

Passage One短文一

Children with autism have difficulty with social skills and communication.自闭症儿童缺乏社交沟通技能。They often behave in restricted and repetitive ways and have what seem to be like abnormally interests.他们表现方式有限,常常做重复的动作,对事物表现出反常的兴趣。Autism is more common in boys than girls. What causes it is not clear.自闭症患者中,男孩比女孩更普遍,而导致自闭症的原因尚不清楚。Scientists are studying genes and possible environmental influences.科学家想通过研究基因和环境影响方面找到原因。Doctors usually cannot confirm a diagnosis of autism until a child is about three years old.医生只有到患儿满三岁之后才可以确诊。Rebecca Landa is a researcher at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland.丽贝卡·兰达是肯尼迪·克里格研究所和马里兰约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的研究人员。Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier.兰达教授希望找出能够更早确诊的异常症状。She led a new study that observed 235 babies between 6 and 36 months of age.她在235个6—36个月大的婴儿中做了一项新研究。By the time a

baby is one year old,患自闭症的儿童的可能症状是:signs of possible autism include difficulty in using words and not looking eye-to-eye or reacting to other people.在一岁时在言语表达、与人进行眼神交流、对外界反应方面存在困难。By 14 months, the baby might smile less and use language less.到14个月时,他们会笑得更少,更少讲话。However, Professor Landa says these signs can be so small that they might be missed during a short health exam.但兰达教授说,这些迹象不是那么明显以至于在短时间的健康检查中可能会被漏查。"It's important for parents to notice their children's development,父母观察孩子的成长过程十分重要,and if a parent is concerned about a child's development, turn to the professionals.如果父母对其成长有所担忧,应当去寻求专业人士的帮助。The earlier parents notice delays, the sooner they can begin doing simple things that may help improve their child's development.父母对这些迟钝现象发现得越早,他们就可以越早采取一些简单的方式帮助他们的孩子发育。For example: talking to the child about what they are doing,“比如:父母可以通过与自闭症患儿谈论他们正在做的事,commenting when the child shows them something, and playing simple games to keep the child's attention." she says.对儿童展示给父母看的东西做出评价,以及与他们玩一些简单的游戏来吸引其注意力。”她说。

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just

heard.问题9到问题12是基于刚才你所听到的这篇文章9. According to the passage, what symptoms may autistic children have?根据短文内容,自闭症儿童会表现出什么症状?10. Why is it difficult to screen out the autistic children during a short health exam?简短的健康检查为什么会漏查出自闭症儿童?11. What should parents do to help children improve their development?父母应该如何帮助孩子更好地成长发育?12. What do we know about autism according to the passage?根据短文内容我们对于自闭症了解到了什么?



大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. What is the man’s attitude towards James’future? 9. A.He wants to be a competent graduate. B.He wants to become a college teacher. C.He wants to study in Oxford University. D.He wants to change his life by studying. 正确答案:C 解析:选项均以He wants to开头表明,本题考查He的计划或打算。男士说Malcolm总是很勤奋,最近几个月每天晚上都与书本为伴,他想明年去牛津大学读书,由此可知,答案为[C]。知识模块:听力 10. A.He is too young to catch up with others. B.He is not intelligent enough. C.He pays too little attention to his study. D.He can not finish his homework independently. 正确答案:C 解析:选项中的He,too young to catch up,not intelligent,pays…little attention 等表明,本题可能与He成绩不理想的原因有关。男士说老师认为James有能力,但总是不能坚持,换句话说就是,他如果努力学习,成绩不会这么糟,但他就是很懒惰。而对于考试,James也很无所谓,每天用十分钟写完作业后就跑去打网球了,由此可知,James在学习上投入的精力太少,故答案为[C]。知识模块:听力 11. A.He wants James to be a good lawyer. B.He won’t force James to study what he isn’t good at. C.He wants James to follow his footsteps. D.He will make efforts to stop James playing tennis. 正确答案:B 解析:选项中的He wants,James,follow his footsteps,stop...playing tennis 等表明,本题可能考查男士对James的将来的打算。男士说他的妻子想让James 放弃网球,学习法律,但他不认同强行让孩子尝试他本不擅长的行业,由此可推断出,男士不会强迫James去学习他不擅长的东西,故答案为[B]。知识模块:听力 听力原文:M: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. W: What can I do for


