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Urban transportation Planning
An urban transportation system is basic component of an urban area's social,economic,and physical structure. Not only does the design and performance of a transportation system provide opportunities for mobility,but over the long term,it influences patterns of growth and the level of economic activity through the accessibility it provides to land. Planning for the development or maintenance of the urban transportation system is thus an important activity,both for promoting the efficient movement of people and
goods in an urban area and for maintaining the strong supportive role that transportation can play in attaining other community objectives.
There are several basic concepts about an urban transportation system that should be kept in mind. Most important,a transportation system in an urban area is defined as consisting of the facilities and services that allow travel throughout the region,providing opportunities for:(I)mobility to residents of an urban area and movement of goods and (2) accessibility to land .Given this definition,an urban transportation system can be further characterized by three major components: the spatial configuration that permits travel from one location to another; the transportation technologies that provide the means of moving over these distances; and the institutional framework that provides for the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of system facilities.
The Spatial Configuration of a Transportation System
One way to describe the spatial dimension of an urban transportation system is to consider the characteristics of individual trips from an origin to a destination. For example, a trip can consist of several types of movement undertaken to achieve different objectives. Travelers leaving home might use a local bus system to reach a suburban subway station(a trip collection process),proceed through the station to the subway platform (a transfer process),ride the subway to a downtown station (a line-haul process),and walk to a place of employment (a distribution process). Similarly,one can view a home-to-work
trip by car as consisting of similar segments,with the local street system providing the trip collection process, a freeway providing the line-haul capability,a parking lot in the central business district serving as a transfer point,and walking,as before,serving the distribution function.
The facilities and services that provide these opportunities for travel,when interconnected to permit movement from one location to another,form a network. Thus,another way of representing the spatial dimension of an urban transportation system is as a set of road and transit networks. Even in the smallest urban areas,where mass transit is not available,the local street network provides the basic spatial characteristic of the transportation system.
The transportation system of a city can influence the way in which the city's social and economic structure, often called the urban activity system,develops. At the same time,changes in this structure can affect the ability of the transportation system to provide mobility and accessibility. Thus , the transportation system is closely related to the urban activity system and; historically, has been an important determinant of urban form.
Because of the relation between transportation and urban activities,many of the methods used by transportation planners depend on estimates of trips generated by specific land uses. The relation also suggests that the options available to public officials dealing with transportation problems should include not only those related directly to the transportation system, but also actions such as zoning that affect the distribution of land use, and thus influence the
performance of the transportation system.
The foregoing considerations point to two important principles for transportation planning: The transportation system should be
Considered as an integral part of the social and economic system in an urban area.
Viewed as a set of interconnected facilities and services designed to provide opportunities for travel from one location to another.
The Technology of Urban Transportation
The technology of urban transportation is closely related to the spatial configuration of the transportation system in that the design transportation networks reflects the speed, operating , and cost characteristics of the vehicle or mode of transportation being used. Technology includes the means of propulsion, type of support,means of guidance,and control technique.
The development and widespread use of electric streetcars in urban areas during the late nineteenth century was a technological innovation that initiated the transformation of most North American cities. The advent of the electric streetcar permitted urban areas to expand beyond the boundaries that had been dictated by previous transportation technologies (e. g.,walking,horse,horsecar),spawning `streetcar suburbs' with dramatically lower residential densities along streetcar lines radiating from the central city. Whereas many industries had decentralized along railroad lines leading from the central city,
and workers initially had to live near these factories, the introduction of streetcars now permitted more distant living.
The success of the streetcar in providing access from selected suburban areas to central business districts was followed by public acceptance of a second major technological innovation-the automobile,powered by the internal combustion engine. Increasing consumer preferences for lower-density living and for an ability to travel beyond established urban boundaries sparked a phenomenal growth in automobile ownership and usage,beginning in the 1920s .
④The automobile continues and accelerated the evolution of urban structure started by the electric streetcar. Its availability permitted further expansion of urban areas and, more important, provided access to land between the radial streetcar and railroad lines leading into the central city.
