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Solid Waste Disposal





Foreword: Solid wastes can be produced anytime anywhere, in our working and living environments. They are what we called "garbage". Some of these solid wastes can be recycled and reused, whereas others do not have the utilization value and need to be centrally disposed. Some solid wastes also have certain hazards, and require our focused attention. If not properly handled, they may cause safety accidents or environmental pollution incidents. In short, for various solid wastes that we can come into contact with, we need to know how to classify, collect, and transfer them, to understand their ultimate disposing methods. With our joint efforts, our working and living environments can become better and better.
In this issue, let’s learn the following together:
·Definition and classification of solid wastes
·Focused attention to hazardous wastes
·Huawei's collection and transfer process of solid wastes

·Introduction to the treatment and disposal methods for solid wastes.
I. Definition and Classification of Solid Wastes
____________________________________________________________ 固体废弃物:是指在生产、生活和其他活动中产生的丧失原有利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价值但被抛弃或者放弃的固态、半固态和置于容器中的气态的物品、物质以及法律、行政法规规定纳入固体废物管理的物品、物质。

Solid wastes: Refer to solid, semi-solid objects, and materials and gaseous objects and materials in containers generated in production, life, and other activities that have lost their original utilization value or have not lost their utilization value but have been discarded or given up, as well as objects and materials that should be managed as solid wastes according to related laws and administrative regulations.

·Industrial solid wastes: Refer to solid wastes generated in the industrial production activities. ·生活垃圾:是指在日常生活中或者为日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废弃物以及法律、行政法规规定视为生活垃圾的固体废物。

·Domestic wastes: Refer to solid wastes generated in everyday life or in activities providing services for everyday life as well as solid wastes that should be seen as domestic wastes
according to lows and administrative regulations.

·Hazardous wastes: Refer to solid wastes included in the National Hazardous Wastes List or those with hazardous features as determined according to the identification standards and identification methods for hazardous wastes specified by the government.


Solid wastes can be classified from different dimensions. For example, based on utilization value, they can be classified into recyclable solid wastes and non-recyclable solid wastes. Based on
their unique features, they can be classified into general solid wastes and hazardous solid wastes. General solid wastes can also be classified into general production wastes, domestic wastes, and construction wastes. Medical and research wastes belong to the category of wastes from special industries, which will be discussed in this article as well.
II. Focused Attention to Hazardous Wastes
2008年8月1日,国家环保局联合发改委发布的新版《国家危险废弃物名录》,一共定义了49类危险废弃物(HW01-49,HW:hazardous waste)。




The new edition of the National Hazardous Wastes List jointly released by the National Environmental Administration and NDRC On August 1, 2008, has defined a total of 49 categories of hazardous wastes (HW01-49,HW:hazardous waste). In general, they include: corrosive, toxic, flammable, reactive, or infectious wastes that may cause harm to the environment or human health. When hazardous wastes are mixed together with non-hazardous wastes, they should be treated as hazardous wastes. Next, we will enumerate our common hazardous wastes.
1、危废的介绍:Introduction to hazardous wastes:
In terms of nature, hazardous wastes mostly are associated with hazardous chemicals and biological hazards:

·Chemical: Corrosive, toxic, flammable, or reactive substances (including general wastes contaminated by these substances), such as containers of acid and alkali substances, drug bottles, waste cloth contaminated by gasoline, alcohol, and cleansers, and wastes containing heavy metals. ·生物类:带传染性的固废,如各类医疗废弃物。


·Biological: Infectious solid wastes, such as various medical wastes. They should be centrally collected and handled by hospitals. Medical wastes from various clinics should also be centrally collected to corresponding hospitals for treatment.

Huawei roughly has the following hazardous wastes: Used accumulators, used batteries, PCB cleaner, discarded solder paste, tin dross, waste PCB boards, glass gel bottles, all-purpose adhesive bottles, discarded fluorescent lamps, "502" glue bottles, waste emulsion, waste paint barrels, waste oil protection gloves, oil barrels, waste machine oil, and empty spray glue bottles.


