Overview of Artificial Intelligence人工智能概述

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1956年在达特茅斯学院举办的“达特茅斯夏季人工智能研究计划”会议,是AI得到名称,明确使 命,获得第一批参与者的时刻,因此被广泛认为是AI的诞生。
Part 1
2.1 The Birth of AI
John McCarthy (September 4, 1927 – October 24, 2011) was an American computer scientist, He received the 1971 Turing Award for his contributions to the topic of AI. Actually, McCarthy was one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence. Actually, he is the man who created the definition of A.I. 约翰· 麦卡锡,生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,计算机科学家,曾任教于斯 坦福大学。他因在人工智能领域的贡献而在1971年获得图灵奖。实际上 ,正是他在1956年的达特矛斯会议上提出了“人工智能”这个概念。 Marvin Lee Minsky (August 9, 1927 – January 24, 2016) was an American cognitive scientist concerned largely with research of artificial intelligence (AI), co-founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AI laboratory, and author of several texts concerning AI and philosophy. 马文· 李· 明斯基(英语:Marvin Lee Minsky,1927年8月9日-2016年1 月24日),生于美国纽约州纽约市,美国科学家,专长于认知科学与人 工智能领域,是麻省理工大学人工智能实验室的创始人,著有几部人工 智能和哲学方面的作品。1969年,因为在人工智能领域的贡献,获得图 灵奖。 Marvin Minsky 马文· 明斯基
Herbert Simon 赫伯特· 西蒙(司马贺)
Turing Test
Part 2
3.1 Turing Test
Turing Test was proposed by Alan Turing(1950) in his paper ‘Computer Machinery and Intelligence’ .

机器学习是实现人工智能的一种统计学方法,计算机利用已有数 据得出某种模型,再利用此模型预测结果。是人工智能的子集。
Deep Learning : A Subset of M.L.
深层次神经网络,源于对生物脑神经元结构的研究。是机器学习 的子集。
Part 1
1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)
What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)
Part 1
1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence(AI) 动画 抢眼 普适 性强 图形 实用

Part 1
1.2 A.I. Vs M.L. Vs D.L. 动画 抢眼 普适 性强 图形 实用 Machine Learning : A Subset of A.I.
Overview of Artificial Intelligence
Allen Chang
1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence(AI) 1.2 The Birth of AI 1.3 Turing Test 1.4 Visual Turing Test 1.5 Chinese Room 1.6 Discussion
1956, the conference of ‘Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence’ on Dartmouth College was the moment AI gained its name, missions, and players, and is widely considered the birth of AI.
视觉图灵测试是由唐纳德· 杰曼于2014年提出的
An operator-assisted device that produced a stochastic sequence of binary questions from a given test image.
In November 2015, <Science> reported that a machines is able to write characters of the same style based on a character they had never seen before. It means the machine is capable of creation.
如果一个人类的提问官,在提出一些书面问题之后,无法分辨这些书面回答究竟是来自人 还是计算机,则认为计算机通过了该测试,那么这台计算机是有智能的。
Player C, through a series of written questions, attempts to determine which of the other two players is a man, and which of the two is the woman.
Part 2
3.1 Turing Test
Turing’s prediction: by the year 2000, machines would be capable of fooling 30% human judges after 5 minutes of questioning.
However, it was not until June 2014 that the chat app designed by University of Reading successfully impersonated a 13-year-old boy and passed the Turing test.
图灵测试是有艾伦· 图灵在1950年发表的论文“计算机器与智能”中提出的。
It is designed to provide a satisfactory operational definition of intelligence
Alan Turing 艾伦· 图灵 English mathematician, logician, computer scientist and cryptanalyst. 英国数学家,逻辑学家 ,计算机科学家和密码 学家
John McCarthy 约翰· 麦卡锡
Part 1
2.1 The Birth of AI
Allen Newell (March 19, 1927 – July 19, 1992) was a researcher in computer science at Carnegie-Mellon University. He is one of the inventor of Information Processing Language(LPL). He was awarded the Turing Award in 1975. 艾伦· 纽厄尔(Allen Newell,1927年3月19日-1992年7月19日)是 卡内基梅隆大学的计算机学院教授。他是信息处理语言(IPL)发明 者之一,并写了该语言最早的两个AI程序。1975年被授予图灵奖。 Allen Newell 艾伦· 纽厄尔 Herbert Alexander Simon (June 15, 1916 – February 9, 2001) was an American economist, political scientist, psychologists, philosopher and computer scientist. He received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978 and the Turing Award in 1975. 赫尔伯特· 亚历山大· 西蒙(英语:Herbert Alexander Simon,1916年 6月15日-2001年2月9日),汉名为司马贺,美国著名学者,经济学 家,计算机科学家,心理学家,政治学家,管理学家,哲学家。为 1975年图灵奖得主,1978年,获得诺贝尔经济学奖。1993年获美国 心理学会的终身成就奖。 赫伯特· 西蒙是中美建交后第一批访问中国的学者,后多次访华交流讲 学及合作研究。1994年当选为中国科学院外籍院士。
2015年11月,science杂志报道,机器已经可以依据从未见过的文字中的一个字符,写出同样 风格的字符,这说明机器已经具备了创造能力。
Visual Turing Test
Part 3
4.1 Visual Turing Test
It was introduced by Donald Geman in 2014
Consumable Products of Artificial Intelligence
The Birth of AI
Part 1
2.1 The Birth of AI
The Birth of AI
1950, Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test as a measure of machine intelligence.
Part 2
3.1 Turing Test
Other version
The imitation game, Player C, through a series of written questions, attempts to determine which of the other two players is a man, and which of the two is the woman. Player A, the man, tries to trick player C into making the wrong decision, while player B tries to help player C. The original imitation game test, in which the player A is replaced with a computer. The computer is now charged with the role of the man, while player B continues to attempt to assist the interrogator.
Part 2
3.1 Turing Test
A computer passes the test if a human interrogator, after posing some written questions, can not tell whether responses come from a person or a computer.