
短语平行是指结构相同或相似的介词短语 ﹑动词短语﹑分词短语﹑不定式短语等词组 并列而构成的平行结构,可使语义层层推进, 极具感染力。 如:
1. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. (Francis Bacon) 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足 以长才
3. 您所拨打的用户心已欠费,爱已停机,感情不在服务区,请您不要再拨。
C→E Translation
1.The festival is coming, so I’d like t o send you my best wishes. I wish you to have a smooth operation ev erywhere, to enjoy a better life ou t and in, to win lottery time and ag ain, to have a good luck day by da y, to get younger and younger an d to become more and more hand

新牛津英语词典将平行结构定义为:“the use of successive verbal constructions in poetry or prose which correspond in grammatical structure, sound, meter, meaning, etc.”,(“在诗歌或者散文中,连续运用在语法结构、发音、韵律和意义等方面相似的语言结构。
”) 它可以很简单,如单个的词和词组,也可以很复杂,如完整的句子;它要求词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子一一对应,例如:The child was pretty and intelligent.You can go there on foot, by bus or by train.It is important to know how to study and to learn how to plan one’s time.The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.二、使用平行结构的注意点平行结构常常使用并列连词,如and, but, as well as, or, or else, neither...nor, either...or, not only...but also, not...but等。

I like apples,oranges,and going to the zoo.The coach advised that I should eat healthily,exercise regularly,and that joining a gym would make this easier.Mary is a celebrated author,dancer,and writes great songs.有发觉吗?没事儿,大家把在其中有什么问题的地区标出了,而道德底线的地区则是平行结构的起止点。
I like apples,oranges,and going to the zoo.The coach advised that I should eat healthily,exercise regularly,and that joining a gym would make this easier.Mary is a celebrated author,dancer,and writes great songs.了解为何红色字体一部分不对吗?下边剖析句式给你们句一“I like noun,noun,and-ing phrase.”句二“The coach advised that I should:(1)verb;(2)verb;(3)that-ing phrase.句三“Mary is a noun,noun,and verb.”这种语句便是不符平行结构,句中的同样部位的一个字沒有以一样的语法方式展现。

