




练习1. 用提取公因式法分解因式

(1) 2x+4y 解:公因式:原式=

(2) 6x2—8x 解:公因式:原式=

(3) 3(x+y)—x(x+y) 解:公因式:原式=

练习2. 用平方差公式分解因式

(1) x2—9 解:原式=( )2—( )2=

(2) 9x2—16y2解:原式=( )2—( )2=

(3) 4—(x—y)2 解:原式=( )2—[ ]2=


1. 思考:运用完全平方公式进行快速计算

(1) 152 +2×15×5 +52=

(2) 132—2×13×3 +32=

(3) 272 +2×27×3 +32=


(1) x2+2x+1 (2) y2—2y+1

(3) x2+4x+4 (4) a2—2ab+b2

完全平方公式:a2+2ab+b2=(a+b)2 , a2—2ab+b2=(a—b)2



(1) a2—ab+b2(2) a2—4a+4 (3) x2—6x—9

(4) x2—9 (5) —a2—2ab—b2



(1) x2+14x+49 解:原式=( )2+2×+( )2=( + )2

(2) 25—10x+x2解:原式=( )2—2×+( )2=( —)2



(1) x2—4x+4 解:原式=( )2—2×+( )2=( —)2

(2) 1—6y+9y2 解:原式=( )2—2×+( )2=( —)2

(3) 4x2+4x+1 解:原式=( )2+2×+( )2=( + )2

(4) x2+8x+16 解:原式=( )2+2×+( )2=( + )2

(5) 16y2+8y+1 解:原式=


(1) x2+12xy+36y2 解:原式=( )2+2×+( )2=( + )2

(2) 4x2—20x+25 解:原式=( )2—2×+( )2=( —)2

(3) 25p2+10pq+q2解:原式=( )2+2×+( )2=( + )2

(4) 16x2+24x+9 解:原式=( )2+2×+( )2=( + )2

(5) 9x2—42x+49 解:原式=

例题2:分解因式—x2+4xy—4y2解:原式=—( )=


(1) —x2—2xy—y2解:原式=—( )=

(2) —x2+4x—4 解:原式=—( )=


解:原式= +8ab=


(1) (a—b)2+4ab

解:原式= +4ab =

(2) (p—4)(p+1)+3p

解:原式= +3p=


解:原式=[ ]2+2×+( )2=

练习4: (1)(x—y)2+10(x—y)+25

解:原式=[ ]2+2×+( )2 =

(2) (a+b)2—12(a+b)+36

解:原式=[ ]2—2×+( )2 =


解:原式=[ ]2+2×+( )2 =


解:原式=[ ]2—2×+( )2 =

例题6:分解因式3a x2+6a xy+3a y2

解:公因式:原式= ( )= 练习6: 分解因式a x2—2a2x+a3

解:公因式:原式= ( )=


1. 因式分解的方法




两数平方的差=两底数的和×两底数的差②完全平方公式a2+2ab+b2=(a+b)2 ,

a2—2ab+b2=(a—b)2 2. 因式分解的一般步骤

(1) 一提




(2) 二套



(3) 三查





1.分解因式(1)4—4y+y2 (2)(x+y)2+2(x+y)+1



新目标七年级上册StarterUnit1-3---Unit1导学案及答案 课题:StarterUnit1Goodorning 【学习目标】 学习并掌握下列字母:AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 主要句型和交际用语: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I’fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I’o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 课前预习 【预习目标】:StarterUnit1 【预习重点】: 试读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 理解下列短语及句子的意义及用法: Goodorning!Hello!Hoareyou?

【课堂互动】 朗读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh .朗读下列对话: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I’fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I’o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 仿照对话,进行对话练习。 【课后反馈练习】 一.写出下列字母相应的大小写. ADEGHB cbfdaf 二.写出下列字母相邻的字母. dBEf ceGb 三.从B栏中找出A栏的答语. Goodorning.A:I’fine.


Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第一课时Section A 1a—2d 课型:听说课 学习目标: 1、我会读P1-2的单词,理解并会用以下的单词:textbook,conversation, aloud,pronunciation,sentence,patient 2、我能运用以下句子谈论学习英语的方法。(难点) 1)---How do you study for a test?---I study by working with a group. 2)---Do you have a conversations with friends?---Yes , I do./No, I don’t. 3)---Have you study with a group?---Yes,I have./No,I don’t. 3、我通过了解正确的学习方法我提高学习效率,从而提高我的学习成绩。 Learning Process学习过程 Steap I目标导航,自主学习(课前完成) 读一读,记一记P1-2的单词,默读并理解1c,2c,2d的对话,根据中文写出单词或短语。(一)单词 1.教科书;课本 2. 交谈;谈话 3.大声地;出声地 4.句子 5.有耐心的;病人 (二)短语 1. 与朋友一起学习___________________ 2. 制作单词卡___________________ 3. 向老师求助___________________ 4. 听磁带___________________ 5. 读课本___________________ 6. 向某人要某物___________________ 7. 为考试而准备___________________ 8. 与某人交谈___________________ 9. 大声朗读___________________ 10. 练习(做)某事___________________ 11 .口语表达能力___________________ 12. 英语口语___________________ 13. 太......而不能___________________ 14. 完成做某事___________________ 15.不得不做___________________ 16. 作报告___________________ 17. 抓住主要意思___________________ 18. 逐字___________________ 19. 词组___________________ 20. 对某人有耐心___________________ StepⅡ合作探究,展示提升(20分钟) Task 1、短语过关:对子就关于英语学习方法的短语中英互译 Task 2、听力过关:按课本完成1b,2a,2b的听力。 Task 3、编写对话:你可以借鉴1c,2c聊聊英语的学习方法 Task 4、朗读2d,画出对话中提到的学习方法,并回答下列问题。 1. How does Jack? Why? __________________________________________________ 2. What suggestions does Annie give to Jack?___________________________________ Task 5: 质疑互究: 1.by的几种用法 (1)--How do you study for a test? --By ____________________(小组合作学习) (2). Annie went to Beijing __________________ (乘火车) yesterday. (3). His grandfather made a living _____________________ (靠卖水果) in the past. (4). The scientists have to arrive at the village _____________________ (八月以前). (5). Allen goes ________________________(经过邮局) on his way to school every morning.


2013-2014八上英语Unit8.How do you make a banana milk shake?导学案 第2课时Section A(2d-3c) 【学习目标】 一、单词及短语目标: 1. make Russian soup 做罗宋汤make beef noodles做牛肉面make---made—making---makes 2. potato---potatoes土豆,马铃薯tomato---tomatoes西红柿 3. an/ one onion一个洋葱 ★☆★4.(Don’t)forget to do sth. (别)忘记做某事(指事情还没做) forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了)forget---forgot ---forgetting---forgets 5.add增加,添加add…to…把…加到…中add过去式:added 6.不可数名词:盐salt;糖sugar;奶酪cheese;爆米花popcorn;玉米,谷物corn;面包bread 7. plant a tree植树8.wash clothes洗衣服9.take out a book from the library从图书馆借书 10. dig a hole挖个洞 二、Key sentences(重点句子): 1、How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样做奶昔? 2、I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.我想为周六的聚会做罗宋汤。 3、Finally, don’t forget to add some salt.最后,不要忘了加些盐。 4. Put the corn into the popcorn machine. 把玉米放进爆米花机中。 5、Do you know how to plant a tree? 你知道怎样植树吗? 【学习重难点】1.掌握并会用how many和how much。2.会表述罗宋汤、爆米花等的制作过程。【学习过程】一、预习并完成下列单词、短语及句子: 1.v.添加___________ 2.adv.最后,最终____________(adj.最后的___________) 3.盐________ 4.糖__________ 5.干酪,奶酪___________ 6.爆米花_____________ 7.玉米,谷物__________ 8.机器___________ 9.掘(地),挖(土) _________ (过去式___________)10.洞,坑__________ 11. I _______ ______ _______ Russian soup for a party on Saturday.我想为周六的聚会做罗宋汤。 12. _________ _________ ___________ do we need? 我们需要多少西红柿? 13. ---__________________ corn do we need? 我们需要多少玉米? --- _______________________ corn.半杯玉米。 二、导入新课。三、听2d对话,完成下列练习: 1. The party is on _______________. 2. How many potatoes does the girl need to make Russian soup? ____________ A. one B. three C. four D. five 3.How many onions does the girl need to make Russian soup? ____________ A. one B. three C. four D. five 4. The girl needs five _______________. 5. How long does the girl need to cook the ingredients(材料) to make Russian soup? _________ A. 30 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 40 minutes D. half an hour 四、小组合作学习2d对话。五、学习Grammar Focus,讨论本单元Section A 的重点内容。 六、完成3a,3b;小组讨论爆米花的制作过程。 A: First, put half a cup of corn into the popcorn machine. B: Next, turn on the machine. B: Finally, eat the popcorn. 七、小结并完成巩固练习。 【巩固练习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1、How many (tomato) are there on the table? 2、Don’t(忘记倒入) the milk into the blender. 3、After a long walk, they got there (final). 4、Do you know how (make) a banana milk shake? 5、Every day I drink two (两杯酸奶). 二、单项选择 ()1、You can some sugar the water. A. add; / B. add; with C. add; to D. add up; to ()2、Please put one spoon of salt into the water, then . A. mix up it B. mix it up C. mix them up D. mix up them ()3、(2013.湖州中考)---Do you know how to popcorn?---Sorry, I don’t know. A. buy B. write C. pour D. make ()4、(2013.菏泽中考)--- is the banana milk shake?---Four yuan a bottle. A. How many B. How much C. What D. How heavy ()5、After I peel the banana, what should I do ? A. first B. next C. till D. finally 三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 1、Please help me the pears. Let’s make fruit salad. 2、I want to some sugar the coffee. 3、She the meat and the vegetables, and then made dumplings 4、Don’t the radio. Your brother is doing homework. 5、What about _________________ the windows? It’s too hot here. snacks(零食) your school bag.


