

Gone with the wind《飘》电影欣赏中英

Gone with the wind《飘》电影欣赏中英
Film Appreciation
Gone with the wind
Gone with the wind
Gone with the wind

Time Released:1939
Country: USA
Running length:222min
Genre: Drama/ Romance/ War Author: Margaret Mitchell(玛格 丽特· 米切尔) Director :Victor Fleming(维克 多 费莱明)

玛格丽特· 米切尔(1900-1949),美国现代
著名女作家。她生于亚特兰大市,曾获文学 博士学位,担任过《亚特兰大新闻报》的记 者。1937年她活的普利策奖。1939年获纽约 南方协会金质奖章。1949年,她不幸被车撞 死。她短暂的一生并未留下太多作品,但只 一部《飘》足以奠定她在世界文学史中不可 动摇的地位。
一句话。我们应该珍惜现在所拥有的,因为 只有到最后我们才知道自己真正想要的是什 么什么。有太多人在失去后才懂得珍惜。如 果你在错过太阳时流泪,那么你也因此失去 了群星。当你经历了这些事后你要学会忽略 过去,因为明天又是新的一天
伦· 奥哈拉的女儿。无论是挑选衣服还是男孩, 她总有自己的选择。她总是在年轻男子中间 尽情的调情,其中包括其他女孩子的求爱者。 她是一个任性而且放纵的姑娘,但是智慧又 远远高于那些受过良好教德)

Scarlett’s third husband who is in love with her from the moment he sees her. He is opportunist willing to take advantage of any situation , but not without kindness or generosity under the right conditions.


utler):故事的男主角 ,英俊潇洒,性格独立,与斯嘉丽有着复杂的
阿什利·威尔克斯(Ashley Wilkes):斯嘉丽的初 恋情人,温文尔雅,但最终与梅兰妮结婚。
02 主题分析
爱情与生活的矛盾是《飘》中的一个重要主题。小说中的人物在追求爱 情和满足生活需求之间挣扎,反映了当时社会价值观的冲突和人们内心 的矛盾。
《飘》对后世文学产生了深远的影响 ,其独特的写作风格和叙事手法被许 多作家所借鉴和模仿。
《飘》中的人物形象塑造被认为是文 学史上的经典之一,对后来的文学创 作产生了积极的影响。
《飘》的主题和内容也对后来的文学 作品产生了影响,探讨了南北战争和 重建时期的历史、文化和社会问题。
自出版以来,《飘》一直受到读 者的喜爱和追捧,成为一代又一
许多批评家给予《飘》高度评价, 认为它是一部具有深刻思想内涵和 人文精神的伟大作品。
很多读者表示,《飘》所描绘的人 物形象和故事情节深刻地触动了他 们的情感,引起了强烈的共鸣。
《飘》被广泛认为是文学 经典之一,对美国文学乃 至世界文学产生了深远的 影响。
《飘》的出版和发行非常 成功,成为全球畅销书, 被翻译成多种语言,流传 到世界各地。
《飘》已经成为一种文化 符号,被广泛引用和提及 ,代表着美国南北战争和 重建时期的历史和文化。
斯嘉丽经历了从无忧无虑的少女 时代到战争带来的痛苦与困境, 再到重建时期的艰苦奋斗,展现 了她在逆境中坚韧不拔的精神。

飘 ppt课件英文

飘 ppt课件英文
Interactive scenarios
The dialogue descriptions are designed to create interactive scenarios, encoding learners to participate in language exchange activities
Rhett Butler
01Βιβλιοθήκη Character Traits
Rugged Handsome, Cynical, bold, and Royal
Major Arcs
He falls in love with Scarlett and watches her change over the
course of the story
Paired intentions
The courseware corporations paid intentions to illustrate different graphical structures and usage patterns, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of English grammar
Vivid dialogue description
Authentic language
The dialogue descriptions are written in Authentic English, providing learners with a realistic understanding of language usage
Piano's writing style is characterized by a blend of traditional storytelling techniques and modern literary experience, making his work accessible to a wide range of readers


The book has been adapted into a feature film, which won eight Academy Awards, and has also been adapted into a Broadway musical.
Character analysis
Foreshadowing is used to hint at future events, building suspense and keeping readers engaged.
Flashbacks are used to provide background information and add depth to the story.
Inspiration for other works
The characters' pursuit of their own happiness and survival in the face of personal and societal challenges reflects the themes of individualism and selfreliance.
Writing style and techniques
Language features
01 02
The language used in "Gone with the Wind" is rich and diverse, with a range of vocabulary that accurately reflects the period and setting.

