牛津版初三英语下the same、like和differentfrom (2)

牛津版初三英语下the same、like和differentfrom (2)
牛津版初三英语下the same、like和differentfrom (2)



Mandy’s coat is the same as Sandy






语法填空专项训练(一) 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。 A There are many festivals in China. We celebrate (庆祝)different festivals (1)______ different ways. Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for (2) ______ (family) to get together. On that evening, (3) ______ Moon is round and bright. Family members get home at this festival (4) ______ they eat mooncakes in the open air. They also enjoy (5) ______ (stay) and talking with each other. Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar (农历)month. There (6) ______ (be) boat races (竞赛)in rivers and lakes in many places of China. Every boat just (7) ______ (look) like a dragon on the water. Qing Ming Festival is a day for people (8) ______ (remember) their dead relatives. It is often a (9) ______ (rain) day. People often go to the graves (坟墓)and put food and flowers there. Chong Yang Festival is a festival for old people. At this festival, people go home for the old. They give old people presents and best wishes. It’s also a time for (10) ______ (climb). : B Your junior high school years are coming to (1) ______ end. After the big exam, most of you will go to a senior high school soon. (2) ______ are you expecting (期待)from senior high school Every student (3) ______ (have) different ideas. Let’s see the plans some students are going (4) ______ (take) for the future. Zhou Jie, 15, from Shanghai: I have heard that although (尽管)student in senior high school are busy with their lessons, I hope there will be time (5) ______ (enjoy) sports, especially (尤其)tennis. There (6) ______ (be) a chess match in Shanghai and I’m going to help out and I’m sure I’l l (7) ______ (real) enjoy it. Jin Li, 16, from Harbin: 1 really enjoy science. I’m crazy about (8)______ (make) model planes, although Tm not good (9) ______ it. I’ll learn more science in senior high school. Wang Ya, 15, from Xiamen: Becoming a tall man is always one of my (10) ______ (dream), so I hope I can be taller in senior high school. C Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now l et’s listen to some (1) ______ (people) ideas. ~


Module1 Getting to know you Unit1 How are you 生词: Miss Fang Mr Zhang Mrs Wang 音标: a cake table 语法: How are you Fine,thanks./ I'm fine too./ Very well,thank you. Unit2 What's your name 生词: stand up sit down open the door close the door 音标: a jam hand 语法: What's your name My name is... Unit3 How old are you 生词: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 音标: e he she 语法: m ... 'I How old are you Module2 Me,My family and friends Unit1 My friends 生词: fat thin tall short boy girl 音标: e ten pen 语法: He's/She's... Is he/she... Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isn't. Unit 2 My family 生词:

grandfather grandmother father mother me sister brother 音标:bicycle kite i 语法:s he/she 'Whos... He's/She' Unit3 About me 生词:mouth ear hair nose eye 音标: i pig pink 语法: My...is/are... Module3 Places and activities Unit1 My school 生词: school library toilet hall playground classroom 音标:rose o photo 语法:s... It' What's this s... ' Is this... Yes,it is. No,it Unit2 Shopping 生词:a peach an orange a banana an apple peaches oranges bananas apples 音标:shop o dog 语法:May I have...,please Unit3 In the park 生词: boat balloon flower kite 音标: u pupil tube 语法: Look at... What colour is it it's... Module4 The nature word Unit1 Insects 生词: ladybird bee butterfly ant 音标:


