



例 来 创建 决策树 。步骤如 : I假 设 T 训练实 例 。 _ 为 2 选拌 个蛙 能 别 T・ 例n 属性 。 . I t 勺 3 创建 ,个 树 1点 ,它的 值为所 选样 的属 性 。创建 该 1点的 . ‘ y 了链 ,每个 了链代 表 所选 属性 的 ’ 性 值 。使用 了链 的值 ,进 个I 步将 实例 分 为 了类 。 4 对十 步骤 3 . 所创 建 的每 个 了类 : i如果 了类 ・ 的实例 满足 预定 义的标 准 ,或 .如 果树 的这 l -
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1.基于数据挖掘技术的中职学校成绩分析应用 [J], 袁炜文
2.基于数据挖掘技术的成绩分析系统研究 [J], 胡宏算
3.基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩分析 [J], 狄晓娇
4.基于数据挖掘技术的大学生英语四级考试成绩分析方法探讨 [J], 梁玮
5.数据挖掘技术在教学管理中的应用——以对某中学高中文科综合考试成绩进行聚类分析为例 [J], 吕岚;林玉连






主要使用数据挖掘中的决策树知识将决策树应用在学生成绩数据挖掘的模型上,使用SPSS Modeler 软件利用C 5.0 算法分析出哪些因素对于《计算机应用基础》考试的影响最大,揭示其中规律,为今后教学工作及教学安排提供有效的科学的指导依据。

标签:数据挖掘;考试成绩;决策树;关联规则1 决策树的基本概念在已有的大量源数据中得到有效的分类器有许多种办法,决策树就是其中一种有效的办法。




2 几种常用的决策树算法常见的算法有CHAID、CART、Quest和C5.0。



3 决策树的评价标准建立了决策树模型后需要给出该模型的评估值,这样才可以来判断模型的优劣。

学习算法模型使用训练集(training set)建立模型,使用校验集(test set)来评估模型。



4 决策树在计算机成绩分析中的应用4.1 确定挖掘对象本次挖掘的对象是以《计算机基础》为基础信息,之所以选择这门课程,是因为它是新生入学的第一门与计算机相关的课程,也是今后继续学习计算机相关课程的基础。











教育数据挖掘技术在学生成绩分析中的应用实例1. 学生成绩预测通过教育数据挖掘技术,可以根据学生的历史学习数据,预测其未来的学习成绩。



2. 学习行为分析教育数据挖掘技术可以通过分析学习过程中学生的行为数据,了解学生的学习行为特征和学习策略。



3. 学习障碍识别教育数据挖掘技术还可以通过挖掘学生学习数据中的潜在模式,识别学生的学习障碍。










二、基于数据挖掘的学生评价系统设计方案1. 数据采集:首先需要采集学生的各种数据,包括学生基本信息、课堂表现、作业完成情况、考试得分等。


2. 数据预处理:采集到的数据需要进行预处理,包括数据清洗、数据过滤、数据转换等。


3. 数据分析:利用数据挖掘技术对采集到的数据进行分析和挖掘,得出学生的评价结果。


4. 评价结果展示:通过可视化的方式将学生的评价结果展示出来,方便学生和老师查看和理解。


5. 反馈和指导:除了展示评价结果外,还可以为学生和老师提供相应的反馈和指导。



以下是关键技术和工具的说明:1. 数据库技术:学生评价系统需要用到数据库技术来存储和管理采集到的数据。


2. 数据挖掘工具:对采集到的数据进行分析和挖掘需要使用相应的数据挖掘工具。


























【关键词】数据挖掘技术、高校、学生成绩分析、引言、背景介绍、研究意义、正文、学生成绩数据获取、数据清洗与整理、特征选择与建模、模型评估与优化、结果解释与应用、结论、作用、未来发展方向、结论总结1. 引言1.1 背景介绍高校学生成绩分析一直是教育领域的重要研究课题,通过对学生成绩数据进行挖掘和分析,可以帮助学校和教师更好地了解学生的学习情况,从而制定更有效的教学计划和个性化教育方案。





1.2 研究意义高校学生成绩一直是教育领域的重要研究课题,通过对学生成绩进行分析可以帮助学校更好地了解学生的学习情况,发现问题并制定合理的解决方案。









二、数据挖掘在学生成绩分析方面的方法1. 聚类分析聚类分析是一种对数据进行分类和分组的方法,通过找到不同数据的相似之处,将它们分组,进而了解这些数据的共性和特征。


2. 关联分析关联分析可以找到数据之间的关联关系,比如学生的物理成绩和数学成绩之间的关系。


3. 分类预测分类预测是利用已有的数据,通过挖掘有用信息,对新数据进行分类预测的技术。


三、学生成绩分析与预测的案例研究为了更好地了解数据挖掘在学生成绩分析与预测方面的应用,以下列举一些案例研究的实例:1. 基于学生成绩的聚类分析通过对学生的成绩数据进行聚类分析,可以将学生分成不同的群组,方便教师进行个性化、差异化的教学。