七年级英语上册Starter Unit 1 Good morning 导学1、2 1a—2e 设计:贺静审核:课型:新授课使用时间:第1 周班级:姓名: 【学习目标】 1. 学会运用重点句型:“Good morning/ afternoon/ evening”及”Hello/ Hi”,培养学生口语交际能力。 2. 学会字母A—H的大小写写法及缩写词的含义。 【学习过程】 一、学(预习指导) (一)预习p s1—s2 1. 要记住:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 这8 个字母的正确读音、顺序和大小写形式,要会正确地书写; 2.单词:good 好的,morning 上午,早上,hi 喂,hello 你好,喂,afternoon 下午,evening 晚上 3. 会正确地向他人问候并能正确地书写: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening(早上好,下午好,晚上好) 4.Good night ! 晚安!再见! 知识点拨:Good night !并不是问候语,而是晚上分别时或就寝时的道别用语,它的含义是“晚安”“再见”! 5.用Hello. Hi 向别人打招呼 6. 要认识这些人名,分清姓别:Alice ,Bob, Cindy, Dale. Eric. Frank. Grace, Helen 7. 标出上面人名的第一个字,看一看有什么规律和特征? (二)预习检测: 1. 请在下面的四线格中写出字母Aa到Hh的大小写形式。 2、选择填空。 1)A:Good morning. B:____________ 。 A. Fine. B. Thank you. C. Good morning. 2).A:Good evening, ____________. B:Good evening. A. Dale B. to Dale C. dale 3). A:____________________ B:Good afternoon, Cindy. A. Good afternoon, Cindy. B. Good afternoon, Eric. C. How are you? 4). A:_________________ B:I’m fine. A. Good morning. B. I’m fine. C. How are you? 二、展,点


Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 年级:7 年级学科:英语第1 课时课题:Unit 1 Good morning! 课型:听说课学习内容:1a-2e 【学习目标】: 1. 识别和掌握八个人名。 2. 学会早上见面打招呼的用语。 3. 正确认读Aa-Hh 八个字母。 4. 培养正确的交际观念。 【学习重难点】: 1. Hello! Good morning! 2. Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 3. A--H 八个字母的学习,能认读,会书写。学习过程 一、自主预习 1. 观看课本插图,听一听,读一读课本1a。 2. 小组练习打招呼,教师巡回指导。 A: Hello, Frank! B: Hello, Alice! A: Good morning, Frank!(早上好,Frank) B: Good morning, Alice!(早上好,Alice) 3. 学习字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 的正确发音。 4. 正确书写字母。 二、合作探究 1. 小组训练早上见面打招呼。 2. 小组表演比赛。 3. 熟悉人名Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 4. 查词典为自己找一个喜欢的英语名字。 5. 完成句子。

——_______________ (早上好,Helen !) ——_______________ (Bob,早上好!) 6. 和同伴练习教材PS1上1a图片中的对话,并运用学过的表示打招呼的句型和同伴练习对话。 A:Good morning... B:Good morning... A:Hi... B:Hi... A:Hello... B:Hello... 展示提炼拓展延伸 1. 写出下列字母的相应大小写字母。 A _______ b _________ C _________ D _________ E ________ f ________ G _________ h __________ 2. 写出下列字母相邻的字母。 ___ Bb ___ ______ Cc ____ Ee ____ Gg Ff _____ Hh_ 3. _______ _______ (早上好),Mr. Wang! 4. ——Good morning, Mary. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Hello 三、当堂检测 (一)根据所给的字母的音标,写出大、小写字母。 1. ___________ /si:/___ ______ 2./di:/ ______ 3./ef/ ______ 4./bi:/ ________ 5. __________ / ei / ______________ 6./eit / _______ 7./i:/ (二)写出下列大写字母的小写字母。 1) BEE _______ 2)BAG ________