初中英语词汇 初中三年级全一册Chapter 1 1.﹡disappointment n. 失望 2.employee n. 职工;雇员 3.﹡agency n. 服务机 构;代理机构 4.﹡travel agency n 旅行 社 5.well-dressed adj. 穿着 考究的 6.enter v. 进入 7.﹡glance v. 匆匆一看 8.﹡greet v. 和…打招呼 9.sigh v. 叹气 10.senior adj. 级别高的 11.prefer v. 更喜欢 12.chance n. 机会13.gesture n. 手势 14.appearance n. 外貌 15.﹡rest v. 托 16.impression n. 印象 17.﹡contact n. 接触 18.﹡eye contact目光接触 19.hesitation n. 犹豫 20.without hesitation 毫 不犹豫地 21.remind v. 提醒 22.﹡recognize v. 识别 23.﹡ballet n. 芭蕾舞 24.﹡graceful adj.优美的 25.﹡classical adj.古典的 26.century n. 世纪 27.beauty n. 美人 28.﹡muscle n. 肌肉 29.pronunciation n.发音 30.false adj. 假的 31.false teeth 假牙 32.﹡bless v.祝福;保佑 33.﹡underneath adv.在 下面 34.uniform n. 制服 35.date v. 注上日期 36.﹡sign v. 签名 37.﹡reminder n.提示信 38.﹡closing n. 结束语 39.﹡membership card 会员卡 40.regards n.致意问候 41.invitation n. 邀请函 Chapter 2 1.round adj. 圆形的 2.heart-shaped adj.心形 的 3.advertisement n.广告 4.﹡hairstyle n. 发型 5.suit v. 合适 6.hairbrush n. 发梳 7.﹡hairdryer n.吹风机 8.﹡leaflet n. 传单 9.﹡lifestyle n.生活方式 10.promise v. 保证 11.on top of the world 幸福到极;心满意足12.expert n. 专家13.depend on 取决于 14.﹡sociable adj. 好交 际的 15.balanced adj. 均衡的 16.shine v. 闪亮 17.wide adj. 聪明的;明 智的 18.effective adj.有效的 19.damage v. 破坏 20.﹡loosen v. (使)松散 21.﹡dirt n. 污垢 22.gently adj. 轻轻地 23.note down 记录 24.appointment n. 预约; 约会 25.﹡detail n. 细节 26.﹡stylist n. 设计师 27.﹡exclamation n. 感叹 语 28.﹡intonation n. 语调 29.furniture n. 家具 30.scissors n. 剪刀 31.on average 平均起来 32.miss v. 错过 33.﹡notify v. 通知 34.﹡specialist n. 专家 35.dentist n. 牙医 36.regret n. 遗憾 Chapter 3 1.﹡twist v. 曲折 2.chain n. 一连串; 一系列 3.take shape 成形 4.lie v. 位于 5.base n. 底座 6.﹡dome n. 穹顶 7.﹡bronze n. 青铜 8.﹡calligraphy n. 书法 9.painting n. 绘画 10.﹡fascinate v.使着迷 11.﹡reflection n. 倒影 12.path n. 小路 13.nearby adj. 附近的 14.view n. 景色15.﹡tram n. 有轨电车 16.journey n. 行程 17.﹡Edinburgh n.爱丁堡 18.﹡Amsterdam n.阿姆 斯特丹 19.﹡Berlin n. 柏林 20.﹡Brussels n.布鲁塞尔 21.﹡Zurich n. 苏黎世 22.﹡Venice n. 威尼斯 23.﹡Rome n. 罗马 24.﹡Barcelona n. 巴塞 罗那 25.﹡Lisbon n. 里斯本 26.﹡Madrid n. 马德里 27.extra adj. 额外的; 多余的 28.﹡highlight v.使显著 29.case n. 盒子 30.﹡fake n. 假货 31.cheat v. 欺骗 32.make n. 牌子 33.﹡ride n. 供乘骑的 游乐设施 34.flight n. 航班 35.appreciate v. 感激 36.﹡contact v. 联系 37.in advance 预先 38.﹡request n. 请求 39.﹡state v. 陈述 Chapter 4 1.question v. 询问 2.﹡counsellor n.顾问 3.﹡extract n. 摘录

新版深圳牛津英语九年级 课文-Reading

Unit1Archimedes and the golden crown One day in ancient Greece,King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown.At first,he was very happy with it. “It’s a nice crown,isn’t it?”he asked his https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa18866389.html,ter,however,he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown.“Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered.He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “This problem seems difficult to solve.What should I do?”thought Archimedes. Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water.When he got into the bath,some water ran over. “That’s it!”shouted Archimedes.“I know how to solve the king’s problem!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king.First,he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. Next,he put two pots into big bowls and filled both pots with water.He put the gold into one pot,and some water ran into the bowl.Then he put the crown into the other pot.This time,even more water ran into the bowl. “Look at this,”said Archimedes to King Hiero.“A crown made completely of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal.This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight,so I’m certain that it’s not completely made of gold. “The crown maker tricked me,didn’t he?What a bad man he is!”shouted King Hiero.He then sent the crown maker to prison. 第1页共9页