时Tense 人称Person 数Number体Aspect 态V oice带to不定式To-infinitive 不带to不定式Bare Infinitive边际情态助动词Marginal Model Auxiliary排比结构Parallel Construction 复杂介词Complex Preposition 深层结构Deep Structure动态形容词Dynamic Adjective 静态形容词Stative Adjective-ing分词–ING Participle现在分词Present Participle动名词Gerund逻辑主语Logical Subject-ed分词-ED Participle过去分词Past Participle前置修饰语Premodifier主语补语Subject Complement 宾语补语Object Complement悬垂分词Dangling Participle 无依着法则Unattached Participle单词形容词One-word Adjective 复合形容词Compound Adjective 中心形容词Central Adjective外围形容词Peripheral Adjective 使役形容词Causative Adjective 等级形容词Gradable Adjective 非等级形容词Non-gradable Adjective状语Adverbial连接副词Conjunctive Adverb简单副词Simple Adverb派生副词Derivative Adverb方式副词Adverb of Manner程度副词Adverb of Degree时间副词Adverb of Time频度副词Adverb of Frequency 地点副词Adverb of Place连接副词Conjunctive Adverb解说副词Explanatory Adverb修饰性状语Adjunct评注性状语Disjunct连接性状语Conjunct可等级的Gradable原级positive/absolute degree 比较级comparative degree最高级superlative degree综合形式synthetic form比较结构comparative construction调核nucleus可等级名词gradable noun分析性语言analytic language 简单介词simple preposition复杂介词complex preposition 双词介词two-word preposition 三词介词three-word preposition四词介词four-word preposition 陈述句statement/declarative sentence疑问句question祈使句command 感叹句exclamation强调句emphasize强调附加结构reinforcement tag双重否定double negative修辞疑问句rhetorical question 操作词operator局部否定partial negation疑问句question/interrogative sentence一般疑问句general question特殊疑问句special question选择疑问句alternative question 附加疑问句tag question是非问句yes-no question非肯定句non-assertive word肯定词assertive word“wh-问句”wh-question附加问句question tag祈使句command/imperative sentence动词祈使句imperative sentence感叹词exclamation/exclamatory sentence 存在句existential sentence实义主语notional subject真主语real subject36讲修饰修饰modification 前置修饰语premodifier后置修饰语postmodifier 补足成分complementation限定性修饰语Restrictive Modifier非限定性修饰语Non-restrictive Modifier对比含义Contrastive Meaning分隔修饰Discontinuous Modification句尾中心End Weight同位语appositive限定性同位语Restrictive Appositive 非限定性同位语Non-restrictive Appositive状语Adverbial修饰性状语&结合性状语Adjunct评注性状语&分离性状语Disjunct连接性状语Conjunct37讲替代替代Substitition 替代词Substitute 名词性替代Nominal Substitition动词性替代Verbal Substitition分句性替代Clausal Substitition名词替代词Nominal Substitute动词替代词Verbal Substitute 分句替代词Clausal Substitute 动词替代词&代动词Pro-verb38讲省略省略Ellipsis情境省略Situational Ellipsis39讲后置、前置、倒装词序Word Order正常词序Normal Order自然次序Natural Order后置Postponement句尾焦点End Focus句尾重心End Weight传递信息的单位Information Unit旧信息Old Information已知信息Given/Known Information新信息New Information 信息焦点Information Focus 前置Fronting倒装Inversion40讲从句到篇语篇Text粘着性Cohesion连贯性Coherence(句子的)交际功能Communicative Function正确性Correctness适合性Appropriacy新信息the storm已知信息the crops过渡词语TransitionalWords/Phrases逻辑纽带Logical Connectors 语法纽带Grammatical Connectors词汇纽带Lexical Connectors 照应Reference人称照应Personal Reference 指示照应Demonstrative Reference后照应Anaphoric Reference 比较照应Comparative Reference平行结构Parallel Construction 累赘Redundancy关键词key word同义词Synonym近义词Near-synonym语段Sentence Group统一性Unity单语段语篇Single-Sentence-Group Text多语段语篇Multi-Sentence-Group Text主题句Topic Sentence主题语段Topic Sentence Group辅助句Supporting Sentence 辅助语段Supporting Sentence Group语篇修辞Textual Rhetoric 层进法Climax偏斜修饰语Squinting Modifier从属Subordination 从属结构Subordinate Construction 限定从属分句Finite Subordinate Clause 从属连词Subordinator 简单从属连词Simple Subordinator 关联从属连词Correlative Subordinator 复杂从属连词Complex Subordinator 边际从属连词Marginal Subordinator 非限定分句Non-finite Clause 无动词分句Verbless Clause 关系分句Relative Clause 关系词Relative Word 定语从句Attributive Clause 限制性关系分句Restrictive Relative Clause非限制性关系分句Non-restrictive Relative Clause关系代词Relative Pronoun 关系副词Relative Adverb 关系限定词Relative Determiner 不定式分句Infinitive Clause 双重关系分句Double Relative Clause 嵌入式关系分句Embed Relative Clause -ing分词分句–ing Participle Clause -ed 分词分句–ed Participle Clause 时间状语分句Adverbial Clause of Time 原因状语分句Adverbial Clause of Cause 地点状语分句Adverbial Clause of Place 方式状语分句Adverbial Clause of Manner 结果状语分句Adverbial Clause of Result 目的状语分句Adverbial Clause of Purpose 条件状语分句Adverbial Clause of Condition 让步状语分句Adverbial Clause of Concession 同时性Same Time 先时性Earlier Time 后时性Later Time 并列连词Quasi-coordinator 独立结构Absolute Construction 语域Register 语体Style 条件句Conditional 真实条件句Real Conditional 基本形式Basic Form 变体形式Variant Form 替换形式Alternative Form 非真实条件句Unreal Conditional 直接引语Direct Speech 间接引语Indirect Speech 引述动词Reporting Verb地点状语locative adverbial时间状语temporal adverbial非指代性it non-referring “it”分裂句cleft sentence“虚义”it empty it“失行”it anticipatory it假分裂句pseudo-cleft sentence并列连词coordinator并列结构coordinate construction并列句compound sentence关联并列连词correlative coordinator近似并列连词quasi-coordinator 从属连词subordinator复杂连词complex preposition。
Unit7 平行结构和比较结构