1. 传统回归预测方法传统回归分析是一种建立数学模型的方法,通过回归方程来预测学生的考试成绩。










关键词:学生成绩查询;系统设计;数据挖掘中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2013)01-0017-03信息社会的高科技,商品经济化的高效益,使计算机的应用已普及到经济和社会生活的各个领域。





1 系统现状与解决方案目前该系统主要是完成3类用户的需求。





技术是典型基于B/S结构开发模式的技术,它提供了为建立和部署企业级 Web 应用程序所必需的服务。














基金项目:基于互联网+时代的网络营销课程教学改革研究;项目编号:CYJG201808㊂作者简介:刘思皖(1982—),女,宁夏银川人,讲师,硕士;研究方向:计算机应用技术㊂刘思皖(宁夏财经职业技术学院,宁夏㊀银川㊀750001)摘㊀要:数据挖掘技术是一种数据处理的技术,其可以从海量数据中提取潜在的有用数据信息㊂基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩系统可以实现对学生成绩的自动分类与分析,达到对学生多方位预测的目的㊂文章通过对数据挖掘技术的分析,引导出基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩系统设计的内在要求,最后提出基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩系统的具体设计方案与实现策略㊂关键词:数据挖掘技术;学生成绩;设计0㊀引言学生成绩不仅是反映学生学习效果的重要指标,也是高校改进教学质量的重要依据㊂传统的学生成绩管理模式主要是利用计算机技术对学生的成绩进行排名,难以有效的挖掘出潜在的有用数据信息,而数据挖掘技术则可以利用关联规则等元素,实现对学生成绩的自动分析㊂因此本文详细阐述基于大数据技术的学生成绩分析系统㊂1㊀数据挖掘技术的概述数据挖掘技术是一种知识发现的技术,从大量的不确定㊁模糊的数据中寻找数据内在的特征和规律,从而发现潜在的有价值的信息,为决策者提供数据依据㊂一般而言,数据挖掘技术主要包括以下几种:一是分类技术,即从特定的数据群中找出特定类别的描述方法,以此将其进行分类,构造分类模型㊂例如我们常用的数理统计方法㊁神经网络模型等等㊂二是聚类技术,即将数据库中的数据集划分为若干子集,使得每个数据子集内部都具有较强的相关性㊂例如常见的K-Means㊁数据统计方法等㊂三是关联分析,即用于发现数据集合中数据项之间的某种关联和联系,发现其内在的规律性[1]㊂数据挖掘技术的使用流程主要包括以下几个方面:(1)数据准备,它是数据挖掘的基础,主要是将数据进行集中汇总,该环节主要是消除数据中的噪声㊁消除数据间的不一致和模糊性㊂(2)数据发现,即选择合适的算法和恰当的分析方法将影响数据挖掘的结果㊂(3)结果表达和解释,它是数据挖掘的最后一个环节,也就是将挖掘的结果以可视化的方式进行展示㊂2㊀基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩系统设计的内在需求构建基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩系统设计必须要清晰地了解系统设计的内在要求,结合实践调查其内在需求主要表现为:一是传统的学生成绩统计模式存在时间长㊁效率低的问题㊂例如传统的学生统计模式主要是利用各种表格方式将学生的成绩进行排名,而没有对学生成绩的深层次问题进行准确分析㊂而利用数据挖掘技术则可以构建出学生成绩分析系统,实现对学生成绩的深层次分析㊂例如采取NET 技术路线()和Microsoft 数据库进行开发,从而设计支持多人协作开发的系统㊂二是数据挖掘技术可以实现对学生成绩数据的自动化分析,挖掘出潜在有用信息㊂学生成绩来源渠道不同,而且差异性比较突出,因此在数据采集时需要考虑到数据的变量问题,而对于数据变量的分析则必须要通过数据挖掘技术实现[2]㊂3㊀基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩系统设计3.1㊀体系结构设计基于数据挖掘的高校学生成绩系统采用3层体系结构,结合上述学生成绩模型,三层体系结构设计如图1所示㊂3层体系结构将数据和业务逻辑以及系统实现分开,使得系统用户只需专注数据分析结果而无须理会数据的操作过程,具体分为:用户层㊁功能模块层和基础数据层㊂基础数据层为最底层的结构,它将基础数据存储于数据仓库中,对数据进行集中管理和处理,数据库中存储的数据包括学生成绩及相关数据㊁需求字典㊁数据挖掘方法模型库以及知识库等,系统通过数据库对数据进行读取和操作㊂功能模块层又称为业务逻辑层,主要由数据挖掘流程管理㊁数据挖掘需求管理㊁数据挖掘模型方法管理㊁数据挖掘结果分析㊁系统配置管理㊁数据源配置等功能模块构成㊂用户层为顶层结构,是系统的展示层,系统用户主要包括学校领导㊁系部主任㊁系部教师㊁在校学生以及系统管理员等㊂而系部主任和系部教师则是系统的主要用户,他们负责学生成绩数据挖掘并将结果展示给学校领导或相关用户㊂用户角色和用户权限通过系统配置管理实现㊂图1 