Gone with the wind - 飘英文简介

Gone with the wind -   飘英文简介

Rhett Butler went away with a sad heart.
scarliott look forword to the arrivalbetter tomorrow.
And waited to her true love,Rhett.
一直很喜欢瑞德离开前的那一段话, “斯佳丽,我从来不是那样的人,不能耐心 的拾起一些碎片,把它们粘合在一起,然后 对自己说这个修补好了的东西跟新的完全一 样。一样东西破碎了就是破碎了——我宁愿 记住它最好时的模样,而不想把它修补好, 然后终生看着那些破碎了的地方。也许,假 使我还年轻一点——
GONE WITH THE WIND is a love story wh ich took place during the American Civil War. The main character is Scarlett, whos e father owned a big plantation called Tar a in the southern state of Georgia. She fel l in love with Ashley, but he loved her cou sin Melanie and married her. Scarlett first married Charles and unfortunately he die d in the war. Scarlett became a widow. W hen the war ended, life was really hard fo r her family and Scarlett took charge of th e whole family. Later she married Frank w ho was shot to death and she became a wi



飘英文简介The story opens on a large cotton plantation named Tara in rural Georgia in 1861, on the eve of the American Civil War. Scarlett O'Hara is the eldest of three daughters of Irish immigrant Gerald O’Hara and his wife, Ellen. She is seemingly sought after by every young man in the county, except the refined Ashley Wilkes, for whom Scarlett longs. She is upset to hear of Ashley’s imminent engagement to his cousin Melanie Hamilton, to be announced the next da y at a barbecue at his family’s home, the nearby plantation Twelve Oaks.Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind. Photo: Howard Frank ArchivesAt Twelve Oaks, she notices she is being admired by a handsome but roguish visitor, Rhett Butler, who had been disowned by his Charleston family. Rhett finds himself in further disfavor among the male guests when, during a discussion of the probability of war, he states that the South has no chance against the superior numbers and industrial might of the North.When Scarlett is alone with Ashley, she confesses her love for him. He admits he finds Scarlett attractive, but says that he and the gentle Melanie are more compatible. She accuses Ashley of misleading her and slaps him in anger, which is heightened when she realizes that Rhett has overheard the whole conversation. “Sir, you are no gentleman!” she protests, to which he replies, “And you, miss, are no lady!”The barbecue is disrupted by the announcement that war hasbroken out, and the men rush to enlist. As Scarlett watches Ashley kiss Melanie goodbye, Melanie’s shy young brother Charles Hamilton, with whom Scarlett had been innocently flirting, asks for her hand in marriage before he goes. She consents, they are married, and she is just as quickly widowed when Charles dies not in battle, but of pneumonia.Scarlett's mother sends her to the Hamilton home in Atlanta to cheer her up, although the O’Hara's outspoken housemaid Mammy tells Scarlett she knows she is going there “like a spider”, to wait for Ashley’s return. Scarlett and Melanie attend a charity ball in Atlanta, where Rhett makes a surprise appearance. He has become an heroic blockade runner for the Confederacy. Scarlett shocks Atlanta society by accepting his bid for a dance, even though she is still in mourning. While they dance, Rhett tells her of his intention to win her, which she says will never happen.The tide of war turns against the Confederacy after the Battle of Gettysburg. Scarlett makes another unsuccessful appeal to Ashley’s heart while he is visiting on Christmas furlough. Eight months later, as the city is besieged by the Union Army in the Atlanta Campaign, Melanie goes into a premature and difficult labor. Scarlett must deliver the child herself. Rhett appears with a horse and wagon to take them out of the city on a perilous journey through the burning depot and warehouse district. He leaves her with a kiss on the road to Tara. She repays him with a slap, to his bemusement, as he goes off to fight with the Confederate Army.On her journey back home, Scarlett finds Twelve Oaks burned out and deserted. She is relieved to find Tara still standing, but learns that her mother has just died and her father's mind has begun to crumble under the strain. With Tara pillaged by Union troops, and the fields untended, Scarlett vows she will do anything for the survival of her family and herself: “As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again!”IntermissionScarlett sets her family and servants to picking the cotton fields. She also kills a Union deserter who threatens her during a burglary, and finds gold coins in his haversack, enough to sustain her family and servants for a short time. With the defeat of the Confederacy and war's end, Ashley returns from being a prisoner of war. Mammy restrains Scarlett from running to him when he reunites with Melanie. The dispirited Ashley finds he is of little help to Tara, and when Scarlett begs him to run away with her, he confesses his desire for her and kisses her passionately, but says he cannot leave Melanie.Gerald O'Hara dies after he is thrown from his horse while chasing a Yankee carpetbagger, one of his former plantation workers, off his property. Scarlett is left to care for the family, and realizes she cannot pay the taxes on Tara. Knowing that Rhett is in Atlanta and believing he is still rich, she has Mammy make an elaborate gown for her