The technology of the internal-combustion engine,however, also led to the decline of other transportation modes used in urban areas by providing a less expensive and more flexible replacement for rail-based modes. While the automobile provided new opportunities for personal mobility and urban growth, motor buses rapidly replaced electric streetcars, to the extent that only five North American cities today still operate large-scale streetcar systems-Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Toronto, and San Francisco (although this trend has reversed somewhat in recent years with new `light rail' systems in operation in Edmonton, Calgary, San Diego, and Buffalo). At the same time, the growth of private automobile use has dramatically reduced the use of public transportation
in general, particularly since the end of World War II. According to the latest census figures, in 1980, 62. 3 million Americans normally drove alone to work each day, another 19 million car-pooled, and 6 million used public transportation.
The technologies and the resulting modes available today for urban transportation are common to most cities but are often applied in different ways to serve different purposes. It should be noted that certain types of modes are appropriate than others in serving different types of urban trips.
The technological dimension of the urban transportation system suggests a third principle for urban transportation planning:
Transportation planners must consider the transportation system as consisting of different modes , each having different operational and cost characteristics.
From; Michael D. Meyer and Eric J. Miller "Urban Transportation Planning", 1984
摘自:迈克尔 D.梅耶和艾瑞克J.米勒《城市交通规划》,1984
Traffic signals
In the United States alone ,some 250,000 intersections have traffic signals , which are defined as all power-operated traffic-control devices except flashers,signs,and markings for directing or warning motorists, cyclists,or pedestrians.
Signals for vehicular,bicycle,and pedestrian control are ‘pretimed’where specific times intervals are allocated to the various traffic movements and as 'traffic actuated' where time intervals are controlled in whole or in part by traffic demand.
Pretimed Traffic Signals
'Pretimed' traffic signals are set to repeat regularly a given sequence of signal indications for stipulated time intervals through the 24-hr day. They have the advantages of having controllors of lower first cost and that they can be interconnected and coordinated to vehicles to move through a series of intersections with a minimum of stops and other delays. Also, their operation is unaffected by conditions brought on by unusual vehicle behavior such as forced stops,which,with some traffic-actuated signal installations may bring a traffic jam. Their disadvantage is that they cannot adjust to short-time variations in traffic flow and often hold vehicles from one direction when there is no traffic in the other. This results in inconvenience, and sometimes a decrease in capacity.
‘Cycle length’the time required for a complete sequence of indications, ordinarily falls between 30 and 120s. Short cycle lengths are to be preferred, as the delay to standing vehicles is reduced. With short cycles, however a relatively high percentage of the total time is consumed in clearing the intersection and starting each succeeding movement. As cycle length increases, the percentage of time lost from these causes decreases. With high volumes of traffic, it may be necessary to increase the cycle length to gain added capacity.
Each traffic lane of a normal signalized intersection can pass roughly one vehicle each 2.1s of green light. The yellow (caution) interval following each green period is usually between 3 and 6s,depending on street width,the needs of pedestrians, and vehicle approach
speed. To determine an approximate cycle division, it is common practice to make short traffic counts during the peak period. Simple computations give the number of vehicles to be accommodated during each signal indication and the minimum green time required to pass them. With modern control equipment, it is possible to change the cycle length and division several times a day, or go to flashing indications to fit the traffic pattern better.
At many intersections,signals must be timed to accommodate pedestrian movements. The Manual recommends that the minimum total time allowed be an initial interval of 4 to 7s for pedestrians to start plus walking time computed at 4 ft/s (1. 2m/s). With separate pedestrian indicators,the WALK indication(lunar white) covers the first of these intervals, and flashing DON'T WALK (Portland orange ) the remainder. The WALK signal flashes when there are possible conflicts with vehicles and is steady when there are none. Steady DON'T WALK tells the pedestrian not to proceed.
If pedestrian control is solely by the vehicle signals,problems develop if the intersection is wide, since the yellow clearance interval will have to be considerably longer than the 3 to 5s needed by vehicles. This will reduce intersection capacity and may call for a longer cycle time. On wide streets having a median at least 6 ft (1. 8m)wide,pedestrians may be stopped there. A separate pedestrian signal activator must be placed on this median if pedestrian push buttons are incorporated into the overall control system.