Note: Batteries contain heavy metals such as lead or mercury, and fluorescent lamps also contain mercury. When they are discarded without using a correct method, these hazardous substances will leak into the environment, to pollute waters or soil, and cause damage to human health.
2、危废的处理方法:Disposing methods for hazardous wastes:



·After being generated, hazardous wastes will have to be collected, stored, transferred, and disposed through specialized channels. Special bins for the recovery of hazardous wastes are provided in various areas of Huawei (with signs of hazardous wastes, as shown in the figure above), to collect hazardous wastes. General wastes are not allowed to be put in them. After being accumulated to certain quantity, the hazardous wastes will be transferred by the cleaning personnel to the supply chain's warehouse of hazardous wastes for storage, to be sold for disposal by the reverse logistics team.



·What is Six-Sheet Form?
·Before the hazardous wastes are transferred out of Huawei, a transfer contract should be signed with the receiving party (an organization with the qualification for disposing hazardous wastes as recognized by the government). The entire transfer process is monitored in the form of the
"Six-Sheet Form". Finally, the receiving organization recycles some of the hazardous wastes with values, and disposes others innocuously by using various methods.


Five-Sheet Form: This is an approach adopted by the National Environmental Administration for supervising and managing the transfer of hazardous wastes. With this approach, before transferring the hazardous wastes out, the organization should make an application to the local environmental administration, and after approved, complete the Transfer Form (five sheets in total). The first sheet (white) should be completed and kept by the transferring party. The second sheet (red) should be
submitted to the local environmental administration of the transferring party for archiving. The third sheet (yellow) should be completed and kept by the transportation party. The fourth sheet (blue) should be completed and kept by the receiving party of the hazardous wastes. The fifth sheet (green) should be archived by the local environmental administration of the receiving party.

In Shenzhen, the system adopted is the "Six-Sheet Form" system, in which the extra sixth sheet should be confirmed and completed by the receiving party, then returned to the transferring party, and finally submitted to the city's solid wastes management center for archiving.
III. Management of Solid Wastes at Huawei


Huawei has established the Solid Waste Management Procedure for the management and control of solid wastes. The governing bodies involved include the Administration Dept, Supply Chain Mgmt Dept, and Capital Construction & Property Mgmt Dept. To facilitate management, we put solid wastes into three categories: hazardous wastes, recyclable solid wastes (excluding hazardous wastes), and general solid wastes (referring to non-recyclable ones only).


For recyclable solid wastes, we select specialized recycling stations or suppliers to process them. These solid wastes, after being re-processed, can be used as raw materials for other objects, such as: waste paper, waste carton, plastic pipes, waste screws, waste blades, waste metal tools,
waste hardware, metal scrap, debris, and cans.

General solid wastes are again divided into three sub-categories: general production wastes, domestic wastes, and construction wastes.
A、一般生产废物:General production wastes:

Refer to the industrial wastes generated in the production processes, such as: waste fabric gloves, paper core of the stationery glue, waste welding rods, waste packing sponge, non-metal scraps, double-sided adhesive's scrap, iron foil's scrap, foams' scrap, felt's scrap, rubber's scrap, waste PVC boards (soft and hard)/PVC pipes, waste rubber finger cots, waste release paper, waste ink paste and inkpad, waste gummed paper used as stationery, Bakelite's scrap, aluminum foil's scrap, polyester film's scrap, sticking & absorbing paper's scrap, sanding block's dust, waste organic glass's scrap, waste plastic bags, waste Nylon rods/strings, waste grinding wheels, waste abrasive cloth, cleaning cloth, soft wood's scrap, copper foil's scrap, non-woven fabric's scrap, rubber guiding sleeves, and waste stripping cushions.
B、生活垃圾:Domestic wastes:

Domestic wastes include Kleenex, leftover teas, cigarette ends, waste stationery, disposable paper cups, empty bottles of toilet cleaners, empty glass bottles of cleaners, waste heat insulating sponge, empty bottles of mineral water/distilled water, and empty bottles of detergents.
C、建筑垃圾:Construction wastes:

Refer to various wastes generated in construction activities, such as cement, concrete, bricks, tiles, sands, stones, dusts, and waste decoration materials.
The responsibilities of Huawei's various governing bodies for handling solid wastes are defined as below:
·行政管理部(清洁绿化):Administration (cleaning and landscaping)
1. 负责制定公共区域的固体废物收集容器配置标准和要求,对公共区域的固体废物收集容器进行配

Responsible for developing standards and requirements of the collection containers for solid wastes in public areas, and providing, marking, and managing the collection containers for solid wastes in public areas.
2. 负责办公区域、园区、食堂(由膳食监管负责)固体废物收集,生活垃圾收集存放在各中心垃圾房,

Responsible for the collection of solid wastes in the office areas, campuses, and canteens (the responsibility of food inspectors).
Domestic wastes are collected and stored in the trash rooms of various centers. General recyclable solid wastes and hazardous wastes are collected to the supply chain's reverse logistic warehouse.