from her mother’s drapes. However, upon her visit, Rhett tells her his foreign bank accounts have been blocked, and that her attempt to get his money has been in vain. However, as she departs, she encounters her sister’s fiancé, the middle-aged Frank Kennedy,who now owns a successful general store and lumber mill.Soon Scarlett is Mrs. Frank Kennedy. She becomes a hardheaded businesswoman, willing to trade with the despised Yankee carpetbaggers and use convict laborers in her mill. When Ashley is about to take a job offer with a bank in the north, Scarlett preys on his weakness by weeping that she needs him to help run the mill; pressured by the sympathetic Melanie, he relents. One day, after Scarlett is attacked while driving alone through a nearby shantytown, Frank, Ashley, and others make a night raid on the shantytown. Ashley is wounded in a melee with Union troops, and Frank is killed.With Frank’s funeral barely over, Rhett visits Scarlett and proposes marriage. Scarlett is aghast at his poor taste, but takes him up on his offer. After a honeymoon in New Orleans, Rhett promises to restore Tara, while Scarlett builds the biggest and most crassly opulent mansion in Atlanta. The two have a daughter, Bonnie. Rhett adores her as a less spoiled version of her mother, and does everything to win the good opinion of Atlanta society for his daughter’s sake. Scarlett, still pining for Ashley and chagrined at the ruin of her figure, lets Rhett know that she wants no more children and that they will no longer share a bed. In anger, he kicks open the door that separates their bedrooms to show her that he will decide that.When visiting the mill one day, Scarlett listens to a nostalgic Ashley wish for the simpler days of old that are now gone, and when she consoles him with an embrace, they are spied by twogossips including Ashley's sister India, who has always held a grudge against Scarlett. They eagerly spread the rumor and Scarlett’s reputation is again sullied. Later that night, Rhett, having heard the rumors, forces Scarlett out of bed and to attend a birthday party for Ashley in her most flamboyant red dress. Incapable of believing anything bad of her beloved sister-in-law, Melanie stands by Scarlett's side so that all know that she believes the gossip to be false.At home later that night, Scarlett finds Rhett downstairs drunk. Blind with jealousy, he tells Scarlett that he could kill her if he thought it would make her forget Ashley. Picking her up, he carries her up the stairs in his arms, telling her, "This is one night you're not turning me out." She awakens the next morning with the look of guilty pleasure, but Rhett returns to apologize for his behavior and offers a divorce, which Scarlett rejects saying it would be a disgrace. Rhett decides to takes Bonnie on an extended trip to London.When Rhett returns with Bonnie, Scarlett is delighted to see him however he rebuffs her attempts at reconciliation. Rhett remarks at how she looks different and Scarlett then resentfully tells him that she is pregnant again. Hurt, Rhett tells her "cheer up. Maybe you'll have an 'accident,'" Enraged, Scarlett lunges at him, falls down the stairs and suffers a miscarriage. Rhett, frantic with guilt, cries to Melanie about his jealousy, yet refrains from telling Melanie about Scarlett's true feelings for Ashley.As Scarlett recovers, and Rhett attempts reconciliation, while young Bonnie, as impulsive as her grandfather, dies in a fallfrom her pony when she attempts to jump a fence. Scarlett and Rhett are devastated and exchange recriminations over her death, with Rhett keeping vigil over his daughter's body for three days, refusing to let her be taken away for burial. Melanie visits to comfort them, and convinces Rhett to allow Bonnie to be laid to rest, but then collapses in labor from a pregnancy she was warned could kill her. On her deathbed, she asks Scarlett to look after Ashley for her, as Scarlett had looked after her for Ashley. With her dying breath, Melanie also tells Scarlett to be kind to Rhett, that he loves her. Outside, Ashley collapses in tears, helpless without his wife. Only then does Scarlett realize that she never could have meant anything to him, and that she had loved something that never really existed.She runs home to find Rhett packing to leave her, saying it is too late to salvage their marriage. She begs him not to leave, telling him she realizes now that she had loved him all along, that she never really loved Ashley. Rhett tells her that as long as there was Bonnie, whom he could spoil and love unconditionally, as he wished he could with Scarlett, there was a chance that they could have been happy, but now that chance was gone.As Rhett walks out the door, she begs him, "Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?" He answers,“ Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. ”and walks away into the fog. She sits on her stairs and weeps in despair, "What is there that matters?" She then recalls thevoices of her father Gerald, Ashley and Rhett, all of whom remind her that her strength comes from Tara itself. Hope lights Scarlett's face: "Tara! Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!" In the final scene, Scarlett stands once more, resolute, before Tara.。



