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TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】
Rhyming Dictionary
Aa /?/
-ab /?b/ d-ab→dab g-ab→gab
-at /?t/ b-at→bat m-at→mat
-ad /?d/ h-ad→had s-ad→sad
-ag /?g/ l-ag→lag n-ag→nag
-am /?m/ d-am→dam r-am→ram -an /?n/ b-an→ban m-an→man
-ap /?p/ n-ap→nap t-ap→tap
-ax /?ks/ f-ax→fax w-ax→wax
Ee /e/
-ed /ed/f-ed→fed w-ed→wed
-et /et/g-et→get w-et→wet
-eg /eg/b-eg→beg p-eg→peg
-es(ess) /es/m-ess→mess l-ess→less -en /en/d-en→den m-en→men
Ii /i/
-ib /ib/b-ib→bib f-ib→fib
-ip /ip/d-ip→dip s-ip→sip
-id /id/b-id→bid d-id→did
-it /it/b-it→bit h-it→hit
-ig /ig/d-ig→dig b-ig→big
-ix /iks/m-ix→mix s-ix→sim
-is /is/h-iss→hiss k-iss→kiss
-in /in/ p-in→pin b-in→bin
-im /im/d-im→dim h-im→him
-iz /iz/ f-izz→fizz
Oo /?/
-ob /?b/ m-ob→mob j-ob→job
-op /?p/ h-op→hop p-op→pop
-od /?d/ r-od→rod s-od→sod
-ot /?t/ c-ot→cot l-ot→lot
-og /?g/ l-og→log h-og→hog
-ox /?kx/ f-ox→fox b-ox→box
-om /?m/ T-om→Tom m-om→mom -on /?n/ D-on→Don R-on→Ron
Uu /?/
-ub /?b/ c-ub→cub s-ub→sub
-up /?p/ c-up→cup s-up→sup
-ud /?d/ m-ud→mud b-ud→bud -ut /?t/ b-ut→but c-ut→cut
-ug /?g/ h-ug→hug b-ug→bug
-us /?s/ G-us→Gus b-us→bus
-um /?m/ b-um→bum s-um→sum
-un /?n/ f-un→fun g-un→gun
Bb /b/
-ab /?b/ dab gab tab cab lab -ib /ib/ bib rib fib
-ob /?b/ mob rob sob Bob job -ub /?b/ hub pub rub sub
Pp /p/
-ap /?p/ gap nap rap tap
-ip /ip/ dip rip sip tip zip
-op /?p/ hop mop pop
-up /?p/ sup cup
Dd /d/
_ad /?d/had pad sad dad
_ed /ed/fed led Ned wed
_id /id/bid did hid rid
_od /?d/God rod sod
_ud /?d/mud bud
Tt /t/
_at /?t/bat mat pat rat sat vat
_et /et/bet get jet let met set
_it /it/it bit hit kit lit pit wit
_ot /?t/cot dot got lot not rot
_ut /?t/but gut but rut put
-ept wept slept kept
Xx /ks/
-ax /?ks/ tax wax
-ix /iks/mix six
-ox /?ks/box fox
-ext /ekst/ next text
Gg /g/
-ag /?g/lag nag tag wag
-eg /eg/beg Meg peg
-ig /ig/dig fig big pig wig
-og /?g/ log hog
-ug /?g/ dug hug jug rug tug
Ss /s/
-as /?s/mass pass glass class -es(-ess) /es/mess less yes less
-is /is/hiss kiss miss
-oss /?s/boss moss loss toss
-us /?s/Gus bus
st- /st/stamp step still stop stuff -st /st/ -ast mast cast last past
-est vest jest pest test
-ist fist list gist
-ust bust gust rust dust
sp- /sp/ span spend spill spot -sp /sp/ -asp gasp rasp
-isp lisp wisp
-am dam ram ham jam
-im dim him rim slim
-om Tom come
-um bum sum gum rum
-mp-amp camp lamp damp ramp -imp wimp skimp limp
-ump bump dump jump
-mb lamb bomb dumb thumb sm- smack smell smog smug
-an ban man pan
-and and hand land sand -ance chance lance trance
-ang bang hang rang
-ank bank tank rank
-ant rant pant scant
-en den men yen
-ent bent lent rent
-ence fence pence
-end bend send tend
-in bin fin kin
-int hint mint
-inch pinch winch finch
-ind wind find bind mind
-ing king ping ring
-inge hinge singe whinge
-ink drink brink mink
-inner winner dinner thinner -on on Ron son
-ond pond bond fond
-ong long song strong
-un bun fun gun
-unt hunt runt punt
-unch punch lunch bunch
-under plunder thunder
-ung hung rung sung
-unk junk dunk skunk
sn- snap sniff snip snub
kn- knee knot know knob
bl- blast bled blip blot blunt
cl- clamp clinch clock club
fl- flap fleck flip flog fluff
gl- glad glitter glove
pl- plank pledge plight ploy plum sl- slam sled slim slog slush sly -el- -elf self shelf elf
-ell gel bell cell dell
-elp yelp help kelp
-elt melt belt felt
-il- -ill bill hill kill
-ilt hilt silt tilt built guilt
-le-able stable able
-cle muscle
-ple multiple steeple pimple
-angle tangle bangle dangle
-andle handle candle
-ettle settle fettle mettle
-ibble nibble dibble quibble possible
-ickle fickle sickle pickle nickel
-iddle riddle diddle middle
-iggle jiggle giggle niggle wiggle
-istle whistle bristle gristle dismissal -ittle little skittle whittle
-obble bobble gobble cobble
-ubble bubble rubble stubble double
-uckle knuckle buckle suckle
-umble jumble bumble mumble