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?学案 Period One (生词课) Learning Goals: 一、语言知识和语言功能: 1. To master the following curriculum words: chess, guitar, club, story, show, drum, violin, people, home, center, weekend, musician, sing, swim, dance, draw, speak, join, tell, write, talk, make, teach, or, also, today 2.To master the following useful expressions: play chess, speak English, be good at, be good with, talk to, play the drums/piano/violin, make friends, help sb. with sth., on the weekend, sports/music/art/chess club, join a club, do kung fu 3. To read the following non-curriculum words: Kung fu, piano 二、学习策略: 1. 依据图片理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases with the help of the pictures.) 2. 在语境中理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases in the context.) 3. 依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases according to the phonetic rules, the structures of the words and phrases.) 三、情感态度: To encourage the students to learn more abilities and skills to enjoy life. 【设计意图】法国的哈伯特说对于一只盲目航行的船来说,所有的风都是逆风。对于盲目教学的教师和盲目学习的学生来说,再多的努力都将是事倍功半!因此,无论教师还是学生对每节课不同层次的教学目标充分了解,上课时才更有目标性和高效性。 Teaching and learning steps: Step 1 Warming-up (talk about hobbies and abilities) Get the students to watch a video about Michael Phelps(菲尔普斯) T: Do you like…? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. T: Can you …? Ss: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. Ss ask and answer each other.

新人教版七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 1-2》导学案.doc

课 题 课型预习展示 学习目标1.会认读英文人名。 2.会说会写会运用关于问候他人的句型:A: Good afternoon ,Cindy! B: Good afternoon ,Dale ! 学习过程 Step 1.自主学习 自主认真完成任务一至任务五,然后进行对学群学。 任务一:正确写英文字母Aa-Hh。(并归纳含有相同发音的字母)———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Aa _______ Ee _____ ______ ______ _______ 任务二:读一读下列人名然后根据人名的首字母进行人名排序。 Bob Grace Helen Alice Cindy Eric Frank Dale ——————————————————————————————————————— 任务三:会读会写会认人的名字 1海伦________2 艾丽斯_______ 3 辛蒂______4 格雷斯_____________ 5 戴尔_________ 6埃里克________7 弗兰克_______8鲍勃_______ 任务四:会说会写会运用下列单词或句子。 1.下午________ 2.下午好!_________________ 3.晚上_________4.晚上好!_________________ _ 任务五:大声朗读下列对话,并编写出自己的对话 1. A: Good afternoon ,Cindy! 1.A:______________________________ B: Good afternoon ,Helen!B:________________________________ 2. A: Good even ing, Alice! 2.A:________________________________ B: Good evening, Dale ! B:_____________________________ Step2.合作学习 首先对子组合作学习,互练互查互考,然后组内小展示,不仅要展示答案,还要说明原因,展示者声音适度,听展者做好质疑,补充。 Step3.展示。 各小组抽任务条,小组长根据任务条组织组员准备班内大展示。 要求:快,静,齐。展示的学生声音要洪亮,语句流畅,全员参与,倾听组认真倾听,思考,补

高一英语导学案Unit 1第一课时Our First English Class

高一英语导学案 Unit 1第一课时Our First English Class 【Learning aims】 1.To make students and the teacher get familiar with each other. 2.To arose student s’ intereset and enthusiasm in learning English. 3.To give students some suggestions and instructions about English study. 预习案 Task 1.Prepare a self-introduction including the following inforumation: What is your name?(Chinese and English.) How old are you? Where are you from? What is your hobby ? Do you like our new school?Why? What’s your dream?................. Task 2.Write down your report. 探究案 Group discussion: 1.How is your English?Very good ,poor or just so-so? 2.Do you like English?Why? Whether you like it or not, you cannot ignore the fact that English is so important.Why do you think it is important? 第1页共 2 页