2021年6月大学英语六级听力题目答案及原文第3套 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) It is advertising electronic products. B) It is planning to tour East Asia. C) It is sponsoring a TV programme. D) It is giving performances in town. 2. A) 20,000 pounds. B) 12,000 pounds. C) Less than 20,000 pounds. D) Less than 12,000 pounds. 3. A) A lot of good publicity. B) Talented artists to work for it. C) Long-term investments. D) A decrease in production costs. 4. A) Promise long-term cooperation with the Company. B) Explain frankly their own current financial situation. C) Pay for the printing of the performance programme. D) Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) He has been seeing doctors and counsellors. B) He has found a new way to train his voice. C) He was caught abusing drugs. D) He might give up concert tours. 6. A) Singers may become addicted to it. B) It helps singers warm themselves up. C) Singers use it to stay away from colds. D) It can do harm to singers' vocal chords.


六级对话类题目的一般性原则 1.提前浏览,有备而听 考试时在听力考试录音开始之前要尽可能抽时间浏览所有选项,以便预测对话的主题和相关细节内容。我们的策略是:考生可以先迅速浏览前四个短对话的选项,用以做题,而从第五个对话开始,每个短对话之间都有15秒左右的时间间隔,考生可利用这段时间来预读下一题的选项。当读完前四个短对话的选项后,考生应在Directions 结束前,迅速浏览第一个长对话的所有选项,尽可能找出相关线索。根据样卷录音,Section A的Directions大约持续1分20秒左右的时间,如果加上考场试音的时间则更长。这足可以让考生预读前四个短对话的选项和第一个长对话的所有选项。来源:考试大 2.分析选项,预测内容:在分析选项的部分,希望考生能针对 如下三个关键部分进行快速判断: 人物关系(Relationship,邻居?夫妻?同学?师生?同事等,能够为后面做题判断人物身份起到良好的铺垫)。 动作行为(动词和动词结构往往是最重要的考察对象之一)。 态度词(长对话结尾往往涉及态度判断和结论) 3. 边听边选,不要走神: 尽量在听的时候确定哪个选项能够最大程度的吻合,这是做短文听力的宗旨,同样适用于长对话。平时训练做到“边听边记”、强调语言输出的强化训练为主,上了考场强调“边听边选”。最后听问题确定自己的正确答案,因为听力时间间隔很短,因此哪怕是猜的答案,一

旦作出判断,就不要过多纠缠于这一分。集中注意力到下一题当中。 4. 常见技巧型破题法则: 短对话:视听反向原则、同义替换原则、后句更加重要原则。校 园场景是小对话的重点主题; 长对话:视听基本一致原则、首句重点原则、转折关系原则。注 意说话人的态度也很重要。 听力部分旨在通过听力的方式考查考生对于校园生活,日常交际以及一些科普与历史文化信息获取和判断推理能力,从而测试考生的听力与综合理解能力。 一、听力理解题型解读 听力部分旨在通过听力的方式考查考生对于校园生活,日常交际以及一些科普与历史文化信息获取和判断推理能力,从而测试考生的听力与综合理解能力。听力部分的录音材料均为标准的英音和美音朗读,语速约为每分钟150个单词,属于正常语速。考试时间为35分钟,分值占六级考试总分的35%。共分为三个部分:对话部分,包括短对话和长对话,占分值的15%;短文理解部分,占分值的10%; 复合式听写部分,占分值的10%。


