康德美学思想 英文

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Kant's Aesthetics The Judgment of the Beautiful II & III
– Second and third, such judgments are both universal and necessary. • We may say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but that‟s not how we act. • There is no objective property of a thing that makes it beautiful. – For Kant necessity and universality are a product of features of the human mind – what he calls “common sense”
Kant's Aesthetics The Judgment of the Beautiful I
The Critique of Judgment begins with an account of beauty. Kant argues that such aesthetic judgments (or 'judgments of taste') must have four key distinguishing features. – First, they are disinterested – we take pleasure in something because we judge it beautiful rather than the other way around. • If we judge something pleasurable because it is beautiful, it is more like the judgment of what is agreeable.
The distinction between determinate and reflective judgments II
Kant’s conundrum:
How could a judgment take place without a prior concept?
That is: – How are new concepts formed? – And are there judgments that neither begin nor end with determinate concepts?
The distinction between determinate and reflective judgments I
In the determinate judgment, the concept is sufficient to “determine” the particular – The concept contains sufficient information for the identification of any particular instance of it. The reflective judgment is a more difficult philosophical issue because – The judgment has to proceed without a concept, sometimes in order to form a new concept.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Theory of Aesthetics
• Kant is an 18th century German philosopher whose work initiated dramatic changes in philosophy. • As an “Enlightenment” thinker, he holds our mental faculty of reason in high esteem. – He believes that it is our reason that invests the world we experience with structure. – He believes that it is the “faculty of judgment” that enables us to have experience of beauty and grasp those experiences as part of an ordered, natural world thetics The Judgment of the Beautiful IV
– Fourth, through aesthetic judgments, beautiful objects appear to be 'purposive without purpose‘ • An object‟s purpose is the concept according to which it was made • Beautiful objects should affect us as though they have a purpose, although no particular purpose can be found.
The Central Problems of “The Critique of Judgment”
• Kant defines “judgment” as the “subsumption” of a particular under a universal.
– The faculty of understanding is that which supplies concepts (universals), and reason is that which draws inferences (constructs syllogisms, for example), – Then judgment 'mediates' between the understanding and reason by allowing individual acts of subsumption to occur.