数据挖掘学生成绩系统结构3.2㊀功能模块设计按照功能需求分析结果,系统划分为学生信息管理模块㊁学生成绩管理模块㊁数据挖掘结果分析模块㊁教师课程信息管理模块㊁用户权限管理模块和系统配置管理模块等6个模块㊂161第20期2020年10月无线互联科技㊃技术应用No.20October,20203.3㊀数据库表设计数据库是一个系统所有数据的集合,这些数据按特定的组织方式存储在一起,通过通用的存取方式合理而高效地完成系统所需要的各类功能㊂系统信息表主要由系统所有基本编码表组成,这些系统编码表是系统赖以运行的基本;教务信息表包含教学计划表㊁课程表㊁班级表㊁教学资源表等;人员信息表包括教师信息表㊁学生信息表和教职工信息表㊂3.4㊀应用Apriori算法分析学生成绩3.4.1㊀数据挖掘过程数据挖掘过程是对相关数据进行预处理的过程,主要包括:(1)明确数据挖掘对象与目标㊂数据挖掘技术使用的关键就是要确定具体的挖掘数据,基于本文设计目标,数据挖掘的对象主要是学生的成绩,因此需要相关人员将涉及学生成绩的所有数据纳入到数据库系统中,为下一步的数据提取㊁清理工作打下基础㊂(2)数据预处理㊂数据预处理就是去除数据中的无关信息,即去除与学生成绩无关或者无效成绩的数据㊂(3)对数据进行挖掘㊂对数据库中的数据进行深入分析㊁挖掘,得出相应的分析结果,为用户提供有用信息㊂3.4.2㊀学生成绩数据采集为了更好地对学生成绩进行分析,本文以我院计算机专业学生4个学期的所有课程成绩数据作为研究对象,并结合学生的学习兴趣,对这些数据进行清洗㊁转换等,通过关联规则的算法挖掘出影响学生成绩的关键因素㊂依据学生的培养方案,学生在学习 必修 限选 任选 类课程时必须遵照培养方案中的学分下限要求㊂由于 限选 和 必修 类的课程囊括了在校学生的学科内部专业课程和基础课程两个方面,同时高校学生的专业课程成绩与学生最终的成绩联系最紧密,即: 限选 和 必修 类课程的重要程度比 任选 类课程高,因此,借助对学生 必修 和 限选 两类课程的成绩数据挖掘分析,忽略 任选 类课程㊂高校里不同专业开设的课程每学期都小幅度调整㊁更新,但是 必修 课程和 限选 课程变动情况却非常少,因此,数据库当中这两种类型的成绩出现率也是非常高的,数据存储的时间跨度最大㊂综合上述,把 限选 和 必修 类课程的成绩作为研究对象,采集数据预期分析效果较为理想,可以有效揭示学生考试成绩所蕴含的关联[3]㊂3.4.3㊀数据预处理考虑到学生成绩的差异性特点,本次设计将学生的每门成绩按照不合格率㊁合格率㊁中等率以及优秀率的等级进行划分,对原始数据进行离散化处理,对学生成绩当中的较高成绩与较低成绩进行深入分析㊂一方面分析学生考试成绩之间所隐含的影响因素,另一方面分析不同课程之间的关联㊂数据挖掘过程中应用的数据采集自高校的教学管理的成绩数据仓库:将数据存储在表格内的可以直接导出到CSV等数据集去,预处理阶段处理成绩缺失值等问题㊂3.4.4㊀关联规则挖掘实施关联规则的挖掘实施是数据挖掘算法实施的关键,本文选择的是关联规则挖掘Apriori算法,因此根据系统设计的原则要求,设置的最小支持度为0.2,最小置信度是0.5㊂首先需要建立健全Grade数据库,据库中的Course表是用来存储课程信息,Special畸Inf.o用来存储学籍信息,而且ade表是用来存储学生的考试成绩信息的;其次对数据库中的所有信息进行分析,并且对成绩超过80分的进行总结,同时将课程的支持度和课程名称的计数信息存放到频繁1项集的数据表格Frequentl中,Frequentl有两个关键的字段nem和SupCount㊂再次得到频繁项集之后,就可以计算出相应的候选项集生成相应的频繁项集㊂最后算出最终的频繁项目集中的非空子集所包含的置信度和支持度,并且拿它们与最小支持度和最小置信度进行比较,比较后删除那些小于最小置信度的记录,并且最终会产生关联规则㊂4㊀系统的测试为检验系统的各项性能在系统规定允许的软硬件环境下(包括服务器㊁客户机的各类机器指标如CPU主频㊁机器结构㊁硬盘速度㊁网络带宽㊁实际传输速率等)是否符合预期给定的指标,需要进行性能测试,主要测试软件在特定环境下的处理速度㊂而环境要尽量考虑实际运行状态下的环境,根据实际的测试结果分析可知,未发现本系统中存在严重等级较高的异常或错误,从整体上来讲通过了本次测试㊂[参考文献][1]周凌.浅析大数据时代的数据挖掘技术与应用[J].中小企业管理与科技,2018(5):189-190.[2]吴修国,孙涛.基于教育大数据挖掘的大学生学业预警研究[J].中国教育信息化,2020(7):55-57,62.[3]丁国勇,程晋宽.基于教育数据挖掘的高校学生学业表现建模研究[J].黑龙江高教研究,2020(2):81-86.(编辑㊀傅金睿) Design and implementation of student achievement system basedon data mining technologyLiu Siwan(Ningxia College of Finance and Economics,Yinchuan750001,China)Abstract:Data mining technology extracts potentially useful data information from massive data.The student achievement system based on data mining technology can realize the automatic classification and analysis of students achievement and achieve the purpose of multi-directional prediction of students.This paper analyzes the data mining technology,guides the internal requirements of student achievement system design,and finally puts forward the specific design scheme and implementation strategy.Key words:data mining technology;student performance;design261。



