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In high frequency electronic circuit course, amplitude modulation,synchronization demodulation, mixer, frequency, frequency modulation and demodulation are regarded as the process of the two signals are multiplied, and the integrated analog multiplier is the realization of two analog electronic device, a voltage or current multiplication. The integrated analog multiplier to achieve the above functions than discrete devices are much more simple, and superior performance, therefore the integrated analog multiplier is widely used in wireless communications, radio and television broadcasting.

The mixer in communication engineering and radio technology,application is very extensive, in modulation system, the input of baseband signal are through frequency conversion into a high frequency modulated signal. In the demodulation process, the received modulated high frequency signal after frequency conversion, into intermediate frequency signals corresponding to. Especially in the superheterodyne receiver, mixer is widely used, mixing circuit is the key module of Applied Electronic Technology and professional radio must master.

Multisim10 is a new generation of electronic platform belongs to, is an excellent computer widely used an electronic technology field simulation software.

The main content is the mixer application design and simulation based on MC1496, expounds the basic principle of mixer, and the circuit design and Simulation in Multisim environment to create integrated circuit MC1496 multiplier circuit module, the analog multiplier MC1496 to complete the design and Simulation of the circuit, and combined with the dual trace oscilloscope to achieve signal mixing, the switching frequency of the received signal the intermediate frequency signal, a need.

Key Words:MC1496 multiplier; mixer; Multisim


摘要 (1)

Abstract ............................................................................................................ II 引言 . (1)

1.方案分析 (2)

2.单元电路的工作原理 (4)

2.1 LC正弦波振荡器 (4)

2.2 模拟乘法器电路 (6)

2.3 选频﹑放大电路 (8)

3.电路性能指标的测试 (9)

结论 (11)

致谢 (12)

参考文献 (13)
