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Scenic Spots Introduction The Ming Tombs
It is the Ming emperor, after the Tombs.It is located in Changping County, Beijing. Around the Ming Tombs Reservoir, Beijing International Golf Course。
Tian'anmen Square is one of the largest city squares in the world. It is situated in the heart of Beijing.
The Great Wall
The Great Wall of China, also known in China as the Great Wall of 10,000, is an ancient Chinese fortification built from the end of the 14th century until the beginning of the 17th century, during the Ming Dynasty, in order to protect China from raids by the Mongols and Turkic tribes.
The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest has been the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and has been host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies.
Wangfujing street is one of Beijing's most famous shopping streets.Much of the road is a pedestrian area with several shops,malls and shopping complexes.
说 是 刻 骨 铭 心的, 我们全 世界的 人们都 面对了 相同的 生活压 力,我 们共同 经历了 那 段 甲 流 所 带来的 恐慌日 子。作 为一名 党员在 那个特 殊的时 期,我 严格执 行每天 两 次 的 体 温 记录和 上报工 作,遇 到不负 责任的 家长总 是能自 己主动 打电话 询问, 每 天 坚 持 两 次向单 位和家 长报告 幼儿健 康情况 ,那段 时间是 紧张的 也是忙 碌的更 是 充 实 的 , 因为我 的认真 收到了 很多家 长的认 可,他 们几句 问候的 信息、 感谢的 话 语 更 是 激 励了我 更加认 真踏实 的工作 。 作 为 幼 儿 园的 老师每 天面对 的就是 孩 子 和 形 形 色色的 家长, 作为党 员的我 在工作 中坚持 用真情 感动人 ,用微 笑服务
冰糖葫芦,用竹签串起来的山楂果上裹上层厚厚的糖衣, 是北京传统的冬季零食。每当天气变得寒冷,卖冰糖葫芦 的小贩就开始走街串巷地叫卖。
驴打滚 Lvdagun introduction
Lvdagun, a traditional Beijing sweet snack which is made from beans and rice flour,tastes especially good in winter and is a popular snack at Beijing's annual temple fairs.
Tiananmen square
The Imperial Palace
Beihai Park
bird's nest
Temple of Heaven
Longqing Valley Fragrance Hill
Summer Palace
Happy Valley the Great Wall
奏 中 迎 来 了 新的一 年,在 感受新 年新气 象、新 希望的 同时作 为一名 中国共 产党员 , 我 更 要 及 时地对 照党员 的标准 展开批 评与自 我批评 工作, 希望通 过这次 民主生 活 会 更 深 刻 的剖析 自己、 在反思 中完善 自己。 2015对 于 我 们 每 个人来 说可以
introductio n
Tanghulu, sugar coated haws on a stick, is a traditional winter snack in Beijing. Every year, as the weather cools down, tanghulu sales start heating up on almost every street corner in Beijing.
Beihai Park
It is the earliest royal palace garden park. It is located in Xicheng District Wenjin Street No. 1 (North of the Imperial Palace )。It is around the Imperial Palace, Jingshan Hill and Zhongnanhai Park and so on.
驴打滚,用黄豆和江米粉做成的传统北京甜食,在冬天吃味道格外 好,也是北京一年一度庙会时很受欢迎的一种小吃。
涮羊肉 Mutton hot
While winter's chill takes hold in China, mutton becomes more popular. In Beijing, the traditional Mutton Hot Pot is a top family dinner choice.
Scenic Spots Introduction
Fragrant Hills
The red lesves is the most famous thing there. Located in Beijing City, Haidian District at the foot of the Western Hills (the sale of 40 Street ). There are Beijing botanical garden, Wat Chayamangkalaram, botanical garden, the Cao Xueqin Memorial around it.
烤鸭 Beijing Roast
How to Cook t
Thank you
About Beijing
the capital of People's Republic of China,
Location northeastern of China fourteen districts and two counties
About Beijing
the nation's second largest city the National politics, cultural, transport, tourism and international exchange center.
Introduction of Beijing
党 员 教 师 群体 要牢固 树立“ 全心全 意为人 民服务 ”的宗 旨意识 ,要端 正学习 态 度 , 强 化 宗旨意 识,认 真查找 和整改 问题, 不走过 场,务 求实效 。下面 是小编 为 大 家 收 集 整理的 2017党 员教师 自查报 告,希 望对大 家有所 帮助! 【 2017党 员 教 师 自 查 报告1】 时 间 的 脚 步总是 匆匆而 过,不 知不觉 地我们又在忙碌的节