The summary of “Gone with the wind”“Gone with the wind” shows the south during the Civil War turmoil of social reality .T o “Gone with the wind” Scarlett as the main line, describing a few of the young people love story. What attract us the most is Scarlet t’s personality and her love story. She was a strong woman instead of a coward, was crazy about love and was determined. She is self-willed, but there is still so much kindness and purity live in her heart. She is the main character of the novel. She is accustomed to getting her own way ,whether with clothes or boys. She surrounds herself with young men . She is willful, conniving, and yet far more intelligent than well-bred girls are supposed to be. Every coin has two sides. and Scarlett has it .Scarlett in the difficulties and frustrations before the courage and the endless struggle of the spirit really moved us.The book also has some old saying like “After all, tomorrow is another day!” Yesterday is dead, forget it; tomorrow doesn’t exist, don’t worry; today is here, use it!。

《飘Gone with the wind》

《飘Gone with the wind》

“最后一个义工”的果子,谁也没有猜到他曾经是个败家的富二代,经 历过家里的一系列变故后,终于长大成人,自食其力。可能人都是这样的吧, 只有经历过成长带来的种种阵痛才会成长起来。 《美少女壮士》中的小芸豆,要是自己没有记错的话,在前两本书中也有那 么一个故事讲的是历险的故事。今天早上打开微博看到这个故事中的原人物 真的是漂亮的不行。什么北极南极,什么格陵兰岛,什么纳米比亚,那些我 们这些普通的人不敢去的地方都去过一遍,人生感觉过得如此的丰富。真的 是这个世界没有你美少女壮士不敢去干的事。 《斗茶》中的那些专业词语自己倒是一点都没看到,怎么一个倒法流程。到 头来即便是最简单的材料都能够胜过最好的茶料。我们每一个人都在和别人 真强好胜,谁也没有想过我们这样做的目的是什么。缠斗急心,心若急了也 就累了,让我们的心都歇息一下吧。
以发生在1861年的美国南北战争为背景,以生 活在南方奴隶主家庭的少女斯嘉丽与艾希礼、梅兰、 瑞德的感情纠葛为主线,描述了女主人公从孩子气 少女逐渐转变为精明商人,从不懂爱情到最终失去 挚爱的故事。
作品在描绘人物生活与爱情的同时,勾勒出南 北双方在政治,经济,文化各个层次的异同,具有 浓厚的史诗风格,堪称美国历史转折时期的真实写 照,同时也成为历久不衰的爱情经典。
冰哥书里面的8个故事真正的对我有所触动、有所启发,无法去被别人一句 “世界那么大,我想去看看”洗脑,却被大冰那娓娓道来的平凡人的故事 穿越时空,仿佛来到书中每一个故事一群来自四面八方的朋友坐围坐着每 一个故事里主人在丽江大冰的小屋里听他讲自己那个属于自己的故事。
“夺命大乌苏”中的杨奋和马史两个再度启程的勇敢青年,即使外面的世 界再好,都比不上家乡的味道。一个是如日中天的导演,一个想要帮父亲 完成遗愿成为作家的淘宝卖家,最后他们俩都做到了。谁说这个世界上的 事情是不可能的?



