



( ) 1. How much ____ do you want?

A. money

B. shoes

C. moneys

( ) 2. How many ____ are there on the table?

A. water

B. cup of water

C. bottles of water

( ) 3. I usually have some bread and some ____ pork for breakfast.

A. slices of

B. slice of

C. slices

( ) 4. There ____ three pieces of paper on the table.

A. is

B. have

C. are

( ) 5. There is ____ chicken in the cupboard. Go and buy some.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

()6.Tony could help to _______ the city parks.

A. clean away

B. clean up

C. clean out

D. cleans up.

()7. We need to _______ up with a plan on Clean-up Day.

A. come

B. go

C. work

D. study

()8. I _______ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me.

A. take after

B. hang out

C. give away

D. put off

()9. Now I spend time _______ what I love to do.

A. to do

B. doing

C. do

D. does

()10. After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didn’t do that _______.

A. any

B. more

C. no more

D. any more

()11. _______ of them like to play basketball.

A. Each

B. Everyone

C. Every

D. Both

( ) 12. ________ tourists visit Mount Heng every day.

A. Hundreds of

B. Hundred of

C. Hundreds

D. A hundred of

( ) 13. It Linda about half an hour to work out the math problem.

A. paid

B. took

C. used

D. spent

( ) 14. It’s easy ______ you ______ the work on time.

A. of; to finish

B. for; finish

C. of; finish

D. for; to finish ( ) 15. The little boy says, “I dress ______ every morning.”

A. me

B. myself

C. himself

D. him

()16.The old man is very healthy.I think he will live______.

A.to be 100 years old B.100 years old

C.at 100 years old D.in 100 years old

()17.—In 2050,what will the world's population be?

—I think cities will be really big and crowded because there will be a lot ______ people.

A.much B.more C.many D.less

()18.I predict there will be less ______ in the future.

A.people B.trees C.countries D.pollution

()19.—What will the future ______?

—No one can predict exactly.

A.be like B.be C.like D.like as

()20.I ______believe everything ______ be free in 20 years.

A./;won't B.don't;won't

C.don't;will D.will;doesn't

( )21.You __________ get up so early.But you must go to work on time.

A.needn’t to B.don’t have to C.may not D.mustn’t

( )22.This is __________ onion and that is __________ beef.

A.an;a B.an;/C.a;an D.a;/

()23. — _______ does he want to be when he _______ ?

—He wants to be a computer programmer.

A. What, grows up

B. How, grows up

C. What, grow up

D. How, grow up

()24. The boy wants to be a(n) _______ . He studies math really hard.

A. writer

B. cleaner

C. engineer

D. artist

()25.His resolution _______ the life in the next year.

A. has to do with

B. is good at

C. is next to

D. cross from

( ) 26 I don’t like to ______, so I live with my parents in an apartment.

A. live alone

B. get bored

C. work hard

D. go out

( ) 27. Don't forget to ____ the light before you leave the classroom.

A. turn on

B. turn off

C. turn down

( ) 28.I can't find my notebook.Could you help me ______ it?

A.look for B.look at

C.look like D.look out

( ) 29.“There______a meeting next Monday.”means

“They______a meeting next Monday.”

A.will be;will be B.will have;will have

C.will be;will have D.will have;will be

( ) 30. This is an important problem. Please _________ .

A. write it down

B. write down it

C. write it in

D. write in it



What will my life be like in ten years?

In ten years, I think I’ll be a 31 , because I like playing with children. I will 32 lots of interesting students, and I’ll also be 33 to make friends with foreign teachers. I think I’ll live in Beijing in ten years. But 34 a Chinese, I hope that I can 35 all the places of interest in our country. I’ll 36 a pet d og at home in ten years, because I don’t have free time now. And I am sure I’ll also 37 many good friends in ten years. 38 I’ll learn judo(柔道), because that is one of my dreams. I’ll look after my health, 39 I’ll exercise more, and I’ll eat 40 food every day. I will work hard from now on!

( ) 31. A. doctor B. reporter C. teacher D. waiter

( ) 32. A. ask B. meet C. call D. hear

( ) 33. A. sad B. bad C. good D. able

( ) 34. A. as B. for C. with D. like

( ) 35. A. tour B. see C. build D. predict

( ) 36. A. buy B. sell C. keep D. grow

( ) 37. A. play B. have C. be D. do

( ) 38. A. Badly B. Probably C. Luckily D. Usually

( ) 39. A. or B. if C. but D. so

( ) 40. A. delicious B. cheap C. expensive D. healthy



Can you name some foods in the meat group? Can you tell where they come from?

Your body is made up of millions of cells.Cells are very small.

Your body has to make new cells in order to grow.It also has to make new cells to take the place of the old cells that have been worn out.

To grow,the cells need a thing called protein.The protein you need most comes from foods in the meat group.

Fruit and vegetables are plant foods.Foods in this group give your body vitamins and minerals.Your body needs vitamins and minerals to grow and to stay well.The third food group is made up of bread.These foods come from grain.Your body gets heat and energy from these foods.It needs a lot of energy to work and play.Milk is one of the best foods your body can get.It has protein,vitamins and minerals.Milk is good between meals or with meals.

Some foods are not listed in the four main groups.This is because you do not have to

think a

bout eating these foods.You eat them if you eat foods from the four main foods.

