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“广告”的意思是“唤起大众对某事物的注意,诱导于一定方向所使用的一种手段。”和汉语中“广而告之”的意思相吻合。因此广告也就具有了告知、说服和备忘的功能。这些功能决定了广告用语要简洁、生动、形象、富有感情色彩和强烈的感染力(Advertising language should be concise, vivid, image, rich emotion and strong appeal)。

广告语言在形式上多种多样,不拘一格,或极具鲜明特色,或行文工整、对仗押韵,或节奏感强、琅琅上口,或富于创新,耐人寻味(Advertising language in a variety of forms, not to stick to one pattern, or very distinct characteristics, or the antithesis neat, strong sense of rhythm, rhyme, or easy to pronounce, or innovative, afford much food for thought.)。

二、广告标题、口号Advertising title, slogan,简洁明了、引人注意Concise, attractive


因此,广告的标题或口号中多用直接式广告语,它往往一语道破天机,精炼地将商品的主题表达出来,把最重要的信息和情感直截了当的告诉人们。最常见的方式是以商品名称和广告商名称命题,并多采用短句形式,便于上口记忆Advertising title name of propositions, and uses the phrase form, convenient upper memory.,既能引发消费者的好奇心,又能区别于其他同类商品。如:威力洗衣机的广告:“威力,威力,够威够力”;《时代》杂志:“阅读《时代》,就能理解时代”;海飞丝洗发水:“头屑去无踪,秀发更出众”;耐克鞋:“Just do it. (随心所欲)”。而美国可口可乐公司的Coca-cola is it. (还是可口可乐好)就更为经典了。再如,七喜饮料的Fresh Up with Seven Up! (君饮七喜,精神倍增)。上诉广告语都极力用最精炼的语言,将自己产品的名称或特点作为主打广告语,以正面形象不失时机地传递产品信息,语言简洁明了,内容突出鲜明The content

of outstanding and bright


在英语广告中,用词往往更富于创新,广告创意人员根据英语的构词规则,创造一个能为读者理解的词,以加强广告的新鲜感和吸引力In advertising English, words tend to be more innovative, creative personnel based on English word formation rules, create a reader to understand words, in order to strengthen advertising freshness and attraction他们或者错拼,或者加上前缀后缀,虽然新词与原词形态不同,但意义尤存They fight or wrong, or with the Prefix suffix, although new and original words in different forms, but it is。如:We know eggsactly how to sell eggs. “eggsactly”是“exactly” 的变形,并在形态上与“egg” 相对应,达到了幽默Humor中间机智的效果。这类“构词游戏”可谓匠心独运,大大增加了广告的新鲜感和吸引力。再如:Introducing the new Infinia with Intouch. (Toshiba--Intouch) (Infina全新(续致信网上一页内容)登场,好时机就在身旁)。这则广告中的故意错拼也达到了突出产品品牌吸引读者阅读的目的。

四、运用多种修辞技巧,语言生动形象Advertising language use various rhetorical skills, vivid language在广告如林的时代,为使广告能够独树一帜,惹人注目,广告撰稿人会利用多种修辞手段,以增强广告的说服力,感染力。这些修辞手段通常包括比喻、拟人、双关、重复、夸张、押韵等。Advertising copywriter will use various rhetoric means, in order to enhance the advertising persuasion, infectivity. These rhetorical devices typically include metaphor, personification, pun, repetition, exaggeration, rhyme etc


比喻是广告中常用的修辞手法之一。运用比喻可使所描绘的事物形象生动,贴切恰当的比喻还可以突出产品的特点或特色,很容易被消费者所接受The use

of metaphor can make the things described a vivid image, appropriate metaphors can also highlight the product's features or characteristics, being easily accepted by consumers。比如:有如您第二层皮肤(牛仔裤广告);隐形的手套(护手霜的广告);Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud;轻柔如风,舒软如云(服装广告);Ride like a feather in your pocket.(汽车广告);A room for five toes.(推销鞋的广告);The most sensational place to wear satin on your lips.这是一则推销口红的广告,把口红比喻成“缎子”,涂抹在最富有激情的地方,好似给红唇穿上光亮柔滑的绸缎一般。这样的比喻恰当贴切,极具感染力和诱惑力Such an analogy is apt, extremely powerful and seductive.


广告中的拟人是把所宣传的产品人格化,从而赋予它人所具有的情感、感觉,它能使原本呆板冷漠的产品颇具人情味,使消费者读起来倍感亲切In the advertisement personification is added to the advertised product personality, thus giving it the people with emotion, feeling, it can make the original mechanical cold products more human, make consumer reads more cordial例如:

We are proud of the birthplaces of our children, the grapes of Almaden. On our classic various wines, you will find the birthplaces of our children. (Almaden 葡萄酒广告)

又如:The most thoughtful Nikon of all time. No one cares more about your image than Nikon. (有史以来最体贴人的尼康;没有人能像尼康那样关心您的形象)在这则广告中,没有生命的尼康相机被拟人化地赋予了生命,使消费者在广告中看到的是“关心”、“体贴”人的和最关心人形象的尼康。