Unit7 平行结构和比较结构I 平行结构一平行结构的概念由并列连词连接两个并列的部分,这样的结构就叫做平行结构。
标志词和短语:1 标志词and, or, but: 连接句子或者词;连接词的时候but是介词,表示“除了”。
I want nobody nobody but you.yet, whereas: 连接两个句子,“然而”yet: He studied hard yet he failed.whereas:American cars are generally too large for Japanese market,whereas Japanese cars are popular in the US.2 标志短语:rather than;not only…but also…;from…to…;either…or…;neither…nor…;both…and…;between…and…; not…but…1 词的平行Of the hundreds of warm-water coral species, only a few(A) are highly prized(B) for use in jewelry because of their(C) beauty, luster, and they are hard(D). No error.Storing bread in the refrigerator delays drying (A) and the growth (B) of mold but increase (C) the rate at which the bread loses flavor (D). No error (E)2 短语的平行Like (A) her nonfiction, Jean Craighead George’s fiction draws extensively (B) not only from published material but also she had (C) firsthand observations of animals and (D) ecological systems. No error(E)3 句子的平行Because the garden was untended (A), the windows had no (B) shutters, and the lawn overrun (C) by weeds, people passing by (D) the old house assumed that it was unoccupied. No error (E)主语与表语的平行(对应)To insist that a poem means whatever one (A) wants it (B) to mean is often ignoring (C) the intention and even (D) the words of the poet. No error(E)II 比较结构一概念由比较连接词连接两个词性和类别相同的部分,对二者进行比较标志词和短语:more …than;as…as…;differ from;not so much…as;like/unlike;compare…with…;in comparison with;simiar to考查方式:A’s dog …than B (―than B’s)the cost of A…than B (―than that of B)Tip:常考than后面划线Because of its innovativeness and its(A) effective presentation, Mary’s science project received(B) more judges’votes at the exhibit(C) than did Jim(D). No error(E)There is (A) probably no (B) story more dramatic (C) than baseball’s (D) great hitter and right fielder, Hank Aaron. No error (E)Norwegian writer Sigrid Undset is like (A) the novelist Sir Walter Scott in (B) her use of historical backgrounds, but unlike his books (C), she dwells on the psychological aspects of (D) her characters. No error(E)The architect’s research shows that even when builders construct (A) houses of stone (B), they still (C) use the hammer more than any tool (D). No error(E)。

I was tired, but I felt happy.
1. be about to do sth when+从句 2.祈使句+and+句子 3. while conj.然而,而 4. 分辨谓语动词的并列和伴随状语 5. what名词性短语的并列 6. “随着”两种表达:with+复合结构/as+句子 7. 分辨短语和句子 8. 分辨定语从句和并列句 9. 不定式的并列 10. 分辨:句子+并列连词+句子、短语+句子
preparing a long speech for the president.
10. As there are nearly 50 streets in the
city, most of which we can’t remember
从句:If you use your head,you will find a way. ___and they bought a picnic with them. A. It being a fine day B. It is a fine day
C. Being a fine day √D. It was a fine day
比如下面句子就违反了平行结构的准则: Do some nice things for your parents that they
don't expect like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors. "做饭"、"刷碗"、"洗衣服"、"拖地"在本句中应为 并列结构作为介词like“像”的宾语,故应用相同 的形式,都用动名词,所以应将clean改为 cleaning。