( )41.In order to grow,your body __________.

A.has to make more water B.needs more small protein

C.has to make new cells D.needs old cells

( )42.In order to grow.the cells need __________.

A.food B.protein C.meat D.a cell

( )43.The protein comes mostly from __________.

A.milk B.fruit C.bread D.meat

( )44.Vitamins come from __________.

A.protein B.fruit and vegetables

C.fat D.new cells

( )45.Milk has __________ in it.

A.meals B.body C.minerals D.bread


What do you think robots will be like in the future? Do you think robots will work better

Tickets Information

Dates: 20th July — 28th July

Mon. — Fri. 10:00 am, 7:00 pm

Sat. — Sun. 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 7:00 pm

Place: Town Cinema

Time: 2.5 hours

Ticket prices: $30 (day shows)

$40 (evening shows)

Children under 3 years old: free

Family package:

$110 for 4 tickets (10:00 am, 2:00 pm shows)

$130 for 4 tickets (7:00 pm shows)

Tel: 356-89263


( ) 46. The movie will be on for .

A. 7 days

B. 8 days

C. 9 days

D. 12 days

( ) 47. Each show lasts .

A.10 hours

B. 7 hours

C. 2.5 hours

D. 2 hours

( ) 48. Mary is a student. She can go to see the movie at on .

A. 2:00 pm; Sunday

B. 2:00 pm; Monday

C. 5:00 am; Saturday

D. 5:00 pm;


( ) 49. If the Smiths will see the movie with their two 7-year-old sons on Saturday evening, they will pay dollars.

A. 160

B. 130

C. 110

D. 70

( ) 50. We can’t find in the ad.

A. the name of the movie

B. the name of the cinema

C. the telephone number

D. the names of some actors


A new library opens in the town.It's a very big library.Some robots work there as library assistants.The robots can help you find the right books you want and do other things you tell them to.But you must say “Please”when you ask for something and “Thank you”when you get something.

Li Ming wants to borrow a book from the new library.He comes to the library with Zhang Hua.They see a robot standing there.

Li:Hey,give me the book “Little Tom”.Why,the robot doesn't work.There must be something wrong with it.

Zhang:No,there isn't.When you borrow a book,you must say “Please”.

Li:Will you please give me the book“Little Tom”,Mr.Robot?

Zhang:Look!The robot is bringing you the book.Take it,Li Ming.

Li:What's wrong with the robot?It won't let me have the book.

Zhang:Yor must say “Thank you”.

Li:Oh,thank you very much,Mr.Robot.

The robot smiles and gives the book to Li Ming.


( ) 51.In the library all the assistants are robots.

( ) 52.The robot will be glad to help you if you say “Please”and “Thank you”.

( ) 53.Li Ming asks for help from the robot in the library.

( ) 54.Mr.Robot is a young man.

( ) 55.People say “Please”and “Thank you”only to robots.


Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will happen.But what will the changes be?

The population is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful,and there will be at least one in every

home.And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food,too.More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive.Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they will eat more fruits and vegetables.Maybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different,too.Robots will do dangerous and hard work.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.This will be a problem.

56.In the future there will be ______.

A.much more fruit B.fewer people

C.less vegetables D.less people

57.Every family will have at least a ______ in the future.

A.robot B.cow C.TV set D.computer

58.In the future people don't have to ______.

A.work long hours B.work fast

C.walk on foot D.eat meat

59.People may not eat ______ as much as they do today.

A.fruit B.fish

C.meat D.rice

60.One big problem in the future is that ______.

A.many people don't have to work

B.many people will not be able to find work

C.people have to work fast

D.all the work will be done by robots


A: Hi, Wang Hao! What are you doing?

B: Hi, John! I’m reading a book.

A: 61 B: It’s about computers. A: Isn’t it boring.

B: No, I like computers very much. 62

A: Really? 63

B: I’m going to read many books on computers. And I’m going to study computer science at a university.

A: Great!

B: What about you? 64

A: I like playing basketball. So I want to be a basketball player.

B: How are you going to do that?

A: 65

B: Yeah. It’s the best way to become a good basketball player.


A:Hi, Tom.________________________?

B:Hi, Mike . I’m making some plans to work in an old people’s home this summer.

A: Really?I did that last summer.


A:We read the newspaper to them and talked to them. And they told me stories about the past. B:That sounds interesting.________________________?

A:Yes, a lot of people are lonely.We should listen to them and take ___________of them. B:___________________.I mean , we’re all going to be old one day,too.


1. Turn off the blender. (改为否定句)

__________ __________ off the blender.

2.She needs a teaspoon of honey.(对画线部分提问)

How __________ __________ of honey __________ she need?

3.There _________(be)fewer children in people's homes in 10 years.

4.Do you think ______(predict)the future is difficult or easy?

5.His sister always plays a part in __________ (save) the animals.

6.It makes a big ______________(different)to my life.

7.The man would like to have a special ____________(train ) dog.

8. Could you tell where ____________(go )tomorrow?

9.It _________(seem)that it's going to rain.

10She decided that she would give away her old books to others.(改为简单句)

She decided _______ _______ _______ her old books to others.










9.预料__________ 10富有的__________



____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________