为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
My opinions
I agree with the person who think the love ran through this story from the beginning to the end. But I don’t think it just said about love. I believe there is a faith in the soul of the book. It is more important than love. I think it’s hope. No matter the ruin of the war, the death of her father and mother, the pain and poverty of the life, and the death of her daughter . She was brave and strong all the time. She always said I’ll think of it all tomorrow, I can stand it then.
Her “lroivvaelr””—AMsehllaenyie HdttHtbhfrhhheeiooodeeerlmwwineflowa’eeivntrthvvseshltleyteedoenrrmvohdAMesnoeihsefhermhefleitaalceshrenuunnyafdliftrtetfoiethewmoresealpdsed
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益




Thank you!

Author introduction: :
In November 8, 1900, Margaret Michel was born in the United States of America Atlanta downtown. Her father Eugene Michel was an Atlanta lawyer, later to become president of the society of history. During the civil war, Atlanta was in 1864 fall to the northern army general Schulman hand. Later, a history of past became a hot topic in atlanta. As a child, Michel often heard his father and friends talk about the history of the civil war. In 1914, she experienced the first World War, the real experience of the war and the authenticity of cruelty.
Gone with the wind
《飘》又名《乱世佳人》 又名《乱世佳人》
制作人: 制作人:王占秀
Content abstract Author introduction background characters



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Main Characters
Main Characters
Her husband , a dashing, dangerous adventurer. Expelled from West Point and disowned by his family.
He becomes a blockade -runner during the war, emerging as one of the only rich man in Atlanta after the war. He proves himself a loving father and a caring husband.
Main Characters
---AshБайду номын сангаасey
Scarlett’s dream lover.
Main Characters
Scarlett’s younger Female cousin. She Finally got married With Ashley.
When the Civil War carried off everything from her farm, Scarlett struggles to live on. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. The day the Civil War begins, Scarlett doesn’t know Rhett is in the room when she talks with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie.



Gone with the WindThe Expansion of Slavery in a Global Economy•In 1860 the American South, if independent, would have been one of the wealthiest countries in the world based on the revenue of the cotton trade.•Cotton cultivation and its expansion depended on technological development, land, labor, demand, and a global system of trade.Slavery in Latin America •Europeans depended on African slavery in their New World colonies.•African slaves were imported to replace the indigenous populations that were eradicated by disease.•Sugar production was the cash crop for the Latin American holdings of the European powers.White and Black Migrations inthe South •Between 1830 and 1860, southerners began to migrate in a southwest direction to fill up the fertile land and increase cotton production for the mills of England.•The center of cotton production gradually shifted from South Carolinato Mississippi.•An estimated 1 million slaves were transported westward by this whitePaternalism and Honor in thePlanter Class•Most Southern males adhered to a long-standing tradition of medieval chivalry and aversion to industrialization.•The Southern planters developed a paternalistic attitude towards his slaves; a kindly father-and-child relationship.•An intensely masculine code of honor placed the virtue of women on a pedestal.•The smallest insult could lead to pistolYeoman Farmers •Most slaveholders (70 percent) belonged to the mid-level yeoman farmer class.•A Yeoman farmer might have owned as many as ten slaves, but usually work alongside them.•75 percent of all southerners held no slaves at all.Justifying Slavery •Biblical Justification:ancient curse upon Ham, achild of Noah and other references•Historical Justification:all great civilizations participated in slavery•Legal Justification:the U.S. Constitution refused to address slavery directly•Scientific Justification:multiple theories regarding inferiority of the black race•Sociological Justification:the black race as societal “children”that needed paternalistic guidanceDaily Toil•Slaves were expected to work an average of 14 hours per day during warm weather and 10 hours in the winter.•Work gangs of 20 to 25 slaves labored under the whip of a “slave driver.”•The task system allowed slaves to finish a designated task each day at their own pace.•A normal slave was expected to pick 130 to 150 pounds of cotton a day.Slave Law and the Family •The legal status of slaves in the South was never fully resolved, leading to a wide range of laws governing the treatment of African Americans.•Marriages between slaves were often arranged for optimal genetic reproduction.•Slave families were often separated.Black Christianity •Christian worship was an integral part of life in the slave quarters.•Black Christianity often included aspects of Islamic and African religions.•Black religious gatherings were usually forbidden unless a white overseer was present.•For the white planters, religion became a type of social control.The Enduring Family •Family relationships were central to the lives of most slaves.•Slaves could draw love, protection, support, knowledge, and cultural identity from these extended families.•Slaves often performed extra work to provide extra food and clothing for their families.Forms of Black Protest •Daily acts of resistance might include breaking of tools, burning houses or crops, stealing food, self mutilation or simple work slowdowns.•Females might fake sickness or menstrual cramps.•The ultimate forms were murder or running away.•There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South. Here in this pretty world, Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave. Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind...•有一片骑士的土地遍地棉花,人们称之为古老的南方•在这个贵族的世界里,折射出骑士时代最后的光彩•这里有最后骑士和他们的佳丽,最后的奴隶主和奴隶•这一切只能在书中看到,因为它只不过是记忆中的一场梦幻•一个业已随风而逝的文明……。



