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1 剪切带与金矿化的关系
早在1977年Sibson研究英国Outer Hebride逆断层的特点后,就提出了一个大型断层双层流变学模式。
2 含金剪切带的演化阶段
2.1 早期阶段
Colvine(1989) 和Foster(1989)认为该阶段主要发生于角闪岩相的变质作用条件下的,蚀变呈弥散性,通常不形成具有经济意义的矿床。
2.2 中期阶段
2.3 晚期阶段
3 剪切带型的金矿床的成矿模式
Advances in ductile shear zones and their gold mineralization significance
Ductile shear zones play an important role in gold mineralization since they are favorable sites for generating and transferring of gold—bearing hydrothermal fluids.This paper summarizes the relationships between ductile shear zones and gold mineralization.Different movement stages of shear zones and gold en—richment mechanism,alteration characteristics and the metallogenic model are also discussed in this paper.
Key words:gold—bearing shear zone;gold deposit;research advance
1. shear zone and the relationship between gold mineralization
Many veins of gold deposits in the world, and more relevant with the large linear fault zone, which is mainly fault or shear zone with strong schistosity, is the increase in channels and hydrothermal gold enrichment sites. As an extension of ductile shear zones often have a far deeper, long-term activities, features, and magmatic activity and hydrothermal activity is relatively strong in the area of mineralization is very favorable. Scholars attach great importance to relations between shear zones and mineralization study, which is particularly in-depth study of gold (Col-vine, 1989; Foster, 1989; Wu Meide, 1989; He Shaoxun, 1996). Not only shear-rich SiO: strong rock crushing and mylonitic, while the formation of porous and quartz-like crystal sugar hole, but also so as to generate new minerals, mineral re-adjust and make the metal dispersion element activation, migration, mineralization in favorable locations. Shear zone structure is not only the ore-controlling factors, but also important metallogenic mechanism (Wu Meide, etc., 1989). Gold-bearing shear zone type gold deposits are a class of both the number of vein-type deposits, including some disseminated type deposit, the shear mechanism and controlling factors for the mineralization of the gold deposit.
Ramsay in 1980, formally and systematically elaborated later ductile shear zone, many scholars at home and abroad have been the formation mechanism of the ductile shear zone were complementary studies (eg Lister et al, 1984). Ramsay (1980) proposed can be divided into brittle shear zone, a ductile and brittle-ductile shear zone three categories. As early as 1977, the British Outer Hebride Sibson study the characteristics of thrust fault, you made a large double fault rheology model. On the structural level is located in the upper crust, generated by the friction mechanism of random fabric fault rocks formed. The following is a deep structural level shear zone, generated by the plastic mechanism with line management and the composition of foliation fabric composed of mylonite. And the transition phase between the two, the temperature is 250 ~ 350 ℃, the main ductile deformation, equivalent to greenschist facies. After, Mattauer (1980), Scholz (1988) and Zhu Zhicheng (1988) on the basis of the model was supplemented and improved.
Ductile shear zone during deformation, resulting in a large number of macro and micro structure, provides space for the gold solution and the channel. Since strain hardening and the rise in the crust as mountain building and other reasons to bring in the superposition of the brittle
ductile, brittle-ductile deformation, such as superimposed on the Riedel shear belt fault system. These systems are very good host structures. Many vein gold to produce in such Fracture. Shear zone while driving into the migration and concentration of minerals (Colvine, 1989; Foster, 1989; Yue Shi et al, 1990).
Fluid present in different types and nature of the shear zone. Components to COz-H. O based. In the ductile shear zone, metamorphic fluids, in particular, is the driving force softening plays the role of metamorphic fluids, often formed in high-temperature hydrothermal alteration. In the brittle shear zone, the system is an open system, water-rock interaction is very obvious, strong material exchange, often formed in low temperature hydrothermal alteration. The result of the fluid, often with the formation of metasomatic alteration, water breccia zone, hydrothermal zone, micro-fracture zone and the mineralized zone.
Fluid shear zones tend to carry a large number of forming materials, and to become ore-forming fluids. Source of ore-forming fluid has a complex, are: the intrusion of magma crystallization released during decomposition or fluid, metamorphic dehydration process produces volatile fluid removal, compaction or tectonic compression resulting contraction of the fluid, air or water under rainfall Produced by infiltration of fluid circulation, the role of the mantle resulting exhaust metasomatism produced fluid and the fluid.