Starter Module 1 Unit 1 Good morni ng ,Miss Zhou 一、学习目标 1. 学会一个小对话: ---Hello,My name ' s Miss Zhou. ---Good mornin g,Miss Zhou. 2. 学会/ al / ?:/ / ?/ /i:/ /u:/ /b/ /p/ /m/ /f/ /v/ 3. 会拼读下列音节 /b a/ / k a/ /d a k / / g a d / / h a d/ / k a d / /g?as/ /d ?/ /m ?/ /f ?:/ /f ?:/ /b ?:d/ /n ?s/ /h ?/ /t ?n/ /g ?:l/ /hu:/ /mu:v/ /fu:d/ / bi :/ /pi:/ /si:/ /di:/ /ti:/ /vi:/ 二、重点和难点:音标的发音和音节的拼读 三、学习过程 1. 复习日常用语:①--Good morning. ---Good morning. ②---Good after noo n. ---Good after noon. ③---Goodbye,class. ---Goodbye,Miss Zhou. 2. 学习---Hello, my name ' s Miss Zhou. ---He llo, my name ' s Lingling. 小组习练巩固所学对话,学科长汇报小组情况。叫小组向全班表演。大家评出优胜小组给以 加分 3. 学习:/ a/ / ?/ / ?:/ /i:/ /u:/ /b/ /p/ /m/ /f/ /v/ 4. 小组练习巩固所学音标。 5. 小组拼读下列音节,相互更正。 ?:d/ /b a/ / k a/ /d a k / / g a d / / h a d/ / k a d / /d ?/ /m ?:/ /f ?/ /b /mu:v/ /fu:d/ / bi :/ /pi:/ /di:/ /vi:/ 6. 反馈检测:检测音节的认读。 四、反思: 1

Starter Unit1-3导学案

Starter Lesson1 -3 姓名:班级:教学目标: Lesson1 1.掌握问候、介绍和告别的英语表达方式。 2.学会运用人称代词提问和回答。 3.学会用适当的形容词描述他人。 4.学会写简单描述同学的小短文。 Lesson2 1.能够就家庭成员的职业和年龄进行熟练问答。 2.掌握100以内基数词的表示方法。 3.学会写简单描述家庭成员的小短文。 Lesson3 1.学会一些课堂指示语。 2.数练掌握there be句型。 3.能够运用基数词描述学校。 4.学会写简单介绍学校的小短文。 综合练习: 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.早晨见到王先生,你向他问好,你应该说:“” A. Mr. Wang, good morning! B. Wang Mrs. , good morning! C. Good morning, Wang Mr.! D. Good morning, Mr. Wang! ( )2.---What your name? ---I’m Millie. A. is B. am C. be D. are ( )3.---How are you? --- . A. How are you? B. Yes,I am. C. I’m fine, thank you. D. Thank you. ( ) 4.---Jill, this is Mr. Wu. --- . A. This is Mr. Wu. B. Are you Mr. Wu? C. Hello, Mr. Wu. Nice to meet you. D. What’s your name? ( ) 5. --- is she? ---She is my sister. A. Where B. Who C. What D. How ( ) 6. ---What’s that woman? --- A. She is thirty. B. She is my mother. C. She is a nurse. D. Her name is Maria.


荥阳市第四初级中学科目:七年级英语上册编号:11 Unit1 My name’s Gina. 第一课时Section A 1a----2c 编写人:陈莹组长: 张红丽审核组长: 温馨寄语:Faith will move a mountain.信心可移山。 【学习目标】 1.通过读背,会背会默写单词表P1-2单词name, nice, to, meet, too, your, Ms, his, and, her , yes, she, he, no, not. 2.通过小组合作的方式,会运用以下句型进行对话: Hi! Hello! Nice to meet you! What’s your name? My name’s Jenny. /I’m Jenny. What’s his name? His name’s Tony. /He’s Tony. What’s her name? Her name’s Gina. /She’s Gina. 3.通过教师讲解、习题练习的方式,会正确使用形容词性物主代词her(她 的)、his(他的)、your(你的/你们的)进行语言表达。 4.通过教师讲解、习题练习的方式,会正确的使用系动词be(am 、is 、are) 进行语言表达。 【学习重点】 1.会默写单词表P1-2单词。 2.会运用以下句型:Hi! Hello! Nice to meet you! What’s your name? My name’s Jenny. /I’m Jenny. What’s his name? His name’s Tony. /He’s Tony. What’s her name? Her name’s Gina. /She’s Gina.进行对话练习。 【学习难点】 1.正确使用her(她的)、his(他的)、your(你的/你们的) 2.正确的使用系动词be(am 、is 、are) 【学法指导】 自主学习与合作探究相结合。 【学习过程】 一、复习: 1. 复习提问预备单元所学的重点单词和对话。 2. 错题回放: (1)This is (a/an) UFO. (2)--- What color is the orange? --- A. It’s a yellow. B. It’s the yellow. C. Its yellow. D. It’s yellow. (3)Look! This is orange. It’s orange. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. an;/ (4)下列三组字母中含有不同元音音素的一组是。 A. B和C B. F和N C. I和J (5)Lin Shuhao is NBA star. A. / B. a C. an 二、单词用法: 1. name /ne I m/ n. 名字;名称