6 瑞德的改变
斯嘉丽 假大叔 塔拉庄园的主人
瑞德 玛米
阿什利 梅勒
1 爱情和人性
2 战争与家国情怀
3 社会角色与地位
1 拉美国家文化的影响 2 文学界对《飘》的评 3 电影改编情况的介绍

1 提出问题
2 致谢
现实生活中,我们怎样看待斯嘉丽那种奋斗、 拼搏、渴望成功的心态?
1 故事背景
2 主人公简介
4 斯嘉丽与瑞德之间的 5 斯嘉丽的成长过程
7 故事结局
3 阿什利与斯嘉丽之间


• The life road can’t be completely smooth. When we face the trouble, someone chose to escape, but if you want to survive, you must stand up and never give up. After all, tomorrow is another day. • There is no real perfect in the world. To some degree, we are real in existence because of no perfect.
• 她对她所爱过的两个男人哪一个都不理解,因此 到头来两个都失掉了。现在她才恍惚认识到,如 果她当初了解艾希礼,她是决不会爱他的;而如 果她了解了瑞德,它就无论如何都不会失掉他了。
What I learn from the book?
Background: the US Civil WarCharacter :
• • • • Scarlett Rhett Butler Ashley Wilkes Melanie
The war
The love story
• She doesn’t know about both of them, so she lost them at last. If she understood Ashley at the beginning, she wouldn’t love him. And if she understood Rhett, she wouldn’t lost him.



Scarlett O'Hara
Gone with the wind
Love and Marriage
Scarlett's first husband: Charles·Hamilton She married him because of her jealousy.
Scarlett has a crush on (迷恋) Ashley, but Ashley will marry his cousin Melanie. When Scarlett heard this news,she is angry. She accepted Charles·Hamilton’s proposal(求婚) in casual, hoping that Ashlry would regret. However,her first husband soon died of illness before the civil war.
Love and Marriage
Scarlett's third husband: Rhett·Butle She married him and got a real love.
When they first met,Scarlett was just reje cted by Ashley.She threw a vase to the wall in anger.Rhett fell in love with her at first sight ,and he believes that she is not a so called lady,but an independent girl who deserves his love. After Frank’s funeral,Rhett proposed marriage to Scarlett and she accepted. They have a daughter, Bonnie,but Scarlett still has a crush on Ashley. After Bonnie's unexpected death, Rhett chose to leave Scarlett.