2 .gold-bearing shear zone evolution
Bonnemaison et al (1990) in studying French Hercynian gold-bearing shear zones of the basement made the three evolutionary stages. Their work shows that deposits of economic importance have occurred in the shear zone complex multi-stage evolutionary related. Each stage has its own characteristics and unique minerals from the rich gold.
2.1 The early stages
Where are the role of shear deformation, in particular the role of ductile-brittle deformation half transformation of the rock, and rock permeability greater than. They play on the fluid channels. The role of deformation and hydrothermal rocks the joint resulted in the mineral composition and geochemical composition changed significantly. At this stage, gold-bearing shear zones are well developed chlorite and silicification. The intensity of silicification with the strength and
deformation of the number of repetitions increases. While chlorite, biotite separate TiO:, forming a stone or rutile titanium white. How many of these mineral content reflects the intensity of hydrothermal stage. While in the hydrothermal alteration, associated with gold in the schistosity surface crystallization of pyrrhotite, the gold content is usually not high. Logo is a gold-bearing pyrite minerals in the mylonitic rocks in small numbers. Colvine (1989) and Foster (1989) that the phase occurs mainly in amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions, the alteration was disseminated, usually do not form deposits of economic importance.
In some areas, the evolution from ductile deformation to brittle-ductile transition period, that is, the phase transition from amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions, when relatively strong hydrothermal alteration to make the early gold-bearing shear zone mature stage. Well developed at this time silicification. And formed the core of ore-bearing structures, gold-bearing pyrite and marcasite into pyrite, and the core structure for the ore to bring a certain number of Fe, Cu, Zn, Sb and other elements, especially elements As. Authors believe that, As elements of the degree of development is usually related with the basement rocks, such as land in China in the gold-bearing shear zone bear gold deposits within the very development of gold deposits contain arsenopyrite and arsenic in copper and other sulfur.
2.2 medium term
Mid-stage gold-bearing shear zones and shear zone or the edge of the pulse-like structure appears as the symbol. Indeed, since early stage, the shear leads to shear band produced a number of local spread or expansion construction, which makes the number of sulfide quartz veins with different filling in it. Priority of these quartz veins developed in the silica-rich granite, gneiss and other acid volcanic rocks in sedimentary rocks.
The formation of shear bands by making the flow of hydrothermal ore-rock side of the secretion of the phenomenon occurred. The tension structure normally does not contain ore. When these structures within the shear zone occurs when the clock up to the walls of these structures to see the early stages of mineralization occurred a slight activation. These can be re-activated or new crystalline quartz to generate small particles of gold sulfide, and if such activation is not wide, do not form economically significant mineralization. If the gold-bearing shear zone, new activities continue to occur, filling in Zhang's filling of the fault zone was broken again and give priority to mineralization, is the gold-bearing shear zone marks the maturity of the medium term. Gold from
gold-bearing shear zones of early sulfide (gold-bearing pyrrhotite or arsenopyrite) instability and the emergence of natural gold hydrothermal fluid transfer to the expansion of the formation of structure. This is an important time to form gold.
And mid-stage gold-bearing shear zone associated sulfide paragenesis, than the early stages of complex. Gold-bearing shear zones in the mature period, also entered the Sn, W, Bi, Mo and other elements of the new phase. Maturity of the gold grade of gold is relatively high. In the sulfide, the gold did not show up with a specific priority associated minerals have any relationship in which it can be accompanied by a number of mineral raw. The medium term the early stages of mineralization can overwrite all of mineralization, is relatively difficult to distinguish between the two. Only from the original into pyrrhotite and pyrite marcasite leaf-shaped and when the fibrous structure can also prove that previously existed pyrrhotite.
2.3 Late Stage
Structure in the stretch mechanism, the gold-bearing shear zone developed a series of tensile structures, such as tensile cracks, stockwork and so on, which led to a new mineral phase produced significant changes. Mineral crystals will form a large number of small holes in these small crystal cave, Sha Tang-like quartz crystals as fine particles from re-shaped quartz. At this time the particles of gold were produced in millimeters between the quartz or quartz crystal cave. Sulfide minerals are stibnite lead with silver, silver, tetrahedrite, silver lead and antimony crisp flow of galena, a silver and a large gold mine. This stage is characterized by increased silver content. Although this stage can be taken to the special gold-rich ore samples, but the mineralization of economic significance is limited.