英语六级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第3套短文(1) Passage One短文一 Children with autism have difficulty with social skills and communication.自闭症儿童缺乏社交沟通技能。They often behave in restricted and repetitive ways and have what seem to be like abnormally interests.他们表现方式有限,常常做重复的动作,对事物表现出反常的兴趣。Autism is more common in boys than girls. What causes it is not clear.自闭症患者中,男孩比女孩更普遍,而导致自闭症的原因尚不清楚。Scientists are studying genes and possible environmental influences.科学家想通过研究基因和环境影响方面找到原因。Doctors usually cannot confirm a diagnosis of autism until a child is about three years old.医生只有到患儿满三岁之后才可以确诊。Rebecca Landa is a researcher at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland.丽贝卡·兰达是肯尼迪·克里格研究所和马里兰约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的研究人员。Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier.兰达教授希望找出能够更早确诊的异常症状。She led a new study that observed 235 babies between 6 and 36 months of age.她在235个6—36个月大的婴儿中做了一项新研究。By the time a


大学英语四六级听力考试说明 一、四级听力试题的调整 1.取消短对话 2.取消短文听写 3.新增短篇新闻(3段) 其余测试内容不变。2016年6月四级听力题型调整后四级听力部分的试题结构见下表: 2016年6月四级听力短篇新闻的考试指令: Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 二、六级听力试题的调整 1.取消短对话 2.取消短文听写 3.听力篇章调整为2篇(原3篇) 4.新增讲座/讲话(3篇) Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


The New York Times is an American daily newspaper, founded in N.Y. It has been (1) ________ published since September 18, 1851. It has won 112 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization. Its web site is America?s most popular news site, receiving more than 30 million unique visitors per month. Following industry trends, its weekday circulation (2) ______________ fewer than one million daily since 1990. Nicknamed The Gray Lady, The Times is long regarded within the industry as a (3) ________ “newspapers of record”. The company?s chairman is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., whose family has (4) ________ the paper since 1896. The paper?s motto, “All the News That?s Fit to Print”, appears in the (5) ________ left-hand corner of the front page. Its web site has (6) ________ it to “All the News That?s Fit to Click”. It is (7) ______________ sections: News, Opinions, Business, Arts, Science, Sports, Style, Home, and Features. The New York Times stayed with the eight-column format for several years after most papers switched to six, and was one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography. In 1896, Adolph Ochs bought the New York Times, a money-losing newspaper, and formed the New York Times Company. The Ochs Sulzberger family, one of the United States?newspaper dynasties, has owned The New York Times ever since Turner Catledge, the top editor at The New York Times for almost two (8) ________ , wanted to hide the ownership influence. Arthur Sulzberger routinely wrote memos to his editor, (9) ___________________, instructions, complaints, and orders. When Catledge would receive these memos he would erase the publisher?s(10) ________ before passing them to his subordinates.

英语六级听力原文及答案 第三套

1.M: Good news! I am not going to have surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybe play football like before in a few weeks. W.. That's terrific. It will be eat if you could get back in shape in time for the World Cups. O: What do we learn from the conversation? A)【精析】综合理解题。男士告诉女士自己不用做手术了,几周后有可能就可以像以前那样踢足球了;女士回答说,如果男士能在举行世界杯时恢复健康就好了。可见男士有可能参加世界杯比赛。 terrific在口语中指“很好,太棒了”;in shape意为“处于良好状态”。 2. M: I really need to make some extra money. You know, I've practically spent my entire budget for this semester. W: Why_not check out the new cafeteria at Market Street? I think there are still a few opening suitable for seniors like LCou. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