7B Unit 7 Poems 重点单词: Poem n.诗ordinary adj.平凡的,普通的feeling 感觉,情感order 命令,订购advice(不可数n.) 劝告,建议aloud 副词出高声地group 集体名词:群,组crow n. 集体名词人群;v.聚集,挤满 agree 同意disagree 不同意complete 完成 well n.井,adv.很好地shower淋浴narrow n.海峡,adj.狭窄的height n.高度high adj.高的superman 超人 Seller售货员smile 微笑rush充进 常考短语: (not) at all 一点也(不),完全也(不)(放在句末或者在否定词后) (be)worried about 为···担忧 rush out 冲出去 a crowd of 一群be crowded with 挤满; 经典句型: 1.It is ```to do``` 2````too```to 太···(以致于)不能·· 详细讲解: 1.read a poem aloud in a group. aloud 副词出声地,高声地 注意:强调出声时,与“read、speak、thing”等连用;Please read the text aloud。 强调大声时,与“cry、laugh、shout、call”连用。The boy is crying aloud。 2.agree page88: agree to 同意··意见to 后加计划、建议、安排、 决定等 Do you agree to that plan? agree with 同意某人(说的话)with 后加人I agree with you in all your views. agree on (两人以上)取得 一致意见主语一般为复数,宾语只 能是表示某件事、计划 We agreed on a price for the car. 3.Pomes can tell stories. 诗歌可以讲故事page88 Tell 后面常跟双宾语,有tell sb.sth.或者tell sth. to sb 告诉某人某事 Tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事否定形式是:Tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事tell 告诉,后接双宾语My grandma often tells stories to us。 say 强调说的内容Can you say the word in English。 speak 及物v.:说某种语言Can you speak English? 不及物v.:说话的能力He wanted to speak to me. talk 不及物v.交谈,谈话Who are you talking to?


第一单元:阿基米德和金皇冠 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位皇冠工匠给他制作一顶金皇冠。起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴。 “这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?” 他问仆人。然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠。“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着。他把皇冠送到了阿基米德 那里,叫他搞清楚真相。 “这个问题似乎很难解决。我该怎么办?”阿基米德想。 当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然思考着这个难题。当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来。 “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!” 阿基米德直接去到了宫殿觐见国王。首先,他称了皇冠,然后像国王要了同等重量的金子。 接着,他放了两个罐子到两个大碗里,然后把罐子注满了水。他把金子放入其中一个罐,一些水跑到了碗里。然后他把皇冠放入另一个罐。这一次,更多的水跑到了碗里。 “快看” 阿基米德对国王说道。“一个完全由金子制作的皇冠比一个由金子和其他金属制作的皇冠要取代更少的水。这顶皇冠比同等质量的金子取代更多的水, 所以我确定这不是纯金的。 “金匠骗了我,对不对?这个大坏人!”海尔罗国王喊道。然后他把金匠投入了 监狱。 第二单元:两位天才 许多人认为阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (1879-1955) 是一位天才。关于他的这个故事表 明他也很有幽默。 爱因斯坦经常收到邀请,去不同的大学阐述他的学说。在这些旅途中。他的司机汉斯经常对他说:“爱因斯坦博士,给一位像你这样的天才开车真是一件令人高兴的事情。”有一天晚上,在他们去一所大学的路上,爱因斯坦说:“我很疲劳。汉斯,我多么希望今天晚上不做演讲,但我又不想令我的听众失望。” “我知道怎么办。”汉斯说,“我可以替你演讲。你可以相信我,我听过你这么多次演讲,英语短文我已经背过了。在这所大学没有人认识你,所以他们不会知


词汇专项训练(一) I 词汇测试 i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ()1.— It will probably rain. Look, there are dark clouds in the sky. —Then let’s go home quickly. I am afraid we will get wet. A. finally B. possibly C. completely ()2. — How cheerful you are! Is there any good news? —Yes. We are going to have a school trip next Saturday. A. happy B. sad C. friendly ()3. — What a smart dog! It follows you everywhere. —Yes. It can also find the way home alone. A. weak B. strong C. clever ()4. — Oh, I forget to take the umbrella. Now it is raining heavily. —Don’t worry. I think it will stop soon. A. don’t remember B. don’t plan C don’t want ()5.. — I think our friendship will remain forever. —Yes, it will. A. work B. last C. finish ()6. — I am going to go on holiday. Would you like to go with me? —Yes, Td love to. I also want to make myself relaxed. A. take a trip B. go to bed C. take a photo ()7. — Can you go to school by yourself, Lily? —Yes, I can. A. in fact B. without help C. on your own ()8. — Nancy comes from England, right? —No. She is an American. A. is away B. lives in C. is from ii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项选出当的词语完成句子。 ()9. To _________ something with a person is to talk about something with him or her. A. discuss B. play C. hear ()10. If you complete the work_________, you finish the work at last. A. successfully B. finally C. happily ()11. — The plane takes off at ten in the morning, so I have to arrive at the_________ at eight. —I see. Have a good time in Beijing. A. airport B. station C. garden ()12. — What does the word_________?




