初中英语 人教版初三第一轮复习九年级全一册复习教案Unit 5

初中英语 人教版初三第一轮复习九年级全一册复习教案Unit 5
初中英语 人教版初三第一轮复习九年级全一册复习教案Unit 5

_________学校九年级英语Unit 5 复习教学案总第课时


主动变被动:They grow tea in Hangzhou。→Tea is grown in Hangzhou(by them)

3. Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.

be known for ; be famous for ; be famous/known as及be known to 的用法(参考《中考新航线》P56考点二)

4. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. avoid doing sth. (用法见《中考新航线》P56考点三)

5. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble.(见《中考新航线》P57考点

六) send up 发射send for派人去请


中英互译:1. 南方种水稻。_______________________________

2. 面条是由小麦(wheat)制成。_____________________________

3. 中国以长城闻名。_______________________________________

4. It’s difficult to avoid using Chinese products in other countries.



一、课文填空:According to __________(China) history, sky lanterns were ______(one) used ___ Zhuge kongming. He sent ______(they) out to ask for help when in _______. Today, sky lanterns are used at festival and other celebrations. T _______(make) of bamboo and covered ______ paper. When the lanterns are _______(light), they _____(slow) rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see.

二、完成《中考新航线》P 55核心句型

Step 5. 当堂练习(5minutes)

《随堂同步训练》P 185. 一、单项选择

Step 6. 课后作业



Step7 Reflection(教学反思)

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