2021年6月大学英语六级第3套答案解析 20__ 年 6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第三套)解析 Part I Writing 【参考范文】 As we know, science and technology are the primary forces that drive social and economic development. Robots are the inevitable products of technological progress and the crystallization of human wisdom. It bees increasingly possible for robots to replace human beings in work and in life, which will have a profound impact on our lives in the future. From my point of view, the influence of robots is two-sided. On the one hand, robots can increase work efficiency and avoid accidents in which human lives are lost. Furthermore, more people can be released from the routine of simple and monotonous tasks and instead can concentrate on sophisticated skills and technologies. On the other hand, more robots in industry means that fewer people are needed in some fields, leading to the unemployment of people with less education. By and large, we can e to the conclusion that the impact of robots on industry and people’s daily lives is a double-edged sword. Only by receiving more education can we adapt to the changes brought by it. 听力Section A 参考答案 1 What do we learn about the South Theater pany? [B]【解析】女士说South Theater pany 想知道我们是否对赞助他们去东亚旅行感兴趣。由此判断这个公司打算去东亚旅行。因此答案为 B 项。


6月英语六级真题及答案(第三套) 1. A.【精析】事实细节题。对话中,女士责怪男士又在上网,并告诉她到脱口秀时间了;男士回答说自己正在看一家珠宝店网站。本题核心是听懂site “网站”。显然这位男士正在浏览网上商铺。surf原意为“冲浪”,常与Internet连用,表达“上网”。 2. B.【精析】语义理解题。女士说她从未见过男士对考试如此有信心,男士说不但仅是有信心,如果她得不到A,那就是考试自身问题了。由此可知,她确信本次考试必然成功。 3. D.【精析】综合理解题。女士一方面说报纸上新闻都是关于谋杀、死亡和战争,问男士与否还相信人性本善;男士给了一种必定回答“我固然相信”。显然她对人本性持乐观态度。 4. C.【精析】推理判断题。男士以为Tom说打算卖掉商店去上学是在开玩笑,女士赞同男士看法,由于Tom已经说过好多次“放弃生意去上学”这样话了。故可以判断Tom不会去上学,而是继续从商。 5. A.【精析】语义理解题。对话中女士说老板对男士印象较好,打算每月给她多放两天假;男士回答她不但愿这样,她宁愿多工作多赚钱供孩子上大学。这里bucks意为“美元”,是非正式用语。 6. B.【精析】语义理解题。对话中男士询问女士对墨西哥之行看法,女士回答说她厌倦了旅馆和旅馆食物,并引用了谚语“金窝、银窝,不如自己草窝。”由此可以断定女士很想念家舒服。

7. C.【精析】语义理解题。女士说她紧张Anna,由于她近来很沮丧,成天待在屋子里;男士建议Anna去征询中心(counseling centre.看精神科医生。看精神科医生目固然是要谋求医生专业建议。 8. A.【精析】推理判断题。男士说自己几乎认不出Sam来了,由于她当前总是穿西服打领带;女士批准男士看法,说上大学时候Sam总是穿着旧T恤衫和牛仔裤。由此可以推断Sam比过去穿得正式。go around意为“到处走动”。 9. B.【精析】目因素题。女士说她在纽约开了诸多会,没有时间参观这座都市。由此可以断定,女士去纽约目是开会。 10.D.【精析】推理判断题。女士建议男士一定要做健康训练,并以自己为例:在飞往纽约途中,她做了这种训练,下机后丝毫没有感到不适,也没有时差反映;在回家途中,她没有做这种训练,成果感觉很难受。由此可以断定,健康训练作用就是减轻飞行途中不适。 11.D.【精析】细节推断题。女士列举了自己做健康训练:不喝酒和咖啡,不吃肉和油腻食物,喝大量水和果汁,吃健康食谱上食物——这些食物口味清淡,有鱼、蔬菜、面条等,还做了某些运动。选项中只有D.项符合文意。rich food意为“油腻食物”。 12. C.【精析】推理判断题。女士说没有多少人做运动,诸多人都喝香槟而不是矿泉水,显然多数乘客都没有做女士所做事。 13. A.【精析】场景推断题。女士询问男士是不是第一次来商品展览会,由此推断这个对话应当发生在商品展览会上。cafeteria意为“自助餐厅”。 14. C.【精析】推理判断题。男士说她需要一种文字解决器(word processor),