-al annual oval special journal
-andal sandal vandal scandal
-etal metal petal
-issal dismissal
-el gel expel rebel
-abel label
-ickel nickel
-vel travel
br- brand brim broke brush
cr- craft crept crib cross crump
fr- frantic fret frill frog frump
gr- grab Greg grill grub
pr- prank press print prop prune
wr- wrap wreck wriggle wrong wrung dr- drag dreg drip drop drum
tr- trap trend trim trot trust
scr- scram scrimp scrunch
shr- shred shrill shrug
spr- sprang spring sprung
str- strap stress strip strong strum
fl- flap fleck flip flog fluff
fr- frantic fret frill frog frump
-elf self shelf elf
-ff -iff cliff biff sniff miff quiff
-uff buff fluff cuff
-ft -aft daft aft craft
-eft left
-ift gift lift
-oft loft soft waft
sk- skill skunk sky
-sk-ask ask mask task flask -esk desk
-isk disk risk
-usk tusk busk musk -nk-ank bank rank sank tank
-ink ink pink sink wink
-unk junk bunk dunk
kn- knelt knit knot knub
cl- clap cliff clock club
cr- crab crept crib cross crust
sc- scan Scott
scr- scratch script scrub .
-ct -act act fact
-ect insect collect correct
-ck -ack jack back lack snack -eck neck beck speck
-ick kick pick brick trick thick
-ock lock rock sock
-uck duck luck struck
-ic music picnic magic panic
ci-/s/pencil cinema
-ce/s/ -ace face nice rice police
-ance dance glance lance
-ice police office
-ence fence pence
-ense dense sense tense
sh- /?/shall shell shift shot shut ch-/t?/chat chest chick chop chug th-/θ/ thank theme thick thud
th-/e/ than them this those thus
wh-/w/ when which what
/h/ who whose
ph-/f/ Phil phonics phone
_sh /?/ -ash ash cash wash
-ish dish fish wish
-ush rush rush mush gush
-ch /t?/ -anch ranch
-ench bench
-ich rich rich which
-inch finch pinch winch
-uch much such
-unch lunch punch brunch
-tch/t?/ -atch catch match hatch -etch fetch
-itch itch pitch witch
-utch clutch
-th /θ/-ath bath math path -ith with
-enth tenth
-ifth fifth
w- wa- wad wan water wall we- wed welt west wet
wi- wig wit wisp wimp
wo- wow wobble
wh-wha- what whack wham whe- when where
whi- which whiff whim whittle
who- who whose whole
wr- wrap wreck write wrong sw- swam swim
y- ya- yap yacht
ye- yell yellow yelp yet
yo- yolk
yu- yuck yum-yum
-y/j/ sorry berry very
-y/ai/ my cry fly shy sky try rhyme
va- van vast
ve-ve- seven eleven very evening -ve five twelve have active
-ver driver river
Vi victim vim visit
vo- volt
qu-/kw/ quack quell quibble quip
za- zap
ze- zest
zi- zip
zo- zoo
-iz quiz fizz whizz frizz
J- jam jest job jug
-ame game name same blame flame
-ane cane Jane mane pane plane
-ape ape tape shape grape
-are flare scare spare ware
-ase base case vase chase
-ate date gate hate late late plate skate -ave Dave save wave brave
-ake flake stake brake ache headache -afe safe
-ase phase phrase
-ace brace grace trace plaice
-age cage page wage
-aze blaze gaze maze craze
-ale stale whale vale tale
-aste baste taste haste waste
-aid aid laid maid paid raid braid said -ail fail Gail jail mail nail sail tail
-aim aim maim claim
-ain gain main pain rain brain train
-aint faint paint saint
-ait bait wait trait strait
-air chair fair hair haircut pair stairs
-airy fairy airy hairy dairy
-ary vary wary scary dictionary
-ay clay play pray stay Sunday
-al- -all all ball call fall tall wall small -alk talk walk chalk
-alf half calf behalf giraffe
-alm calm balm palm psalm
-aw awful draw lawyer straw -awn yawn spawn dawn sawn
-awl bawl brawl crawl
-ar- -arch march starch larch parch -ard card lard yard hard guard
-are flare scare spare ware
-arf half calf scarf
-ark spark park shark mark
-arm arm charm war warm
-art smart chart part cart
-e-e eve gene delete theme believe -ea- pea sea
-each reach bleach peach
-eak creak freak squeak
-eak break steak
-ealth health wealth stealth
-ean clean wean bean
-eam dream scream stream steam
-ear clear spear bear/b??/ pear/p??/ -eace peace
-ease lease grease release