Bonnemaison et al (1990) On this basis, the gold-bearing shear zone is divided into early, middle and late three types. Which have economic significance of the main shear zone type gold deposits in the late stages of the shear zone is closely related. Early stage in the late stage of the further activation of the initial concentration of gold transferred to the favorable space sedimentary mineralization. Shear zone in the late formation temperature, and the deformation behavior is a result of expansion with the formation of gold deposits in a favorable stage. By early and middle stage is marked by pyrrhotite, pyrite, marcasite replacement (high to low conversion), sugar, granular quartz occur, and veins and stockwork-like structure growth (ductile to brittle toughness conversion) and so on. In the usual sense of the late shear zone is equivalent to the brittle-ductile
Ductile shear zone and on the genetic relationship between gold mineralization and type, and some scholars in the study of Shandong Peninsula and gold, he had made and broken quartz vein type of altered rock, respectively, exquisite gold and gold for the Jiaojia representative. The former, the latter construction of the next level of relationship (Yaofeng Liang et al, 1990). He Shaoxun et al (1996), ductile shear zone in the study of the relationship with the gold is divided into ductile shear zone type gold deposits and altered fracture zone-type gold deposit. Ductile shear zone type gold deposit is formed by the ductile shearing of the deposits, the deposit is strictly controlled by the ductile shear zone, and ductile shear belt has the space and time are genetically gold deposits, such as Guangdong Hetai deposits (paragraph Jiarui et al, 1992; Liu, 2006). Altered fracture zone type gold is produced in the ductile shear zone system, the latter formed by hydrothermal alteration mineralization of gold deposits. The deposit is only space between the shear zone only, there is no time and cause of the contact.
3. shear zone type gold mineralization model
Because of such deposits by the shear zone, appears in different parts of different structural fabric characteristics of the ore. Colvine (1989) and Foster (1989), respectively, and the Canadian province of Subilier gold mine in Zimbabwe, the old metamorphic rock produced in the shear zone gold deposits are described, and the establishment of a shear zone gold deposit model. Subilier gold produced in the province of gold deposits and large-scale strike-slip shear zone in the dump. Formed in the late Archean. Cut sheets of gold to construct located. Surrounding alluvial fluvial sedimentary rocks of a long quality alkaline intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks. Metamorphic phase and not the different deformation conditions, the gold veins to the group from a single clock pulse output is not. Metamorphic rock alteration in different with different characteristics, reflecting the mineral composition is relatively stable, the metamorphism is not superimposed. Time to reflect the late Archean shear zones and regional metamorphism simultaneous.
Through the rock to determine the level of metamorphism of the depth of mineralization. In amphibolite facies metamorphism, the pyrrhotite sulphide alteration is typical of the lack of gypsum, or rarely, to the main ductile deformation. Ore fabric lobular. Mineralized felsic rocks
relative to earlier. In greenschist facies, the rock brittle and ductile deformation is characterized by mineralized veins and small veins is characterized by mineral composed mainly of pyrite and gypsum. Shallow parts of the deformation to brittle deformation in the ore is brecciated fabric or stockwork. Altered the basic symmetrical distribution. Silicified structural zone are mainly located in the carbonate rock of the more common near the ore body, there are sulphide mineralization and potassic. The width of alteration zones up to 2km. Alteration types, depending on temperature and pressure of surrounding rock features and rock conditions. Silica-rich rocks, K is very common; mafic rocks in carbonate and pyrite is more common. For the same kind of hydrothermal silicate alteration.
Gold> 400 ℃ or 450 ℃, dissolved in hydrothermal sediment generally occurs in the cooling, vacuum, or in the expansion zone, less than 300 ~ 450 ℃ when the precipitation, forming together. In general, low greenschist facies environment, the performance of the mineralized veins and breccia ore. In the context of high greenschist facies to the main ductile deformation and mineralization in the main vein. Low in the amphibolite facies to the main ductile deformation, there are foliated, stripe-like mineralization and a small amount of micro-vein mineralization. In the greenschist facies and amphibolite facies boundary, mainly in mineralized veins, irregular pulse, the main mineralized shear foliation. Shear deformation by the surrounding nature, strain rate and rock pressure. Surrounding the nature of the different mineralized structures are also different. In the competent layer, with expansion to occur (proneHealth and brittle), the main characteristics of the ore vein. When the fluid pressure is greater than surrounding rock, the rock prone to brittle deformation, while the emergence of vein ore. The vein of ore fluid pressure due to the formation of the result of repeated fractures. Wall rock alteration near the fault zone generally occurs with the range of tens of centimeters.。