九下Unit 6 单词短语归纳 1.实施,执行v 1. 承受压力 2.争吵n 2.集中于 3.集中(注意力、精力等)于v 3.解决,处理 4.压力n 4.dealwith 5.是否5.担心 6.风险n6.防止,提防7.守卫,保卫 7.抵消,对消 8.取消,撤退,终止8. 忙于做某事 9.有希望的9.把.....抛在后面 10.强迫,迫使(某人做某事)10.使.....振奋起来 11.音乐会,演奏会11.学着做,开始做 12.私人的12.持乐观的态度13.不说话的,沉默的13. 抵消,对消 14.危害物,大敌14.讲笑话 15.鼓励,鼓舞15.去听音乐会 16.牙科医生 17.沮丧的,消沉的,无精打采的adj 知识点 1.conduct v.实施;执行n__________指挥家 Conduct a survey about a healthy lifestyle.________________________________ conduct此处用作及物动词,意为“实施,执行”。 我决定去执行一个任务_______________________________ 2.quarreln.争吵 have a quarrel withsb.___________________ have a quarrel about sth.__________________________ 1)他刚刚和他的最好的朋友吵架了____________________________________ 2)他们为钱的事情吵架了______________________________________ 3.pleasure 不可数名词,________________ adj__________ Doingsomethingfor ________________.


Unit 1 adj. 金的;金色的 n.* 王冠;皇冠 n.[pl.] 奥运会 n.同意;应允 n.* 证实 n.罐 v.不能肯定;对??无把握 adj. 真的;正宗的 n.真相;实情 v.好像;似乎 v.解决;处理 v.装满;注满 n.碗;盆 v. * 取代;替代 det. (与不可数名词连用)较少的;更少的 n.金属 adj. 确定的;肯定的 n.监狱;牢狱 n.拳击(运动) n.赛马(运动) n.* 摔跤运动 v.(,) (用手或器具)击;打 adj. 勇敢的;无畏的 n.* 标点符号 adj. 准确无误的;正确的 n.错误 (对某人或事物)满意的 用??把??装满 溢出 把??关进监狱 确保;设法保证

Unit 2 n.聪明人;富有才智的人 n.天文学家 n.* 天才 v.认为;觉得 n.理解力;判断力 n.幽默 n.邀请 n.* 学说;论;说 n.(综合性)大学 n.乐事;快事 v.避免;避开 n.讲座;演讲 adv. 在今夜;在今晚 n.观众;听众 v.信任;信赖 n.座位 n.* 鼓掌;喝彩 adj. 苍白的 n.成就;成绩 n.宇宙 n. * 哲学家 v.服从;遵守 v.减少;缩小 adv. 精确地;准确地 n.(故事、戏剧中的)情节 幽默感 使失望 单凭记忆;能背诵 坐下 轻而易举参 加;加入丝 毫不知道 倒霉;处于困境 跟某人开玩笑;捉弄某人 转折点 一系列

n.一顿饭 v.把自己的想法(或经历、感情)告诉(某人) n.决定;抉择 n.[pl.] * 个人财产;私人物品 v.要求;指望 adv. 在国外;到国外 n.商务;公事 adj. 个人的;私人的 v.(,) 安排;确定;决定n.女儿 v.介意 adj. * 流行的;时髦的 n. * 流行款式;时兴样式 adj. 过时的 v.(用熨斗)熨;烫平 n.公开活动 v.(根据所知)认为 adv. (用于否定词组后)也 n.关系;联系 v.邀请 v.(,) 需付费;价钱为n.类型;种类 帮着做 出差 对??没有兴趣