·Supply Chain Mgmt Dept: Collects production solid wastes according to the classification requirements of solid wastes. General industrial wastes are collected and shipped to the trash truck at the production and shipment platform, and recyclable solid wastes and hazardous wastes are collected to the reverse logistic warehouse.

·Capital Construction & Property Mgmt Dept: Urges construction organizations to clear construction wastes according to contract requirements, and ships construction wastes to places
designated by government for landfill.
The collected solid wastes should be transferred to the recycling service provider. Before signing contract with the recycling service provider, you should certify its qualifications:
1. 报废变卖评审小组:负责对可回用固废回收商、危废回收商的资质进行评审,查其《营业执照》、《税务登记证》,危废处理商还必须具有《危险废物经营许可证》、危险废物的《道路运输许可证》,从业人员的《上岗资格证》等,在此基础上选择合适的回收商。

Scrapping Selling Evaluation Team: Responsible for reviewing the qualifications of the collectors of recyclable solid wastes and the collectors of hazardous solid wastes, and checking their Business License, Tax Registration Certificate, the Hazardous Wastes License of hazardous wastes collectors, the Road Transportation License for hazardous wastes, and the Certificate of the practitioners, and selecting suitable collectors on this basis.
2. 垃圾合作处理商认证小组:负责对生活垃圾、一般工业垃圾处理商进行资质认证,确定其持有《营

Waste Processing Partner Qualification Team: Responsible for certifying the qualifications of the processors of domestic wastes and general industrial wastes, confirming their Business License and Tax Registration Certificate, and then selecting suitable processors.
IV. Disposing Methods for Solid Wastes

主要是通过物理学、化学、生物学、机械工程等多种学科的手段,使之达到“无害化”“减量化”以及“资源化”的目的,主要处理技术简介如下:After being put together, the solid wastes will receive the final treatment. It is mainly to make them "innocuous", to reduce their quantity, and to turn them into resources through various methods involving different disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, and mechanical engineering. Main processing technologies are described below:
1. 预处理:主要通过破碎、筛分、粉磨、压缩等工序对固废进行处理。

Pretreatment: It is mainly
to treat solid wastes through breaking, screening, grinding, and compressing.
2. 物理法处理:利用固体废物的物理和物理化学性质,从中分选或分离有用或有害物质。


Physical treatment: Separate or isolate useful or hazardous substances by utilizing the
physical and physic-chemical properties of solid wastes. Separation methods including
gravity separation, magnetic separation, electric separation, opto-electric separation,
ballistic separation, and friction separation and floatation can be used.
3. 化学法处理:通过化学转换回收有用物质和能源。


Chemical treatment: Use chemical conversion to recover useful substances and energy, such as calcinations, baking, sintering, leaching with solvents,
thermal decomposition, combustion, and electric radiation.
4. 生物法处理:利用微生物的生物化学作用,将复杂有机物分解为简单物质,将有毒物质转化


Biological treatment: Use the bio-chemical reactions of microbes to break down complex organics into simple substances, and to
convert toxic substances into non-toxic substances. Bio-gas fermentation and composting are examples of biological treatment.
5. 固体废物的最终处置:没有利用价值的有害固体物质需进行最终处理。



The final disposal of solid wastes: Final treatment of hazardous solid substances without utilization value, such as incineration, landfill, and deep-sea jettison method. Prior to being buried or jettisoned to the sea, innocuous treatment should be performed to solid wastes.
6. 通过这些过程,最终完成各类固体废弃物的处置。


Through these processes, the final disposal of various solid wastes is completed, to reduce pollution, to save resources, to realize integrated utilization, to protect the environment, and to care for our planet.。
