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phonics 3
ch ph sh th th wh bl br cl cr fl fr gl gr pl pr sc sk sl sm sn sp squ st sw tr tw dr shr str kn wr
ch ph
ch chalk chick chess chin chat teach beach church ditch
sc sk
sc scarf scud sculpt Scot school scar scart
sk skip skirt skid skin sketch skunk skill skate
A Scot is skipping to a skunk.
A woman wearing a scarf is sculpting a skirt.
pl pr
pl pluck plum please plus plim plim plug plue
pr pray press present protect profit print prince
A princess is plucking flowers.
I got a special birthday present. That is a foot print on my birthday card.
sl sm sn
sl sled slip sleep slate slash slow slide
sm smack smell smoke smile smart smurf smith
sn snow snake snail snug snuff snot snack
Mr. Smith smelt flowers in a smack .
ph photo Phil graph physician phone elephant
A cook is cooking some chicken for a boy named Phill.
What do you want to do , play chess or have a chat with my dad?
Sally is eating snacks on a sled.
sp squ
sp span spell spill spot speed spice speek spur spot
squ squid squash squint squat
Sunny spill the big bowl, and see a squid .
sh th
sh shelf shin shut shake shock fish cash dish wish
th thank thin think thumb bath with mouth month sixth
I was shocked by the shadow of a big thumb.
gl gr
gl glass glen glub glove glue glad glin glink
gr green grand grade groom graph greet great
Would you want to drink a glass of grape juice?
My grandmother pointed to a graph, showing me how the plant grows.
My granfather is too old to walk with a whip.
bl br
bl bleb blink blue block blush black blosh blind blend blow
br brother brown bread brim brush bronze brave breed
Cloris is clapping her hands in a crib for some crust.
Look,Crystal is holding a club . Can she play golf?
fl fr
fl flsh fleck flask flush fly flower flow floor flee
A girl is brushing the blocks next to some bread.
A boy is blushing for losting the bread.
cl cr
cl clap clef clip club clock clam clear clasp clue
cr cry crank crib crock crust craft crisp crunch
I squeeze juice from some oranges
st sw
st stop stood stand stem step sting stump stay steak
sw swim swing swig sweet swell swift swop
Steven stands on the steps to touch the switch.
My grandfather stands leaning on a stick next to a swing.
fr fry frank fridge frog frust fresh frost french free
I will have a camp with my friends. Oh, don't forget the flashlight.
There is a shop selling a fridge on the first floor of the building.
Thank you for playing ball with me .
th wh
th this the that mother father these those
wh why whelk whisper what where when which whip
The boy who has whelks on