—-可编辑修改,可打印— — 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教 学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教 学模式 小学一年级上英语词汇表 Unit1 hello 你好 hi嗨 goodbye 再见 morning 早上

afternoon中午,下午evening晚上 night深夜 nice好的 see看见 you 你 unit2 give给 me我 a 一,一个 please请 thank you 谢谢你ruler 尺子 book书 pencil 铅笔 rubber橡皮 how多么 for 为,给 unit3 this这,这个 is是, my 我的your 你的touch 摸摸not 不是face脸mouth嘴巴nose 鼻子eye 眼睛ear 耳朵cute 可爱的can会,能unit 4 I 我 you 你what什么flower花house房子sing 唱歌dance 跳舞read阅读draw画画Unit5 who 谁

she她 he他grandfather爷爷grandmother 奶奶father 父亲mother母亲 yes 是 no 不 mummy妈妈daddy爸爸 sister姐,妹brother 兄,弟baby 宝贝 finger手指 unit 6 look看 tall高的 thin 瘦的 fat肥的 short矮的classmate同学friend 朋友unit 7 how many多少one 一 two 二 three三 four 四 five 五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine 九 ten十 paper纸张 rabbit兔子 let’s 让我们 unit8 apple苹果 pear梨 peach桃子orange橘子 like喜欢 them他们(宾格)


英语三年级(上)家默 M1U1 1.早上好! 2.你好吗? 3.好,谢谢。 4.我也好。 5.你好,方小姐! 6.你好,男孩们和女孩们。 7.这是张先生。 8.你好,张先生! 9.下午好! 10.下午好,张先生。 11.你们好吗? 12.好,谢谢你。 13.方小姐张先生王女士 14.傍晚好,爸爸。 15.傍晚好。 16.你好吗? 17.非常好,谢谢你。 18.晚安,妈妈和爸爸。 19.晚安。 20.蛋糕桌子 M1U2 1.早上好,男生们和女生们。 2.早上好,张先生。 3.坐下,请。 4.你叫什么名字? 5.我叫Peter。 6.打开你的书。 7.写下你的名字,请。 8.站起来坐下开门关门 9.关上门,请。 10.好的,方小姐。 11.谢谢。 12.看黑板,请。13.擦黑板,请。 14.好的。 15.开门,请。 16.是,方小姐。 17.谢谢你,Peter。 18.果酱手 M1U3 1.今天是你的生日。 2.生日快乐! 3.谢谢你。 4.你几岁了,Alice? 5.我八岁。 6. 1 2 3 4 5 7. 6 7 8 9 10 8.你八岁吗? 9.八岁?不!我只有一岁。 10.这是你的蛋糕,Alice。 11.谢谢,妈妈。 12.祝你生日快乐。 13.切蛋糕,Alice。 14.给你,Kitty。 15.蛋糕是美味的。 16.他她

M2U1 1.胖瘦高的低男孩女 孩 10 钢笔 2.看男孩! 3.他是我的朋友。 4.他是高的。 5.他是胖的。 6.他是Danny吗? 7.是的,他是。 8.看女孩! 9.她是我的朋友。 10.她是矮的。 11.她是瘦的。 12.她是Jimmy吗? 13.不,她不是。她是Alice。 14.谁是你的朋友,Peter? 15.他会踢足球。 16.我的朋友8岁。 17.她会唱歌,但是她不会游泳。 18.她是Mary吗? 19.不,她不是。 M2U2 1.爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈兄弟 姐妹我风筝自行车 2.她是谁? 3.她是Sally。 4.她是我的姐姐。 5.她是高的。她是瘦的。 6.他是谁? 7.他是Paul。 8.他是我弟弟。 9.他是矮的。他是瘦的。 10.你好。你是Mary吗? 11.不。我是Kitty。 12.很高兴见到你。13.我也很高兴见到你。 14.爸爸,Kitty是我的好朋友。 15.我们是好朋友。 16.你好!我是Alice。 17.这是一张我家庭的照片。 18.看!这是我奶奶,和这是我妈妈。她们喜 欢吃蛋糕。 19.这是我爸爸。他是高的。 20.这是我哥哥。他10岁。他是瘦的。 21.Tom和我爸爸喜欢踢足球。 22.他们能踢得非常好。 M2U3 1.眼睛鼻子头发耳朵嘴猪 粉红色 2.你好,我叫Linda。 3.我九岁。我是高的。我是瘦的。 4.我的头发是长的。我的鼻子是小的。 5.我的嘴是大的。我的眼睛是大的。 6.而且我的耳朵也是大的。 7.看我的眼睛。 8.我的眼睛是小的和棕色的。 9.我是谁? 10.你是Danny。


