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• 常见的器型有:各式的盘、碗、碟、盏、 盏托、渣斗、瓶(玉壶春瓶、梅瓶、花 口瓶、卷口瓶、瓜棱瓶、多管瓶)、壶、 罐、钵、洗、盆、缸、水盂、笔洗、砚 滴、镇纸、炉、香薰、唾盂、灯、盖盒, 仿古铜器式样的樽、奁等,尤以多种多 样的瓷枕最具代表性。
• 瓷枕始见于隋代,最初只是用于陪葬, 唐代多为医用脉枕,式样上体轻形小, 入宋以后大量生产,形体变大。人们逐 渐认识到瓷枕具有清凉去热的物理特性, 从而开始把它作为驱火明目、延年益寿 的理想夏令寝具。磁州窑即有长方形、 腰圆形、如意头形、花瓣形、鸡心形、 六角形、八方形、银锭形、虎形、人形 等瓷枕,品种繁多,形式新颖别致,侧 重实用性。
The common types of utensils are: various plates, bowls, dishes, lamps, lamp holders, slag hoppers, bottles ( jade pot spring bottles, plum bottles, flower bottles, curling bottles, melon arris bottles, multi-tube bottles), pots, pots, washings, pots, jars, water jars, pen washes, ink drops, paperweights, stoves, aromatherapy, spittoons, lamps, lid boxes, antique copper bottles, caskets, etc., with various porcelain pillows being the most representative. Porcelain pillows were first seen in the Sui Dynasty and were only used for burial. Most of them were medical pulse pillows in the Tang Dynasty. They were light in shape and small in shape. They were produced in large quantities after entering the Song Dynasty and became larger in shape. People gradually realized that porcelain pillows have the physical characteristics of cooling and removing heat, and began to use them as ideal summer bedding for dispelling fire, improving eyesight and prolonging life. Cizhou kilns have a wide variety of porcelain pillows, such as rectangular, waist-round, ruyi head-shaped, petalshaped, chicken heart-shaped, hexagonal, octagonal, silver ingotshaped, tiger-shaped, human-shaped and so on, with novel and unique forms and emphasis on practicality.
磁州窑的器型和纹饰为民间所喜闻乐见,影响范围较广,发展迅 速。北方各地纷纷仿制,中心窑场以邯郸市的观台镇为中心,形成了 一个庞大的磁州窑体系。主要分布在河南鹤壁集窑,修武当阳峪窑, 禹县的扒村窑,登封曲河窑,山西介休窑,霍县窑,山东淄博窑,江 西吉安吉州窑,福建泉州,四川广元等,都大量烧造与磁州窑风格相 近似的瓷器。 磁州窑是中国著名的民间陶瓷窑系,位于今河北省邯郸市彭城和磁县 等地,是北方陶瓷的代表。素有“南有景德,北有彭城”之说。磁州 窑是宋代成就突出,富有民间特色的瓷窑。 磁州窑系庞大黄河南北均有此类风格制品,清末民初,此窑大量生产 青花制品,覆盖华北华南广大地区,兰花花碗、盘等用品。代表民间 青花的盛世。现代已成为中国最大的瓷区之一,其产品深受世界各国 人民喜爱。具有极高的欣赏、收藏、使用价值。
The shape and decoration of Cizhou kiln are popular among the people, with a wide range of influence and rapid development.The central kiln is centered on Guantai Town, Handan City, forming a huge Cizhou kiln system. They are mainly distributed in Hebi kiln in Henan Province, Xiuwudangyangyu kiln, Picun kiln in Yuxian County, Quhe kiln in Dengfeng, Jiexiu kiln in Shanxi Province, Huoxian kiln, Zibo kiln in Shandong Province, Jianji kiln in Jiangxi Province, Quanzhou in Fujian Province, Guangyuan in Sichuan Province, and so on. A large number of ceramics similar to the style of Cizhou kiln are fired. Dynasty. Cizhou kiln is a huge kiln system in the north and south of the Yellow River. At the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, this kiln produced a large number of blue and white products, covering the vast areas of North China and South China, such as orchid bowls, plates and other supplies. Represents the flourishing age of folk blue and white. Modern China has become one of the largest porcelain regions in China, and its products are loved by people all over the world. It has high value of appreciation, collection and use.