1. 平行结构(Parallel Structure)平行结构是指在句子中平行使用相同类型的词、短语或从句,使句子结构更加一致。
例如:(1) We came, we saw, we conquered.我们来了,我们看到了,我们征服了。
(2) The weather is not only hot but also humid.天气不仅炎热而且潮湿。
(3) He likes swimming, hiking, and playing tennis.他喜欢游泳、徒步旅行和打网球。
2. 倒装结构(Inversion)倒装结构在英语写作中可以起到突显和强调的作用,也可以用于修辞和句子平衡。
例如:(1) Not only did she pass the exam, but she also got the highest score.她不仅通过了考试,而且还得到了最高分。
(2) Little did I know that he was planning a surprise party for me.我并不知道他正在为我策划一场惊喜派对。
(3) Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.我从未见过如此美丽的日落。
3. 并列句(Compound Sentences)并列句使用并列连词(如and, but, or等)将两个独立的句子连接在一起,使句子更加丰富多样,并能够表达并列关系。
例如:(1) She is studying hard for the exam, but she also finds time to relax.她为了考试而努力学习,但她也找到时间放松。

例句:Her laughter was music to my ears.(她的笑声如音乐般动听。
例句:The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.(花儿在轻风中跳舞。
例句:He was a real Romeo with the ladies.(他对女士们来说就像真正的罗密欧。
)反问(Rhetorical Question):用问句表达观点或意义,而不需要回答。
例句:Isn't it ironic that the firefighter's house burned down?(消防员的房子烧毁了,这不是讽刺吗?)平行结构(Parallelism):重复使用相同的语法结构,增强语言的韵律和效果。
例句:He came, he saw, he conquered.(他来了,他看到了,他征服了。
例句:I came, I saw, I conquered.(我来了,我看到了,我征服了。
例句:I've told you a million times not to do that!(我已经告诉你一百万次不要那样做了!)比较(Simile):通过使用"like"或"as"等词来比较两个事物,以形象地表达相似之处。
例句:She sings like an angel.(她唱歌如天使一般。

1. Tom is tall _w_h_il_e_____ his brother is short.
2. She got up early,_b_u_t _____ she failed to be there on time.
3. It is not wrong of people to pursue wealth; ___ye_t ____, they should also try to learn to fulfill their knowledge.
• 常见的并列连词有: 1、表递进关系:and, not only…but also…,
neither…nor…, not… but… 2. 选择关系:or,either…or…, otherwise,
whether...or 3. 转折对比关系: but, yet, whereas, while, still 4. 因果关系:so, for 5. 并列关系:and, when
• Bothe she and I are interested in English literature.
• 3. not only…but (also)…不仅……而且……
• not only…but…as well不仅……而且……也
• as well as和
• …and…as well和
• Either he didn’t speak clearly or you didn’t hear well.
三、表示转折和对比意义的并列 连词
• but(但是),yet(然而),while(而,却) 等

英语基础语法知识:平行结构平行结构1、连词连接的平行结构1)并列连词and.but.as well as.or else,both and.either or,neithernor.not only but also,whether or,rather than等以及从属连词than均可连接平行结构。
e.g Shs is a beautiful and elegant woman.她是一位美丽而优雅的女子。
2)连接的非谓语动词形式一致e.g Some find swimming more enjoyable than sitting at home reading.有人觉得游戏远比坐在家里读书有趣。
3)连接的谓语形式一致e.g This is the lady who listens to the poor and ministers to their wants.这就是那位能倾听穷人意见并照顾他们需要的女士4)连接的句子结构一致e.g He asked me whether I had received the check and whether I had cashed it.他问我是否收到了支票并把它兑换成现金了。
2、特定的平行结构1)prefer后面接的平行结构 prefer to do sthprefer sth.go sthprefer doing(sth).to doing(sth) prefer to do(sth)ratherthan do(sth)2)在would /had rather/sooner以及would/had as soon as 结构中要用平行结构would/had as soon do (sth ) as do (sth)e.g I would as soon stay at home as go shopping. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去逛街购物。