I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2017, 6, 40-49Published Online November 2017 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2017.06.05Available online at /ijemeLiterature Survey on Student’s Performance Prediction in Educationusing Data Mining TechniquesMukesh Kumar1, Prof. A.J. Singh2, Dr. Disha Handa31,2Himachal Pradesh University, Summer-Hill, Shimla (H.P) Pin Code: 171005, India.3IT Consultant, DesktekTeamReceived: 20 December 2016; Accepted: 14 February 2017; Published: 08 November 2017AbstractOne of the most challenging tasks in the education sector in India is to predict student's academic performance due to a huge volume of student data. In the Indian context, we don't have any existing system by which analyzing and monitoring can be done to check the progress and performance of the student mostly in Higher education system. Every institution has their own criteria for analyzing the performance of the students. The reason for this happing is due to the lack of study on existing prediction techniques and hence to find the best prediction methodology for predicting the student academics progress and performance. Another important reason is the lack in investigating the suitable factors which affect the academic performance and achievement of the student in particular course. So to deeply understand the problem, a detail literature survey on predicting student’s performance using data mining techniques is proposed. The main objective of this article is to provide a great knowledge and understanding of different data mining techniques which have been used to predict the student progress and performance and hence how these prediction techniques help to find the most important student attribute for prediction. Actually, we want to improve the performance of the student in academic by using best data mining techniques. At last, it could also provide some benefits for faculties, students, educators and management of the institution.Index Terms: Educational Data Mining, Prediction Techniques, Student attributes, Classification.© 2017 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1. IntroductionIn Indian education system checking student’s pe rformance is a very essential in higher education. But we don’t have any fixed criteria to evaluate the student performance. Some institutions student performance can be * Corresponding author. Tel.: 8872671333E-mail address: Mukesh.kumarphd2014@observed by using internal assessment and co-curriculum. In the Indian context, an institution with the higher degree of reputation using the good academic record as its basic criteria for their admissions [1]. There are lots of definitions of student academic performance prediction should be given in the literature. Different authors are using different student factors/attributes for analyzing student performance. Most of the author used CGPA, Internal assessment, External assessment, Examination final score and extra co-circular activities of the student as prediction criteria.Most of the Indian institution and universities using final examination grade of the student as the student academic performance criteria. The final grades of any student depend on different attributes like internal assessment, external assessment, laboratory file work and viva-voce, sessional test. The performance of the student depends upon how many grades a student score in the final examination. Norlida Buniyamin, Pauziah Mohd Arsad et al. (2013) stated that what are the significance of academic analytics for an educational institution and how they work for the improvement of education. They also proposed an intelligent recommendation intervention system to improve the student’s performance and achievement in education.This system uses two different student attribute to measure the achievement and that is student grade and student information [2]. Zaidah Ibrahim and Daliela Rusli et al. (2007) stated that predicting student's performance is very critical for any educational institution because it is important for the formation of new rule and standards for the improvement of the education and reputation. They used CGPA and demographic attributes of the first year student to predict their result in the first year of education in engineering [3].Data mining techniques which are used in mostly education are known as Educational data mining. There are lots of data mining techniques are available to predict the student performance. Education data mining help to find the hidden information from a huge database of education setting, because at present lots of data are generated in educational institution related to student [4]. Further, this hidden information can be used for performance, dropout and final result prediction of the student. It also helps the educator, management and faculties to work according to the learning standards of the students. Actually data mining help in the different field of education sector [5]. So to properly understand the real meaning of the data mining in education we need to do a systematic literature review on different work done by the different researcher. Our main objectives to this proposed work are:i.To understand, analyse and then find the difference between different prediction techniques of datamining in education.ii.To identify and understand different student attributes which are mainly used for the predicting the student performance.iii.To identify and understand the different prediction techniques which are mainly used for predicting the student performance.The above points are the main focus of our study. In section 2, the main focus will be given on the methodology adopted for the formation of research questions for this paper and literature survey. In section 3-4, the main focus of the study is to find or identify the important factors on Predicting Student's performance and prediction methods used for student performance. In section 5-6, the main focus is one the overall discussion on the result of the study and in the last conclusion and future work scope is given.2. Research Questions Formation and Search Strategy for Literature ReviewThe main purpose of literature survey is to find out new techniques to work on the old data set and then find out some new information form that. To do some relational survey, the literature of more than 10 years should be taken into consideration and then find out some