Coordinated Movement
Fixed-time traffic signals along a street or within an area usually are coordinated to permit compact groups of vehicles called `platoons’to move along together without stopping. Under normal traffic volumes,properly coordinated signals at intervals variously estimated from 2500 ft (0. 76km)to more than a mile (1. 6km) are very effective in producing a smooth flow of traffic. On the other hand,when a street is loaded to capacity,coordination of signals is generally ineffective in producing smooth traffic flow.
Four systems of coordination-simultaneous, alternate,limited progressive, and flexible progressive-have developed over time. The simultaneous system made all color indications on a given street alike at the same time .It produced high vehicle speeds between stops but low overall speed. Because of this and other faults,it is seldom used today.
The alternate system has all signals change their indication at the same time,but adjacent
signals or adjacent groups of signals on a given street show opposite colors. The alternate system works fairly well on a single street that has approximately equal block spacing. It also has been effective for controlling traffic in business districts several blocks on a said, but only when block lengths are approximately equal in both directions. With an areawide alternate system,green and red indications must be of approximately equal length. This cycle division is satisfactory where two major streets intersect but gives too much green time to minor streets crossing major arteries. Other criticisms are that at heavy traffic volumes the later section of the platoon of vehicles is forced to make additional stops,and that adjustments to changing traffic conditions are difficult.
The simple progressive system retains a common cycle length but provides 'go' indications separately at each intersection to match traffic progression. This permits continuous or nearly continuous flow of vehicle groups at a planned speed in at least one direction and discourages speeding between signals. Flashing lights may be substituted for normal signal indications when traffic becomes light.
The flexible progressive system has a master controller mechanism that directs the controllers for the individual signals. This arrangement not only gives positive coordination between signals,but also makes predetermined changes in cycle length,cycle split,and offsets at intervals during the day. For example,the cycle length of the entire system can be lengthened at peak hours to increase capacity and shortened at other times to decrease delays.
Flashing indications can be substituted when normal signal control is not needed. Also the offsets in the timing of successive signals can be adjusted to favor heavy traffic movements, such as inbound in the morning and outbound in the evening. Again,changes in cycle division at particular intersections can be made. The traffic responsive system is an advanced flexible progressive system with the capacity to adjust signal settings to measured traffic volumes.
Where traffic on heavy-volume or high-speed arteries must be interrupted for relatively light cross traffic,semi-traffic-actuated signals are sometimes used. For them,detectors are placed only on the minor street. The signal indication normally is green on the main road and red on the cross street. On actuation, the indications are reversed for an appropriate interval after which they return to the original colors.
Highway Capacity And Levels of Service
Capacity Defined
A generalized definition of capacity is: The capacity of any element of the highway system is the maximum number of vehicles which has a reasonable expectation of passing over that section (in either one or both directions) during a given time period under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. A sampling of capacities for modern highway elements is as follows:
In treating capacity,TRB Circular 212 divides freeways into components: basic freeway segments and those in the zone of influence of weaving areas and ramp junctions. Capacities of expressways,multilane highways,and two- and three-lane facilities also have the two components: basic and those in the zone of influence of intersections. Each of these is treated separately below.
Speed-Volume-Capacity Relationships for Basic
Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments
A knowledge of the relationships among speed,volume,and capacity is basic to understanding the place of capacity in highway design and operation. Figurel3.1,which gives such a relationship for a single freeway or expressway lane, is used for illustrative purposes.
If a lone vehicle travels along a traffic lane,the driver is free to proceed at the design speed. This situation is represented at the beginning of the appropriate curve at the upper left of Fig. 13.1. But as the number of vehicles in the lane increases, the driver's freedom to select speed is restricted. This restriction brings a progressive reduction in speed. For example,many observations have shown that,for a highway designed for 70 mph (113km/h),when volume reaches 1900 passenger cars per hour,traffic is slowed to about 43 mph (69km/h). If volume increases further, the relatively stable normal-flow condition usually found at lower volumes is subject to breakdown. This zone of instability is shown by the shaded area on the right side of Fig. 13. 1. One possible consequence is that traffic flow will stabilize at about 2000 vehicles per hour at a velocity of 30 to 40 mph (48 to 64km/h) as shown by the curved solid line on Fig. 13. 1. Often,however , the quality of flow deteriorates and a substantial drop in velocity occurs; in extreme cases vehicles may come to a full stop. In this case the volume of flow quickly decreases as traffic proceeds under a condition known as ‘forced flow.’ V olumes under forced flow are shown by the dashed curve at the bottom of Fig.