值得注意的一些标志词:andorbutnot only…but also这些都是特别典型的平行结构考点的标志2、在看到这些标志词之后,接下来需要特别明确的一个正式的规范的平行结构,它一定要具备的两点:1)结构形式一致2)功能一致具体来讲,就是在一个长句子中,平行的部分可以是词,也可以是短语,甚至可以是句子。
例:1、句子主语的平行比如:S1, S2, and S3 VO2、句子谓语的平行比如:SVO, VO, and VO3、句子的平行,比如说三个或者是四个句子的平行SVO, SVO, SVO, and SVO如果平行结构作为考点的话,通常考题中会出现一个很长的句子,在这个句子中有一个明确的标志词。
两者的平行,可以是A, B也可以是A and B但是一定不能够是A, and B。

专四语法考点串讲之四形容词、副词及比较平行结构一、形容词后置情况总结:(1)修饰不定代词something,anything, nothing,everything等时,例:There is something difficult in this book.(2)形容词后面有介词短语或不定式短语的时候。
例:This is a student worth of praise。
(3)用and或or连接两个形容词通常放在被修饰的名词之后,起强调修饰的作用.例:They will turn their motherland into a country,beautiful and modern。
例:The pipe is twelve feet long.二、感叹副词what、how之间的区别:what修饰名词或名词短语,how修饰副词或形容词.如: 56.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?(2012)A.How strange feelings they are!B.How dare you speak to me like that!C.What noise they are making!D。
What a mess we are in!三、同根副词辨析:1)hard 努力地hardly几乎2)late晚,迟lately近来3)most 极,非常mostly 主要地4)wide广阔地widely广泛地5)deep深,迟deeply抽象意义上的“深”6)near 邻近nearly 几乎7)express 用快递方式expressly清楚地,明白地8)just恰好,正是justly正义、公正地……详细阅读课本(P276—280)并做P280—281练习题24B.四、比较等级的常见句型:(1)as+原级+ as(as+原级+a/an+单数可数名词+ as),其否定形式为not as/so+原级+ as(2)比较级+than+比较对象(less+原级+比较对象)(3)比较级+and+比较级或more and more +原级(4)the+比较级…,the+比较级…(5)the+比较级+of the two(6)the+最高级(+单数可数名词)+of/among+复数名词或in+单数名词(7)be one of/among+ the+最高级+复数名词(8)the last+原级(+单数可数名词)+of/among+复数名词或in+单数名词五、比较等级的修饰语:(1)修饰原级:fairly, quite,rather,so,very, too等.(2)修饰比较级:much, even,far,rather,still,any,no (而不用very,quite,fairly,Greatly),a bit,a little,a head, a great deal。
平行结构(Parallel Structure)

平行结构(Parallel Structure)平行结构是指在论证某个观点或论题时,将其分解成具有一定联系的几个方面来加以论述,而这几个方面都是从属于中心论题或观点的,它们之间地位平等,呈平行关系,故称平行结构。

1)用单词实现平行Not every expensive handmade item is both creative and an art. (X)Trains, buses, and a ferry are examples of pubic transportation. (X)Some work needs to be done not quickly but precise. (X)2) 用短语实现平行He not only finished his reading assignment but also writing an essay. (X)It is easier to forgive than hating someone. (X)Working out, eating organic foods, and to take a rest are the best ways to maintain good health. (X)3) 用从句实现平行When we took our trip, we not only visited Rome but also skiing in Switzerland. (X)The mass media neither gives us the necessary information nor telling us the truth. (X)Either you save money for a rainy day or just splurge today. (X)2、对比1)表示两个对象同等或相似的程度:as…as, not as…as, not so…as2) 表示两个对象中的一个比另一个突出:more than3) 表示三个以上对象中最突出的一个:the most…of4) 重要结构练习题1. Owing to the Internet, information searches have become and faster. (easy)由于互联网,信息搜索变得更加简单、快捷。
强调句型, 平行结构,错综时态的虚拟语气,比较级,in that结构,what 结构,make结构, 句法结构