• 胎釉
• 磁州窑的胎体使用的是当地 一种比较特殊的高岭土,结 构较疏松,淘炼不细,颗粒 粗,常有未烧透的孔隙和铁 质斑点,含铝量较高,另外 原料中含量铁、钛等着色杂 质高,胎色呈灰白或灰褐色。 主要有青土、白碱、缸土、 笼土、黄土(黑药土)、紫 木节、紫砂土、耐火粘土、 水冶长石等。
• 磁州窑瓷器的胎质有两种, 一是胎质坚细,呈灰白色。 另一种是胎质粗松,呈红褐 色。器物拿在手里感觉不是 很重,而民国及近代仿品普 遍是坚硬偏厚重。磁州窑的 制坯技艺也丰富多样,有雕 塑、拉坯、盘条、印坯等技 法。
The ancestors of Fengfeng, located in Cizhou, began to make pottery as early as 7500 years ago. The Neolithic Site of Cishan, 20 kilometers north of Pengcheng, unearthed a large number of sandy brown pottery and red pottery. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences named it "Cishan Culture". In 1975, a Tang Dynasty ancient kiln site and fragments of makeup white porcelain were found in Linshui. At this time, the firing of cosmetic white porcelain in Cizhou kiln has entered a mature period, and the kiln ware has been changed from branch firing to cage firing. By the Song Dynasty, Cizhou kiln began to enter a prosperous period. Cizhou kiln is a model of folk porcelain in northern Song Dynasty. It is practical, beautiful and economical in shape and decoration. Its products are mostly daily necessities such as plates, bowls, cans, bottles, basins, boxes and other appliances, fluent lines, free and unrestrained, showing the common bold and simple style of folk Cizhou kiln in Pengcheng area set off a new climax of porcelain making. In addition to inheriting the traditional varieties of Song and Jin Dynasties, it also expanded the production scale and increased the production of large-scale utensils. Products tend to be thick, large and round. The main decorative patterns are Yunlong, Yunfeng, Yunyan and Fish-algae. In Ming Dynasty, Cizhou kiln in Pengcheng still maintained a considerable output. Official kilns were set up in Pengcheng and Guantan Factory, a warehouse for storing official wine altars, was set up in Nanguan, Cizhou, in order to be transported into Beijing by boats along the Fuyang River. As the center of Cizhou kiln, Pengcheng became the northern porcelain capital. In the early Qing Dynasty, the Cizhou kiln in Pengcheng entered a relatively prosperous period, with more kilns, larger kiln types, more varieties and more production. Daily porcelain covered the folk market.
位于磁州地区的峰峰先民们,早在7500年前便开始了烧制陶器,彭城以北20 公里的磁山新石器时期的遗址,曾出土过大量的夹砂褐陶和红陶器,1975年步入 成熟时期,窑器也由支烧改为笼(匣钵)钵装烧。 到了宋代,磁州窑开始步入兴盛时期。磁州窑是宋代北方民间瓷器的典范,无论 在造型或装饰上都着眼于实用、美观和经济。它的产品多是日常生活必须的盘、 碗、罐、瓶、盆、盒之类的用具,线条流利、自由奔放,表现出民间艺术所共有 的豪放朴实的风格。 到了元代,彭城地区的磁州窑又掀起了一个制瓷高潮,除继承宋金时期传统品种 外,又扩大了生产规模,大型器物的生产也增多。产品趋向厚重,器型硕大、圆 浑,纹饰主要有云龙、云风、云雁和鱼藻纹等。 明代彭城磁州窑仍保持着相当大的产量,并在彭城设置了官窑,在磁州南关设立 了存放官家酒坛的仓库——“官坛厂”,以备顺滏阳河舟运入京。彭城作为磁州 窑的中心,也随之而成为北方瓷都。 清朝初期,彭城磁州窑又进入一个比较繁荣的时期,窑场增多,窑型改大,品种 增多,产量增大,日用瓷覆盖民间市场。