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More than 25 million years ago, India, once a separate island on a quickly sliding piece of the Earth’scrust, crashed into Asia. The two land masses are still colliding, pushed together at a speed of 1.5 to 2inches a year. The forces have pushed up the highest mountains in the world, in the Himalayas, and haveset off devastating earthquakes.


Experts had warned of the danger to the people of Katmandu for decades. The death toll in Nepal onSaturday was practically inevitable given the tectonics, the local geology that made the shaking worseand the lax construction of buildings that could not withstand the shaking.


GeoHazards International, a nonprofit organization in Menlo Park, Calif., that tries to help poorer, morevulnerable regions like Nepal prepare for disasters, had noted that major earthquakes struck

that regionabout every 75 years.

设在加州门洛帕克的非营利组织国际地质灾难协会(GeoHazards International)是一家试图帮尼泊尔等较为贫穷、脆弱的地区为应对灾难做准备的机构。该机构指出,每隔75年,这里就会发生一次大地震。

In 1934 —81 years ago —more than 10,000 people died in a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in easternNepal, about six miles south of Mount Everest. A smaller quake in 1988 with a magnitude of 6.8 killedmore than 1,000 people.


Brian Tucker, president and founder of GeoHazards, said that in the 1990s, his organization predictedthat if the 1934 quake were to happen again, 40,000 people would die because of migration to the citywhere tall, flimsily built buildings would collapse.

国际地质灾难协会的总裁兼创始人布莱恩·塔克(Brian Tucker)说,上世纪90年代,他所在的组织曾预测,倘若1934年的地震再次发生,就会造成4万人死亡——这是因为人口在向这座城市迁移,高大而脆弱的建筑物将会坍塌。

In an update just this month, GeoHazards wrote, “With an annual population growth rate of 6.5 percentand one of the highest urban densities in the world, the 1.5 million people living in the

Katmandu Valleywere clearly facing a serious and growing earthquake risk.”

国际地质灾难协会在本月的更新信息中写道,“这里的年均人口增长率为6.5%,而且城市密度位于世界之列; 在这种情况下,住在加德满都谷的150万人明显面临着严重而且越来越大的地震风险。”

The organization helped set up a local nonprofit to continue preparations, including the reinforcement ofschools and hospitals.


Saturday’s earthquake occurred to the northwest of Katmandu at a relatively shallow depth, about ninemiles, which caused greater shaking at the surface, but at magnitude 7.8, it released less energy than the1934 quake.


Roger Bilham, a professor of geological sciences at the University of Colorado who has studied thehistory of earthquakes in that region, said that the shaking lasted one to two minutes, and the faultslipped about 10 feet along the rupture zone, which stretched 75 miles, passing under Katmandu.

科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)地质学教授罗