2022年12月大学英语六级考试真题(第3套) PartI Writing(30minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence“With the application of information technology in education, college students can now learn in more diverse and efficient ways.”You can make statements, give reasons, or cite examples to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words PartⅡListening Comprehension(30minutes)特殊说明:由于多题多卷,官方第三套真题的听力试题与第二套真题的一致,只是选项顺序不同,因此,本套试卷不再提供听力部分。 Part IⅡI Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter:Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. American colleges and universities are using 64 percent less coal than they did a decade ago,burning 700,000 tons last year,down from 2 million tons in 2008,the U.S.Energy Information Administration(EIA) said in a report 26 yesterday. All 57 schools that were burning coal in 2008 are using less now,and 20 have 27 coal completely, EIA found. Most universities have turned to natural gas as a 28 ,with state funding backing the fuel switch. While academic institutions use less than 0.1 percent of U.S. coal burned for power, campus coal use has a history dating back to the 1800s when 29 to power was scarce. Many universities still operate their own power plants. The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 encouraged more electricity generation by allowing institutions to sell 30 power to utilities. But EIA noted many coal-fired universities have signed onto the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, which was launched in 2007. About 665 schools are part of the program, which aims to 31 greenhouse gas emissions. Thirty percent of the participants have pledged to be carbon 32 within 20 years.


英语六级听力卷三真题答案解析 2016年英语六级听力卷三真题答案解析 英语六级听力题型改革,取消短对话,取消短文听写,听力篇章调整为2篇(原3篇) ,新增讲座/讲话(3篇)。下面是店铺整理的2016年英语六级听力真题,欢迎阅读! Section A 听力长对话 Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) It is advertising electronic products. B) It is planning to tour East Asia. C) It is sponsoring a TV programme. D) It is giving performances in town. 2. A) 20,000 pounds. B) 12,000 pounds. C) Less than 20,000 pounds. D) Less than 12,000 pounds. 3. A) A lot of good publicity. B) Talented artists to work for it. C) Long-term investments. D) A decrease in production costs. 4. A) Promise long-term cooperation with the Company.

2021年12月英语六级(第3套)听力真题 短对话(1)

2021年12月英语六级(第3套)听力真题短对话(1) Question 1. M: I need to find a dentist.问题 1 男:我要找个牙医。You said you know Dr. Smith well.你说过你比较了解史密斯医生。Do you recommend her?你推荐她么?W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most were the magazines in her waiting room.女:额,我去过她那里好几次了,但是给我印象最深的是她的候诊室里的杂志。Q: What does the woman imply?问题:这个女人在暗示什么? Question 2. W: I'm afraid I can't show you the apartment at the moment, because the tenant is still living in it.问题2 女:恐怕我不能现在带你去看公寓了,因为租户还住在里面。It's really a lovely place with a big kitchen and a sunny window, for only 200 dollars a month.这间房子确是非常不错。有一个大的厨房,透光的窗户,而且每个月只要200美元。M: Sounds good, but we really can't rent an apartment without seeing it first.男:听起来不错,但是我们真的不能在没看一眼之前就租下它。Q: What do we learn from the conversation?问题:我们从对话中能获知什么? Question 3. M: So, that's what's been keeping you so busy recently!问题3 男:所以,这就是让你最近如此忙的事情!W: Yes,


