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Ch i nese Journa l o f Sc ientific Instru m ent

V o l 131N o 112D ec . 2010





1, 2

, 常凌乾

1, 2

, 杨庆德

1, 2

, 贺银增

1, 2

, 蔡新霞

1, 2

(1 中国科学院电子学研究所传感技术国家重点实验室北方基地北京 100190;

2 中国科学院研究生院北京 100049

摘要:介绍了一种基于反离子电渗方法的非侵入式血糖监测系统。该系统通过集成恒电流源和双恒电势仪电路, 配合高灵敏度介体酶传感器, 实现了反离子电渗抽取和抽取至体表葡萄糖的检测。并且通过良好的降噪和提升采样精度的设计, 有效提高了测量的准确性。根据所检测的葡萄糖浓度与组织液葡萄糖浓度以及血糖浓度间相对稳定的对应关系, 本系统可以自动计算出血糖浓度。经过动物实验验证:该无创血糖监测系统经过一次有创校准后能够实现血糖监测。对比常规的有创测量方法, 在动物血糖自然变化状态下, 该系统的监测结果能够很好地反映出血糖的平均浓度值; 在人为干预动物血糖浓度的情况下, 该系统的监测结果能够较好地反映出血糖


关键词:血糖; 无创测量; 反离子电渗; 中国实验用小型猪

中图分类号:TH 77 文献标识码:A 国家标准学科分类代码:510. 8040

D evel op m ent and experim ent of a gl ucose m onitor usi ng

noninvasi ve transdermal extraction

X iao H onghu i , Chang Lingqian , Yang Q ingde , H e Y i n zeng , Ca iX i n x i a 2Graduate Universit y of Chinese A cade my of Sciences , B eij i ng 100049, China 1, 2

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1, 2

1, 2

1, 2

(1S tate K e y Laboratory of T ransducer T echnology, Instit u te of E lectronics , Chinese A cad e m y of Science , B eij i ng 100190, China;

Abst ract :A non-i n vasi v e g l u cose monitor based on reverse iontophoresis is described . The reverse i o ntophoresi s

m ethod is realized w ith a constant current source , and the glucose obta i n ed usi n g reverse iontophoresis m ethod i s detected w it h a high -sensiti v ity enzy m e b iosensor and a double constant voltage source c ircu i. t The accuracy of the m on ito r is i m pr oved by good no ise depressi o n desi g n and h i g h sa m ple prec i s ion desi g n. The m on ito r can fi g ure out blood g lucose through the re lationsh i p a m ong the g l u cose detected by the b iosensor , the g lucose in tissues and blood glucose . A ni m a l experi m entsw ere carried ou t to verify the m onitor . The resu lts show t h at the m on itor can detect the var i a ti o n of the experi m enta l an i m a l . s blood g l u cose after an invasive i n str um en t calibration . W hen the ani m a l . s blood glucose varies in nor m al status , the result of the m onitor sho w s good corre lation w ith the i n vasi v e i n stru m ent resu lt . W hen the ani m al i s i n jected w ith a m ount of high concen trati o n g lucose , the m on itor can detect the variati o n trend of blood glucose . K ey w

ords :blood g l u cose ; non-i n vasi v e m on itor ; reverse i o ntophoresis ; Ch i n ese exper i m enta lm i n i p i g

收稿日期:2010-05 R ece i ved D ate :2010-05

*基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CB933202 、国家高技术研究发展计划(2007AA042105, 2007AA04Z326 、中科院知识创新项目(KGCX2-Y W-916 资助

选择性、高灵敏度, 可以有效地排除其他电渗至体表的物

1 引言


病。糖尿病在中国的严峻形势更是发人深省。截止2003年, 中国已经成为糖尿病第二大国, 拥有2380万糖尿病患者, 仅次于印度。血糖监测是对前驱糖尿病患者