强调句型, 平行结构,错综时态的虚拟语气,比较级,in that结构,what 结构,make结构,句法结构(1) 强调句型的基本结构形式为: It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom +句子的其余部分。
如果原句中谓语动词使用的是现在范畴的时态(一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成/现在完成进行时、一般将来时、将来进行时、将来完成时等), 用It is ... that ...。
强调部分可以强调主语、宾语和状语,不能强调谓语和定语;强调人使用who 或者that, 其他的只能用that (即使是时间和地点),who 和that绝对不能省略如果原句是过去时态,强调句型使用it was.,例如:原句:Ann bought these books last year.强调宾语:It was these books that Ann bought last year.强调状语:It was last year that Ann bought these books.1. It is the ability to do the job________matters not where you come from or what you are.A. oneB. thatC. whatD. it2. It was between 1989 and 1999 ________ great changes took place in our hometown.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. because3. Was________his illness________he d idn’t go to see the film?A. necessary; whenB. that important of; whyC. even if; forD. it because of; that4. Was________that I saw last night at the corner?A. it youB. not youC. youD. that yourself5. It was not until 1920________regular radio broadcast began.A. whileB. whichC. thatD. since6. It was because of bad weather________the football match had to be put off.A. soB. so thatC. whyD. that7. Was it during the Second World War________he died?A. thatB. whileC. in whichD. then8. It was ________ he said ________ disappointed me.A. what; thatB. that; thatC. what; whatD. that; what9. It was about 600 years ago________the first clock with an hour hand was made.A. thatB. untilC. beforeD. when10. ________is no possibility________Bob can win the first prize in the match.A. There; thatB. It; thatC. There; whetherD. It; whether A(2) 平行结构: 连词连接两个对等的词和对等的结构一、连词连接两个对等的词和对等的结构并列连词and, but, as well as, or, or else, both …and, neither …nor, either …or, not only …but (also), rather than,as…as等以及从属连词than可连接两个对等的词和对等的结构。

中式英语之鉴--平行结构(parallel structure)1.定义:词或句含义相似或相反;结构相同。
3.举例子:如对比:To be or not to be: that is the questions...To be or to ceasing living: that is the question...可见:平行结构的比非平行结构更加简洁、有力、富有节奏感。
4.特点:a.词汇方面:使用词性一致的词汇:如healthy/wealthy/wiseb.短语方面:使用结构一致的短语,或者带有某个固定词汇重复的短语:如of the people/by the people/for the peoplec.从句方面:使用结构相似的从句,如where there is a will there is a way, 具有相同的结构,there is an x/ there is a y。
d. 句子方面:相邻的句子结构相同,意思或相近或相反。
5.分类:a.由并列连词(coordinating conjunctions)连接:如and, but, or。
例如:Timber is needed for construction 1and to withstand floods2.分析:1部分是介词+名词的结构;2部分是不定式结构+名词的结构;由于两个词由and 衔接,可使用平行结构,让表达更加地道。
可以改为:Timber is needed to provide materials for construction 1and to withstand floods2. 这样1与2两个部分都是不定式结构。
b. 由关联连词(correlative conjunctions) 连接:如both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, not...but.例如:These are vital issues for the next century: both for people’s quality of life1 and for saving the environment2.分析:1是介词+名词,2是介词+动名词;此时,1与2 由关联连词both...and,可用平行结构,将二者的词性调整一致,可改为:These are vital issues for the next century: affecting both the quality of people’s life1and the preservation of the environment2.b.同一个话题下的多个分话题,多个话题一般由first, second, third 连接(Items in a list or a series of headings):例如:Socialism has two major requirements. First, its economy must be dominated by public ownership1, and second, there must be no polarization2.分析:句中的1 和2两个句子都有结构must be,而构成平行结构。