英语六级听力冲刺之复合听写题 六级听写概况:听写共考十一题。八个单词和三个句子。每个单词得分为0.5%,每个句子得分2%.听写一共播读三遍,其中第二遍时,每个句子读完,会出现一分钟的停顿。 六级听写能力概述: 听写,顾名思义,既听又写,它渗透在各种形式的语言活动中,是最常用到的基本功之一。听写测试要求考生把听到的内容准确无误地以笔头的形式表达出来,虽无需考生自己遣词造句,但由于牵涉到语言(听力?单词拼写?篇章结构等)与非语言能力(如记忆力?速记等) 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 提高听写能力,关键就是加强各种相关知识和技能的训练。 1. 语言知识方面: 首先,必须提高听力水平,熟悉英、美国家人士的说话发音的不同方式,语音语调;其次对于大纲中所列单词和短语,不仅要认知,而且会熟练拼写;这一点相当重要,很多同学在正式考试当中听出来了单词并准确定位出来意思,但是由于拼写不过关导致遗憾丢分。另外,即便拼写正确,又因为单复数、时态和大小写而丢分也很多见。 2. 非语言能力方面: 在做听写填空的时候,我们应当有意识的加强我们的记忆和速记能力。有时候,同学们会发现:听的内容都懂了,但由于记忆的问题或时间的问题没写下来,这是因为短时记忆力(short term memory)不够。因此在平时的训练中,应当有意识地不是以单个的词而是以意群为单位进行理解和记忆。第一遍先试图听明白注意意思,第二遍写出重点单词或者句子,第三遍完成整个练习。在短暂的停顿空间,如果时间来不及,可以选用自己熟悉的缩写形式或符号记录,等以后有时间时再复原。这种速记能力也要靠平时的多练,才能获得。 六级听写的步骤: 1.通过卷面文字捕捉信息,找出线索、了解大意 “复合式听写”材料多为说明文(Exposition),这一体裁的文章主题突出,条理分明,层次清楚、语言简洁、逻辑性强。文章的开头或段首多半有主题句(topic sentence),之后的段、句进一步具体扩展、说明或论证主题句。仔细看题之后,经常能够发现空缺处的词汇能够通过逻辑能力被猜出具体内容,至少也可以知道词性。 2,听写结合,双管齐下 根据“复合式听写”新题型通知说明,第一遍是全文朗读,要求考生注意听懂全文内容。


文章主题:xxx级阅读第三套原文分析 第一部分:文字原文概述 1. 2017年,四六级考试进行了改革,其中六级英语考试的阅读部分从原来的三篇文章扩大至四篇,试图测试考生更多的阅读能力。 2. xxx级阅读第三套原文是该次考试的一部分,包括了一篇长文和三篇短文。 3. 原文的难度和题型反映了六级阅读考试的最新动向和要求,对于备考的考生来说具有重要的参考价值。 第二部分:长文分析 1. 长文题材:长文通常是一篇学术类文章或者社会热点类文章,考察考生对较长篇幅文章的理解和分析能力。 2. 长文难度:长文具有一定的难度,可能涉及较多的专业术语和复杂的句式结构,需要考生具备较高的阅读水平。 3. 长文题型:长文的题型可能包括细节理解题、主旨大意题、篇章结构题等,要求考生全面理解文章内容并正确把握文章的中心思想。

第三部分:短文分析 1. 短文题材:短文通常涉及生活常识、文化习俗、科技进展等方面的内容,考察考生对不同题材的阅读能力。 2. 短文难度:短文的难度相对较低,但也有可能涉及一些细节性的内容,需要考生注意细节把握。 3. 短文题型:短文的题型包括填空题、选择题、判断题等,要求考生在短时间内准确把握文章内容并进行逻辑推理和信息筛选。 第四部分:备考建议 1. 充分理解考试要求:考生在备考过程中要充分理解考试的要求和内容,明确考试的形式和考察的能力点。 2. 多练习样题:针对不同难度和题型的文章,考生应多做样题,熟悉不同类型文章的阅读技巧和题型的解题方法。 3. 注重积累词汇:在阅读过程中,词汇积累是非常重要的,考生要注重平时的词汇积累和语言运用能力的提升。

4. 提高阅读速度:在有限的时间内完成四篇文章的阅读和题目的解答,考生需要提高阅读速度,培养快速抓取信息的能力。 第五部分:总结 1. xxx级阅读第三套原文作为六级阅读考试的一部分,具有一定的代 表性和参考价值,考生应该在备考过程中重视此次考试的原文内容。 2. 充分理解和掌握原文的内容和题型,多练习样题,注重词汇积累和 提高阅读速度,是备考六级阅读考试的关键。 3. 只有通过充分的准备和不断的练习,考生才能在实际考试中取得理 想的成绩,实现自身的学习目标。在备考建议的基础上,我们可以进 一步探讨如何在备考过程中更有效地应对xxx级阅读第三套原文的挑战,并取得更好的成绩。 针对长文部分,考生应该注重培养对于长篇文章的整体把握能力。这 需要考生在平时的阅读练习中逐渐提高对文章主题的把握和逻辑条理 的理解。可以通过阅读一些较长篇幅的英文文章或者学术论文来提升 自己的长文阅读能力。在解答题目时,考生应该注意抓住文章的主旨,理清文章的逻辑结构,正确把握作者的观点和态度。这需要考生具备 一定的逻辑思维能力和分析能力,因此平时的逻辑思维训练也非常重要。

2021年12月英语六级(第3套)听力真题 录音(2)

2021年12月英语六级(第3套)听力真题录音(2) Recording Two录音二 Colonel Terry Virts always knew he wanted to be a pilot or an astronaut.特里·维尔茨上校一直知道自己想成为飞行员或宇航员。He had pictures of galaxies and planes on his walls as a child.儿时他就在墙上挂满了星系和飞机的图片。He never thought he could actually become an astronaut, but he did the things he had to do to qualify.他从未想过自己真能成为宇航员,但他做了取得资格必须要做的事。He got a mathematics degree, went into the Air Force, and eventually became a test pilot.他取得了数学学位,加入空军,并最终成为一名试飞员。In 2000, he was accepted to the astronaut candidate program.2000年,他成为宇航员候选人项目的一员。"I was excited beyond belief."我兴奋得难以置信。This is my boyhood dream, and I finally made it happen.这是我儿时的梦想,我终于美梦成真了。But the initial training was fun.但最初的训练很有趣。It was something different every day.每天都不同。As a pilot I had to learn how to fly the space shuttle, for launch and landing, and all the piloting tasks."我身为飞行员要学如何驾驶航天飞机,如何起飞着陆,完成所有飞行任务。"Virts received training in medicine, science and the Russian


英语六级新题型 新题型说明 1. 单词及词组听写 原复合式听写调整为单词及词组听写,短文长度及难度不变。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。 2. 长篇阅读 原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。 3. 翻译 原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字;六级长度为180-200个汉字。 1. 听力的最后一部分要注意 从六级大纲的样卷来看,所填的10个空中,单词占7个左右,词组或短语占3个左右,以前都是一个单词的,现在还有词组了,这里一定要注意奥。 单词与短交替设置。所填单词多以实词为主,基本上都是名词、

动词、形容词或副词。所填词组多为一些常见的动词或名词词组。 2.把原来的快速阅读变为了选词填空了,这一部分来说要按下面的阶梯流程来做: 一,浏览全文和选项,让考生了解文章大致内容 二,一个个阅读空白处的前后内容 二,确定空格处的词性,依据词性答题,这个也非常有利于我们填空 3.把原来的回答问题改成了信息匹配了,这种题型要按如下方法来做 一.先把文章快速阅读一遍,这样能够了解文章大意 二,把后面给的10个小题仔细阅读以下,标出关键词 三,先把好做的先确定了,然后再做较难的,不要按顺序来。 2改革后新的四六级题型应试技巧 问:关于长阅读的匹配题有点像〔考研〕新题型,这种题必须要怎样做才干又快又准呢? 答:做段落信息匹配题的要点: 1、确保一定的词汇量; 2、反复学习找题目中关键词的能力(例如数据,大小写,特别符号,论点等);