玛格丽特·米切尔《飘》(中英文互译) 《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的长篇小说。



Gone with the Wind飘SCARLETT O’HARA was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.思嘉·奥哈拉长得并不漂亮,但是男人们一旦像塔尔顿家那对孪生兄弟为她的魅力所迷住时,便看不到这一点了。

In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.她脸上混杂着两种特征,一种是她母亲的娇柔,一种是她父亲的粗犷,前者属于法兰西血统的海滨贵族,后者来自浮华俗气的爱尔兰人,这两种特征显得太不调和了。




小说中描绘的爱情既充满了甜蜜和幸福,也充满了痛苦和悲 凉,反映了爱情的复杂和悲凉。
斯嘉丽在多次婚姻和感情经历中,始终坚持对真爱的追求, 展现了人类对真爱的执着。
小说中的情感表达丰富而强烈,让读者产 生共鸣和感动。
小说中用词精准,语言简练,避免了过多的修饰和冗长的 句子。
小说中的文字优美,表达流畅,读起来让人感到愉悦和享 受。
飘展现了爱情的复杂与悲凉,对 后来的爱情文学产生了深远影响
瑞德在小说中多次表达了对社会 道德和价值观的不满和反叛,他 追求自由和真实,但又无法摆脱
小说结局揭示了瑞德和斯嘉丽之 间的关系最终走向决裂,瑞德离 开斯嘉丽,留下她孤独一人。
这个结局反映了作者对爱情和社 会现实的深刻思考,同时也给读 者留下了深刻的思考和感悟的空 间。
斯嘉丽与瑞德的感情则充满了起伏和 转折,从开始的互相厌恶到后来的深 深相爱,再到最后的决裂,两人的关 系始终充满了变数。
斯嘉丽与艾希礼的感情始终未能如愿 ,两人之间的误会和矛盾导致他们最 终无法走到一起。
瑞德是一个复杂而多面的角色, 他的内心世界充满了矛盾和挣扎

他深爱着斯嘉丽,但又无法忍受 她对艾希礼的痴迷和执着。
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1937 - 21 Days
1938 - A Yank at Oxford
1938 - St. Martin's Lane 1939 - Gone with the Wind(乱世佳人、飘) (获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖) 1940 - Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥) 1941 - That Hamilton Woman(汉密尔顿夫人)(又译:绝代佳人/ 忠魂鹃血 离恨天) 1946 - Caesar and Cleopatra(凯撒和克利奥帕特拉) 1947 - Anna Karenina - 安娜卡列琳娜 1951 - A Streetcar Named Desire (欲望号街车)(获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖)
1955 - The Deep Blue Sea 1961 - The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (罗马之春) 1965 - Ship of Fools(愚人船)
• Clark Gable • Gender: Male • Birthday: 1901
• Active:20's—50's • Constellation:
• The film is divided into two parts:
Part I deals with Scarlett O'Hara before and during the war. Part II continues the story line after the war and Scarlett's complex relationship with Rhett Butler.
• It went on public on 15th,Dec.1939 after three years’ effort and cost about $4 million .
• Main characters: Scarlett O‘Hara...........Vivien Leigh Rhett Butler………..Clark Gable Ashley Wilkes…….莱斯利·霍华德 Melanie Hamilton ...............
Aquarius (水瓶座) • Key Words: Sexy,
Humorous, Mature
Movie Structure
• Margaret Mitchell:born in Atlanta,
Georgia. She spent her childhood in the
laps of Civil War veterans and of her maternal relatives, who had lived through the Civil War. After graduating from Washington Seminary, she attended Smith College, but just one year later,in 1918,She returned to Atlanta to take over the household after her mother's death earlier that year from the great Spanish flu pan - Things Are Looking Up(渐有起色) 1935 - The Village Squire (乡村奇士) 1935 - Gentlemen's Agreement (绅士的协议)
1935 - Look Up and Laugh 1937 - Fire Over England - 英伦战火/火烧英伦 1937 - Dark Journey (黑暗旅程) 1937 - Storm in a Teacup (茶杯里的风暴)
• Time Released : 1939
• Country: USA
• Running Length: 222 min
• Genre: Drama / Romance / War
• Director: Victor Fleming (Oscar Best Director)
Movie Structure
Born: Nov 05, 1913 in Darjeeling, India Died: tuberculosis in 1967 in UK Occupation: Actor Active: '30s-'40s, '60s Major Genres: Drama, Romance Career Highlights: A Streetcar Named Desire, Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》, Ship of Fools First Major Screen Credit: Dark Journey (1937) Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥)
Margaret Mitchell admired people who had gumption(进取心), people who fought their way through hard times successfully and came out survivors. She said that if her novel, Gone with the Wind, had a theme it was survival, "I wrote about the people who had gumption and the people who didn't." With Gone with the Wind Margaret brought a promising message to all people "Tomorrow is another day."