knowledge gaps between works done by the researcher. It helps to justify your research questions and gave some direction for future research.Formulation of Research Questions: Research question formation is one of the essential tasks when going for written any research paper. Before the formation of any research question try to understand and following the Kitchenhams steps. B. Kitchenhams, R Pretorius et al. (2010), stated that PIOC (Population, Intervention, Outcome, Context) are the most critical factors which are considered when going to frame research question for you research paper [6].Table 1. Research Question Formation CriteriaCriteria Detail of targeted organisationIntervention Data Mining Techniques/ method used for prediction of student performance and progress in educationOutcome Student performance prediction accuracy, finalise prediction techniquesContext University, Schools and colleges ( Private and Government)From the above table, everything is clear about the research target organisation, techniques undertaken during the review, related outcome and affected organisation. Considering the above criteria in mind when framing the research question, we restricted the scope of this study with these research questions.i.Try to identify those student attributes which are helpful for predicting student academic performance.ii.Try to identify those data mining techniques which are mostly used for predicting student academic performance.After research questions formation we need to do the pilot study on the related topic and then need to find out the research gaps between different works done the different researcher by using data mining techniques. Before start the literature survey, everything should be clear in the mind of the researcher that what they want to search and how the search can be done.Search strategy for literature review:Searched databases: Springer Link, Researchgate, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital library, Elsevier, Science Direct other computer science journals. Searching sentences and keywords: Predicting student performance, Predicting student performance uses data mining techniques, Application of data mining in education, Educational Data Mining methodology or techniques, Prediction of student result using data mining techniques. Publication periods are taken into consideration: 2007 to July 2016. Types of text searched: Documents, PDF, Full-length paper with abstract and keywords. Search Items: Journal articles, Conferences paper, Workshop papers, Expert lectures or talks, topics related blogs, Topic related communities (like Educational data miningcommunity).3. Important Factors of Students Used for Predicting Student’s PerformanceThe prediction of SAP is based on different factors of student’s like an individual, community, psychological and environmental variables. During last few years lots of resea rches have been carried out to predict students’ academic performance. So in this section, we are taking few research articles into consideration and then analyse them for different student's factors which affect the student academics prediction. Almost 30-40 research papers, article, book chapters are considered for review. Farhana Sarker and Hugh C Davis (2013) in his research showed that the institutional internal data sources (IDS) and external data source (EDS) gave the best result than the model based on only institutional internal student databases [4]. In another study, D. M. D. Angeline (2013) used Internal Assessment Test grade, Assignment submission and Grade, Correct Response, Self-Confidence, Interest in the particular course and Degree ambition for prediction of student's academic performance [5]. Abeer Badr El Din Ahmed et. al. (2014) in his study used the course of the student, HSD, mid-term marks, Lab test grade, seminar performance, assignment, attendance, homework, student participation for prediction SAP [6]. Fadhilah Ahmad and Azwa Abdul Aziz (2015) collected data from the database of Academic Department, UniSZA that stored in Informix Database Management System (DBMS). They further used nine different parameters like gender, race and hometown, GPA, family income, university entry mode, grades Malay Language, English, and Mathematics [7]. Mashael A. Al-Barrak and Mona S. Al-Razgan (2015) collected dataset of student's from the Information Technology department at Kin Saud University, Saudi Arabia for their analysis. They further used the different attribute for the prediction like student ID, student name, student grades in three different quiz's, midterm1, midterm2, project, tutorial, final exam, and total points obtained in Data structure course of computer science department [8]. Edin Osmanbegović and Mirza Suljic (2012) collected data from surveys in the midst of first-year students and the data taken during the enrollment at the University of Tuzla. They further used the different attribute for the prediction like Gender, Family, Distance, High School, GPA, Entrance exam, Scholarships, Time, Materials, the Internet, Grade importance, Earnings [9]. Raheela Asif and Mahmood K. Pathan (2014) in his study they used four academic batches of Computer Science & Information Technology (CS&IT) department at NED University, Pakistan. They used HSC marks, marks in MPC, Maths marks in HSC, marks in various subject studied in the regular course of a programming language, CSA, Logic design, OOP, DBMS, ALP, FAM, SAD, Data Structure etc for their analysis [10]. Mohammed M. Abu Tair and Alaa M. El-Halees (2012) in his study tried to extract some useful information from student's data of Science and Technology College – Khan Younis. They initially selected different attributes like Gender, date of Birth, Place of Birth, Speciality, Enrollment year, Graduation year, City, Location, Address, Telephone number, HSC Marks, SSC school type, HSC obtained the place, HSC year, College CGPA for analysis. But after preprocessing of the data they found that attribute like Gender, Speciality, City, HSC Marks, SSC school type, College CGPA are most significant [11]. Azwa Abdul Aziz and H.I.F Ahmad (2014) used first-semester student data of Bachelor of Computer Science from University Sultan ZainalAbidin (UniSZA) for analysis. They used the attributes like Gender, race, Hometown Location, University Entry Mode, Family Income for data collection [12]. K.D Kolo and J.K Alhassan (2015) collected