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• 补充讲解: • include常以including(名词/代词前)或 included(名词/代词后)的形式出现在短语 中,用来举例,解释或补充说明。如: • There are ten of us here, including three girls. • =There are ten of us here, three girls included. • Everybody has something to say, me included. • =Everybody has something to say, including me.
5、Yesterday I paid him a visit. and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever.
Pay sb a vistit =vist sb as…as ever 和以往一样…
as fat as ever
再来听一遍,尝试回答如下问题,看看我们 理解了多少? 1.Hugh decided to go on a diet B . A and he lost a little weight B but he didn’t lose any weight at all C but he didn’t lose much weight D and he lost a lot of weight C 2. Hugh . A has avoided eating chocolate and sweets B has kept to a strict diet C hasn’t kept to a strict diet D has been very strict with himself
The weight of a person or thing is how heavy they are
• 560Kgs
• If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones.
3、The list included most of the things Hugh loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. include
Include sth 包括某事物,把。。。列入作 为整体的一部分,它的主语可能是人或物, 在意义上与put in 相似 He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.他在讲话中 加入了许多引人发笑的故事。
guilt 名词
strict. adj. 严格的,严厉的 我们的老师很严格,我们不得不按她说的做 Our teacher is strict, we have to do what she says. 记:be strict with sb 对某人严格 be strict in 对某事要求严格 补: Keep a strict hand over the children 严格管教子女 In the strict sense of the word. 严格地讲
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这种被称作“魔鬼之角”的恶作剧是欧洲“角形”手势的变体,后者被认为具有淫秽 的意味。在南欧, 手势V 表示“你的老婆对你不忠”。在别人脑袋后面做出这种手势, 则表示“他的老婆对他不忠”。 在美国, 人们通常将掌心向外, 面向对方做出这个手势。而英国人有时将掌心向外, 有时则采用更古老的掌心向内手势。在美国文化里,掌心向内的V形手势与竖中指类 似,都被看成是下流动作。 1941年,邱吉尔掌心朝内,向英国军队摆出了V 形手势。一些士兵吃惊地盯着他看, 显然他对这个手势的下流含义还全然不知。如今,在英格兰,如果你还不知道掌心向 内和向外的V形手势的差别的话,你一定是个不问世事的隐士。然而,令人惊讶的是, 玛格丽特·撒切尔在赢得1979年大选之后,又重蹈邱吉尔的覆辙,做了一个掌心向内
• go/be on a diet
2、First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.
Forbid –forbade-forbidden the Forbidden City 故宫 forbid sb to do . 他们会不许你结婚。 They'll forbid you to marry.
Weight n.重量,体重,砝码 weigh. V.称,重达 你多少斤? How much do you weigh? I weigh about 55 kilos. 我的体重大概有55公斤。
positive 积极的 negative 消极的 积极的态度 消极的态度 positive /negative attitude
Reward for virtue
Lesson 51, Book 2
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剪刀手”在美国文化中的含义掌心向外,竖起食指和中指,并向两边展开,这样就构 成了一个V形手势。V形手势在美国文化中有三个不同的含义。 V形手势最为普遍的一个意思是在1941年由比利时人维克托·德·拉维雷创造发明的。 他用V形手势来表示他对纳粹占领比利时的反抗。这个V 不仅代表他的姓氏,而且还 象征英语中的victory (胜利) 、佛兰芒语virijheid(胜利) 和法语victoire (胜利) 这三个单词。这一手势的象征意义迅速地传播开来,温斯顿·邱吉尔在公众场合就曾 多次使用。因此, 在20世纪40年代至50 年代期间,这个手势只是表示“胜利”的意 思。 V 形手势的第二个意思出现在20世纪60年代。由于这个手势含有军事方面的意思,美 国反战者就讽刺性地用这个手势来反对战争,于是,这个手势开始被称为“和平标 志”。 20世纪70年代,V 形手势失去了军事方面的含义,成为热爱自由的人、嗜用迷幻药的 人、政治激进主义者们见面问候时常用的手势,并最终在年轻人中广泛流传开来。也 就是说,大约到20世纪70年代中期,这个手势就不再体现使用者的人生观了。 V 形手势的第三个意思最为古老,也最不常见。在拍集体照时,美国孩子开玩笑地在 朋友的脑袋后面摆出手势V,样子就像动物的犄角。他们无意中再现了一个被南欧人 视为相当无礼的动作。
friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.
He began his diet a week ago
decide to do sth=make up one'uel Uribe
560Kgs 381Kgs
Losing weight is the easiest thing to do! I myself have done this a million times!
Listen and answer the questions: 1.What did Hugh do when he decided to go on a diet? He wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 2.What did Hugh do when the writer entered his room? He hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk and it was obvious that he was embarrassed. 3.Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally? Because he thought his diet was so strict.
reward: n/v
A reward is something that you are given
A virtue is a good quality or way of behaving.
• hurry
• hurry up

你应该持着积极的态度去做每一件事 You should keep a positive attitude to do everything.
habit n.习惯 lifetime n. 终生 The habit of a lifetime. 终生的习惯 上半生 下半生 half of life the rest of life hobby (个人)爱好
reward: n/v 奖赏;报酬 我如何酬谢你的好意呢? How can I reward your kindness? reward sb for sth 为某事报答某人 为啦你帮助我学习英语,我会报答你的。 I will reward you for your helping me with English.
forbid 常用词,“命令某人不做某事” The doctor forbids me to smoke ban 语气较重,指权威机关“正式禁止”含“严 厉谴责”之意,只能用事物做宾语。 Ban atomic and nuclear weapons. prohibit通过法律政府法令禁止 The soldiers were prohibited from leaving camp after dark
hurriedly adv. 匆忙地 hurry n. v.
hurry up in a hurry
guiltily内疚地 她见到我时,内疚地笑了。 She smiled guiltily as she saw me. guilty adj. 犯罪的,内疚的 be guilty for 对…内疚 be guilty of 有…罪 I felt guilty for leaving without a word. He was found guilty of robbery. 她被判犯抢劫罪。
• If you don't pass the exam,will you be negative? • If you cant go to a good high school ,will you be negative? • If you can't get a job,will you be gegative? • What can make a person be negative?
• If you are negative,you think only the bad things instead of good ones
a positive person
a negative person

• Are you a positive person or a negative person?
2.virtue. N 美德 优点 长处
诚实是一种美德 Honesty is a virtue. Virtue is its own reward.做好事,乐在其中 塑料有很多优点。 Plastic has many virtues. 我房间有个好处是冬天暖和。 My room has the virtue of being warm even in winter.