13. 1. Reading from that curve,it can be seen that if the speed falls to 20 mph (32km/h),the rate of flow will drop to 1700 vehicles per hour; at 10 mph (16km/h) the flow rate is only 1000;and,of course,if vehicles stop,the rate of flow is 0. The result of this reduction in flow rate is that following vehicles all must slow or stop,and the rate of flow falls to the levels shown. Even in those cases where the congestion lasts but a few seconds, additional vehicles are affected after the congestion at the original location has disappeared. A ‘shock wave’develops which moves along the traffic lane in the direction opposite to that of vehicle travel. Such waves have been observed several miles from the scene of the original point of congestion,with vehicles slowing or stopping and then resuming speed for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Effects of the imposition of speed limits of 60, 50, and 40 mph are suggested by the dotted lines on Fig. 13. 1. A 55-mph (88km/h) curve could also be drawn midway between the 60 and 50 mph dotted curves to reflect the effects of the federally imposed 55-mph limit, but this is conjectural since the level of enforcement varies so widely.
Vehicle spacing,or its reciprocal, traffic density, probably have the greatest effect on capacity since it generates the driver's feeling of freedom or constraint more than any other factor. Studies of drivers as they follow other vehicles indicate that the time required to reach
a potential collision point,rather than vehicle separation,seems to control behavior. However,this time varies widely among drivers and situations. Field observations have recorded headways (time between vehicles) ranging from 0. 5 to 2 sec, with an average of about 1. 5s.Thus,the calculated capacity of a traffic lane based on this 1. 5 s average, regardless of speed,will be 2400 vehicles per hour. But even under the best of conditions, occasional gaps in the traffic stream can be expected,so that such high flows are not common. Rather, as noted,they are nearer to 2000 passenger cars per hour.
The ‘Level of Service’ Concept
As indicated in the discussion of the relationships of speed, volume or density, and vehicle spacing, operating speed goes down and driver restrictions become greater as traffic volume in crease. ‘Level of service’ is commonly accepted as a measure of the restrictive effects of increased volume. Each segment of roadway can be rated at an appropriate level,A to F inclusive,to reflect its condition at the given demand or service volume. Level A represents almost ideal conditions; Level E is at capacity; Level F indicates forced flow.
The two best measures for level of service for uninterrupted flow conditions are operating or travel speed and the radio of volume to capacity达到最大限度的广播,called the v/c ratio. For two- and three-lane roads sight distance is also important.
Abbreviated descriptions of operating conditions for the various levels of service are as follows:
Level A—Free flow; speed controlled by driver's desire,speed limits, or physical roadway conditions.
Level B—Stable flow; operating speeds beginning to be restricted; little or no restrictions on maneuverability from other vehicles.
Level C—Stable flow; speeds and maneuverability more closely restricted.
Level D—Approaches unstable flow; tolerable speeds can be maintained but temporary restrictions to flow cause substantial drops in speed. Little freedom to maneuver,comfort and convenience low.
Level E—V olumes near capacity; speed typically in neighborhood of 30 mph (48km/h); flow unstable; stoppages of momentary duration. Ability to maneuver severely limited.
Level F—Forced flow,low-operating speeds,volumes below capacity; queues formed.
A third measure of level of service suggested in TR
B Circular 212 is traffic density. This is,for a traffic lane,the average number of vehicles occupying a mile (1. 6km) of lane at a given instant. To illustrate,if the average speed is 50 mph,a vehicle is in a given mile for 72 s. If the lane carrying 800 vehicles per hour,average density is then 16 vehicles per mile ;spacing is 330 ft (100m),center to center. The advantage of the density approach is that the various levels of service can be measured or portrayed in photographs.
From: Clarkson H. Oglesby and R. Gary Hicks “Highway engineering”, 1982