computer science student's data of Nigerian Colleges of Education. In his study, they considered Data Structure course of computer science is one of the most important subjects and hence collect data respective to this subject. They considered student attributes like Student's grade, Student's status, Students gender, financial strength, Attitude to learning as important factors for the prediction of SAP [13]. Jyoti Bansode (2016) for predicting student academics performance collected data from Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Polytechnic, Chembur, Mumbai. They considered student attributes like parent's education, parent' s occupation, category, SSC board, admission type, SSC medium, SSC class, first-semester result, second-semester, third-semester, forth-semester, the fifth-semester and sixth-semester result as most important attributes [15]. R. Sumitha and E.S. Vinoth Kumar (2016) for his research collected data of around 350, BE (CSE) students of KLN College of Information Technology. Initially, they selected 24 attributes for analysis, but finally attributes with the higher ranking aretaken into consideration for the classification purpose. The selected attribute are CGPA, arrears, attendance, SSC marks, Engineering Cut-off, medium-of-education and type of Board [16]. Mrinal Pandey and S. Taruna (2016) for this study used datasets from an engineering Institution. They included the data related to the student’s academics attributes as well as their demographics information [18]. Maria Goga, Shade Kuyoro, Nicolae Goga (2015) used student data from Babcock University, Nigeria. On the basis of reviewed literature, they considered age, gender, parent's marital status, parent's qualification, parent's occupations, SSC score, HSC score, CGPA first year [19]. Maria Koutina and Katia Lida Kermanidis (2011) they tried to find out the best techniques for predicting the final grade of the postgraduate students of Ionian University Informatics, Greece. On the basis of reviewed literature, they considered Gender, Age, Marital Status, Number of children, Occupation, Job associated with computers, Bachelor, Another master, Computer literacy, Bachelor in informatics [24].After reviewed almost 20-25 research paper, we found that in most of the cases, student's factors which affect the SAP are gender, high school grade, student's parental education, financial background, living location, medium of teaching, student's family status, students' previous semester marks, class test grade, seminar performance, assignment performance, general proficiency, attendance in class and lab work, Interest in particular course, Study Behaviour, Engage Time and Family Support for study, admission type, previous schools marks, accommodation type, parent's qualification, parent's occupation. All these attributes fall into different categories like personal, family, Academic, Institutional and Social.The most important personal attributes of the student like gender, age, interested in the study, admission type, Study Behaviour are taken into consideration [7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 24]. The family attributes like parent’s qualification, parent’s occupation, family income, family status, Family Support for study are also taken as important for the academics prediction [7, 9, 15, 19, 24]. Whereas for academic attributes like high school grade, students’ previous semester mark s, class test grade, seminar performance, assignment performance, attendance in class and lab work, previous schools marks are taken into consideration [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 24] and for institutional attributes most the researcher are taken medium of teaching, accommodation type, infrastructure, water and toilet facilities, teaching methodology, transportation facilities into consideration[4, 7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24].4. Different Data Mining Techniques used for Predicting Student’s PerformanceIn Educational data mining field, making a prediction about student academic performance is usually done. To build a predictive modelling we need to take different data mining techniques into consideration like classification, clustering association rule mining and regression analysis. In almost every research paper, the only classification algorithm is taken into consideration for predicting student academic performance. There are so many classification techniques available for prediction but we are taking into consideration only decision tree, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), K-Nearest Neighbor, SMO, Linear Regression, Random Forest, Random Tree, REPTree, LADTree, J48 etc. Table-2 gave a brief finding of different r esearch papers with their author’s name, main attributes helpful for prediction accuracy with different data mining algorithm used.Table 2. Different Data Mining Techniques used for Predicting Student’s PerformanceAuthor’s Attributes which affect prediction accuracy DT NB RB KNN ANNF Sarker et. al. Internal attributes + students’ first semestermark ( Model1)-- -- -- -- 74.5F Sarker et. al. Int + Ext attributes + students’ first semestermark ( Model2)-- -- -- -- 76.5F Ahmad et. al Gender, race, hometown, GPA, family income,uni. mode entry, SPM grades-- 67.0 71.3 -- 68.8Mashael A.et. al. first midterm exam (Predict Students Failure) -- 91 55.0 -- 89.8 M Suljic et. al. GPA, URK , MAT, VRI -- 76.6 -- 73.9R Asif et. al. HSC, MPC and HSC marks, pre-uni marks,marks in different courses73 83.6 56.9 74 67.6El-Halees et. al. SS_Type, HSC marks, City,Gender, Speciality-- 67.5 71.2 -- --A Aziz et. al. Gender, race, Hometown Location, Uni EntryMode, Family Income68.8 63.3 68.8 -- --K D Kolo et.al. status, gender 66.8 -- -- -- --Jyoti Bansode SSC marks, SSC medium, Admission type,mother‘s occupation85 -- -- -- --R. Sumitha et. al. TWM, MOE, TOB, ATD ECUT, CGPA,arrears,97.2 85.9 96.1 -- --S V. Shinde et. al Student’s Internal Assessment 97.5M Pandey et. al. Academic information’s, Demographicinformation98.8 91.5 84.1 -- --N Goga et. al. family, PEP, EES, end of the first sessionresult99.9 -- 96.7 -- --G. S Josan et. al. Sex, INS-High, TOB, MOI, TOS, PTUI, S-Area, Mob, Com-HM, Netacs, Int-GR, Atdn69.7 65.1 -- -- --M Koutina et. al. Gender, Age, Marital Status, No of children,Occu., Job associated with PC, Bachelor,Another master, Comp literacy, Bachelor ininformatics68.5 100 90.9 