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甲方:________________________________ 乙方:________________________________ 签订日期:________ 年 ______ 月 _____ 日
甲方: 乙方:


第二条双方责任(一)甲乙双方互为保密资料的提供方和接受方,负有保密义务, 承担保密责任。
















Party A:
Party B:
Whereas:Excha nging of releva nt bus in ess and tech no logical in formati on is r
equired for the ongoing bus in ess discussi ons or cooperati on betwee n Party
A and Party
B with respect to , this agreeme nt is en tered into by and bet
wee n Party A and Party B through frie ndly con sultati ons and un der the pr in
ciple of mutual ben efit and joint developme nt.
Article 1 Defin iti on of Con fide ntial In formati onCon fide ntial in formati on
refers to data and in formatio n with respect to releva nt bus in esses and tec
hnologies , whether in written or other forms , that have been disclosed b
y either Party A or Party B to the other party with clear label or desig na
tion of "con fide ntial in formati on "(here in after referred to as "con fide ntia
l information") , excluding the following data and information: (1) Inform ation that is already or to be make public available , except those disclo sed by either Party A or Party B or their represe ntatives in violati on of
this agreement and without authorization; (2) Non-confidential information
that has come to the attention of the receiving party before the disclosu
re of the other party; (3) Non-confidential information offered by either
party , before the disclosure of which the receiv ing party is notin formed
of the fact that the provider of this in formati on (a third party) has sig
ned a binding con fide ntiality agreeme nt with the party disclos ing the non-
con fide ntial in formati on un der this agreeme nt , and the receiv ing party ma
y reas on ably presume that the in formati on discloser is not forbidde n to of fer the in formati on to the receiv ing party.
Article 2 Obligations and Liabilities (1) Both Party A and Party B repres
ent to the other party as the provider and receiver of con fide ntial inform ati on , and thus both un dertake con fide ntiality obligati ons and liabilitie
s. ( 2) Neither Party A nor Party B shall disclose or make public any confi den tial in formati on to a third party (in cludi ng the press) or otherwise ma ke use of the con fide ntial in formati on without the writte n approval of the other party; Both parties are obliged to urge their represe ntatives not t o disclose or make public any con fide ntial in formatio n to a third party (i n cludi ng the press) or otherwise make use of the con fide ntial in formati on; uni ess the disclosure , publicity and applicati on of the con fide ntial inf ormati on is required by the due performa nee of the obligati ons of the two parties in associati on with the un dertak ing and proceedi ng of the cooperat ive programs un der no rmal circumsta nces (in cludi ng obligati ons to be assum ed by both parties in the future pursua nt to the law and the con tracts sig ned by the two parties). (3) Both parties shall strictly limit the access
to the con fide ntial in formatio n to their resp on sible represe ntatives only for the purposes specified hereunder. (4) Neither party shall provide a th
ird party with copies or duplicates of the con fide ntial in formati on disclo sed by the other party or its represe ntative , whether inten ti on ally or no
t , uni ess the disclosure is allowed by a writte n agreeme nt sig ned by the
two parties. (5) In the eve nt that the proceedi ng of the cooperative progr
am ceases or either party quits the program with reasons , a party shall a
nd shall urge its represe ntatives to destroy or retur n to the other party all con fide ntial in formati on as well as all docume nts and materials and al l duplicates thereof containing con fide ntial in formati on within five worki ng days , upon the request of the other party at any time. Nevertheless the party possess ing the con fide ntial in formati on may keep one piece of th e duplicates of the docume nts or materials described above only for the pu rpose en shri ned in Article 4 here un der , without breachi ng other provisi on
s of this agreement. (6) Either Party A or Party B shall and shall urge th
eir respective represe ntatives to treat the con fide ntial in formati on provi ded by the other party with a degree of care no less tha n that used for th e similar in formati on in its own possessi on. However , un der no circumsta n ces shall the treatme nt of the con fide ntial in formati on be held un der a re ason able degree of care.
Article 3 In tellectual Property RightsDisclosure of the con fide ntial info
rmati on by either Party A or Party B to the other party or its represe ntat ives shall not be con strued to con stitute an assig nment or grant to the ot her party or its represe ntatives of the rights and in terests in relati on t o its trade secrets , trademarks , pate nts , kno w-how or any other in telle ctual property , nor shall it con stitute an assig nment or gra nt to the oth er party or its represe ntatives the rights and in terests in relati on to th
e trade secrets , trademarks , patents , know-how , or any other intellect ual property authorized by a third party.
Article 4 Preservati on and Applicati on of the Con fide ntial In formatio n
(1) Either Party A or Party B has the right to preserve n ecessary con fide
n tial in formati on , so as to make use of which in impleme nting binding law
s, regulations , and obligations under their cooperative programs. (2) Ei ther Party A or Party B has the right to make use of the con fide ntial info rmation to defend against any claims , lawsuits , judicial proceedings , a nd accusati ons towards the receiv ing party or its represe ntatives in relat ion to the programs here un der and releva nt affairs , or to resp ond to summ ons, subpoena , or other legal proceedings with respect to the programs h ereun der and releva nt affairs. ( 3) Either party can , in light of actual d
ema nd disclose the con fide ntial in formati on in any reports , stateme nts or certificates submitted to any regulatory organs at municipal , provinci
al , central , or other levels that have jurisdiction or assert having jur isdictio n over the receivi ng party , after in formi ng the other party in wr
itte n form and maki ng a copy for the other party of the disclosed in format ion.
Article 5 Dispute Settleme nt and Gover ning LawsThis agreeme nt shall be go
ver ned by and be in terpreted in accorda nee with the laws of the People''s
Republic of China. With respect to any issues , disputes , lawsuits or pro
ceedi ngs aris ing from or in connection with the rights and obligati ons of
the parties hereunder , the two parties shall irrevocably accept the juris
diction of the people"s courts of the People"s Republic of China.
Article 6 Term of the Agreeme nt (1) This agreeme nt shall rema in effective
for years , and shall come into force as from the date whe n bot
h parties sign and stamp the company chop on the agreement. (2) This agree ment shall be held in four copies of the same form. Each party shall prese rve two copies with equal legal effect.
Party A(Seal): Party B(Seal):
Represe ntative(Sig nature):
Represe ntative(Sig
Postal Code:
Postal Code: Date:。