-east feast beast east least
-eat cheat wheat treat beat sweat -ead lead read head/hed/ bread/bred/ -eaf leaf sheaf
-eap heap leap reap
-eal squeal steal meal
-eave heave weave leave
-ee- three knee tree see
-eech screech breech speech
-eek creek peek seek
-eem deem seem
-eer cheer steer deer
-eece fleece piece niece
-eese cheese breeze sneeze
-eet sweet feet meet
-eed bleed breed speed
-eef reef beef
-eel steel kneel wheel
-een queen green screen
-eep sweep sheep sleep creep
-eeve sleeve
-eeze breeze sneeze
-e be he me we maybe
-er- -erb herb kerb verb
-erch perch search
-erry cherry merry berry
-er -ier pier
-ter after enter water sister winter -tter bitter glitter sitter titter
-ner corner dinner sinner
-ver over ever liver river
-der under thunder wonder
-cher teacher
-ther mother other brother
-ere here mere were there where -eir weir
-erse verse universe
-ew blew threw grew screw
news stews pews
-ge-age stage page wage beige -ege allege
-edge dredge pledge sledge hedge
-idge bridge fridge squidge ridge
-inge hinge whinge cringe singe
-udge judge grudge trudge smudge
_i_e -ide hide ride side wide slide
-ife life wife
-ike bike hike like Mike strike
-ile mile pile while smile
-ime lime time
-ine fine line mine nine shine
-ipe pipe ripe wipe
-ire fire hire tire
-ise rise wise
-ite bite kite quite white write
-ive dive five drive strive
-ize size prize
-ice ice dice nice rice price spice twice -ie /ai/ die lie pie tie
/ai/ -ild mild wild child
-ind kind mind blind
-igh high sigh light night right bright
/i:/ -ief chief grief thief
-iece piece niece
_ir_/?:/ fir sir stir
-ird bird third
-irl swirl whirl twirl
-irst first thirst
-irt shirt skirt flirt squirt
-ial dial denial trial
-ye dye eye
-o-e/??/ -obe globe probe lobe robe -ode code rode strode ode
-oke coke joke broke smoke
-ole hole mole role stole whole
-ome home Rome some/s?m/
-one bone tone stone
-ope hole lope rope
-ose rose chose pose hose
-ote note vote quote
-ove stove love glove above -o go no so roll stroll
-oa-/??/ -oak cloak croak soak
-oad load road toad
-oal foal goal
-oam foam roam loam
-oan groan loan moan
-oat boat coat goat moat throat -oast toast boast coast roast
-oi/?i/ -oil boil soil spoil
-oint point joint
-oo- zoo too bamboo
-ood hood stood wood good -oof roof goof proof hoof
-ook hook book brook nook
-ool stool tool school fool
-oom bloom gloom room doom
-oon moon swoon noon spoon
-oop swoop stoop droop snoop
-oor door floor moor
-oot scoot shoot hoot root foot
-or- for tor
-ord lord ford cord
-ork cork fork
-orn shorn thorn corn worn
-orm form storm perform inform
-ore more sore score store
-orse horse
-oarse coarse hoarse
-orce force divorce enforce
-ort sport short sort fort
wor- /?:/word work world worst worth
-ou- /au/out about shout sprout
-ounce pounce flounce bounce ounce -oun noun pronoun
-ound round ground sound bound
-ount count fount mount
-ouse house mouse louse
-ough rough tough enough
-ough although though
-ought fought thought nought
-ourn mourn
-our- course source flour hour
-ou- /u/ -oup gruop soup
-ould could would should
-ou- /?u/soul
-ow-/?u/crow show pillow sow bowl -ellow bellow fellow mellow yellow
-owel towel trowel
/au/cow now how pow
-ower flower power tower cower
-owl growl fowl scowl howl
-own clown down drown frown
-own blown grown telephone
-oe- /?u/doe joe toe
-ol- -old fold hold told gold
-olt bolt colt jolt
-oe- /u:/ horseshoe shoe
-oy /?i/boy joy Roy toy
-oyal loyal royal
-tion motion potion notion ocean
-u-e/ju:/ -ute cute mute
-use fuse refuse use
-u-e/u:/ flume fume plume lute -ur-/?:/ fur blur purr hurt curt -urb blurb disturb curb
-urn turn burn churn
-urse nurse curse purse
-urst burst outburst
-u /u:/flu
-ui- /u:/fruit
-ue /ju:/ cues queues hues
-ue /u:/ blue true
-au- sauce laugh
-aught caught taught draught -ul- -ull full pull
-ful thankful wonderful truthful。