100 --From the above table, we find that Maria Koutina and Katia Lida Kermanidis, In his research found the 100% accuracy with Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm [24]. They represented their result in Table 6 under “Total accuracy (%) of re-sample data and fea ture selection”. For prediction student academic performance they used attributes like Gender, Age, Marital Status, Number of children, Occupation, Job associated with the computer, Bachelor, Another master, Computer literacy, Bachelor in informatics.5. Discussion on This Predicting Student’s SurveyIn this particular section, we will discuss the main finding of our meta-analysis. In this meta-analysis, we find that mostly used data mining algorithm for SAP is Decision Tree (DT), Naive Bayes (NB), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Rule-based (RB) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). In Decision tree algorithm the maximum and minimum accuracy for predicting student’s academic performance are 99.9% and 66.8% respectively. To find the maximum prediction accuracy Maria Goga, Shade Kuyoro and Nicolae Goga used the combination of student’s attribute like family, PEP, EES, end of first session result [19]. In Naive Bayes algorithm, the maximum and minimum accuracy for predicting student's academic performance are 100% and 63.3% respectively. Maria Koutina et. al. used the different combination of student's attribute like Gender, Age, Marital Status, Number of children, Occupation, Job associated with the computer, Bachelor, Another master,Computer literacy, Bachelor in informatics for getting maximum accuracy [24]. In rule-based algorithm, the maximum and minimum accuracy for predicting student's academic performance are 96.7% and 55.0% respectively. To find the maximum prediction accuracy Maria Goga et al. used a combination of student's attribute like family, PEP, EES, end of first session result [19]. In K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm the maximum and minimum accuracy for predicting student’s academic performance are 100% and 74% respectively [24]. In Artificial Neural Netwo rks (ANN) the maximum and minimum accuracy for predicting student’s academic performance are 89.8% and 67.6% respectively. To find the maximum prediction accuracy Mashael A. Al-Barrak and Mona S. Al-Razgan used a combination of student's attribute like first mid-term examination in their first-year course [8]. Table-3 gave a brief representation of result analysis.Table 3. Student Academic Performance Prediction Techniques with Their AccuracyData Mining Techniques DT NB RB KNN NNLowest Accuracy66.8% 63.3% 55.0% 74% 67.6%Fig. 1 shows the prediction accuracy that uses classification method grouped by algorithms for predicting student’s performance since 2012 to 2016.Fig.1. Student Academic Performance Prediction Grouped By Algorithm used6. Conclusion and Future WorkAt present research in educational data mining create lots of interest in the research community. Because predicting student academic performance, predicting educational dropout student in near future, predicting institute placement and admission in a new academic year is most useful for educators and management and educational policy maker. It also used for improving the teaching-learning process in the institution as well. This paper has reviewed lots of research papers, the article on predicting student's academic performance withselected attribute and an analytical algorithm used. In most of the cases, CGPA and the internal marks of the student in academic are important attributes for prediction of result. In one of the research paper author's find 100% accuracy for their prediction with a combination of different attributes like Gender, Age, Marital Status, Number of children, Occupation, Job associated with the computer, Bachelor, Another master, Computer literacy, Bachelor in informatics. In the case of data mining prediction, classification is frequently used technique. Most of the researchers used Decision Tree, Naive Bayes and Rule- Based algorithm for predicting student’s academic performance. At the end, we conclude that the meta-analysis on predicting student's academic performance motivated us to do further research work in our own educational environment. It will really help to improve our education system to check the regular performance of the student. AcknowledgementsI am grateful to my guide Prof. A.J. Singh and Dr Disha Handa for all help and valuable suggestion provided by them during the study.References[1]Mi hai Dascalu and Elvira Popescu et. al., Predicting Academic Performance Based on Students’ Blogand Microblog Posts, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 K. Verbert et al. (Eds.): EC-TEL 2016, LNCS 9891, pp. 370–376, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_29.[2]U. bin Mat, N. Buniyamin, P. M. Arsad, R. Kassim, An overview of using academic analytics to predictand improve students’ achievement: A proposed proactive intelligent intervention, in: Engineering Education (ICEED), 2013 IEEE 5th Conference on, IEEE, 2013, pp. 126–130.[3]Randa Kh. 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基于数据挖掘的学生成绩查询系统何云峰【期刊名称】《电脑知识与技术》【年(卷),期】2013(000)001【摘要】The research is the development of student achievement Based on mining system. On one hand, the system could optimize the school teaching resources and reduce teacher’s workload to student achievement query. On the other hand, through data mining technology for system development, a large amount of data can be utilized effectively. The hidden rules to dig out have important significance to all aspects of school work guidance and the training of students.%开发基于的学生成绩挖掘系统.一方面使学校教学资源得到优化,减轻教师对于学生成绩查询的工作量.另一方面,通过数据挖掘技术进行系统开发,使大量的数据能得到有效利用.挖掘出的隐藏规则对学校各方面工作的指导以及学生的培养有着重要意义.【总页数】3页(P17-19)【作者】何云峰【作者单位】泉州医学高等专科学校计算机教研室,福建泉州362011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP311【相关文献】1.基于ASP技术的学生成绩查询系统设计 [J], 李承遥;2.基于Android系统的学生成绩查询系统设计 [J], 王祥凤;李波;李丰鹏;范一航3.基于区块链的学生课程成绩查询系统 [J], 陈永强;颜廷秦;丁雯丽4.基于Java语言的学生成绩查询系统的设计 [J], 邹洁;冒绮5.基于Java语言的学生成绩查询系统的设计 [J], 邹洁; 冒绮因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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本科毕业设计(论文)欧阳家百(2021.03.07)题目: 基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩分析系统的设计与实现姓名张宇恒学院软件学院专业软件工程班级 2010211503学号 10212099班内序号 01指导教师牛琨2014年5月基于数据挖掘技术的学生成绩分析系统的设计与实现摘要随着科技的不断发展和中国教育制度的日趋完善,各大高校对教务管理工作提出了越来越高的要求。






