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• 听录音前先认真阅读所给选项,推测听力材料可能涉 及的话题,做到“有的放矢,有备无患”。例如: A.In a shop
B.In a library C.In a hospital
录音原文:W: May I try on the new sweater?
M: Certainly, madam. Do as you like. Q:Where are they talking? 这个对话是关于地点的问题。该题要求根据听到的内容 对说话的背景进行推断,在所提供的三个选项中,该对 话显然发生在商店里,正确答案为A。
一、题型类型Fra Baidu bibliotek
A.图片理解 (5分) B.情景交际. (5分) C.小对话理解. (5分) D 长对话理解. (5分) E.短文理解. (5分)
• 听力解题技巧: (听前)精力集中, 迅速浏览,
(听时)抓住关键, 简单记录,
浏览选项,暗记读音及词义,要注意发音相似 的词,听时有意识地注意不同之处,如fifteen和 fifty。
一 图片理解解题策略
2. 仔细观察每题图片内容,找出每幅图之间的相
顺序原则 中考听力填词通常是按顺序出题的。 格式统一原则 如动词词组是否统一用不定式形式,
或动名词 语法精确原则 如名词单复数,动词第三人称单数加S
C. We don’t know.
• 15. A. In 2000. B. In 1999. C. In 1998.
Text 11(关数字的问题,具体细节加以记录,理解万万岁) W: How many students are there in your class?
• M: There are fifty students in my class, thirty boys and twenty girls.
M: Someone broke my computer!
Text 4 W: Do you have any hobbies?
M: Yes, I like taking photos.
Text 5 W: Where is the ball?
M: It’s under the table.
• Q: How many boys are there in the boy’s class? A. 30. B. 20. C. 50.
• Text 12 • W: Which do you think is more difficult, math or English • M: It’s hard to say. Math, I think. • Q: Which is more difficult to the man, math or English?
Text 15 (对听到的信息加工处理,如数字运算,时间顺 序) W: When were you born? M: I was born in 1999. And I’m one year older than you.
Q: When was the girl born? • A. In 2000. B. In 1999. C. In 1998
• 五 短文理解解题策略
• 三部曲:听短文前,浏览题目,预测文章大概
• 听第一遍时,关注宏观理解,听懂文章大意。
• 听第二遍时,关注细节性问题作出必要的判断 和推理。同时围绕选项内容做些速记,记下关 键词,理清线索。 注意听短文的首句和尾句 (往往是短文的结论)
• 听第三遍时,注意及时核对尚未听清的信息, 最后准确作出答案。
听力要点(pre-listening听前) 1.调整良好的心理。
紧张的情绪会妨碍听力的正常发挥,一定要克服 畏难心理,形成良好的心态,思想放松,精力集中, 进入角色,静心倾听,树立必胜的信心。
2 熟悉题型,捕捉信息。
听录音之前,要把听力试题浏览一遍,了解题型 及选项,通过选项推断可能涉及的话题及可能要 提出的问题,这样在听时就能有的放矢。
W: What did you have for breakfast?
M: Coffee and bread.
Text 2 W: What are you going to do this afternoon?
M: Oh, it’s very hot. I’m going swimming.
Text 3 W: Why are you so angry? (话题:情感)
• 如听前阅读备选项 • A. Three weeks. • B. Three weeks ago. • C. In three weeks.
若问题以How long开头,则答案是A, 若问题以When开头,则答案是B, 若问题以How soon开头,则答案是C,
阅读选项,快速抢读试题 积极进行预测,带着问题去听. (此题选材简单,涉及家庭和朋友,学校生活, 兴趣与爱好,购物,饮食,邀请,天气,学习等话 题.选材突出口语性和实用性,有强烈的生活 气息.)
II. 听句子选择恰当的答语.(每小题1分,计分5分) 6. A. Oh, good! B. Nice to meet you C. How nice!
• 四 长对话理解解题策略。
• 听录音前要先认真阅读所给问题和 选项,推测听力材料可能涉及的问题, 了解对话人的“弦外之音”,把握说话 者的真实含义。(一般在听到表示转折 的词如but ,however等,要特别注意它 们之后句子的意思)
• 16. What’s the weather like today? (弦外之音)
Saturday. • M: Do you mean you’re going to have a party? • W: Yes, you’re right. That day is my birthday.
Would you like to come? • M: Sure, I’d love to.
• Text 6(语言使用功能Introduction) • This is my friend Tom. • Text 7 • Would you like some apples? • Text 8 • We are leaving for Beijing tomorrow. (祝愿) • Text 9 • Can you help me post the letter? (请求) • Text 10 • Good morning. May I have your name, please?
tomorrow. • W: Yes, but tomorrow you’ll have to get up early and go to
visit the art museum. • M: I forgot about that, mom. Do I have to take a shower
tonight? • W: Of course you do. Don’t forget to brush your teeth. • M: OK, mom.
• 3.放过枝节,抓住要点。
• 听较长对话或短文,要善于抓住关键信息的 重要词语和句子,遇到听不懂的跳过去,不要因 为某个细节或个别词未听清而影响做下面题。
大部分题目都有一个较明确的语境,即话题, 场所,对话者之间的相互关系等。听时,要注意 语境和语意的理解,抓住说话人的意思。
7.A.My pleasure B. It’s a pleasure. C.Yes, please.
8.A.Have a good trip. B. All right. C. Goodbye.
9.A. Not at all. B. No problem. C. Never mind.
10. A. Fine, thank you. B. Good morning. C. My name’s Li Li.
• Text 17 • W: Jim! It’s your bedtime. Go to bed. • M: Oh, Mom! Do I have to? It’s still early. • W: Look at your watch. It’s already eleven o’clock. • M: But it is Friday night. There will be no school
(weather, feeling, activities, hobbies,food等)
3.听懂句意,善于抓住关键词。 predict
• I. 听对话选出正确的图画。(每小题1分,计分5分)
2. A. 3. . A 4. A.
Text1 •
18. Who are making the conversation?(人物关系)
A. Brother and sister. B. Mother and son
C. Father and daughter.
19. Why doesn’t Jim want to go to bed? (弦外之音) A. Because it is still early B. Because he doesn’t feel sleepy. C. Because there will be no school tomorrow.
Ⅲ. 听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案(每小题1分,计分5分)
• 11. A. 30.
B. 20.
C. 50.
• 12. A. English. B. Both. C. Math.
• 13. A. Bob.
B. Mike. C. Mary.
14. A. In Shanghai. B. In London.
• Text 13 W: May I speak to Mike?
M: Sorry, he isn’t in.
• This is Bob. Can I take a message for you?
• (关于接听电话的知识考查)
• Q: Who’s answering the phone?
• Text 14 • W: Hello, Tom. I have got a new • M: Oh, may I have a look? • W: Certainly, here you are. • M: Was it made in Shanghai. • W: No, it was made in London. • • Q: Where was the watch made?
20. Why should Jim get up early tomorrow? A. Because he will visit the art museum. B. Because he will go shopping. C. Because he will visit his friend.(合理推断)
• A. Cold. B. Windy.
C. Sunny.
• 17. When will there be a party?(推理判断) • A. Next Saturday • B. Next Friday. • C. Next Sunday.
• Text 16
• W: Hello, Mr. White! What a lovely day! • M: Yes, it’s beautiful, isn’t it? • W: I hope you can come to my house next