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Questi ons 11-15

Choose the correct letter, 11 To find out how much holidays cost, you should p ress butt on

[A] o ne.

[B] two.

[C] three.

选择答案:A £

12 Travelite curre ntly offer walki ng holidays

[A] on ly in Wester n Euro pe.

[B] all over Europe.

[C] outside Europe.


13 The walks offered by Travelite

[A] cater for a range of walki ng abilities.

A, B or C.

[B] are planned by guides from the local area.

[C] are for people with good fitn ess levels.

选择答案:A A A B A C

14On Travelite holidays, people holiday ing alone pay

[A]the same as other clie nts.

[B]only a little more tha n other clie nts.

[C]extra only if they stay in a large room.

选择答案:E A亞B P C

15En tertai nment is pro vided

[A]whe n guests request it.

[B]most ni ghts.

[C]every ni ght.

选择答案:―A ' B ' C


Questi ons 11-15

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.


SPEAKER: Thank you for calling the free Travelite Travel Agency

In formati on Line. You will not be charged for this call.

In order to deal with all calls effectively, we offer you a nu mber of op ti ons. Pl ease liste n carefully and p ress your required nu mber at the approp riate time, or dial a new nu mber.

If you want to hear about sp ecial offers, pl ease p ress on e. If

you want to hear our latest price lists, please press two. If you want to make a complaint, p lease p ress three. If you want

in formati on about our new walk ing holidays, pl ease p ress four now.


SP EAKER 2: Tha nk you for calli ng our Travelite Walki ng Holidays

Line. We have bee n offeri ng a wide variety of walki ng holidays

to suit all tastes for just three years, but already we have won

two awards for excellenee in this field. We offer guided walking

tours to suit the discerning traveller in twelve different centres

throughout the whole ofWestern Europe. We are planning to open our first centre outside this area in the coming year, so watch out for devel opmen ts. Q12

But the p ride of Travelite is the level of guida nee and support we offer on our walks. All are planned in detail by our highly

trained guides, who all work in a variety of different Travelite

locations, so we can guarantee standards. Each day we offer three sep arate walks catering for all skills and fit ness levels. Q13

We also p ride ourselves on our frie ndly service, p articularly imp orta nt for the in creas ing nu mbers of people who choose to holiday alone. Un like almost all travel op erators who happ ily charge large suppl eme nts for sin gle rooms, we guara ntee that no

single clie nt will pay more, eve n whe n only double rooms are available for them. And the day does n base... after our dinner at communal tables designed to make all our guests feel part of a family atmos phere... En terta

t end with the retu rn to

inment is laid on nearly every night with tour leaders

on hand to organise lectures, games, quizzes and respond to any special requests from guests. Q14 Q15