关键词成绩分析关联规则分类聚类Design and implementation of student achievement analysis system based on data mining technologyABSTRACTWith the continuous development of technology and the Chinese education system maturing, Universities have put higher requirements to their academic administration.Universities are no longer satisfied with traditional performance management, began to apply advanced data mining methods to analyze and study students’ achievement.Staffof academic affairs use association rule mining algorithm to analysis intrinsic link between courses, which can provide the basis for improving the teaching of the school andguidance for the student's enrollment and academic ing classification algorithm to classify the students, so that students can have a clear understanding in their academic performance, and facilitate students in selecting courses.Warning students who probably face difficulties in the ing clustering algorithm to cluster the students to identify students with common characteristics, so that teachers can teach different students in different way,embodies the concept of individualized education, finally discover a personalized education model, which is suitable for China's national conditions and education system.The system was developedinEclipse, with java as a development language.By analyzing the need of student achievementanalysis system, this system uses association rule mining algorithm to analysis intrinsic link between courses, uses classification algorithm to classify the students, uses clustering algorithm to cluster the students to identify students.I hope this system can provide some reference value to the future development of college students’ achievement analysis system.KEYWORDS achievement analysisassociation rulesclassificationclustering目录第一章引言11.1选题的背景和意义11.2个性化培养的重要意义11.3国内外个性化培养的现状21.3.1国外个性化培养现状21.3.2 国内个性化培养现状31.4成绩分析系统的现状和存在的问题31.4.1成绩分析系统开发使用的现状31.4.2成绩分析系统建设存在的问题4第二章相关技术42.1相关数据挖掘知识理论42.1.1数据挖掘42.1.2 关联规则52.1.3 分类62.1.4 聚类62.2开发工具的选择72.2.1 Eclipse简介72.2.2 Eclipse的优势7第三章系统分析83.1软件过程模型83.2需求分析93.2.1 用例图93.2.2 需求的结构化描述10第四章系统设计与实现144.1系统概要设计144.1.1系统体系结构144.1.2 系统数据结构154.2系统详细设计164.2.1 文件导入数据164.2.2 数据预处理164.2.3 关联规则184.2.4 分类194.2.5 聚类204.2.6 导出文件224.3系统实现234.3.1 文件导入数据234.3.2 数据预处理234.3.3 关联规则234.3.4 分类244.3.5 聚类244.3.6 导出文件254.4系统应用26第五章结论30参考文献31致谢32第一章引言1.1 选题的背景和意义进入新世纪以来,我国的高等教育事业正在快速发展,各个领域的重大科研成果不断涌现,各知名院校的国际排名和知名度也不断攀升。













1.2 个性化培养的重要意义个性化培养其实并不是一个新颖的概念,2000多年前,我国著名教育家孔子就提出了因材施教的教育理念,并且身体力行地用因材施教的方法教育自己的弟子。