food for ourselves.
• 2. both A and B • 这一结构是and的强化形式,连接的两个成
• The new tax policy benefits both workers and farmers.
• Bothe she and I are interested in English literature.
• He was not feeling well, yet he kept on until it was done.
• China is rich in natural resources, while Japan
is poor.
• so(因此,所以),for(因为)
• 从属连词用来引导名词从句和各类的状语 从句。
• 1)并列连词 • 2)标点符号 • 3)并列结构的插入语 • 在最后一个项目之前插入一个词语,使这
个项目处于更加突出的地位。 • 4)并列结构的对称组合 • 成对组合的办法使整个结构更加紧凑。
• 常见的并列连词有: 1、表递进关系:and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, not… but… 2. 选择关系:or,either…or…, otherwise,
可以采用倒装形式。 • Einstein cared for neither money nor fame.
You can neither take it out nor photocopy it. • *在否定结构中通常用or连接两个并列成分。 • You can never take it out or photocopy it.
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• Do you stay at home alone or go to theatre with me?
• You’ll have to wait one or two days before you know the result.
was done. • China is rich in natural resources, while Japan
is poor.
• so(因此,所以),for(因为) • Many directors were absent, so the meeting
英语平行结构和比较结构 Parallelism & Comparison
一、平行结构, 即并列结构:由并列连词连 接两个或两个以上对等的语言成分构成。
• 连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成 分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句 与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列 连词和从属连词。
分必须在结构上等同。不能连接句子。 • The new tax policy benefits both workers and
farmers. • Bothe she and I are interested in English
• 3. not only…but (also)…不仅……而且…… • not only…but…as well不仅……而且……也 • as well as和 • …and…as well和 • * not only…but (also)…结构侧重在后者,而
• but(但是),yet(然而),while(而,却) 等
• After a busy day, I felt tired but happy. • Difficulties will arise in the course of reforming,
but we will certainly overcome them. • He was not feeling well, yet he kept on until it
• 并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。 • 从属连词用来引导名词从句和各类的状语
• 1)并列连词 • 2)标点符号 • 3)并列结构的插入语 • 在最后一个项目之前插入一个词语,使这
个项目处于更加突出的地位。 • 4)并列结构的对称组合 • 成对组合的办法使整个结构更加紧凑。
as well as侧重在前者。
• Not only George but also his wife did a lot for us.
• It is said that he can fly a plane as well as drive a car.
• She can play pop music and classical music as well.
• 1. A and B • And连接两个并列成分。and也常位于句首,
使上下文联系更紧密。 • The fabric is light and strong. • I like reading and fishing in my spare time. This
model of the computer is powerful, and the price is competitive. • It was a severe winter. And we had not enough food for ourselves.
• 2. both A and B • 这一结构是and的强化形式,连接的两个成
1. Tom is tall _w_h_il_e _____ his brother is short. 2. She got up early,_b_u_t _____ she failed to be
• 1. neither A nor B • 这一结构表示否定意义,若连接两个句子
可以采用倒装形式。 • Einstein cared for neither money nor fame.
You can neither take it out nor photocopy it. • *在否定结构中通常用or连接两个并列成分。 • You can never take it out or photocopy it.
• 常见的并列连词有: 1、表递进关系:and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, not… but… 2. 选择关系:or,either…or…, otherwise,
whether...or 3. 转折对比关系: but, yet, whereas, while, still 4. 因果关系:so, for 5. 并列关系:and, when
• Hurry up, or we’ll be late.
• Have one more try, or you won’t be successful.
• Either he didn’t speak clearly or you didn’t hear well.
had to be postponed. • He must have done something wrong, for the
head teacher called him to the office. • *so不能与because同时出现在同一句中。
For从句主要是对前面的句子作出解释或进 行推断,因此for引导的句子不能用于句首。