新目标七年级上册StarterUnit1 3 Unit1导学案及答案

新目标七年级上册 StarterUnit1-3---Unit1导学案及答案 课题:StarterUnit1Goodorning 【学习目标】 学习并掌握下列字母:AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 主要句型和交际用语: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I'fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I'o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 课前预习 【预习目标】:StarterUnit1 【预习重点】: 试读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 理解下列短语及句子的意义及用法:

Goodorning!Hello!Hoareyou? 【课堂互动】 朗读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh .朗读下列对话: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I'fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I'o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 仿照对话,进行对话练习。 【课后反馈练习】 一.写出下列字母相应的大小写. ADEGHB cbfdaf 二.写出下列字母相邻的字母. dBEf ceGb

Unit1 teenage life第一课时 词汇语音导学案

Unit 1 Teenage life 第一课时 词汇导学案 Step 1 Study the usage of the words 1. teenage adj. ________ teenager n. ___________ 2. volunteer n._______&v. ________voluntary adj. _________ work/act a volunteer_________; volunteer to do sth./volunteer for sth.____________ 3. debate n.&v. a heated debate ____________; under debate___________; debate sth. with sb. ___________ debate on/about sth. ______________ 4. prefer vt. prefer A to B ____________;prefer doing…..(to doing); ____________prefer to do rather than do___________; prefer to do sth. ____________ 5. content adj. &n. &vt. feel/be content with ___________; be content to do sth.___________; with content______________ 6. movement n. move v. _____ 7. clean up _________ 8. suit n./v. suitable adj. _________be suitable for ______________; be suitable to do sth. ___________ 9. actually adv. in fact; as a matter of fact 10. challenge n. &vt. challenging adj. _______ face a challenge_______; challenge sb. to (do) sth.________ 11. confuse vt. confused adj. ______confusing adj. _____ confusion n. ______ be/become confused about ______________; confuse A with B______________ 12. fluent adj. fluency n.______fluently adv.________ 13. graduate v. &n. graduate n. _______graduation n.________; graduate from________ 14. recommend vt. recommend…to sb. ____________; recommend doing______________; recommend sb to do sth. _______________; recommend that sb. (should) do sth.___________ 15. sign up (for sth.)__________________ 16. advance n. &v. advanced adj.________; in advance_____________ 17. extra adj. _____________ 18. obviously adv. obvious adj. _________; It is obvious that __________________ 19. quit v. (quit, quit) quit school_______ quit doing sth._____________ 20. responsible adj. responsibility n. ___________; a sense of responsibility _____________be responsible for______________ 21. solution n. solve v. _____; a solution to the question_______ 22. schedule n. &v. on schedule_______________ 23. editor n. edit v. _________ 24. adventure n. adventurous adj. ___________ 25. expert n. &adj. an expert in/on/at ____________ 26. behaviour n. behave vt.____ behave oneself_____ 27. attract v. attraction n. _____attractive adj. _____ be attracted to _______ 28. focus on ___ focus one’s attention on___________ 29. addicted adj.________ addict n. _________a TV addict _________be addicted to _________ Step 2. Do some exercises. 1. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1). It may take a long time to find a _______ (solve) to the problem. 2). What she said was so ________ (confuse) that they could hardly understand it. 3). Having shown you around our school,we will introduce our most ____ (advance) science lab to you. 4). ________ (obvious),the students are not interested in the subject. 5). He quit _________ (study) to take a walk. 6). In the coming three years,our school life will be ___________ (challenge). 7). Let’s take the _________ (responsible) to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. 8). We are addicted to ________(buy) new things. 9). I recommend her ____________ (think) very carefully before she does anything foolish. 10). The beautiful beaches are the island’s main_______(attract). 2. 阅读理解。 A Going to a new school can feel like starting all over again. You may feel like sad or angry