第一单元:阿基米德和金皇冠 Archimedes and the golden crowm One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. At first, he was very happy with it. 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位皇冠工匠给他制作一顶金皇冠。起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴。 “It’s a nice crown, isn’t it?”he asked his men. Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown. “Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered. He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “This problem seems difficult to solve. What should I do?”thought Archimedes. “ 这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问仆人。然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠。“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着。他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚真相。 “这个问题似乎很难解决。我该怎么办?”阿基米德想。 Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water. When he got into the bath, some water ran over. “That’s it!”shouted Archimedes. “I know how to solve the king’s problem!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king. First, he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. Next, he put two pots into two big bowls and filled both pots with water. He put the gold into one pot and some water ran into the bowl. Then he put the crown into the other pot. This time, even more water ran into the bowl. 当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然思考着这个难题。当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来。 “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!” 阿基米德直接去到了宫殿觐见国王。首先,他称了皇冠,然后像国王要了同等重量的金子。 接着,他放了两个罐子到两个大碗里,然后把罐子注满了水。他把金子放入

沪教牛津版(深圳用)五年级下册英语Module 1 Changes and differences单元测试卷

Module1(Unit1-3)测试卷 听力部分(45分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. umbrella B. crayon C. socks ( ) 2. A. yours B. mine C. theirs ( ) 3. A. living room B. dining room C. bedroom ( ) 4.A .changes B. move C. change ( ) 5. A .bicycle B. plane C. machine 二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的短语。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 6. A full of B tidy up C. a few ( ) 7.A. all day B. every year C. in the north ( ) 8. A. wear glasses B. do exercise C. weak in ( ) 9. A. good at B. too much C. take a photo ( ) 10. A. in the future B. in the south C. in front of 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 11. A. Whose cap is this? B. Whose socks are these? C. Who is she? ( ) 12. A. Is the book hers? B. Are the socks yours? C. Is it theirs? ( ) 13. A. Why do you like our new home? B. Why do you like this dress? C. Why do wild geese change homes? ( ) 14. A. In 20 years, I will be tall and thin. B. I will be a pilot in the future. C. In 20 years, I won’t live in Beijing. ( ) 15. A. What will Alice do in the future? B. Where will Sue live? C. Will Betty have long hair in the future?


2017-2018学年英语科初三备考教学资源(1) 备考复习资料---单词拼写 高频单词拼写练习汇总(7A --- 9B) 7A 动词 1.I don’t know how to d_________ with these naughty children. 2.Please do not e_________ without knocking on the door. 3.Do you r_________ the first day at the school. I will never forget the great day. 4.I’m going to the library to r_________ the books. 5.I won’t t_________ him, because he never tells the truth (真相). 6.I saw a man s_________ a purse from the lady, and I called the police and caught the thief. 7.The police will s_________ everywhere to look for the lost child. 8.The clothes are popular(受欢迎的). They s_________ well. 9. We should p_________ the trees from being cut. 10. This box is too heavy for me to l_________. Can you help me? 11. She is easy-going, so she can easily m_________ friends with others. 12. I can’t follow what you said. What did you m_________? 13. That chair is in the way, m_________ it please. 14. D on’t play with the knife or you will h_________ yourself. 15. The room is big enough to h_________ 100 people. 名词 1. He could swim at the a_________ of six. 2. Do you have his a_________? I want to send him a letter. 3. I want to be an English teacher in the f_________. 4. After lunch he usually has a b_________. 5. Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows the r_________. 6. I want to get some i_________ about tigers before I start my writing. 7. Of all the subjects, I like h_________ best because I can learn a lot about the past from it. 8. Is there any l_________ on the planet Mars? 9. Do you buy the t_________ of the film? 10. On my birthday, my aunt gave me a p_________. It was a radio. 11. Please meet us on the other side of the r_________. 12. Don’t play football in the s_________. That’s too dangerous. 13. There are many flowers on each s_________ of the street. 14. Mary! Please keep the s_________. I don’t want anyone know it. 15. A scientist builds a time m_________ and travels to the future. 形容词 1. She is 8 years old now, so she is a_________ to look after herself. 2. Lucy is good at many subjects and she is one of the t_________ students in our class. 3. The question is too d_________. Nobody can answer it. 4. Mr. Brown will pay 1,000 yuan for the MP4. It’s very e_________. 5. Don’t worry, we have e_________ time to get there. 6. I didn’t have anything for breakfast, so1I feel very h_________. 11
