时态错误 ,描述过 去小时候的心理 2. 在乡下农村的固定说法,要 带定冠词 3. 连词的错误,属并列而非选择关系 4. 介词“随着”,随着...的发展industrialization 工业化5. 是主动而非被动语态 6.名词前要求形 容词作定语global warming全球变暖7.名词的单 复数错误,空气是独一无二的不用复数形式 8. 复数名词不可用much来修饰rare adj.罕见的be dying out快灭绝了9.情态动词must后要用动词 原形10. 人称的错误fail to do sth.,做不到某事live to regret it在生活中非常后悔
• 作文范文词汇结构解析: section n.栏 目;部分among us students在我们学 生 中间,us为students的同位语carry vt.刊载written by...about...过去分词短 语作后置定语“ 由某人撰写的关于什 么内容的in your part在你们所在的地 区about how...how引导的从句作介词 about的宾语relavant adj.”相关的 “作后置定语so long as只要 informative adj.提供资迅的
• 短文改错 答案 1. think- thought 2. countryside前 加the 3. or-and 4. on-with 5. shown前的been去掉 6. seriously-serious 7. airs-air 8. Much-Many 9.found-find 10. your-our/the
• 七选五 36-40 BEACG
• 完型填空词汇结构解析: head vi.前往over the weekend在周末期间spot vt.看到feed vt.养活 42.C sight n.景象43.B comment n.评论45.D pick vt. 精选;采摘46.C appreaciate vt.欣赏juice n.果汁 47.D gift card 礼品卡cash n.现金need n.缺乏 abundance n.充裕51.A declared 申报51.C ignore vt.忽略do away with 去除for the week当周light up开心起来53.B watery adj.噙满泪水的54选项 要求引导介词for的宾语从句同时作need的宾语, burst into tears放声大哭play out进展58.B power 权力;能力step out伸出援手;走出去59.C in need处于困境中的taste n.感觉go a llong way with对...很有帮助
• 阅读C 28-31 BADA
• 阅读D 词汇结构解析:conflict n.辩论 on the menu菜单 的内容psychologist n.心理学家pastime n.消遣 talking cure谈心疗法get in touch with与...接触true feelings真 情实感Parisian n.巴黎人under不足plus加上session会 话open up畅开心扉forbidden被禁止Think me考虑我的 意见society n.社会It couldn't seem more...是最...unFrench非法国文化的more than不仅troubled困境中的 neighborhood社区over the years多年来victim n.受害者 fall victim to沦为...的受害者boom n.兴旺theme n. 主题 catch on流行起来filling tables桌位满员well into the evening直到深夜comfort n.安慰homemaker n.主妇 retireee n.退休人员the unemployed失业人员group n.团 体regular n.常客religious adj.宗教的instructor n.讲师 church n.都会exist vi.存在battle n.战斗But then不过 36.B spiritual 精神的
• One Possible Version • Dear Peter, • I'd like to ask you to write an article for our school's 'English newspaper. • The "Foreign Cultures" section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries.